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Leaf anatomical and ultrastructural responses of "Razegui" and "Muscat Italia" grapevine cultivars to high temperatures were studied under controlled conditions (T > 36°C), based on photonic and electron microscopy. Histological studies performed on leaves from heat-stressed and control grapevines revealed thicker leaf blades under high temperature conditions. Environmental scanning electron microscopy of leaf surfaces from both cultivars allowed observing sinuate epidermal cells on the leaves of grapevines cultivated under heat stress and irregular giant oblong pores on their adaxial surface. When observed by transmission electron microscopy, leaf cross sections in grapevines cultivated under high temperature conditions exhibited folded cuticle and cell wall on the adaxial epidermis layer. Therefore, significantly greater cell wall thicknesses were measured under heat stress than control conditions in both cultivars. Regarding chloroplasts, they were more globular in shape under heat stress compared with control conditions and had disorganized thylakoids with a reduced thickness of grana stacking. The size of starch granule decreased, while the number of plastoglobules increased with heat stress, indicating a reduced carbon metabolism and a beginning of senescence within the 3-month heat stress period. This study confirms widespread adaptive properties in two grapevine cultivars in response to high temperature stress.  相似文献   

The process of natural leaf senescence of Cinnamomum camphora (C. camphora)—a commercial tree in Asia, was investigated, focusing on changes in cellular ultrastructure, epicuticular wax, and stoma. The changes to mesophyll cells in a senescing leaf predominantly include degradation of the following cellular components: cytoplasm, the central vacuole, small vacuoles, and vesicles with a diameter smaller than 400 nm, which are involved in the degradation of chloroplasts. The sequence of change in epicuticular wax during leaf senescence was different from those in herbaceous plants by atomic force microscope and scanning electron microscopic analysis. Comparing with maturation leaves, senescing leaves develop a wider aperture in their stoma, which would delay the leaf senescence of C. camphora. SCANNING 35:336‐343, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Here we demonstrate the effects of electron–ion recombination on imaging signals utilized in low vacuum scanning electron microscopes (SEMs). The presented results show that, under normal operating conditions, recombination of ionized gas molecules with secondary electrons (SEs) suppresses a significant fraction of emitted electrons. If the ion flux (and hence the spatial dependence of the SE–ion recombination rate) is laterally inhomogeneous across the imaged region of a specimen, contrast in SE images can be influenced and in some cases (under conditions of high detector field strength and long ionic mean free path) dominated by variations in the recombination rate. Consequently, SE images of features such as topographic asperities can exhibit edge‐darkening, leading to inversion of some topographic contrast. Recognition of the extent and nature of electron–ion recombination is required for a correct understanding of processes occurring in variable pressure SEMs and, subsequently, for models of image formation.  相似文献   

This paper deals with hairs and organelles present on the head and antennae of the German wasp, Paravespula germanica, and their possible role in sensing the physical and chemical ambience, as well as in intercommunicating both while in flight outside or in the nest. Via scanning electron microscope photography, we detected on the frons plate of the wasp's head, hairs that were about 300 microm long and comprised the longest hairs on the body of the wasps. Additionally, the two antennae bore along their entire length photoreceptors, placoids, campaniforms, trichoids, and agmons. These organelles are located at high but variable density along the antennal segments. The paper provides the dimensions of each of the mentioned organelles, and discusses the possible functions of the organelles as well as of the hairs on the frons. Photographs taken via atomic force microscope reveal that the epicuticle of the antenna is of two typical shapes; one, bearing both longitudinal stripes as well as transverse bands that are about 1 mum in width, and a second granulated form. Conceivably, the wasp uses the various organelles mentioned to communicate with its mates that are some distance away, somewhat like the use of radar by humans.  相似文献   

Current research carried out in Pakistan is the first report on spermoderm ornamentation of eight species of tribe Acacieae (Mimosoidae) by using scanning electron microscopic techniques representing two genera, Fedherbia and Acacia were examined. Different spermoderm ornamentation were observed, described and discussed for their taxonomic importance. Seeds surfaces of the studied tribe possess novel variations in macro and micro morphology. Great variations were observed in both qualitative and quantitative characters of seeds. Seeds shape was oblong, ovate to elliptical and spermoderm ornamentation was levigate, rugose, polygonal and discoid, colliculate, and papillose type. These variations in the spermoderm ornamentation can be used as an aid in identification and classification of the members of tribe Acacieae.  相似文献   

We calculate a universal shift in work function of 59.4 meV per decade of dopant concentration change that applies to all doped semiconductors and from this use Monte Carlo simulations to simulate the resulting change in secondary electron yield for doped GaAs. We then compare experimental images of doped GaAs layers from scanning electron microscopy and conductive atomic force microscopy. Kelvin probe force microscopy allows to directly measure and map local work function changes, but values measured are often smaller, typically only around half, of what theory predicts for perfectly clean surfaces.  相似文献   

For insulation applications, boards thinner than 2 cm are under design with specific thermal conductivities lower than 15 mW m?1 K?1. This requires binding slightly hydrophobic aerogels which are highly nanoporous granular materials. To reach this step and ensure insulation board durability at the building scale, it is compulsory to design, characterise and analyse the microstructure at the nanoscale. It is indeed necessary to understand how the solid material is formed from a liquid suspension. This issue is addressed in this paper through wet‐STEM experiments carried out in an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM). Latex–surfactant binary blends and latex–surfactant–aerogel ternary systems are studied, with two different surfactants of very different chemical structures. Image analysis is used to distinguish the different components and get quantitative morphological parameters which describe the sample architecture. The evolution of such morphological parameters during water evaporation permits a good understanding of the role of the surfactant.  相似文献   

Leafy liverwort is one of the most abundant and diverse plants in Indonesia. Their high variation and beneficial secondary metabolites contained in the oil bodies have attracted researchers' attention. The ultrastructural analysis of leafy liverworts is important as a means of species identification and also for further exploration of their oil bodies. However, the optimization of the preparation steps for observing leafy liverworts by SEM is necessary to avoid sample destruction. Fixation and drying play important roles in maintaining a sample's structure as close to its natural state as possible. Thus, in this study, we evaluated the effect of 4% Osmium tetroxide (OsO4) and drying on leafy liverworts ultrastructure. Microlejeunea, Acrolejeunea, and Frullania were fixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde. Some samples were then post‐fixed with 4% OsO4, while the rest were directly dehydrated with an ethanol series and then subjected to different drying methods, i.e. air drying, freeze drying, and drying with hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS). According to the data obtained, post‐fixation with 4% OsO4 could better maintain the integrity of the samples and enhance the contrast of leafy liverwort SEM images. In addition, samples dried with HMDS showed more detailed structures compared to those that were air dried. Different ultrastructure were found among the different leafy liverworts observed by SEM. Our data suggested the advantages of SEM in providing ultrastructure information on leafy liverworts as well as the optimum conditions to observe them with less deformation. OsO4 post‐fixation could enhance the contrast of leafy liverwort SEM images and maintain the structure of the samples. Drying with HMDS provided a convenient way for rapid SEM preparation with less structural distortion.  相似文献   

Cavallini A  Cavalcoli D 《Scanning》2008,30(4):358-363
Surface photovoltage spectroscopy (SPS) and conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) have been used for the characterization of nanocrystalline hydrogenated Si (nc-Si:H). This is a promising material both for silicon-based opto-electronics as well as for photovoltaic applications. Notwithstanding its interesting properties many issues regarding the material electronic and optical properties are not completely understood. The present contribution reports microscopic and spectroscopic analyses of nc-Si:H films grown for photovoltaic applications by low-energy plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition technique. Electronic levels associated with defect states were investigated by SPS, whereas the conduction mechanism at a microscopic level was investigated by C-AFM.  相似文献   

K. Z. Baba-Kishi 《Scanning》1996,18(4):315-321
In this paper, the technique of scanning reflection electron microscopy (SREM) by diffusely scattered electrons in the scanning electron microscope is described in detail. A qualitative account of the formation of image contrast in SREM is also described. It is assumed that, for grazing geometry, forward-scattered electrons reflect from regions close to the surface, following a few scattering events within the first few atomic layers, and lose very little energy in the process. The penetration depth of the primary electrons is very limited, resulting in strongly peaked envelopes of forward-scattered electrons. It is also assumed that a surface containing topographic features presents a range of tilt angles, resulting in different reflection coefficients. Tilt contrast results because each facet has a different scattering yield, which is dependent upon local surface inclination. Full details of the instrumentation designed for SREM are described, and to illustrate the technique, results recorded from an epitaxial GaAs on GaAs crystal, Pb2(Zr,Ta)O6 thin film on silicon, and SiO2 amorphous film on silicon are presented.  相似文献   

Morphoanatomical analysis of seeds contributes to knowledge of the development of seedlings and identification of species, as well as supporting conservation studies. The conservation of the species belonging to the Passiflora genus is crucial due to of the threats to the genetic resources of these species. Thus, the objective of this study was to morphoanatomically characterize Passiflora seeds, verify possible injuries to the tissues after cryopreservation and thus contribute to the conservation strategies of the species of this genus. Initially, seeds of Passiflora coccinea, P. edulis, P. gibertii, P. maliformis, P. morifolia, P. setacea, P. suberosa, and P. tenuifila collected from the Passion Fruit Active Germplasm Bank of the Embrapa Cassava and Fruits research unit (Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura) were analyzed. Then, their length, width and thickness, shape of the base and tip, and ornamentations present on the body and edge of the seeds were evaluated. The seeds of the species were placed in cryotubes and immersed in liquid nitrogen to assess possible cryoinjuries. The tegument and tissues of the seeds were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The seeds had varied biometric data, with average values of 4.63 mm for length, 3.28 mm for width, and 1.51 mm for thickness. Six ornamentation types were observed: reticulate for the species P. coccinea; finely reticulate for P. edulis; foveolate reticulate for P. gibertii and P. setacea; alveolate reticulate for P. maliformis and P. tenuifila; coarsely reticulate for P. morifolia; and falsifoveolate reticulate for P. suberosa. Some seeds suffered tegument cracks due to the freezing in liquid nitrogen, but without physiological damages to the embryo and endosperm. The cryopreservation of the seeds in the presence of the tegument significantly reduced the cryoinjuries caused to the embryo. Cryopreservation can be promising for long-term conservation of passion fruit seeds.  相似文献   

Due to the delocalized character of metal valence electrons the atomic corrugation of metal surfaces observed in Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM) is found to be much smaller than in the case of semiconductor surfaces. In fact, there is only a single study in the literature which reports the resolution of the individual atoms on a metal surface (Hallmark et al., 1987). The present paper demonstrates the resolution of individual atoms on a close packed surface of a nearly free electron metal, Al(111), and presents systematic experiments on the physical origin of this phenomenon. A more detailed discussion will be given elsewhere (Wintterlin et al., 1988).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize the antennal morphology of Osmoderma eremita, a threatened scarab beetle inhabiting tree hollows. O. eremita males produce a sex pheromone, (R)‐(+)‐γ‐decalactone, responsible mainly for the attraction of females but also other males. Gross and fine morphology of microstructures including sensilla, microsculpture and pores were analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy. The antenna of O. eremita showed the typical lamellicorn shape of scarab beetles, with a basal scape, a pedicel, a funicle composed of five antennomeres and a club composed of three lamellae. Six different subtypes of sensilla chaetica (Ch.1 ? 6), Böhm sensilla (Bo), one subtype of sensilla basiconica (Ba.1), two subtypes of sensilla coeloconica (Co.1 ? 2), two subtypes of sensilla placodea (Pl.1 ? 2), pores and peculiar folds were described. The two sexes did not show any significant differences in the occurrence and number of the sensilla placodea, known to be responsible for the pheromone reception. Instead, some sexual differences were found on the occurrence and topology of three different microstructures: (1) one subtype of sensillum chaeticum (Ch.2) occurring on the pedicel only in males; (2) a characteristic pore occurring on the funicle only in males; (3) a peculiar fold occurring on different antennomeres of the funicle in the two sexes, on the fourth in males and on the fifth in females. A comparison between sensilla of O. eremita and those of other Scarabaeoidea is provided. Microsc. Res. Tech. 79:178–191, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

DNA molecules immobilized on mica surface by various methods have been observed by atomic force microscopy both in air and in liquid. Divalent cations and 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) modified mica surface have been used to immobilize the DNA molecules. Optimal DNA and divalent cations concentration for AFM imaging are presented. Among the different methods of modifying mica surface with APTES, the water solution modifying method appears to get the best results. When using high DNA concentration for AFM imaging, DNA networks can be formed. A simple method to extend long DNA molecules is demonstrated. The optimal imaging conditions and AFM operating techniques are discussed. Different DNA immobilizing methods have been compared and evaluated.  相似文献   

Nanoparticles in aquatic bodies cause serious harm to the aquatic organisms when accumulated in high amounts. However, green nanoparticles synthesized using plants can be less toxic as compared to chemical nanoparticles. Hence, we designed our study to investigate the toxicological effects of chemical and green zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) on the biological activity of juvenile Cyprinus carpio. The green ZnO NPs were synthesized from Solieria robusta, and chemical ZnO NPs were synthesized using zinc chloride solution and ammonium hydroxide. Characterization was done by using light microscopy, scanning electron microscope (SEM), Fourier transmission infrared radiation, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. The highest absorbance of nanoparticles was observed at 360 which confirmed the synthesis of ZnO. The SEM analysis showed that green nanoparticles were hexagonal while the chemical nanoparticles were spherical to cubic in shape. Definite peaks were observed in XRD of green and chemical NPs at 2θ angles 45.84° and 32.18°, respectively. Oxidative stress was determined by chemical analysis of catalase, glutathione S-transferase (GST), glutathione (GSH), and lipid peroxidation (LPO) activities. The toxicological effects of chemical ZnO NPs on the catalase, LPO, GST, and GSH activities were more than green ZnO NPs. The histopathological investigation proved that the effect of chemical nanoparticles was worse than green ZnO NPs. More tissue damage was found in chemical nanoparticles than green synthesized nanoparticles. It was concluded that chemical nanoparticles can be replaced by green nanoparticles, as green nanoparticles are eco-friendly with less toxicological effects. This replacement can limit the toxic effect of nanoparticles when they get accumulated in high amounts in water bodies.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy is perhaps the most important method for investigating and characterizing nanostructures. A well‐known challenge in scanning electron microscopy is the investigation of insulating materials. As insulating materials do not provide a path to ground they accumulate charge, evident as image drift and image distortions. In previous work, we have seen that sample charging in arrays of metal nanoparticles on glass substrates leads to a shrinkage effect, resulting in a measurement error in the nanoparticle dimension of up to 15% at 10 kV and a probe current of 80 ± 10 pA. In order to investigate this effect in detail, we have fabricated metal nanostructures on insulating borosilicate glass using electron beam lithography. Electron beam lithography allows us to tailor the design of our metal nanostructures and the area coverage. The measurements are carried out using two commonly available secondary electron detectors in scanning electron microscopes, namely, an InLens‐ and an Everhart–Thornley detector. We identify and discriminate several contributions to the effect by varying microscope settings, including the size of the aperture, the beam current, the working distance and the acceleration voltage. We image metal nanostructures of various sizes and geometries, investigating the influence of scan‐direction of the electron beam and secondary electron detector used for imaging. The relative measurement error, which we measure as high as 20% for some settings, is found to depend on the acceleration voltage and the type of secondary electron detector used for imaging. In particular, the Everhart–Thornley detectors lower sensitivity to SE1 electrons increase the magnitude of the shrinkage of up to 10% relative to the InLens measurements. Finally, a method for estimating charge balance in insulating samples is presented.  相似文献   

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