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Various nonpetroleum vehicle system concepts for passenger vehicles in the 1990's are being considered as part of the Advanced Vehicle (AV) Assessment at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The vehicle system and subsystem performance requirements, the projected characteristics of mature subsystem candidates, and promising systems are presented. The system candidates include electric and hybrid vehicles powered by electricity with or without a nonpetroleum power source. The subsystem candidates include batteries (aqueous-mobile, flow, high-temperature, and metal-air), fuel cells (phosphoric acid, advanced acids, and solid polymer electrolyte), nonpetroleum heat engines, advanced dc and ac propulsion components, power-peaking devices, and transmissions.  相似文献   

智能小车采用TI公司的MSP430F2274单片机作为核心控制芯片,由液晶显示模块、电机驱动模块、传感器模块、电源模块组成。在机械结构上,用两个直流电机作为两个前轮,再外加一个从动轮,使小车的转向更加灵敏。采用PWM驱动芯片控制电机,红外LED和一体化接收头来避障。基于可靠的硬件设计和稳定的软件算法,实现避障、测速等功能。  相似文献   

智能小车采用TI公司的MSP430F2274单片机作为核心控制芯片,由液晶显示模块、电机驱动模块、传感器模块、电源模块组成。在机械结构上,用两个直流电机作为两个前轮,再外加一个从动轮,使小车的转向更加灵敏。采用PWM驱动芯片控制电机,红外LED和一体化接收头来避障。基于可靠的硬件设计和稳定的软件算法,实现避障、测速等功能。  相似文献   

This paper discusses a simulation and modeling package developed at Texas A&M University, V-Elph 2.01. V-Elph facilitates in-depth studies of electric vehicle (EV) and hybrid EV (HEV) configurations or energy management strategies through visual programming by creating components as hierarchical subsystems that can be used interchangeably as embedded systems. V-Elph is composed of detailed models of four major types of components: electric motors, internal combustion engines, batteries, and support components that can be integrated to model and simulate drive trains having all electric, series hybrid, and parallel hybrid configurations. V-Elph was written in the Matlab/Simulink graphical simulation language and is portable to most computer platforms. This paper also discusses the methodology for designing vehicle drive trains using the V-Elph package. An EV, a series HEV, a parallel HEV, and a conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) driven drive train have been designed using the simulation package. Simulation results such as fuel consumption, vehicle emissions, and complexity are compared and discussed for each vehicle  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于磁耦合谐振的电动汽车无线充电系统的设计方法.首先介绍了磁耦合谐振式无线充电技术的传输机理;其次提出系统的整体设计结构、DC-DC斩波电路和单相全桥逆变电路的设计方法;再次,设计了三段式电池充电管理系统;最后完成以ARM单片机为控制核心的系统设计.实验证明,该系统具有优异的充电性能和广泛的可推广性.  相似文献   

电池管理系统直接监测管理蓄电池的充放电过程,对电池组的安全高效运行至关重要.该纯电动汽车蓄电池管理系统由前端4个独立数据采集部分和1个中央处理机组成,数据经过预处理后通过处理器P87C591内配置的CAN总线传给中央处理机,系统实现了对采集部分的数据监测、分析处理、存储及故障报警等功能.样机实验表明,系统运行稳定,具有一定的应用参考价值.  相似文献   

本文介绍继电控制系统在工业运输电动车中综合应用的基本工作原理,通过继电控制系统控制电动机供电线路,实现电机正转、反转、停机,从而达到了电动车正向、反向运行和随时停车的目的。该系统设计简单,适合控制往返重复运动的工业运输电动车,并且能降低工业生产成本,有效提高生产效率。  相似文献   

本文利用GPRS传输系统实现了纯电动汽车数据采集传输系统的设计应用,利用了GPRS数据传输的实时性、高可靠性和高性价比的特点.该设计适用于交通、电力、能源、环境、金融等领域.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济社会的不断发展和人们生活水平的显著提高,汽车已经走进千家万户成为人们出行的主要交通工具之一.伴随而来的就是在一些城市尤其是在北京、上海、广州等大型城市,空气污染问题也变得越来越严重,其中PM2.5监测数值爆表的现象屡见不鲜.因此,如何进一步转变汽车主要依赖石油能源的现状、攻克更加清洁环保的混合动力电动汽车技术,成为了关系到汽车行业能否长远健康发展的一大难题.本文主要阐述混合动力电动车技术的现状、前景、研发要点以及需要研究的关键技术.  相似文献   

吴金华 《电子测试》2021,(6):23-24,76
本文研究中针对基于耦合变压器补偿技术的电动汽车无线充电系统优化设计进行分析,使系统的设计更加科学合理,以更好进行电动汽车充电.  相似文献   

随着环境保护意识的逐渐提升,人们对于环境保护的关注度也在升高,在这样的背景下寻求新的能源成为环境保护中的关键性问题。电能作为洁净能源,对电能的使用可以实现能源的节约管理,因此储能式电动汽车出现并且得到社会各界的认可,但储能式汽车毕竟对电量的存储是暂时的。为了保证汽车的能源持续性,需要对储能式电动汽车进行电能补充,因此需要对充电站进行研究和设计,采用更加科学的管理方法,保证储能式电动汽车的使用效率提升。文章主要针对一种储能式电动汽车充电站的研究与设计进行分析研究。  相似文献   

近年限于环境和能源的压力,电动汽车及相关产业受到国内外广泛关注.电动汽车正常工作的前提是需要充足的电能,以至于及时为车载动力电池补充电能成为关键.该文分别从硬件和软件两方面介绍了一种基于ARM+Windows CE 6.0平台的车载导航系统.该系统采用GPS和GPRS相结合的技术,实现了在电动汽车电池电量低的情况下,通...  相似文献   

为了满足电动汽车蓄电池快速无损伤充电的要求,设计了基于NEC单片机+SG3525的充电控制系统。该控制系统采用慢脉冲快速充电方法,对动力蓄电池按给定的曲线进行高效的快速脉冲充电。对单片机控制系统外围电路和软件进行了设计。进行了蓄电池充电实验,结果表明,系统可以较好的实现对动力蓄电池的快速无损伤充电。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to increase the energy efficiency of an electric vehicle (EV) with a wound-field synchronous motor (WFSM). Therefore, methods are proposed to estimate and improve the energy efficiency of the EV as well as the performance of the WFSM. The following contributions are provided: 1) EV model as well as the mathematical model of the electric motor are explained considering the common Artemis driving cycle (CADC); 2) a control method for maximizing the energy efficiency of the electric motor is proposed; 3) analysis methods for calculating the circuit parameters (resistance, inductance, and flux linkage) and losses (ohmic, iron, and mechanical loss) are described. The efficiency of the machine is accurately determined using the proposed analysis method; 4) based on the proposed methods, the design process of the WFSM is proposed to improve the energy efficiency considering the vehicle system and driving cycle; and 5) the proposed methods are verified through tests of the prototype and improved motor. As a result, through the proposed design and control method, even though the volume of the improved motor was 7.8% smaller than that of the prototype, the efficiency of the improved motor was higher than that of the prototype in all regions. In addition, to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed methods, the performance of the electric vehicle considering the driving cycle was analyzed according to the characteristics of the electric motor. The energy loss of the improved motor with the proposed control and design method was 63.3% less than that of the prototype. Accordingly, the energy efficiency of the vehicle system and the energy consumption of the battery increased by 7.8%p and decreased by 2.0 kWh, respectively.  相似文献   

An overview of electric vehicle technology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An overview of the present status and future trends in electric vehicle technology is provided. The emphasis is on the impact of rapid development of electric motors, power electronics, microelectronics, and new materials. Comparisons are made among various electric drive systems and battery systems. The market size of electric vehicles in the coming years and the potential electric vehicle impacts are discussed  相似文献   

Advances in motors and drives can make a significant improvement in the performance and cost effectiveness of electric vehicles (EV's)--increasing the vehicle range by as much as 20 percent, while reducing costs as much as 15 percent below present levels. Preliminary studies suggest that improvements in conventional dc motors and drives can only achieve modest improvements (about 3 percent in range and 10 percent in costs). Two advanced motor concepts-- electronically-commutated motors and permanent-magnet motors-- appear more promising.  相似文献   

本文结合电动汽车的动力特征,对其电液制动控制系统进行了优化。综合分析制动强度要求、电机、电池特性,获得了最佳的制动力分配比;在这基础之上,考虑到不同附着系数的道路使用情况,得到优化的汽车前后轴的制动力系数;并通过计算机仿真技术来对该控制系统的性能进行验证。  相似文献   

以高校校园建设成果和主要交通工具为启示,提出可以将观光电动车引入校园,给出了校园观光电动车的设计思路,并针对8座电动观光汽车进行了外观选择、总体布置、参数设计、主要零部件设计与选择等工作。研究表明,引入电动观光汽车不仅能够满足观光需求,解决交通问题,还能体现环保、经济、安全等理念;电动车的外观选择应要与校园风格相融合;参数设计与选择根据设计要求和相关规范进行。  相似文献   

Unified modeling of hybrid electric vehicle drivetrains   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hybridizing automotive drivetrains, or using more than one type of energy converter, is considered an important step toward very low pollutant emission and high fuel economy. The automotive industry and governments in the United States, Europe, and Japan have formed strategic initiatives with the aim of cooperating in the development of new vehicle technologies. Efforts to meet fuel economy and exhaust emission targets have initiated major advances in hybrid drivetrain system components, including: high-efficiency high-specific power electric motors and controllers; load-leveling devices such as ultracapacitors and fly-wheels; hydrogen and direct-methanol fuel cells; direct injection diesel and Otto cycle engines; and advanced batteries. The design of hybrid electric vehicles is an excellent example of the need for mechatronic system analysis and design methods. If one is to fully realize the potential of using these technologies, a complete vehicle system approach for component selection and optimization over typical driving situations is required. The control problems that arise in connection with hybrid power trains are significant and pose additional challenges to power-train control engineers. The principal aim of the paper is to propose a framework for the analysis, design, and control of optimum hybrid vehicles within the context of energy and power flow analysis. The approaches and results presented in the paper are one step toward the development of a complete toolbox for the analysis and design of hybrid vehicles  相似文献   

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