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The impact of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), in combination with ozone treatment and an edible film coating, on the preservation of strawberries was studied. A combination of 2.5% O2 with 15% CO2 was the optimum gas composition for the MAP of strawberries and prolonged shelf‐life by 4–6 days. When the strawberries were pre‐treated with a 4.3 mg/m3 ozone water dip and an edible coating prior to packaging, the shelf‐life was extended to 8–10 days. The results showed that two treatments [No.1: polyvinyl alcohol 134 (2%); monostearatacylglycerol (0.5%); phytic acid (0.05%); sorbitol (0.05%); sodium alginate (0.1%); absolute alcohol (8%): No.2: polyvinyl alcohol 134(1%); soluble starch (1%); glucose (1%); sucrose (1%); sodium alginate (0.1%); sorbitol (0.05%)] gave the best effects on strawberry quality and shelf‐life. All treatments (Nos 1–4) were obviously superior to check experiments for soluble sugar, ascorbic acid, acidity and anthocyanin. Furthermore, the treatments gave superior results for browning index, commodity ratio and permeability of the cell membrane. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) was evaluated for a combination prepared food (Korean braised green peppers with dry anchovies). From a preliminary storage test of the ready‐to‐eat dish at 10°C, the aerobic bacterial count on the green peppers was selected as a primary quality index. The effect of MAP with different CO2 concentrations on the product quality at 10°C was also studied. MAP with a CO2 concentration of ≥30% extended the lag time and/or reduced the growth rate of bacteria. Finally, the effect of different storage temperatures (5, 10, 15 or 20°C) on the shelf life of the product was investigated. Mathematical modelling of bacterial growth curves under stretch‐wrap air packaging and MAP with 60% CO2/40% N2 showed that MAP increased the hypothetical minimum temperature in the square root model that describes the temperature dependence of the lag time and growth rate. MAP conditions of 60% CO2/40% N2 extended the shelf life at 10°C by 130% (to 18.4 days) relative to that achieved with stretch‐wrap air packaging (7.9 days) based on the time taken to reach the quality limit of an aerobic bacterial count of 105 CFU/g. The relative extension of shelf life achieved with MAP was greater at lower temperatures. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An evaluation of the suitability of commercially available biopolymers on the shelf‐life of fresh salmon fillet was done. The comparison included two different types of biomaterials, poly lactic acid (PLA)‐based and starch‐based materials, and two traditional materials, amorphous polyethylene terephthalate/polyethylene (APET/PE) and high‐density polyethylene (HDPE). Fresh salmon fillets were stored at 4°C in modified atmosphere (60% CO2 and 40% N2) for 5, 7, 9 and 14 days. The biomaterials have been briefly evaluated with respect to composition and mechanical properties. The effect of different packaging materials on bacterial growth, off‐odour, pH and colour was investigated. The traditional materials (APET/PE and HDPE trays) offered the best protection regarding the bacterial growth. A relatively high level (log 6 CFU/g) of total viable counts was detected after 9 days and 14 days for fillets stored in biomaterials and traditional materials, respectively. The level of lactic acid bacteria and H2S producing bacteria followed almost the same pattern. Storage in traditional materials resulted in higher intensity of freshness (fresh odour) compared with the samples stored in biomaterials; after 14 days, the salmon stored in starch‐based pouches was regarded as having lower intensity of freshness compared with APET/PE trays and PLA‐based pouches. The opposite result was obtained regarding the colour of the salmon, where the biomaterials resulted in higher intensity of fresh colour compared with the traditional materials although the surface of the salmon at the end of the experiment was dry and unpleasant. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seafood is a highly perishable food, which has a relative short shelf‐life. Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) is a system that offers a way of extending the shelf‐life of seafood products, maintaining quality and inhibiting bacterial growth. The objective of this research was to study and determine the optimal conditions for packaging scallops in a modified atmosphere system, which includes CO2/O2/N2 mixture, headspace:food ratio and storage temperature, utilizing an integrated mathematical model for MAP systems with its respective experimental validation. For validation purposes, two experiments were conducted, using gas mixtures of: (a) 45% CO2/10% O2/45% N2; and (b) 60% CO2/10% O2/30% N2. In addition, two experiments, at 6°C and 20°C, were conducted to obtain the shelf‐life model, utilizing the following gas mixtures: 30% CO2/10% O2/60% N2; 45% CO2/10% O2/45% N2; 60% CO2/10% O2/30% N2; and 75% CO2/10% O2/15% N2. Gas mixtures with CO2 concentrations between 30% and 70% and different headspace:food ratios were tested during simulations. The optimal conditions for scallop storage were a 60% CO2/10% O2/30% N2 gas mixture and a headspace:food ratio of 2:1. With these conditions, a simulated shelf‐life of 21 days was obtained. Optimal conditions consider maximum shelf‐life, an adequate film collapse criterion, and time to reach the pseudo‐equilibrium condition. The predictive mathematical model, coupled with experimental studies for specific products, can be efficiently utilized to evaluate packaging alternatives (size, material and selected thickness) for different temperatures and initial gas concentration scenarios of MAP products. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Portions (about 1 kg each) of chicken leg cuts packed in low density polyethylene bags were arranged in masterpack barrier bags injected with two different kinds of modified atmosphere: 80% CO2/20% N2 and 70% CO2/30% N2. All the samples packed in modified atmosphere, as well as the control samples packed in air, were dark stored at 3±1°C. The shelf life of the products was evaluated on the basis of microbiological and sensory criteria. The shelf life of the samples with initial mesophilic and psychotrophic bacteria counts of 5.38 and 5.72 log CFU/g, respectively, and stored under 80% CO2 was extended from 7 to 17 days, considerably longer than the shelf life increase achieved with the samples packed in a modified atmosphere containing 70% CO2, which increased from 10 to 14 days. The odour changes observed during refrigerated storage of all samples followed a uniform pattern, starting with an odour of ‘old chicken meat’ which gradually developed into rancid and, finally, putrid odours. The detection of putrid odours was the basic criterion for rejection of the products and correlated well with the microbiological evaluation data. At the end of the shelf life the appearance of the samples was evaluated as slightly to moderately different from their appearance at the start of the experiment. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of pretreatment and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the quality of fresh‐cut pineapples stored at 4°C were evaluated for 7 days. The pretreatment was conducted by immersing the pineapple slices in a solution containing 0.25% ascorbic acid and 10% sucrose for 2min. MAP contained 4% oxygen, 10% carbon dioxide and 86% nitrogen. Both the pretreatment and MAP could reduce the respiration rate, ethylene production, textural and colour deteriorations, as well as the overall sensory deterioration in fresh‐cut pineapples. MAP could restrain the growth of microbes, but the pretreatment showed little effect. Fresh‐cut pineapples exhibited wet surface and off‐flavour after storage at 4°C for 3 days, while the pretreatment and MAP maintained the quality for up to 7 days. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Perforations or polymeric membranes are not capable of simultaneously providing optimum O2 and CO2 levels for many fruits and vegetables contained in modified atmosphere packaging. However, combining these two gas transfer devices, either in series or in parallel, can provide the required gas selectivities to create optimal modified atmosphere conditions. A methodology for determining the perforation and membrane surface areas for individual and combined systems is described. Gradient diagrams are used to calculate the optimum system selectivity, ΔpO2 and ΔpCO2. These values can be used to select the appropriate gas exchange devices and to determine the appropriate perforation and membrane surface area.  相似文献   

Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) combined with superchilling (?1°C) was evaluated as a mild preservation method for farmed spotted wolf‐fish (Anarhichas minor). Portions were packaged in air and in CO2:N2 (60%:40%) atmosphere with a gas:product ratio of approximately 1, at superchilled (?1.0°C ± 0.2°C) or chilled (+4.0°C ± 0.2°C) temperatures. A reduced bacterial growth (p < 0.001), measured as aerobic plate counts (APC) and psychrotrophic bacteria, was observed in modified atmosphere (MA) packaged wolf‐fish at both ?1°C and +4°C, compared to portions in air. MA‐packaged wolf‐fish had improved odour and flavour scores (p < 0.05), but also a higher drip loss than fish stored in air. A shelf‐life of 15 days was obtained at ?1°C for MA‐packaged fish compared to 8–10 days in air, and at 4°C the shelf‐life was 13 days in MA and 6–8 days in air. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the past decade, a major transition evolved in the Dutch fresh meat industry with ramifications for the entire meat business. In 1995, more than 95% of all fresh meat products for consumers were either sold loose or packed in the traditional way, i.e. on a white styrofoam tray with stretch wrap. Almost a decade later, about half of the meat industry has adapted the modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) technology. Strikingly, the first trials with this technology had already been conducted in The Netherlands in 1964, but it took four decades for the technology to conquer the Dutch meat industry. This paper argued that the partial adaptation of MAP diminished the product losses in fresh meat sales and hence the environmental impact of meat production and consumption. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Microporous earthenware sheets of 5.5–5.6mm thickness were fabricated with or without a glazing treatment by passing through a sequential firing procedure in a furnace. Their microstructure and gas permeability against oxygen and carbon dioxide were measured and examined for their usability in modified atmosphere packaging of fresh produce. Compared with plastic packaging materials, earthenware sheets with a high proportion of micropores had very high gas permeability and gave CO2:O2 permeability ratios close to 1. Glazing treatment smoothed the surface by clogging the pores on the surface and significantly decreased gas permeability, without affecting the internal microstructure of the earthenware. When the earthenware sheet was combined with a plastic box and used in packaging for strawberries and enoki mushrooms at 5°C, its unique permeability properties developed a modified atmosphere that was beneficial for preserving the quality of the produce. Changes in the earthenware's permeability characteristics due to moisture adsorption and condensation need to be resolved so that the dynamic changes occurring in package atmosphere over time can be better understood. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to examine the effect of changes in oxygen content in different types of packages for snacks (multilayer laminated materials, cans) and analyse the changes in the sensorial and physicochemical characteristics of the stored products. Roasted and salted peanuts produced by one of the well‐known companies, packed in modified atmosphere packages (MAP) were the object of this investigation. The interdependence of the changes in oxygen content and product quality was examined in relation to the storage period and type of package used. From the results it can be said that changes in oxygen content in packages of peanuts produce similar effects irrespective of the packaging material used. The correlation observed during storage of peanuts, between changes in oxygen content in different packaging materials and changes of the separate sensorial and physicochemical parameters of the product, especially of the peroxide value, may be a basis for validity forecasting and determination of the optimum composition of gas mixture. This study indicates that evaluation of the quality of packages integrally related to their content should consider both product examination and the package and gas mixture composition, as there may exist an interdependence between quality features of the product and oxygen content in a package. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The storage life of harvested fruits and vegetables is influenced by their continued respiration and biochemical activity. Lowering the temperature, and modifying the atmosphere surrounding the product, can extend the shelf-life of the produce. Mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) were placed into different structural containers covered with PVC films and stored at three temperatures. The effect of key variables, such as temperature, respiration rate, critical and optimal concentrations of O2 and CO2, package-weight/area ratio and film permeability, were studied. It was concluded that a highly perishable product, such as mushrooms, must be wrapped and refrigerated in order to prevent transpiration and shrivelling. Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) may be beneficial but was not found to be essential. If a certain batch of mushrooms respires faster than predicted, or is exposed to large temperature fluctuations, MAP could have a damaging effect.  相似文献   

The quality of honey peach fruit stored at 2°C in modified atmosphere packages was studied. Three different thickness low‐density polyethylene (LDPE) films were used as packaging films. Honey peach fruits of ‘chaoyang’ were packaged in LDPE bags 15, 25 and 40µm thick and control (air). The respiration rate, O2 and CO2 concentrations in the packages, flesh colour, total soluble solid (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), flesh firmness (FF) and membrane integrity of the fruits were monitored. Compared to the control, MAP treatments inhibited the climacteric peak, avoided the increase of flesh colour, decreased the development of softness and retarded the reduction of TTS, TA and membrane integrity. Significant differences in the quality of the fruits were found between the three packages and the control (p ≤ 0.05). After 20 days at 2°C within the LDPE25 bags, a steady‐state atmosphere of 5% CO2 + 4% O2 was reached. Honey peaches stored in these bags showed the best quality at the end of the storage. Copyright copy; 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There has been increasing demand for various fresh‐cut tropical fruits. However, their short shelf‐life has limited the market increase of this product. Quality changes (firmness, colour, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), sensory quality and microbial safety) of fresh‐cut mangoes, pineapples, melons and mixes of these fruits were evaluated. Chemical treatments to reduce browning, firmness loss and decay of fresh‐cut tropical fruits were investigated. The most effective agents for fresh‐cut mangoes, pineapples and melons were 0.1m ascorbic acid, 0.2m ascorbic acid and 0.2m ascorbic acid + 0.2m calcium chloride, respectively. Fresh‐cut tropical fruits were packaged in various rigid containers (PET, OPS and OPLA). Gas composition in the package headspace and time to reach steady‐state condition varied among fresh‐cut packaging systems and affected their quality and shelf‐life. The effects of package permeability of O2 and CO2 on quality and shelf‐life of the fresh‐cut products are discussed. Extended shelf‐life was observed in fresh‐cut mangoes, pineapples and mixes packaged in PET due to reduced O2 and elevated CO2 atmosphere. A modified atmosphere of 6% O2 and 14% CO2 achieved in PET extended the shelf‐life of fresh‐cut pineapples from 6 to 13 days. Accumulation of CO2 may impart an off‐odour of fresh‐cut fruits. The results suggested that the shelf‐life of fresh‐cut fruits could be extended by using proper rigid containers. Suitable mixes to create optimal equilibrium modified atmosphere had a potential to extend shelf‐life of short shelf‐life fresh‐cut tropical fruits. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of different modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on microbial quality, oxidation and colour of meatballs were investigated. Meatballs were prepared in our laboratory and packaged in vacuum or in different gases: combinations of O2 (0, 2, 21%) and CO2 (0, 33, 66, 100%) with N2 as balance gas. Total microbial count, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and colour were determined during storage at 3°C for 3 weeks. Total microbial count remained unchanged at around 6.3 LogCFU/g in vacuum and 100% CO2 packages after 7 days, and slightly increased afterwards. The microbial count was higher in other packages and increased to 7.6 LogCFU/g after 21 days storage. Oxidation was inhibited by reduced O2 and increased CO2 in the packages. Packages with low O2 maintained colour (a‐values) to a greater extent than the packages with higher O2 levels. MAP containing 1–3%O2 with 33%CO2 inhibited microbial growth, oxidation and colour change in meatballs. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to obtain films of polypropylene (PP)/polyethylene co‐octene (POE) blends and study the influence of their composition and mixing conditions on final morphology and ultimate properties (thermal, mechanical, oxygen and water vapour transmission rates). Scanning electron microscopy showed segregation of POE domains in the PP matrix. Thermal analysis indicated that the addition of POE modified neither the melting temperature nor the crystallinity of PP in the pressed films. It was found that permeabilities of films were mainly related to POE content rather than morphological features. For the maximum POE concentration used (40%), the oxygen permeability increased up to ∼100% from that of neat PP. A similar trend was found for water vapour permeability. Rigidity of blends dropped significantly with the addition of POE although their ductility slightly increased when compared to pure PP. No significant effect of blend preparation conditions on these properties was found. Mechanical and permeability characteristics of films make them very attractive to be used for MAP of fresh produce such as apple, blueberry and mushroom. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

气调包装的效果以及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范珺 《塑料包装》2014,25(5):14-16
随着气调包装的使用日渐广泛,针对不同的内容物填充合适的气体,使其发挥最佳的效果,是如今气调包装生产和应用的重中之重。在气调包装的应用中,填充气体尤其是CO2,其抑菌选择性和浓度,以及包装材料的选择都会对气调包装的效果产生影响,需要包装生产企业和使用方多加重视。  相似文献   

目的改善气调贮藏双孢菇的技术方法,延长其货架期。方法分析比较贮藏于4℃的不同气体成分下双孢菇的贮藏品质变化规律,并对不同处理组双孢菇在贮藏期间的色泽值、硬度、褐变程度、丙二醛(MDA)含量、呼吸强度及感官评价指标的变化进行分析对比。结果在O_2,CO_2,N_2的体积分数分别为9.6%,6.9%,83.5%时的低氧气调下,双孢菇各项指标品质劣变趋势最为缓慢,较适用于双孢菇的贮藏;L*值、硬度值与感官指标呈显著的正相关性,ΔE和MDA含量与感官指标呈显著的负相关性,均可作为反映双孢菇品质的重要指标。结论 O_2,CO_2,N_2的体积分数分别为9.6%,6.9%,83.5%时,该气体比例下的双孢菇气调贮藏效果最佳,L*值、ΔE、硬度和MDA含量与感官品质之间的相关性最为显著。  相似文献   

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