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We are concerned with the numerical simulation of wave motion in arbitrarily heterogeneous, elastic, perfectly‐matched‐layer‐(PML)‐truncated media. We extend in three dimensions a recently developed two‐dimensional formulation, by treating the PML via an unsplit‐field, but mixed‐field, displacement‐stress formulation, which is then coupled to a standard displacement‐only formulation for the interior domain, thus leading to a computationally cost‐efficient hybrid scheme. The hybrid treatment leads to, at most, third‐order in time semi‐discrete forms. The formulation is flexible enough to accommodate the standard PML, as well as the multi‐axial PML. We discuss several time‐marching schemes, which can be used à la carte, depending on the application: (a) an extended Newmark scheme for third‐order in time, either unsymmetric or fully symmetric semi‐discrete forms; (b) a standard implicit Newmark for the second‐order, unsymmetric semi‐discrete forms; and (c) an explicit Runge–Kutta scheme for a first‐order in time unsymmetric system. The latter is well‐suited for large‐scale problems on parallel architectures, while the second‐order treatment is particularly attractive for ready incorporation in existing codes written originally for finite domains. We compare the schemes and report numerical results demonstrating stability and efficacy of the proposed formulations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study documents the first attempt to extend the singular boundary method, a novel meshless boundary collocation method, for the solution of 3D elasticity problems. The singular boundary method involves a coupling between the regularized BEM and the method of fundamental solutions. The main idea here is to fully inherit the dimensionality and stability advantages of the former and the meshless and integration‐free attributes of the later. This makes it particularly attractive for problems in complex geometries and three dimensions. Four benchmark 3D problems in linear elasticity are well studied to demonstrate the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed method. The advantages, disadvantages, and potential applications of the proposed method, as compared with the FEM, BEM, and method of fundamental solutions, are also examined and discussed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An approximate level set method for three‐dimensional crack propagation is presented. In this method, the discontinuity surface in each cracked element is defined by element‐local level sets (ELLSs). The local level sets are generated by a fitting procedure that meets the fracture directionality and its continuity with the adjacent element crack surfaces in a least‐square sense. A simple iterative procedure is introduced to improve the consistency of the generated element crack surface with those of the adjacent cracked elements. The discrete discontinuity is treated by the phantom node method which is a simplified version of the extended finite element method (XFEM). The ELLS method and the phantom node technology are combined for the solution of dynamic fracture problems. Numerical examples for three‐dimensional dynamic crack propagation are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A direct method for soil–structure interaction analysis in two‐dimensional medium is presented in time domain, which is based on the transformation of the analytical frequency‐dependent dynamic stiffness matrix. The present dynamic stiffness matrix for the far‐field region is constructed by assembling stiffness matrices of the analytical frequency‐dependent dynamic infinite elements, so that the equation of motion can be analytically transformed into the time‐domain equation. An efficient procedure is devised to evaluate the dynamic responses in time domain. Verification of the present formulation is carried out by comparing the compliances for a strip foundation on a homogeneous and layered half‐spaces with those obtained by other methods. Numerical analyses are also carried out for the transient responses of an elastic block and tunnel in a homogeneous and a layered half‐space. The comparisons with those by other approaches indicate that the proposed time‐domain method for soil–structure interaction analysis gives good solutions. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We develop a three‐dimensional finite‐deformation cohesive element and a class of irreversible cohesive laws which enable the accurate and efficient tracking of dynamically growing cracks. The cohesive element governs the separation of the crack flanks in accordance with an irreversible cohesive law, eventually leading to the formation of free surfaces, and is compatible with a conventional finite element discretization of the bulk material. The versatility and predictive ability of the method is demonstrated through the simulation of a drop‐weight dynamic fracture test similar to those reported by Zehnder and Rosakis. The ability of the method to approximate the experimentally observed crack‐tip trajectory is particularly noteworthy. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An efficient solution technique is proposed for the three‐dimensional boundary element modelling of half‐space problems. The proposed technique uses alternative fundamental solutions of the half‐space (Mindlin's solutions for isotropic case) and full‐space (Kelvin's solutions) problems. Three‐dimensional infinite boundary elements are frequently employed when the stresses at the internal points are required to be evaluated. In contrast to the published works, the strongly singular line integrals are avoided in the proposed solution technique, while the discretization of infinite elements is independent of the finite boundary elements. This algorithm also leads to a better numerical accuracy while the computational time is reduced. Illustrative numerical examples for typical isotropic and transversely isotropichalf‐space problems demonstrate the potential applications of the proposed formulations. Incidentally, the results of the illustrative examples also provide a parametric study for the imperfect contact problem. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A precorrected fast Fourier transform (pFFT) accelerated boundary element method (BEM) for large‐scale transient elastodynamic analysis is developed and described in this paper. The frequency‐domain approach is used. To overcome the ‘wrap‐around’ problem associated with the discrete Fourier transform, the exponential window method (EWM) is employed and incorporated in the frequency‐domain BEM. An improved implementation scheme of the pFFT method based on polynomial interpolation technique is developed and applied to accelerate the elastodynamic BEM. This new scheme reduces the memory required to save the convolution matrix by a factor of 8. To further improve the efficiency of the code, a newly developed linear system solver based on the induced dimension reduction method is employed. Its performance is investigated and compared with that of the well‐known GMRES. The accuracy and computational efficiency of the method are evaluated and demonstrated by three examples: a classical benchmark, a plate subject to an impact loading and a porous cube with nearly half million DOFs subject to a step traction loading. Both analytical and experimental results are employed to validate the method. It has been found that the EWM can effectively resolve the wrap‐around problem and accurate time responses for an arbitrarily chosen time period can be obtained. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The topology design optimization of ‘three‐dimensional geometrically‐non‐linear’ continuum structures is still difficult not only because of the size of the problem but also because of the unstable continuum finite elements that arise during the optimization. To overcome these difficulties, the element connectivity parameterization (ECP) method with two implementation formulations is proposed. In ECP, structural layouts are represented by inter‐element connectivity, which is controlled by the stiffness of element‐connecting zero‐length links. Depending on the link location, ECP may be classified as an external ECP (E‐ECP) or an internal ECP (I‐ECP). In this paper, I‐ECP is newly developed to substantially enhance computational efficiency. The main idea in I‐ECP is to reduce system matrix size by eliminating some internal degrees of freedom associated with the links at voxel level. As for ECP implementation with commercial software, E‐ECP, developed earlier for two‐dimensional problems, is easier to use even for three‐dimensional problems because it requires only numerical analysis results for design sensitivity calculation. The characteristics of the I‐ECP and E‐ECP methods are compared, and these methods are validated with numerical examples. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new three‐dimensional contact finite element which employs continuous and weakly coupled pressure interpolations on each of the interacting boundaries. The resulting formulation circumvents the geometric bias of one‐pass methods, as well as the surface locking of traditional two‐pass node‐on‐surface methods. A Lagrange multiplier implementation of the proposed element is validated for frictionless quasi‐static contact by a series of numerical simulations. Published in 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new scheme to improve the efficiency of time‐domain BEM algorithms. The discussion is focused on the two‐dimensional elastodynamic formulation, however, the ideas presented apply equally to any step‐by‐step convolution based algorithm whose kernels decay with time increase. The algorithm presented interpolates the time‐domain matrices generated along the time‐stepping process, for time‐steps sufficiently far from the current time. Two interpolation procedures are considered here (a large number of alternative approaches is possible): Chebyshev–Lagrange polynomials and linear. A criterion to indicate the discrete time at which interpolation should start is proposed. Two numerical examples and conclusions are presented at the end of the paper. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel boundary element formulation for sensitivity analysis of local active noise control in a three‐dimensional field is presented. The formulation is based on the Helmholtz differential equation and is valid for internal as well as for scattering wave propagation problems. The primary noise is attenuated within an enclosure, called control volume, by adding a control source modelled as an object with a vibrating surface. Both the optimum position of the control volume and the optimum location/orientation of the secondary source are determined by minimisation of a suitable cost function. The sensitivities are determined by implicit differentiation. A hierarchical adaptive cross approximation approach in conjunction with the generalised minimal residual solver is implemented to accelerate the convergence. Four numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed formulations. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An extended finite element method (X‐FEM) for three‐dimensional crack modelling is described. A discontinuous function and the two‐dimensional asymptotic crack‐tip displacement fields are added to the finite element approximation to account for the crack using the notion of partition of unity. This enables the domain to be modelled by finite elements with no explicit meshing of the crack surfaces. Computational geometry issues associated with the representation of the crack and the enrichment of the finite element approximation are discussed. Stress intensity factors (SIFs) for planar three‐dimensional cracks are presented, which are found to be in good agreement with benchmark solutions. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper customizes a contact detection and enforcing scheme to fit the three‐dimensional (3‐D) numerical manifold method (NMM). A hierarchical contact system is established for efficient contact detection. The mathematical mesh, a unique component in the NMM, is utilized for global searching of possible contact blocks and elements, followed by the local searching to identify primitive hierarchies. All the potential contact pairs are then transformed into one of the two essential entrance modes: point‐to‐plane and crossing‐lines modes, among which real contact pairs are detected through a unified formula. The penalty method is selected to enforce the contact constraints, and a general contact solution procedure in the 3‐D NMM is established. Because of the implicit framework, an open‐close iteration is performed within each time step to determine the correct number of contact pairs among multi‐bodies and to achieve complete convergence of imposed contact force at corresponding position. The proposed contact algorithm extensively utilizes most of the original components of the NMM, namely, the mathematical mesh/cells and the manifold elements, as well as the external components associated with contacts, such as the contact body, the contact facet and the contact vertex. In particular, the utilization of two mutually approaching mathematical cells is efficient in detecting contacting territory, which makes this method particularly effective for both convex and non‐convex bodies. The validity and accuracy of the proposed contact algorithm are verified and demonstrated through three benchmark problems. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High‐performance hybrid‐stress hexahedral solid elements are excellent choices for modeling joints, beams/columns walls and thick slabs for building structures if the exact geometrical representation is required. While it is straight‐forward to model beam–column structures of uniform member size with solid hexahedral elements, joining up beams and columns of various cross‐sections at a common point proves to be a challenge for structural modeling using hexahedral elements with specified dimensions. In general, the joint has to be decomposed into 27 smaller solid elements to cater for the necessary connection requirements. This will inevitably increase the computational cost and introduce element distortions when elements of different sizes have to be used at the joint. Universal connection hexahedral elements with arbitrary specified connection interfaces will be an ideal setup to connect structural members of different sizes without increasing the number of elements or introducing highly distorted elements. In this paper, the requirements and the characteristics of the hexahedral connection elements with 24 and 32 nodes will be discussed. Formulation of the connection elements by means of Hellinger–Reissner functional will be presented. The performance of connection elements equipped with different number of stress modes will be assessed with worked examples. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

If the initial temperature is assumed to be constant, a domain integral is not needed to solve unsteady heat conduction problems without heat generation using the boundary element method (BEM).However, with heat generation or a non‐uniform initial temperature distribution, the domain integral is necessary. This paper demonstrates that two‐dimensional problems of unsteady heat conduction with heat generation and a non‐uniform initial temperature distribution can be solved approximately without the domain integral by the triple‐reciprocity boundary element method. In this method, heat generation and the initial temperature distribution are interpolated using the boundary integral equation. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As in the case of two‐dimensional topology design optimization, numerical instability problems similar to the formation of two‐dimensional checkerboard patterns occur if the standard eight‐node conforming brick element is used. Motivated by the recent success of the two‐dimensional non‐conforming elements in completely eliminating checkerboard patterns, we aim at investigating the performance of three‐dimensional non‐conforming elements in controlling the patterns that are estimated overly stiff by the brick elements. To this end, we will investigate how accurately the non‐conforming elements estimate the stiffness of the patterns. The stiffness estimation is based on the homogenization method by assuming the periodicity of the patterns. To verify the superior performance of the elements, we consider three‐dimensional compliance minimization and compliant mechanism design problems and compare the results by the non‐conforming element and the standard 8‐node conforming brick element. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work presents a hybrid element formulation for the three‐dimensional penalty finite element analysis of incompressible Newtonian fluids. The formulation is based on a mixed variational statement in which velocity and stresses are treated as independent field variables. The main advantage of this formulation is that it bypasses the use of ad hoc techniques such as selective reduced integration that are commonly used in penalty‐based finite element formulations, and directly yields high accuracy for the velocity and stress fields without the need to carry out smoothing. In addition, since the stress degrees of freedom are condensed out at an element level, the cost of solving for the global degrees of freedom is the same as in a standard penalty finite element method, although the gain in accuracy for both the velocity and stress (including the pressure) fields is quite significant. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A novel substructuring method is developed for the coupling of boundary element and finite element subdomains in order to model three‐dimensional multi‐region elastodynamic problems in the time domain. The proposed procedure is based on the interface stiffness matrix approach for static multi‐region problems using variational principles together with the concept of Duhamel integrals. Unit impulses are applied at the boundary of each region in order to evaluate the impulse response matrices of the Duhamel (convolution) integrals. Although the method is not restricted to a special discretization technique, the regions are discretized using the boundary element method combined with the convolution quadrature method. This results in a time‐domain methodology with the advantages of performing computations in the Laplace domain, which produces very accurate and stable results as verified on test examples. In addition, the assembly of the boundary element regions and the coupling to finite elements are greatly simplified and more efficient. Finally, practical applications in the area of soil–structure interaction and tunneling problems are shown. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The simple boundary element method consists of recycling existing codes for homogeneous media to solve problems in non‐homogeneous media while maintaining a purely boundary‐only formulation. Within this scope, this paper presents a ‘simple’ Galerkin boundary element method for multiple cracks in problems governed by potential theory in functionally graded media. Steady‐state heat conduction is investigated for thermal conductivity varying either parabolically, exponentially, or trigonometrically in one or more co‐ordinates. A three‐dimensional implementation which merges the dual boundary integral equation technique with the Galerkin approach is presented. Special emphasis is given to the treatment of crack surfaces and boundary conditions. The test examples simulated with the present method are verified with finite element results using graded finite elements. The numerical examples demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the present method especially when multiple interacting cracks are involved. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article presents a new vertex‐to‐face contact searching algorithm for the three‐dimensional (3‐D) discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA). In this algorithm, topology is applied to the contact rule when any two polyhedrons are close to each other. Attempt is made to expand the original contact searching algorithm from two‐dimensional (2‐D) to 3‐D DDA. Examples are provided to demonstrate the new contact rule for vertex‐to‐face contacts between two polyhedrons with planar boundaries. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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