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CE-MS is applied in clinical proteomics for both the identification of biomarkers of disease and assessment of biomarkers in clinical diagnosis. The analysis is reproducible, fast, and requires only small sample volumes. However, successful CE-MS analysis depends on several critical steps that can be consolidated as follows: (i) proper sample preparation and fractionation, (ii) application of suitable capillary coating and appropriate CE-MS interfaces, to ensure the reproducibility and stability of the analysis, and (iii) an optimized clinical and statistical study design to increase the chances for obtaining clinically relevant results. In this review, we cover all these aspects, and present several examples of the application of CE-MS in clinical proteomics.  相似文献   

Sarcomas range from curable tumors to those causing death via metastasis and recurrence. Thus, there is an urgent need for biomarker identification in order to assess the degree of malignancy, predict prognosis, and evaluate possible therapies. Various proteomic approaches and different clinical materials have been used to this end, and candidate biomarkers have been reported for the different types of sarcomas. However, the sample size used in these biomarker studies was generally insufficient, and thus far, no biomarker has been proved useful in clinics. Given that sarcomas are rare, biomarker validation in this setting is more challenging than in other malignancies. In gastrointestinal stromal tumor, adjuvant therapy has proven to be effective. However, only 40% patients experience metastasis after curative surgery alone, and the rest of the patients may not need adjuvant therapy. Using a proteomic approach, we identified pfetin (potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 12, KCTD 12) as a novel prognostic biomarker for sarcoma, and immunohistochemically confirmed its clinical usefulness by a multiinstitutional validation study. Here, we describe our experience and discuss the critical points in the discovery of this biomarker.  相似文献   

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is the most widely used serum biomarker for early detection of prostate cancer (PCA). Nevertheless, PSA level can be falsely elevated due to prostatic enlargement, inflammation or infection, which limits the PSA test specificity. The objective of this study is to use a machine learning approach for the analysis of mass spectrometry data to discover more reliable biomarkers that distinguish PCA from benign specimens. Serum samples from 179 prostate cancer patients and 74 benign patients were analyzed. These samples were processed using ProXPRESSION™ Biomarker Enrichment Kits (PerkinElmer). Mass spectra were acquired using a prOTOF™ 2000 matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization orthogonal time-of-flight (MALDI-O-TOF) mass spectrometer. In this study, we search for potential biomarkers using our feature selection method, the Extended Markov Blanket (EMB). From the new marker selection algorithm, a panel of 26 peaks achieved an accuracy of 80.7%, a sensitivity of 83.5%, a specificity of 74.4%, a positive predictive value (PPV) of 87.9%, and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 68.2%. On the other hand, when PSA alone was used (with a cutoff of 4.0 ng/ml), a sensitivity of 66.7%, a specificity of 53.6%, a PPV of 73.5%, and a NPV of 45.4% were obtained.  相似文献   

Since their discovery, cysteine cathepsins were generally considered to be involved mainly in the nonspecific bulk protein degradation that takes place within the lysosomes. However, it has become clear that their proteolytical activity can also influence various specific pathological processes such as cancer, arthritis, and atherosclerosis. Furthermore, their localization was found not to be limited strictly to the lysosomes. In the light of those findings, it is not surprising that cysteine cathepsins are currently considered as highly relevant clinical targets. Moreover, recent development of proteomic-based methods for identification of novel physiological substrates of proteases provides a major opportunity also in the field of cysteine cathepsins. In this review, we will therefore present cysteine cathepsin roles in disease progression and discuss their potential relevance as prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers.  相似文献   

Several reasons have been put forward to explain the irreproducibility of proteomic biomarker search. However, these reasons pertain to almost every part of biomarker search across the entire analytical workflow but are entirely experimental or methodological. However, in this article we point out that there is a further cause of such irreproducibility. This is not an additional methodological or experimental cause but arises directly from the biology of protein expression. It arises from the fact that disease changes the diversity within protein families. This cause of irreproducibility has been very little studied in relation to proteomic biomarker search. Gene expression is highly variable even in healthy people. Therefore, multiple proteoforms are also to be expected when gene expression is disrupted by disease, proteoforms that may be differently altered by pathology. In consequence, it is illogical to expect that the whole protein family produces a reliably usable biomarker. It is more reasonable to expect that a specific proteoform fulfills this role. Appropriate sample pre‐fractionation methods and data analyses could help to identify this version, carrying the modification or the epitope required.  相似文献   

Expressed prostatic secretions (EPS) contain proteins of prostate origin that may reflect the health status of the prostate and be used as diagnostic markers for prostate diseases including prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and prostate cancer. Despite their importance and potential applications, a complete catalog of EPS proteins is not yet available. We, therefore, undertook a comprehensive analysis of the EPS proteome using 2‐D micro‐LC combined with MS/MS. Using stringent filtering criteria, we identified a list of 114 proteins with at least two unique‐peptide hits and an additional 75 proteins with only a single unique‐peptide hit. The proteins identified include kallikrein 2 (KLK2), KLK3 (prostate‐specific antigen), KLK11, and nine cluster of differentiation (CD) molecules including CD10, CD13, CD14, CD26, CD66a, CD66c, CD 143, CD177, and CD224. To our knowledge, this list represents the first comprehensive characterization of the EPS proteome, and it provides a candidate biomarker list for targeted quantitative proteomics analysis using a multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) approach. To help prioritize candidate biomarkers, we constructed a protein–protein interaction network of the EPS proteins using Cytoscape (www.cytoscape.org), and overlaid the expression level changes from the Oncomine database onto the network.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder of motor neurons leading to death of the patients, mostly within 2–5 years after disease onset. The pathomechanism of motor neuron degeneration is only partially understood and therapeutic strategies based on mechanistic insights are largely ineffective. The discovery of reliable biomarkers of disease diagnosis and progression is the sine qua non of both the revelation of insights into the ALS pathomechanism and the assessment of treatment efficacies. Proteomic approaches are an important pillar in ALS biomarker discovery. Cerebrospinal fluid is the most promising body fluid for differential proteome analyses, followed by blood (serum, plasma), and even urine and saliva. The present study provides an overview about reported peptide/protein biomarker candidates that showed significantly altered levels in certain body fluids of ALS patients. These findings have to be discussed according to proposed pathomechanisms to identify modifiers of disease progression and to pave the way for the development of potential therapeutic strategies. Furthermore, limitations and advantages of proteomic approaches for ALS biomarker discovery in different body fluids and reliable validation of biomarker candidates have been addressed.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory-mediated demyelinating disorder most prevalent in young Caucasian adults. The various clinical manifestations of the disease present several challenges in the clinic in terms of diagnosis, monitoring disease progression and response to treatment. Advances in MS-based proteomic technologies have revolutionized the field of biomarker research and paved the way for the identification and validation of disease-specific markers. This review focuses on the novel candidates discovered by the application of quantitative proteomics to relevant disease-affected tissues in both the human context and within the animal model of the disease known as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. The role of targeted MS approaches for biomarker validation studies, such as multiple reaction monitoring will also be discussed.  相似文献   

Alpha‐2 macroglobulin (A2M) functions as a universal protease inhibitor in serum and is capable of binding various cytokines and growth factors. In this study, we investigated if immunoaffinity enrichment and proteomic analysis of A2M protein complexes from human serum could improve detection of biologically relevant and novel candidate protein biomarkers in prostate cancer. Serum samples from six patients with androgen‐independent, metastatic prostate cancer and six control patients without malignancy were analyzed by immunoaffinity enrichment of A2M protein complexes and MS identification of associated proteins. Known A2M substrates were reproducibly identified from patient serum in both cohorts, as well as proteins previously undetected in human serum. One example is heat shock protein 90 alpha (HSP90α), which was identified only in the serum of cancer patients in this study. Using an ELISA, the presence of HSP90α in human serum was validated on expanded test cohorts and found to exist in higher median serum concentrations in prostate cancer (n = 18) relative to control (n = 13) patients (median concentrations 50.7 versus 27.6 ng/mL, respectively, p = 0.001). Our results demonstrate the technical feasibility of this approach and support the analysis of A2M protein complexes for proteomic‐based serum biomarker discovery.  相似文献   

SILAC has been employed in MS-based proteomics for nearly a decade. This method is based on cells in culture metabolically incorporating isotope-coded essential amino acids and allows the quantification of global protein populations to identify characteristic changes. Variations of this technique developed over the years allow the application of SILAC not only to cell culture derived samples but also to tissues and human specimens, making this powerful technique amenable to clinically relevant samples. In this review, we provide an overview of different SILAC-derived methods and their use in the identification and development of biomarkers.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death in the United States, with 4% survival 5 years after diagnosis. Biomarkers are desperately needed to improve earlier, more curable cancer diagnosis and to develop new effective therapeutic targets. The development of quantitative proteomics technologies in recent years offers great promise for understanding the complex molecular events of tumorigenesis at the protein level, and has stimulated great interest in applying the technology for pancreatic cancer studies. Proteomic studies of pancreatic tissues, juice, serum/plasma, and cell lines have recently attempted to identify differentially expressed proteins in pancreatic cancer to dissect the abnormal signaling pathways underlying oncogenesis, and to detect new biomarkers. It can be expected that the continuing evolution of proteomics technology with better resolution and sensitivity will greatly enhance our capability in combating pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   

This review discusses the current status of proteomics technology in endometrial cancer diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. The first part of this review focuses on recently identified biomarkers for endometrial cancer, their importance in clinical use as well as the proteomic methods used in their discovery. The second part highlights some of the emerging mass spectrometry based proteomic technologies that promise to contribute to a better understanding of endometrial cancer by comparing the abundance of hundreds or thousands of proteins simultaneously.  相似文献   

Instability of tissue protein biomarkers is a critical issue for molecular profiling. Pre-analytical variables during tissue procurement, such as time delays during which the tissue remains stored at room temperature, can cause significant variability and bias in downstream molecular analysis. Living tissue, ex vivo, goes through a defined stage of reactive changes that begin with oxidative, hypoxic and metabolic stress, and culminate in apoptosis. Depending on the delay time ex vivo, and reactive stage, protein biomarkers, such as signal pathway phosphoproteins will be elevated or suppressed in a manner which does not represent the biomarker levels at the time of excision. Proteomic data documenting reactive tissue protein changes post collection indicate the need to recognize and address tissue stability, preservation of post-translational modifications, and preservation of morphologic features for molecular analysis. Based on the analysis of phosphoproteins, one of the most labile tissue protein biomarkers, we set forth tissue procurement guidelines for clinical research. We propose technical solutions for (i) assessing the state of protein analyte preservation and specimen quality via identification of a panel of natural proteins (surrogate stability markers), and (ii) using multi-purpose fixative solution designed to stabilize, preserve and maintain proteins, nucleic acids, and tissue architecture.  相似文献   

It is estimated that 37 million people worldwide suffer from blindness and 124 million people have impaired vision. While the relatively recently developed therapies, antivascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration, and prostaglandin analogues for the treatment of glaucoma are beneficial for some patients, there are many individuals with sight-threatening diseases for whom no effective pharmacological therapy is available. For many of these diseases, the molecular mechanisms remain to be comprehensively elucidated, thus precluding the design of successful therapies against specific pathological targets. The current review summarises recent attempts to elucidate molecular mechanisms of ocular diseases, including diabetic retinal disease, age-related macular degeneration and inherited blindness using proteomic methodologies. A novel hypothesis can be generated from global protein expression analysis of disease tissue, which can then be addressed with cellular and in vivo functional studies. For example, the identification of extracellular carbonic anhydrase from the vitreous of diabetic retinopathy patients using MS based proteomics led to the elucidation of a new pathway involved in intraretinal edema, which could be inhibited by a number of agents targeting different proteins in this pathway in relevant animal models. The potential of protein biomarkers for diagnosis and the identification of novel disease mechanisms are also discussed.  相似文献   

Isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ), Tandem Mass Tags (TMT) and related chemical tag reagents provide analytical platforms for quantitative proteomics applied to clinical samples. In this Viewpoint article, applications for discovery and targeted modes are discussed with an emphasis on study design and technical considerations in biomarker analysis. The evolution and promise of emerging, related strategies are also discussed. It should be noted that iTRAQ and TMT users contributed to the key debates in the biomarker field, to define strategies for biomarker discovery for identification of clinical biomarkers, and continue to inform design of verification and validation assays via implementation of non-isobaric variants for targeted analyses.  相似文献   

Identification of reliable non-invasive markers for the detection of invasive phenotype of urothelial carcinoma is needed. This study characterizes and compares protein expression profiles of adjacent non-neoplastic urothelium and invasive urothelial carcinoma to identify biomarkers for early detection of de novo bladder cancer. Differences in protein expression between adjacent non-neoplastic and high-grade, stage T4, grade 3 invasive urothelial carcinoma tissues were investigated using 2-DE, MALDI-TOF-MS, and data processing. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) was applied to examine the biological mechanisms represented by the altered proteins. The 2-DE of the adjacent non-neoplastic urothelium and invasive urothelial carcinoma showed reproducibly similar proteomic mapping for each group distinguishing adjacent non-neoplastic urothelium from invasive urothelial carcinoma. Twenty-one proteins were altered in expression and one of these proteins, Choroideremia-like protein (CHML) was significantly overexpressed (p<0.005) and therefore was analyzed further using IHC and Western blot. Urothelial carcinoma presented an elevated expression of CHML but not adjacent non-neoplastic or normal bladder tissues. IPA revealed the involvement of CHML in cell morphology, cellular assembly, and organization. Further investigation is warranted to elucidate the biological significance of CHML and to validate its role as a biomarker for early detection of invasive urothelial carcinoma de novo.  相似文献   

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