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The authors describe the development of a remote maintenance monitoring system, the rationale for consolidation of the field maintenance workforce, and the development of an automated modeling tool, the work center consolidation model. The model is described, and the methodology used to validate a node substitution algorithm is explained in detail. The node substitution algorithm has been implemented and incorporated into the work center location model (WCLM). The improved WCLM has the combined benefits of the dBASE III command language and the reduced processing requirements of the node substitution algorithm. This provides user friendliness and fast and flexible data manipulation, while the node substitution algorithm allows the WCLM to model regionwide problems in reasonable time and with reasonable effort. The improved WCLM has been successfully used to model the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA's) Southern Region. The WCLM was able to model the various configurations required by the region, and it produced the optimal combination of work centers acceptable to the region  相似文献   

International standardization has always been important to the smooth flow of world trade but today, with the breakup of empire and the rapid birth of new nations, the more affluent countries must re-examine their standardization policies. The first step toward international standards came in 1906 with the creation of the IEC, and in 1946 the ISO was founded. However, U.S. business has been notoriously apathetic in its attitude, with the result that many sales have been lost because of the incompatibility of American and foreign standards. With the predicted merger of IEC and ISO into what is hoped will be an imaginative, dynamic organization, the U.S. should find an incentive for more vigorous participation.  相似文献   

Forecast traffic growth for the 1980-1995 time period will exceed the capacity of the present airport and air traffic control automation system in high-density areas. If traffic growth is to be accommodated, higher levels of automation are required. The Department of Transportation Air Traffic Control Advisory Committee (September 1968-August 1969) established a computer sizing group to determine the feasibility of achieving the necessary level of automation within the projected technology. This paper presents a model of the future system, a summary of the functions automated, and estimates of the necessary computer instruction rate and storage requirements as developed by this computer sizing group.  相似文献   

本文对空管二次代码的使用方式进行了阐述,并对青岛自动化系统的二次代码处理方式进行了描述,分析了二次代码使用不足问题产生的原因,最后,从系统设计和实际使用的角度给出了应对的方法.  相似文献   

The authors address the optimization of three major components of the US Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) hybrid leased/owned ground communications system supporting air traffic control (ATC). The optimizations are performed with respect to cost, performance, and reliability. First, optimization of the radio communications link (RCL) backbone microwave transmission system is discussed. A heuristic optimization procedure that minimizes cost subject to capital cost and availability constraints is presented. Second, two levels of user access network (UAN) optimization are discussed. The first level is optimization of the selection of RCL sites to open as drop-and-insert points for access by private leased-line UANs. The second level is optimization of the selection of transmission media used for implementing UANs. A dynamic programming method is presented for identifying FAA facilities where low-density microwave UANs are cost-effective. Third, optimization of the National Airspace Data Interchange Network (NADIN) II packet data switching system is discussed. Because this network will use the FAA-owned RCL transmission resources, the primary measures for optimization are performance and reliability instead of cost. Two methods are presented for this problem: an analytic method and a simulation method  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the work of the Beacon Systems Panel of the Air Traffic Control Advisory Committee.  相似文献   

机动多功能航管雷达系统是在传统固定站式航路监视雷达研究基础上,具有高机动、高可靠、多功能、智能化、高数据率的新雷达技术系统,以满足在特定环境下对中低空和机场空域航路监视的要求。该雷达系统按照功能划分为雷达子系统、ATC子系统、应急通信子系统。叙述了机动多功能航管雷达系统的设计原理和技术特点。  相似文献   

空管信息系统需要依靠物理网络平台即局域网存在,而实际运行中所使用的由通讯运营商所提供的传输线路并不能得到完全的控制并给予充分信任,所以建立基于局域网的空管信息系统安全策略是非常重要的工作。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一套基于PXI总线的半实物仿真系统的设计与实现,该系统用于验证某数据传输系统在满载荷工作的情况下用户数量对多址干扰的影响。经过仿真试验,该半实物仿真系统完全能够模拟数据传输系统在多用户情况下的多径干扰情况,并得出了产生多径干扰时的用户终端数量。试验验证表明。该半实物仿真系统达到了设计要求。  相似文献   

Interface reliability issue has become a major concern in developing flip chip assembly. The CTE mismatch between different material layers may induce severe interface delamination reliability problem. In this study, multifunctional micro-moiré interferometry (M3I) system was utilized to study the interfacial response of flip chip assembly under accelerated thermal cycling (ATC) in the temperature range of −40 °C to 125 °C. This in-situ measurement provided good interpretation of interfacial behavior of delaminated flip chip assembly. Finite element analysis (FEA) was carried out by introducing viscoelastic properties of underfill material. The simulation results were found to be in good agreement with the experimental results. Interfacial fracture mechanics was used to quantify interfacial fracture toughness and mode mixity of the underfill/chip interface under the ATC loading. It was found that the interfacial toughness is not only relative to CTE mismatch but also a function of stiffness mismatch between chip/underfill.  相似文献   

戴斐 《信息技术》2011,(6):73-76
我国民用航空事业的快速发展,导致原有的民航用甚高频的频率和设备数量已不能满足使用需求,近些年来民航甚高频频率和设备量都在以极大的数量增长,对频率的使用和管理带来了诸如:频率串扰,设备维护数据庞大,维护数据跟踪困难,路由资料缺漏等众多问题。在详细分析了本地区民用航空甚高频产生的频率串扰原因,对管理室范围内分散的甚高频频率和设备进行集中高效的管理需求基础上,利用运用SQL SERVER数据库和Visual C#2010集成开发工具,自行研发一套贴合实际应用的空管甚高频频率以及甚高频地空通信设备管理系统。系统自投入使用半年多以来,运行稳定,使用方便快捷,为值班人员提供了解决频率串扰问题的有效工具,并且极大地提高了本管理室对于甚高频频率管理的效率。  相似文献   

珠海终端区主用空管自动化系统将使用南京莱斯生产的NUMEN-3000系统,为进一步了解NUMEN-3000系统,帮助技术维护人员深入掌握系统的原理及其维护。文章从系统总体架构、系统配置、席位配置等方面对系统进行分析。  相似文献   

介绍在一点多址微波通信系统上加装数字接口模块的方案.  相似文献   

在智能电网的背景下,大量异构电力信息系统之间需要进行高频率、高可靠、大数据量和可拓展的数据交换,为此文中提出一种面向事件的消息传递解决方案。该解决方案着眼于电力系统的双向信息流的有效传递,采用消息中间件方式为电力信息系统提供能够屏蔽底层消息传递具体细节的编程接口函数,同时通过消息数据的分类与分区提高消息并行写入与读取,提高消息处理系统的性能。测试结果表明,所提出的基于消息传递的、数据交互解决方案能够在性能和拓展两个方面满足电力信息系统日益苛刻的数据交互需求。  相似文献   

在详细分析了某科室对各个分散的雷达站内的资产进行集中高效的管理需求基础上,利用SQL Sever数据库和Visual C++6.0集成开发工具,自行研发一套贴合实际应用的固定资产管理系统。系统自投入使用一年多以来,运行稳定,使用方便快捷,极大地提高了某科室固定资产管理工作的效率。  相似文献   

A road to future broadband wireless access: MIMO-OFDM-Based air interface   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing is a popular method for high-data-rate wireless transmission. OFDM may be combined with multiple antennas at both the access point and mobile terminal to increase diversity gain and/or enhance system capacity on a time-varying multipath fading channel, resulting in a multiple-input multiple-output OFDM system. In this article we give a brief technical overview of MIMO-OFDM system design. We focus on various research topics for the MIMO-OFDM-based air interface, including spatial channel modeling, MIMO-OFDM transceiver design, MIMO-OFDM channel estimation, space-time techniques for MIMO-OFDM, and error correction code. The corresponding link-level simulation results are encouraging, and show that MIMO-OFDM is a promising road to future broadband wireless access.  相似文献   

渐冻症患者随着病情的发展会逐渐丧失语言功能,无法通过语言表达内心需求,造成较大的心理压力,为了帮助渐冻人能够轻松地与外界交流,本文为渐冻人设计了一种人机交互系统.由于患者会逐渐丧失行动能力,本文设计了眨眼识别算法,该识别算法能够识别出眨眼的面部动作,并且区分接收到的眨眼信号是否为患者有意识地眨眼.交互系统配以图形界面,...  相似文献   

针对在胜利油田电力系统中不同类型的电力线载波通信设备之间连接和组网时遇到的技术问题,分别介绍了ZBD-3B型与ZJ-5型载波机的自动盘接口的工作和转接原理,从如何将话音与呼叫控制信号进行组合和隔离的分析角度,提出了音转接口板的设计原理和方法,并顺利制作和调试成功,解决了海洋变电站与调度中心的通信问题。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a picture reference system for a cyber art gallery. The picture reference system is a client-server system on the Internet and consists of the associative picture database (server) and the visual user interface (client). The implementation by client-server system enables us to implement a distributed cyber art gallery. The associative picture database searches pictures by using conceptual fuzzy sets. The conceptual fuzzy sets are implemented by bidirectional associative memory and Hopfield neural network. The visual user interface without keyboard and mouse, captures user's movement and informs it to the system as a command. To show pictures attractively, the visual user interface provides some visual-effect functions. We implement and evaluate the picture reference system.  相似文献   

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