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Josephson plasma in various high-T c cuprates with and without magnetic field is studied by using the sphere resonance method. For Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8+, the plasma in a zero magnetic field exists at 5 cm –1 for a slightly overdoped sample (T c = 85 K) and shifts to 11 cm –1 as the doping increases (T c = 71 K). For SmLa 1–x Sr x CuO 3.95 (T* phase), two peaks appear at 11 and 30 cm –1 in a zero magnetic field, and both peaks shift to lower frequencies as the magnetic field increases. These peaks are identified as the Josephson plasma of the intrinsic Josephson junction at the fluorite-type Sm 2 O 2 block layer and the rocksalt-type (La,Sr) 2 O 2– block layer, respectively. This indicates that the T* phase can be regarded as the ···S/I/S/I/S/I/S/I/S··· (···superconductor/insulator1/superconductor/insulator2/superconductor···) -type Josephson junction array.  相似文献   

A simple physical picture of high-T c superconductivity of CuO2 planes is proposed. It possesses all characteristic features of HTS, such as a high superconducting transition temperature, the $d_{x^{2}-y^{2}}$ symmetry of order parameter, and the coexistence of a single-electron Fermi surface and a pseudogap in the normal state. Values of pseudogap are calculated for different doping levels.  相似文献   

We provide a brief summary of the observed sum rule anomalies in the high-T c cuprate materials. A recent issue has been the impact of a non-infinite frequency cutoff in the experiment. In the normal state, the observed anomalously high temperature dependence can be explained as a ‘cutoff effect’. The anomalous rise in the optical spectral weight below the superconducting transition, however, remains as a solid experimental observation, even with the use of a cutoff frequency.  相似文献   

We studied the low-temperature energy gap 2 0 on Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 o 8+ (Bi2212) and La 2–x Sr x CuCO 4 (La214) systematically over a wide range of doping level p using STS, break junction tunneling spectroscopy, Raman scattering and low-T electronic specific heat data. We have also studied the electronic specific heat of La214 in the normal state at T > T c , and confirmed that pseudogap behavior appears at around T*, below which the in-plane resistivity and magnetic susceptibility tend to be slightly suppressed. Similar suppression appears in and of Bi2212 below the onset temperature of pseudogap T*. It is pointed out in the present study that 2 0 is closely related to T* in both Bi2212 and La214 systems; T* 2 0 /4.3k B . It is also pointed out that 2 0 is in almost linear proportion to k B T max ( T*), where T max is the temperature exhibiting a broad peak in –T curves and k B T max can be considered to give a measure of the effective antiferromagnetic exchange energy J eff. The factors in 2 0 k B T max J eff are 1 for La214 and 2 for Bi2212, respectively. We also report that in both Bi22l2 and La214 systems T c roughly scales with p 0 except in highly doped samples, where T c 2 0 .  相似文献   

We develop the strong-coupling theory of coexisting charge-density-wave (CDW) and superconductivityd-wave gaps within the framework of the FLEX (fluctuation exchange) approximation for the two-dimensional Hubbard model. For nested sections of the Fermi surface these equations reduce to the previous FLEX equations for superconductivity where the squared energy gap s 2 in the denominator of the Green's function is replaced by ( s 2 + c 2 ) (here s is the superconductivity and c the CDW gap). We solve these equations by taking for c a phenomenologicald-wave gap. The resulting neutron scattering intensity, spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 , Knight shift, resistivity, and photoemission intensity are in qualitative agreement with the data on underdoped high-Tc cuprates. TheTc for superconductivity decreases and the crossover temperature T* for 1/T1Tincreases with increasing gap amplitude of c which is in qualitative agreement with the phase diagram for underdoped cuprates.  相似文献   

We argue that the collective mode as observed in angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) on a large class of cuprates can be associated with dynamic incommensurate CDW fluctuations present in these materials. This scenario is substantiated by a comparison of calculated spectra with experimental ARPES data where we obtain a mode frequency which decreases towards optimal doping thus strongly supporting the existence of a quantum critical point around this concentration. Moreover we extract the temperature dependence of the associated bosonic spectrum from ARPES data where it turns out that there is a continuous evolution from mode-type behavior below T c to a marginal Fermi liquid structure well above T c.  相似文献   

We have worked out the theory of d-wave superconductivity of the doped cuprate that is consistent with up-to-date data on the basis of the assumption of two-channel Kondo fixed point of the latter. Strong local Coulomb scattering between carriers combined with strong and weak involvement, respectively, of charge (spin) fluctuations and phonons in pairing justify the assumption of two-channel Kondo effect in the doped cuprate. This is true for diverse other data as well. The assumption explains not only the d-wave superconductivity but also all the relevant physics of this material.  相似文献   

To study how the high-T c order parameter (OP) evolves under the injection of spin-polarized quasiparticles, STM spectroscopy has been performed on superconductor/ferromagnet thin-film heterostructures comprising YBa2Cu3O7–x (YBCO) and La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 (LCMO) at 4.2 K. Quasiparticle-tunneling and Andreev-reflection characteristics measured on the YBCO under spin-injection from the LCMO were analyzed with the d-wave Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk theory, to reveal a spectral evolution which provides direct evidence for dynamic magnetic pair-breaking. The spectral analysis also shows the d-wave OP to remain time-reversal invariant as it is suppressed by the spin-injection. These results are discussed in terms of the general search for quantum-critical points in the high-T c phase diagram.  相似文献   

From zero-field-cooled and field-cooled magnetic response, we have determined the irreversibility lines for a number of high-T c oxides, viz., La(Sr)-214, Nd-223, Dy(Tb)-124, (Tl, Pb)-1212, and Tl-11112, in the H–T plane, which fit the relation H=A(1 –T/T c ) n . Our results are consistent with a correlation between the anisotropy of the structure and the value of n, is in agreement with the Josephson decoupling model [1].  相似文献   

We carry out a theoretical study of the bilayer single-band Hubbard model in the undoped and in the superconducting phases by means of the variational cluster approach. In particular, we focus on the splitting between the ??bonding?? and ??antibonding?? bands induced by the interlayer hopping, as well as its interplay with strong correlation effects. We find that the splitting is considerably suppressed in both the normal and superconducting phases, in qualitative agreement with experiments on Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+?? . In addition, in the superconducting phase, the shape of the splitting in k space is modified by correlations.  相似文献   

The gap-to-T c ratio (R) of high-temperature superconductors is calculated in the context of d symmetry of the superconducting order parameter and a two-dimensional Van Hove singularity in the density of states, using the BCS theory for weak coupling. Exact numerical calculation and an analytic formula for R are given. The ratios are found to be substantially larger than the BCS weak coupling limit of 3.53. The overall dependence of R on ω D /T c, where ω D is the cutoff frequency, is given.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that the high-T c cuprates in the pseudogap states, which is called pseudogapbody, have many advantages over the semiconductors for making room temperature electronic devices. This paper predicts that the pseudogapbody will replace the semiconductors in many applications, and pseudogapbody electronics will appear as a new subject.  相似文献   

Band structure calculations are presented for large supercells of Ba2CuO4 (BCO) with O-vacancies in planar or apical positions, and of superoxygenated La2CuO4 (LCO) with oxygen interstitials in the La2O2 layers. It is found that apical oxygen vacancies in BCO act as electron dopants and makes the electronic structure similar to that of hole doped LCO. Excess oxygen interstitials forming wires in the La2O2 layers of LCO are shown to yield a much larger density-of-states at the Fermi energy than for the stoichiometric compound related with a segmentation of the Fermi surface. Antiferromagnetic (AFM) spin fluctuations are strengthened by O-vacancies in BCO as well as by oxygen interstitials in LCO, but are strongly suppressed in O-deficient LCO. Our results indicate the complexity of doping by O-vacancies, and by ordered defects that are a significant factor controlling the electronic properties of cuprates.  相似文献   

The optical spectra of some high-Tc cuprates show anomalous bump around 450 cm –1 and dramatic phonon changes for E parallel to c axis, which grows at low temperatures. This phenomenon has been observed in Yba 2 Cu 3 O 6.6, YBa 2 Cu 4 O 8 and Pb 2 Sr 2 RCu 3 O 8 , but not in (La,Sr) 2 CuO 4. In this study, we report the first observation of a similar anomaly in underdoped Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8. The spectra were measured from two mosaics of Ba 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8 with T c 80 K and 60 K. Considering that these spectral features seem to be common for all high-T c cuprates with double CuO pyramids, we propose one plausible explanation that it is attributed to the second Josephson plasmon for intracell coupling in the Josephson coupled layer model.  相似文献   

Behavior of ab (T) and R H(T) is presented for LSCO and YBCO single crystals in the lightly hole-doped antiferromagnetic region, with an emphasis on the R H(T) data. In both systems, R H is virtually constant at moderate temperatures and tends to increase at low temperatures. Since essentially the same behavior of ab (T) and R H(T) is observed in both LSCO and YBCO, we discuss that the in-plane charge transport properties are universal among the cuprates in the lightly-doped regime and that the R H(T) data we obtained represent the genuine behavior of the Hall effect in this regime.  相似文献   

We develop a diagram technique for the self-consistent treatment of the long-range Coulomb interaction and on-site Hubbard repulsion in the normal and superconducting state of high-T c cuprates. The resultant analytical expression for the “screened” matrix elements taking into account long-range and on-site repulsion has been derived. In particular, it accounts for processes with and without spin-flip due to an exchange of spin and charge density fluctuations. Furthermore, we derive the expressions for the normal and anomalous self-energy parts near the superconducting transition temperature T c that takes into account the vertex corrections including crossing diagrams. The contribution of the crossing parts is taken within the ladder approximation (similar to Fluctuation-Exchange approximation) where the role of Hubbard on-site interaction is replaced by the Coulomb matrix element with a spin-flip averaged over the momentum. Finally, the developed scheme allows to analyze the formation of d-wave superconductivity and its stability in presence of the long-range Coulomb repulsion within a self-consistent anisotropic Eliashberg-like approach.  相似文献   

The pressure dependence of the transition temperature of the mercury-based cuprates is analyzed through a phenomenological model, based on the inverted parabolic relation between the critical temperature (T c ) and the hole concentration per CuO2 layer (n). It is found that another inverted parabolic relation between the pressure dependence of the superconducting transition temperature at the optimum hole concentration and the pressure fit the recent experimental results of the mercury-based superconductors. This relation leads to a universal relation that is obeyed not only by mercury-based cuprates but also by many other high T c compounds. In contrast to earlier studies, the transition temperature at pressure p (T c (p)) is always less than the transition temperature for the optimum hole concentration (T op c (p)) in agreement with the experiment. The effect of the pressure-induced change in the hole concentration on the transition temperature is found to be small compared to the intrinsic effects.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical study of the in-plane resistivity ρ a b (T) and Hall coefficient R H (T) within the polaronic model and precursor pairing scenario by considering a two-component charge carrier picture in the normal state of high-temperature superconducting cuprates (HTSC). Here, we use a Boltzmann-equation approach and extended BCS-like model to compute ρ a b (T) and R H (T) in the τ-approximation. The opening of the pseudogap (PG) in the normal state of the cuprates should affect their transport properties. We have found that the transition to the PG regime and the effective conductivity of charge carriers in the normal state are responsible for the pronounced non-linear temperature dependence of ρ a b and R H . With the two-component model analysis, we conclude that the opening of the BCS-like PG, while the non-linear temperature dependence of ρ a b and R H could be understood as a consequence of pairing fluctuations in the PG state of cuprate superconductors. The calculated results for ρ a b (T) and R H (T) were compared with the experimental data obtained for various hole-doped cuprates. For all the considered cases, a good quantitative agreement was found between theory and experimental data. We also show that the energy scales of the binding energies of charge carriers are identified by PG crossover temperature on the cuprate phase diagram.  相似文献   

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