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DNA molecules immobilized on mica surface by various methods have been observed by atomic force microscopy both in air and in liquid. Divalent cations and 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) modified mica surface have been used to immobilize the DNA molecules. Optimal DNA and divalent cations concentration for AFM imaging are presented. Among the different methods of modifying mica surface with APTES, the water solution modifying method appears to get the best results. When using high DNA concentration for AFM imaging, DNA networks can be formed. A simple method to extend long DNA molecules is demonstrated. The optimal imaging conditions and AFM operating techniques are discussed. Different DNA immobilizing methods have been compared and evaluated.  相似文献   

The adsorption of his-tag green fluorescent protein (GFPH(6)) onto the mica surfaces has been studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and laser confocal fluorescence microscopy. By controlling the adsorption conditions, separated single GFPH(6) and GFPH(6) monolayer can be adsorbed and formed on mica surfaces. In present experiments, based on the AFM measurement, we found that the adsorbed GFPH(6) was bound on the mica surface with its beta-sheets. The formed GFPH(6) monolayer on mica surfaces was flat, uniform, and stable. Some applications of the formed monolayer have been demonstrated. The formed monolayer can be used as a substrate for DNA imaging and AFM mechanical lithography.  相似文献   

We calculate a universal shift in work function of 59.4 meV per decade of dopant concentration change that applies to all doped semiconductors and from this use Monte Carlo simulations to simulate the resulting change in secondary electron yield for doped GaAs. We then compare experimental images of doped GaAs layers from scanning electron microscopy and conductive atomic force microscopy. Kelvin probe force microscopy allows to directly measure and map local work function changes, but values measured are often smaller, typically only around half, of what theory predicts for perfectly clean surfaces.  相似文献   

We used different methods to modify a mica surface with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES), and then used it as substrate to immobilize DNA for atomic force microscopy (AFM) observation. The evaporation method and solution modifying method were investigated and evaluated. The solution modifying method was found to be relatively simple and effective. Using an APTES solution-modified mica surface, DNA immobilization appeared more reproducible and it could be imaged in liquid. The mixed solution of APTES and DNA was dropped directly onto the mica surface for AFM imaging. We found that DNA can condense in APTES water solutions. Toroids, rods and intermediate structures of condensation were captured by AFM.  相似文献   

Lin ZC  Liu SC 《Scanning》2008,30(5):392-404
This study constructs a contact-mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) simulation measurement model with constant force mode to simulate and analyze the outline scanning measurement by AFM. The simulation method is that when the probe passes the surface of sample, the action force of the atom of sample received by the atom of the probe can be calculated by using Morse potential. Through calculation, the equivalent force on the cantilever of probe can be acquired. By using the deflection angle equation for the cantilever of probe developed and inferred by this study, the deflection angle of receiving action force can be calculated. On the measurement point, as the deflection angle reaches a fixed deflection angle, the scan height of this simulation model can be acquired. By scanning in the right order, the scan curve of the simulation model can be obtained. By using this simulation measurement model, this study simulates and analyzes the scanning of atomic-scale surface outline. Meanwhile, focusing on the tip radii of different probes, the concept of sensitivity analysis is employed to investigate the effects of the tip radius of probe on the atomic-scale surface outline. As a result, it is found from the simulation on the atomic-scale surface that within the simulation scope of this study, when the tip radius of probe is greater than 12 nm, the effects of single atom on the scan curve of AFM can be better decreased or eliminated.  相似文献   

Multivalent ions in solution are known to mediate attraction between two like‐charged molecules. Such attraction has proved useful in atomic force microscopy (AFM) where DNA may be immobilized to a mica surface facilitating direct imaging in liquid. Theories of DNA immobilization suggest that either ‘salt bridging’ or fluctuation in the positions of counter ions about both the mica surface and DNA backbone secure DNA to the mica substrate. Whilst both theoretical and experimental evidence suggest that immobilization is possible in the presence of divalent ions, very few studies identify that such immobilization is possible with monovalent ions. Here we present direct AFM evidence of DNA immobilized to mica in the presence of only monovalent ions. Our data depict E. coli plasmid pBR322 adsorbed onto the negatively charged mica both after short (10 min) and long (24 h) incubation periods. These data suggest the need to re‐explore current theories of like‐charge attraction to include the possibility of monovalent interactions. We suggest that this DNA immobilization strategy may offer the potential to image natural processes with limited immobilization forces and hence enable maximum conformational freedom of the immobilized biomolecule.  相似文献   

The acquisition rate of all scanning probe imaging techniques with feedback control is limited by the dynamic response of the control loops. Performance criteria are the control loop bandwidth and the output signal noise power spectral density. Depending on the acceptable noise level, it may be necessary to reduce the sampling frequency below the bandwidth of the control loop. In this work, the frequency response of a vacuum Kelvin force microscope with amplitude detection (AM-KFM) using a digital signal processing (DSP) controller is characterized and optimized. Then, the main noise source and its impact on the output signal is identified. A discussion follows on how the system design can be optimized with respect to output noise. Furthermore, the interaction between Kelvin and distance control loop is studied, confirming the beneficial effect of KFM on topography artefact reduction in the frequency domain. The experimental procedure described here can be generalized to other systems and allows to locate the performance limitations.  相似文献   

Polysaccharide properties probed with atomic force microscopy   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In recent years, polysaccharides have been extensively studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Owing to its high lateral and vertical resolutions and ability to measure interaction forces in liquids at pico‐ or nano‐Newton level, the AFM is an excellent tool for characterizing biopolymers. The first imaging studies showed the morphology of polysaccharides, but gradually more quantitative image analysis techniques were developed as the AFM grew easier to use in aqueous liquids and in non‐contact modes. Recently, AFM has been used to stretch polysaccharides and characterize their physicochemical properties by application of appropriate polymer stretching models, using a technique called single‐molecule force spectroscopy. From application of such models as the wormlike chain, freely jointed chain, extensible‐freely jointed chain, etc., properties such as the contour length, persistence length and segment elasticity or spring constant can be calculated for polysaccharides. The adhesion between polysaccharides and surfaces has been quantified with AFM, and this application is particularly useful for studying polysaccharides on microbial and other types of cells, because their adhesion is controlled by biopolymer characteristics. This review presents a synthesis of the theory and techniques currently in use to probe the physicochemical properties of polysaccharides with AFM.  相似文献   

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) has been deposited on freshly cleaved mica substrates. The topography was investigated by contact, non-contact and lateral-force microscopy under ambient conditions in air. The results were in accord with known dimensions of TMV (i.e. 18 nm in diameter and 300 nm in length). However, convolution of tip shape with TMV morphology resulted in an apparent width of 80–140 nm in the lateral plane, a factor of 4–7 greater than the known diameter. Other artefacts - broadening and double images - were observed and ascribed to tip anomalies. High force loadings and slow repetitive scanning resulted in controlled removal of parts of the TMV structure. Accordingly, it was possible to reveal and image the central core channel of the TMV. The precision and resolution of dissection induced by AFM is currently limited by the shape of the tip, having a 40-nm radius of curvature for standard Si3N4 tips. It is estimated that sharper tips, with a radius of curvature of less than 10 nm, should be able to resolve, non-destructively, the protein subunits in the non-contact mode, and selectively remove single subunits in the contact mode.  相似文献   

R. Wurster  B. Ocker 《Scanning》1993,15(3):130-135
Metallic nanoparticles have been produced on vitreous carbon substrates by means of thermal evaporation. From pictures of the particles, made by a high-resolution scanning electron microscope (HRSEM), a semispherical shape is suggested due to the total mass of deposited material. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been applied to this sample in order to get direct topographic information. The AFM has been operated with normal and super tips, the latter having a smaller cone angle and radius, thus following more precisely the contours of an object. Simultaneously lateral-force microscopic (LFM) images have been recorded. Major differences between the contents of HRSEM- and AFM-images are considered, emphasizing the important influence of the tips' geometry. Both the AFM and LFM line scans have been compared with and have qualitatively agreed with those calculated under simplifying assumptions.  相似文献   

Although structural information of mitotic chromosomes has been accumulated, little information is available for meiotic chromosome structures. Here, we applied atomic force microscopy (AFM) to investigate the ultrastructures of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, meiotic pachytene chromosome in its native state with nanometer scale resolution. Two levels of DNA folding were observed on the meiotic chromosome surface, 50-70 nm granules, which were considered to be 30 nm chromatin fibers, and spherical protrusions of 400-600 nm, which were considered to be chromomeres and arranged on the surface of the chromosome parallel to the chromosome longitudinal axis. These observations suggested that AFM study is an excellent approach for obtaining information concerning the silkworm pachytene chromosome higher order structure.  相似文献   

Cavallini A  Cavalcoli D 《Scanning》2008,30(4):358-363
Surface photovoltage spectroscopy (SPS) and conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) have been used for the characterization of nanocrystalline hydrogenated Si (nc-Si:H). This is a promising material both for silicon-based opto-electronics as well as for photovoltaic applications. Notwithstanding its interesting properties many issues regarding the material electronic and optical properties are not completely understood. The present contribution reports microscopic and spectroscopic analyses of nc-Si:H films grown for photovoltaic applications by low-energy plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition technique. Electronic levels associated with defect states were investigated by SPS, whereas the conduction mechanism at a microscopic level was investigated by C-AFM.  相似文献   

Indium tin oxide was deposited on a glass (soda lime glass) by radiofrequency sputtering system at different sputtering gas (argon/oxygen 90/10%) pressures (20-34 mTorr) at room temperature. The sputtering rate was affected by the sputtering gas pressure. The optimum sputtering gas pressure was found to be 27 mTorr. The samples at different thicknesses (168, 300, 400, 425, 475, 500 and 630 nm) were deposited on the substrate. Transparency, electrical conductivity and surface roughness of the films were characterized. The samples were annealed at 350, 400 and 450 degrees C to evaluate annealing process effects on the concerned parameters and, therefore, the above-mentioned measurements were repeated again. The films exhibited reasonable optical transmittance and electrical conductivity and greatly improved after annealing. The characterization was focused on the scanning of the film surfaces before and after annealing, which has a prominent effect on the optical properties of the films. Film surfaces were scanned by scanning probe microscopy in contact atomic force mode. The most consideration was devoted to image analysis.  相似文献   

扫描探针显微镜(Scanning probe microscopy,SPM)是显微镜的一个分支,它利用物理探针扫描标本形成样本表面图像.而原子力显微镜(Atomic force microscopy,AFM)是SPM中一种多功能的表面成像和测量工具,对导电、不导电、真空中、空气中或流体中的各种样本均可测量.原子力显微镜最面临的最大挑战之一是评估其在表面测量过程中所伴随的不确定度.本研究通过XYZ Phase的标定,对一台光学原子力显微镜进行了校准.该方法旨在克服在评估一些无法实验确定的不确定部件时遇到的困难,如尖端表面相互作用力和尖端几何.运用蒙特卡罗方法来确定根据相关容差和概率密度函数(PDFs)随机绘制参数而引起的相关不确定度.整个过程遵循《测量不确定度表示指南》(GUM)补编2.经本方法验证,原子力显微镜的评估不确定度为10nm左右.  相似文献   

Disassembly of DNA–ligands, including DNA–methylene blue (MB) complex and DNA–Co(phen)33+ complex on mica surface, were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The disassembly of these complexes occurred after they were immersed in ultra-pure water. AFM results showed that the disassembly depended strongly on bridge ions that were used to immobilize the complex onto mica surface, DNA species and ligands. When Mg2+ was used as the bridge ion, the DNA–MB complex was completely disassembled because of the weak interactions between Mg2+ and DNA's bases or mica surface. Although if Co2+ was used as the bridge ion, the disassembly of the DNA–MB complex mainly depended on the species and shape of DNA. For plasmid DNA pBR 322, plasmid DNA pUC 18 and the linear DNA pBR 322/PstI, the degree of disassembly was gradually increased. Whereas if Co(phen)33+ was chosen as the ligand, the disassembly of the DNA–Co(phen)33+ complex was almost blocked because Co(phen)33+ could hardly diffuse into the ultra-pure water. This obtained information may be useful for practical application of the AFM imaging of biological molecules, especially in liquid.  相似文献   

Recently we reported a simple method for obtaining both monolayer thickness and surface patterning using self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). Here we presented a straightforward method for controlling the formation of SAMs over surfaces useful for both chemical and biological applications. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used to investigate the growth mechanism and formation of octadecylsiloxane (ODS) films obtained using a less-reactive silane; octadecyltrimethoxysilane (OTMS). SAMs formation from both OTMS and octadecyltrichlorosilane (ODTS) differ in the hydrolysis step where ODTS results in hydrochloric acid formation, which may affect the delicate features on surfaces. On the other hand, OTMS does not show this behavior. In contrast to monolayer formation from chlorosilane precursors, methoxysilane SAMs have been studied less extensively. Our observations highlight the importance of controlling water content during the formation of ODS monolayers in order to get well-ordered SAMs. We have also seen that, like ODTS, OTMS exhibits monolayer growth through an island expansion process but with a comparatively slow growth rate and different island morphology. The average height of islands, surface coverage, contact angle and root-mean-square (RMS) roughness increase with OTMS adsorption time in a consecutive manner.  相似文献   

Cellular DNA crosslinks are a type of DNA damage induced by toxic chemicals or high‐energy radiation. If damaged DNA is not rapidly repaired, cells will die or mutate. To evaluate the types of DNA damage and their influence on vital cell activities, it is necessary to be able to detect DNA crosslinks. To date, indirect methods such as alkaline elution, potassium chloride–sodium dodecyl sulfate assay and comet assay have been used to detect DNA damage. Direct morphological observation, on the other hand, may be a useful tool to differentiate the types of DNA damage. In this report, atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been employed to visualize the breakage and crosslinking of cellular DNA strands in cells treated with formaldehyde and hydrogen peroxide. Our results showed that toxic chemical‐induced crosslinking of cellular DNA occurred in a dose‐dependent manner. DNA conglomerates were observed with high concentrations of formaldehyde, and the AFM observations were consistent with those of a comet assay. Our experiments demonstrate that AFM is an efficient method to differentiate the types of DNA damage. SCANNING 31: 75–82, 2009. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Huang JC  Chen CM 《Scanning》2012,34(4):230-236
This study used atomic force microscopy (AFM), metallic probes with a nanoscale tip, and high-voltage generators to investigate the feasibility of high-voltage nano-oxidation processing in deionized water (DI water) and atmospheric environments. Researchers used a combination of wire-cutting and electrochemical etching to transform a 20-μm-thick stainless steel sheet into a conductive metallic AFM probe with a tip radius of 60 nm, capable of withstanding high voltages. The combination of AFM, high-voltage generators, and nanoscale metallic probes enabled nano-oxidation processing at 200 V in DI water environments, producing oxides up to 66.6 nm in height and 467.03 nm in width. Oxides produced through high-voltage nano-oxidation in atmospheric environments were 117.29 nm in height and 551.28 nm in width, considerably exceeding the dimensions of those produced in DI water. An increase in the applied bias voltage led to an apparent logarithmic increase in the height of the oxide dots in the range of 200-400 V. The performance of the proposed high-voltage nano-oxidation technique was relatively high with seamless integration between the AFM machine and the metallic probe fabricated in this study.  相似文献   

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