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A new efficient meshfree method is presented in which the first‐order least‐squares method is employed instead of the Galerkin's method. In the meshfree methods based on the Galerkin formulation, the source of many difficulties is in the numerical integration. The current method, in this respect, has different characteristics and is expected to remove some of the integration‐related problems. It is demonstrated through numerical examples that the present formulation is highly robust to integration errors. Therefore, numerical integration can be performed with great ease and effectiveness using very simple algorithms. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A finite point method, least‐squares collocation meshless method, is proposed. Except for the collocation points which are used to construct the trial functions, a number of auxiliary points are also adopted. Unlike the direct collocation method, the equilibrium conditions are satisfied not only at the collocation points but also at the auxiliary points in a least‐squares sense. The moving least‐squares interpolant is used to construct the trial functions. The computational effort required for the present method is in the same order as that required for the direct collocation, while the present method improves the accuracy of solution significantly. The proposed method does not require any mesh so that it is a truly meshless method. Three numerical examples are studied in detail, which show that the proposed method possesses high accuracy with low computational effort. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Inertial loading of strings, beams and plates by mass travelling with near‐critical velocity has been a long debate. Typically, a moving mass is replaced by an equivalent force or an oscillator (with ‘rigid’ spring) that is in permanent contact with the structure. Such an approach leads to iterative solutions or imposition of artificial constraints. In both cases, rigid constraints result in serious computational problems. A direct mass matrix modification method frequently implemented in the finite element approach gave reasonable results only in the range of relatively low velocities. In this paper we present the space–time approach to the problem. The interaction of the moving mass/supporting structure is described in a local coordinate system of the space–time finite element domain. The resulting characteristic matrices include inertia, Coriolis and centrifugal forces. A simple modification of matrices in the discrete equations of motion allows us to gain accurate analysis of a wide range of velocities, up to the velocity of the wave speed. Numerical examples prove the simplicity and efficiency of the method. The presented approach can be easily implemented in the classic finite element algorithms. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A posteriori error estimates and an adaptive refinement scheme of first‐order least‐squares meshfree method (LSMFM) are presented. The error indicators are readily computed from the residual. For an elliptic problem, the error indicators are further improved by applying the Aubin–Nitsche method. It is demonstrated, through numerical examples, that the error indicators coherently reflect the actual error. In the proposed refinement scheme, Voronoi cells are used for inserting new nodes at appropriate positions. Numerical examples show that the adaptive first‐order LSMFM, which combines the proposed error indicators and nodal refinement scheme, is effectively applied to the localized problems such as the shock formation in fluid dynamics. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we first discuss the moving least‐square approximation (MLS) method. In some cases, the MLS may form an ill‐conditioned system of equations so that the solution cannot be correctly obtained. Hence, in this paper, we propose an improved moving least‐square approximation (IMLS) method. In the IMLS method, the orthogonal function system with a weight function is used as the basis function. The IMLS has higher computational efficiency and precision than the MLS, and will not lead to an ill‐conditioned system of equations. Combining the boundary integral equation (BIE) method and the IMLS approximation method, a direct meshless BIE method, the boundary element‐free method (BEFM), for two‐dimensional elasticity is presented. Compared to other meshless BIE methods, BEFM is a direct numerical method in which the basic unknown quantity is the real solution of the nodal variables, and the boundary conditions can be applied easily; hence, it has higher computational precision. For demonstration purpose, selected numerical examples are given. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recently, many new applications in engineering and science are governed by a series of fractional partial differential equations (FPDEs). Unlike the normal partial differential equations (PDEs), the differential order in an FPDE is with a fractional order, which will lead to new challenges for numerical simulation, because most existing numerical simulation techniques are developed for the PDE with an integer differential order. The current dominant numerical method for FPDEs is finite difference method (FDM), which is usually difficult to handle a complex problem domain, and also difficult to use irregular nodal distribution. This paper aims to develop an implicit meshless approach based on the moving least squares (MLS) approximation for numerical simulation of fractional advection–diffusion equations (FADE), which is a typical FPDE The discrete system of equations is obtained by using the MLS meshless shape functions and the meshless strong‐forms. The stability and convergence related to the time discretization of this approach are then discussed and theoretically proven. Several numerical examples with different problem domains and different nodal distributions are used to validate and investigate the accuracy and efficiency of the newly developed meshless formulation. It is concluded that the present meshless formulation is very effective for the modeling and simulation of the FADE. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new meshfree method for the analysis of elasto‐plastic deformation is presented. The method is based on the proposed first‐order least‐squares formulation for elasto‐plasticity and the moving least‐squares approximation. The least‐squares formulation for classical elasto‐plasticity and its extension to an incrementally objective formulation for finite deformation are proposed. In the formulation, equilibrium equation and flow rule are enforced in least‐squares sense, i.e. their squared residuals are minimized, and hardening law and loading/unloading condition are enforced pointwise at each integration point. The closest point projection method for the integration of rate‐form constitutive equation is inherently involved in the formulation, and thus the radial‐return mapping algorithm is not performed explicitly. The proposed formulation is a mixed‐type method since the residuals are represented in a form of first‐order differential system using displacement and stress components as nodal unknowns. Also the penalty schemes for the enforcement of boundary and frictional contact conditions are devised and the reshaping of nodal supports is introduced to avoid the difficulties due to the severe local deformation near contact interface. The proposed method does not employ structure of extrinsic cells for any purpose. Through some numerical examples of metal forming processes, the validity and effectiveness of the method are discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerical solution of ill‐posed boundary value problems normally requires iterative procedures. In a typical solution, the ill‐posed problem is first converted to a well‐posed one by assuming the missing boundary values. The new problem is solved by a conventional numerical technique and the solution is checked against the unused data. The problem is solved iteratively using optimization schemes until convergence is achieved. The present paper offers a different procedure. Using the radial basis function collocation method, we demonstrate that the solution of certain ill‐posed problems can be accomplished without iteration. This method not only is efficient and accurate, but also circumvents the stability problem that can exist in the iterative method. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a study on a singular‐value decomposition (SVD)‐based generalized finite difference (GFD) method and a nodal selection scheme for moving body/boundary flow problems formulated on a hybrid Cartesian cum meshfree grid system. The present study shows that the SVD‐based method is more robust and accurate than the conventional least‐squares‐based GFD scheme. A nodal selection scheme is also introduced to overcome the problem of numerical instability associated with the clustering of computational nodes. Such nodal clustering occurs dynamically when moving bodies or boundaries approach within close proximity of each other, resulting in the overlap of their meshfree grids. The nodal scheme is applied to close‐interaction flow problems as exemplified by the squeezing action of a circular cylinder through a very narrow slot and the close proximity bypass interaction of two oscillating circular cylinders. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a meshfree particle‐based method for convection–diffusion problems. Discretization is performed by using piecewise constant kernels. The stabilized scheme is based on a new upwind kernel. We show that accurate and stable scheme can be obtained by using purpose‐built kernels. It also shown that under some conditions the classical optimal finite difference scheme can be derived by the new method. Several numerical tests validate the method. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a radial basis collocation method (RBCM) based on the global space–time multiquadric (MQ) is proposed to solve the inverse heat conduction problem (IHCP). The global MQ is simply constructed by incorporating time dimension into the MQ function as a new variable in radial coordinate. The method approximates the IHCP as an over‐determined linear system with the use of two sets of collocation points: one is satisfied with the governing equation and another is for the given conditions. The least‐square technique is introduced to find the solution of the over‐determined linear system. The present work investigates two types of the ill‐posed heat conduction problems: the IHCP to recover the surface temperature and heat flux history on a source point from the measurement data at interior locations, and the backward heat conduction problem (BHCP) to retrieve the initial temperature distribution from the known temperature distribution at a given time. Numerical results of four benchmark examples show that the proposed method can provide accurate and stable numerical solutions for one‐dimensional and two‐dimensional IHCP problems. The sensitivity of the method with respect to the measured data, location of measurement, time step, shape parameter and scaling factor is also investigated. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on the moving least‐squares (MLS) approximation, we propose a new approximation method—the complex variable moving least‐squares (CVMLS) approximation. With the CVMLS approximation, the trial function of a two‐dimensional problem is formed with a one‐dimensional basis function. The number of unknown coefficients in the trial function of the CVMLS approximation is less than in the trial function of the MLS approximation, and we can thus select fewer nodes in the meshless method that is formed from the CVMLS approximation than are required in the meshless method of the MLS approximation with no loss of precision. The meshless method that is derived from the CVMLS approximation also has a greater computational efficiency. From the CVMLS approximation, we propose a new meshless method for two‐dimensional elasticity problems—the complex variable meshless method (CVMM)—and the formulae of the CVMM for two‐dimensional elasticity problems are obtained. Compared with the conventional meshless method, the CVMM has a greater precision and computational efficiency. For the purposes of demonstration, some selected numerical examples are solved using the CVMM. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel methodology that combines smoothed discrete particle hydrodynamics (SDPH) and finite volume method (FVM) to enhance the effective performance in solving the problems of gas‐particle multiphase flow. To describe the collision and fluctuation of particles, this method also increases a new parameter, namely, granular temperature, according to the kinetic theory of granular flow. The coupled framework of SDPH–FVM has been established, in which the drag force and pressure gradient act on the SDPH particles and the momentum sources of drag force are added back onto the FVM mesh. The proposed technique is a coupled discrete‐continuum method based on the two‐fluid model. To compute for the discrete phase, its SDPH is developed from smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), in which the properties of SPH are redefined with some new physical quantities added into the traditional SPH parameters, so that it is more beneficial for SDPH in representing the particle characteristics. For the continuum phase, FVM is employed to discretize the continuum flow field on a stationary grid by capturing fluid characteristics. The coupled method exhibits strong efficiency and accuracy in several two‐dimensional numerical simulations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new meshfree formulation of stress‐point integration, called the floating stress‐point integration meshfree method, is proposed for the large deformation analysis of elastic and elastoplastic materials. This method is a Galerkin meshfree method with an updated Lagrangian procedure and a quasi‐implicit time‐advancing scheme without any background cell for domain integration. Its new formulation is based on incremental equilibrium equations derived from the incremental virtual work equation, which is not generally used in meshfree formulations. Hence, this technique allows the temporal continuity of the mechanical equilibrium to be naturally achieved. The details of the new formulation and several examples of the large deformation analysis of elastic and elastoplastic materials are presented to show the validity and accuracy of the proposed method in comparison with those of the finite element method. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider and examine alternate finite element computational strategies for time‐dependent Navier–Stokes equations describing high‐speed compressible flows with shocks in a viscous and conducting medium, with the ultimate objective of establishing the desired features of a general mathematical and computational framework for such initial value problems (IVP) in which: (a) the numerically computed solutions are in agreement with the physics of evolution described by the governing differential equations (GDEs) i.e. the IVP, (b) the solutions are admissible in the non‐discretized form of the GDEs in the pointwise sense (i.e. anywhere and everywhere) in the entire space–time domain, and hence in the integrated sense as well, (c) the numerical approximations progressively approach the same global differentiability in space and time as the theoretical solutions, (d) it is possible to time march the solutions (this is essential for efficiency as well as ensuring desired accuracy of the computed solution for the current increment of time, i.e. to minimize the error build up in the time marching process), (e) the computational process is unconditionally stable and non‐degenerate regardless of the choice of discretization, nature of approximations and their global differentiability and the dimensionless parameters influencing the physics of the process, (f) there are no issues of stability, CFL number limitations and (g) the mathematical and computational methodology is independent of the nature of the space–time differential operators. We consider one‐dimensional compressible flow in a viscous and conducting medium with shocks as model problems to illustrate various features of the general mathematical and computational framework used here and to demonstrate that the proposed framework is general and is applicable to all IVP. The Riemann shock tube with a single diaphragm serves as a model problem. The specific details presented in the paper discuss: (1) Choice of the form of the GDEs, i.e. strong form or weak form. (2) Various choices of variables. The paper establishes and considers density, velocity and temperature as variables of choice. (3) Details of the space–time least squares (LS) integral forms (meritorious over all others in all aspects) are presented and choice of approximation spaces are discussed. (4) In all numerical studies we consider a viscous and conducting medium with ideal gas law, however results are also presented for non‐conducting medium. Extension of this work to real gas models will be presented in a separate paper. It is worth noting that when the medium is viscous and conducting, the solutions of gas dynamics equations are analytic. (5) It is also significant to note that upwinding methods based on addition of artificial diffusion such as SUPG, SUPG/DC, SUPG/DC/LS and their many variations are neither needed nor used in this present work. (6) Numerical studies are aimed at resolving the localized details of the shock structure, i.e. shock relations, shock width, shock speed, etc. as well as the over all global behaviour of the solution in the entire space–time domain. (7) Numerical studies are presented for Riemann shock tube for high Mach number flows with special emphasis also on time accuracy of the evolution which is ensured by requiring that the approximations for each increment of time satisfy non‐discretized form of the GDEs in the pointwise sense, and hence in the integrated sense as well. (8) Comparisons are made with published results as well as theoretical solutions (when possible). It is established that space–time least squares processes are the only processes that yield variationally consistent space–time integral forms, and hence unconditionally non‐degenerate space–time computational processes, which when considered in higher‐order scalar product spaces provide the desired mathematical framework in which progressively higher‐order global differentiability solutions in space and time yield the same characteristics as the theoretical solutions of the IVP in all aspects. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, meshless methods based on the local Petrov–Galerkin approach are proposed for the solution of dynamic problems considering elastic and elastoplastic materials. Formulations adopting the Heaviside step function and the Gaussian weight function as the test functions in the local weak form are considered. The moving least‐square method is used for the approximation of physical quantities in the local integral equations. After spatial discretization is carried out, a non‐linear system of ordinary differential equations of second order is obtained. This system is solved by Newmark/Newton–Raphson techniques. At the end of the paper numerical results are presented, illustrating the potentialities of the proposed methodologies. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider linear and non‐linear space–time fractional reaction–diffusion equations (STFRDE) on a finite domain. The equations are obtained from standard reaction–diffusion equations by replacing a second‐order space derivative by a fractional derivative of order β∈(1, 2], and a first‐order time derivative by a fractional derivative of order α∈(0, 1]. We use the Adomian decomposition method to construct explicit solutions of the linear and non‐linear STFRDE. Finally, some examples are given. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An enriched finite element method with arbitrary discontinuities in space–time is presented. The discontinuities are treated by the extended finite element method (X‐FEM), which uses a local partition of unity enrichment to introduce discontinuities along a moving hyper‐surface which is described by level sets. A space–time weak form for conservation laws is developed where the Rankine–Hugoniot jump conditions are natural conditions of the weak form. The method is illustrated in the solution of first order hyperbolic equations and applied to linear first order wave and non‐linear Burgers' equations. By capturing the discontinuity in time as well as space, results are improved over capturing the discontinuity in space alone and the method is remarkably accurate. Implications to standard semi‐discretization X‐FEM formulations are also discussed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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