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杨龑 《住宅科技》2021,(5):33-41
在分析城市街区更新与绿色改造构成目标关联性的基础上,总结城市街区绿色改造的规划设计要素,构建城市街区绿色改造规划设计框架;并在"整体性、技术适用性、经济性"原则的指导下,提出城市街区绿色改造的五大规划设计策略,即:减少交通出行策略、降低建筑能耗策略、改善微气候策略、用地集约利用策略和节约用水策略.  相似文献   

通过分析华中科技大学校园空间结构变化对教职员工交通出行方式选择的影响,得出传统单位大院式街区空间结构为人们选择低碳的交通出行方式创造了必要的空间组织条件.进一步提出城市规划要摈弃单一功能的居住大盘、单一功能的工业区、单一功能的中心区,重组城市街区空间结构,建设功能混合的城市街区、减少碳排放.  相似文献   

姚海容 《规划师》2011,27(Z1):60-67
上海龙华历史街区控制性详细规划调整及城市设计通过现状调查、优劣势分析、调整背景、城市设计引导等方法,针对历史街区的保护与更新,提出风貌保护和文化传承、合理开发和适度发展、梳理交通和发挥区域优势、营造场所精神空间等规划理念,并对历史街区规划设计中值得关注的一些问题进行研究,以期为其他传统历史街区更新项目的规划设计提供借鉴...  相似文献   

城市的建成环境,尤其是有着悠久历史的城市,无论是街区结构还是街道空间,均随着城市职能的演变而不断更新形成。就城市中的街区而言,所承载的商业、交通、人群生活等功能,以及产业功能的类型和规模等,均对应构成了物质空间不断更新发展的影响要素。不同的城市功能类型和规模,对应着不同的物质空间要素,从而使得街道空间呈现出不同的样貌。地处首都核心区西南,有着“中国茶叶第一街”之誉的马连道街区,在茶产业上有着清晰的功能发展脉络,也在街区的物质空间上投下了鲜明的时代特征。随着首都核心区“四个中心”的发展战略建设,马连道街区由承担茶产业区域集聚和贸易的功能,向承担茶文化国际交流功能的方面进行提升转型。基于街区“产业转型— 空间更新”相对应连贯的建设逻辑,研究空间更新的价值取向就成为了规划设计的前导,由此构成贯穿规划设计工作的主线,并形成空间更新的要素组合规则。  相似文献   

郭亮  黄博 《华中建筑》2014,(11):134-139
该文基于对武汉八个典型街区的街区用地模式、交通设施配置、交通管理组织、周边房产信息等要素与街区居民出行特征的调查与比对,分析了不同街区环境要素对居民低碳出行的影响机理,为适合低碳出行的城市街区用地与交通环境构建提供了一定的指导。  相似文献   

中国城市的快速发展形成了很多"超大封闭小区",导致交通堵塞、街道失去活力、住区空间孤岛化、城市公共资源私有化、城市运行维护的公共成本和城市居民的生活成本不断提升、土地空间利用效率受到限制等诸多城市问题.借鉴欧洲城市"街区制"空间布局的经验,国家倡导"小街区、密路网",建设开放街区,提升交通疏解能力,提倡低碳出行,促进邻...  相似文献   

为改进传统交通方式划分模型,体现历史街区的特点以及提高预测精度,综合考虑历史街区的交通特性、出行特性及出行者特性3方面因素对交通方式选择的影响,以西安、洛阳、开封及郑州4个历史街区的居民出行调查数据为例进行实证分析,建立了基于BP神经网络算法的交通方式选择模型。结果表明:预测值与实际调查值基本吻合,模型具有一定的实用价值,可作为交通需求预测及交通规划的一种有效模型工具。  相似文献   

在城市快速进程中,陕西渭南老城历史街区的特质空间正在被"同质化"的建筑所替代。从基因视角,在路径、边界、区域、节点和标志五个方面对历史街区的空间基因进行定性与定量解析,梳理街区在空间方面特有的基因元素。在解析历史街区空间特征的基础上,提出识别与提取、还原与修补、遗传与变异三个历史街区空间修复设计策略,从而确保渭南老城在城市格局、街区肌理、历史性建筑三个空间层面维持原有的空间基因,并进行持续有效的空间生长。研究对以城市空间文脉传承、保持地域特征为目标的城市设计工作提供了科学的依据和参考。  相似文献   

本文通过对以往多项量化研究结果的总结和分析,探讨了在街区和社区尺度下城市环境特征与步行出行选择的关系,明确了能够鼓励人们步行出行的城市环境特征。研究结果对建立绿色交通理念下的城市空间环境设计具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

"窄马路、密路网、开放式街区"作为实现新型城镇化的一种空间载体,具有开放便捷、尺度适宜等优势。以交通、健康、活力为目标,分析不同用地功能区的开放式街区特点,创新性地从机动车与慢行交通行为特征、出行健康属性和街道活力3个方面研究开放式街区的技术特征及适用条件,对提升街区建设品质和街道建设水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, urban restructuring of segregated neighbourhoods has transformed many urban districts, in the Netherlands and elsewhere; middle class households have entered neighbourhoods which were previously inhabited by lower class. Some argue that this influx of middle class has happened at the expense of the displaced original population. We investigated this process of (forced) relocation from restructured neighbourhoods. In contrast with earlier studies, individual level data have been provided directly by one of the Amsterdam housing associations involved in this process. This offered the opportunity to analyse population data, not a sample, of all relocatees from four particular urban restructuring projects in Amsterdam. We investigated location preferences before relocation as well as actual residential location behaviour per household and relocatee type and compared characteristics of their old and new dwellings and neighbourhoods. One of the findings is that forced relocation often parallels preferences expressed by the displaced.  相似文献   

Attention to the physical characteristics of the urban environment is the fundamental aspect of urban studies. Despite the many theoretical contributions that explore the interaction between space and social phenomena from a theoretical point of view, we still find today the absence of a general empirical reflection on this issue. In this article the results of the doctoral thesis of the author will be presented, where the relationship between the socio-physical characteristics of the neighbourhood and community participation has been studied. The reason why we focused on the community participation lies on the need to explore the role played by urban environment in affecting the propensity by dwellers to participate to local activities. Since most of literature on community participation draw the attention only to the socio-demographics factors, we want to stress the impact of socio-physical variables in affecting the phenomenon here presented. The research has been carried out using the contribute of environmental psychology, from which we took the methodology in order to address the study of the interaction between humans and environments. Multivariate regression models show a high explanatory capacity of spatial variables on community participation and the effect of sociodemographic variables is in fact marginal. The results of the analyses show that the socio-physical characteristics of the neighbourhoods studied are not a passive background of the social phenomenon, but are variables that intervenes directly in. The research thus reveals the active role played by spatial factors in neighbourhoods when local participation processes occur In the neighbourhoods, improving the scientific debate on the community participation and urban studies.  相似文献   

Landscape architects have been using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) primarily for large-scale applications such as regional, environmental, ecological and natural resources planning and management. GIS applications are explored for the smaller-scale urban landscapes of communities and neighbourhoods. It is described how a community-based GIS was used in a participatory neighbourhood planning process to enhance communication between planners, community groups and local residents. This case study, which reflects on the experience of a design team at the University of Illinois at Chicago, found that a community GIS was highly useful for urban landscape and design, particularly when augmented with a variety of other computerized and non-computerized techniques. In this case free-hand sketching by a trained artist and three-dimensional software that could create representations of the designs as they were in process were incorporated. This combination of tools proved effective for increasing community understanding and participation in the designing and revitalization of their neighbourhoods.  相似文献   

Landscape architects have been using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) primarily for large-scale applications such as regional, environmental, ecological and natural resources planning and management. GIS applications are explored for the smaller-scale urban landscapes of communities and neighbourhoods. It is described how a community-based GIS was used in a participatory neighbourhood planning process to enhance communication between planners, community groups and local residents. This case study, which reflects on the experience of a design team at the University of Illinois at Chicago, found that a community GIS was highly useful for urban landscape and design, particularly when augmented with a variety of other computerized and non-computerized techniques. In this case free-hand sketching by a trained artist and three-dimensional software that could create representations of the designs as they were in process were incorporated. This combination of tools proved effective for increasing community understanding and participation in the designing and revitalization of their neighbourhoods.  相似文献   


The emergence of geographic concentrations of non-heterosexual individuals – so-called “gaybourhoods” – is often linked to housing, demographic characteristics of the non-straight population and wider discrimination. These neighbourhoods are associated with narratives of gentrification with the non-straight population acting as gentrification pioneers. In popular imagery, non-straight households are typically portrayed with higher disposable income, and more likely to live in owner-occupied apartments in affluent neighbourhoods. This paper presents data from the Scottish Health Survey showing a disproportionate concentration of non-heterosexual people in the most deprived places in Scotland. These neighbourhoods are predominantly peripheral housing estates, dominated by social housing; not gentrifying inner-city neighbourhoods. We use data from the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) to interrogate individual characteristics that might explain this spatial concentration of residence. We argue this means the narratives of LGBT gentrification and affluence should be regarded with caution given ongoing exclusion and deprivation among the non-heterosexual population.  相似文献   

Increased mobility has posed a challenge to the study of social segregation which conventionally adapts a static view in linking people's source of identity and social interaction to confined spaces of their residence. This is a paper reporting an exploratory study in the use of a mobile phone app in tracking the mobility patterns of selected sample of people in Hong Kong. It explores the impacts of mobility on whom people engage their activities with, how they interact with people in their home neighbourhood and how much likely they would in interacting with people of different socio-economic backgrounds. Patterns of mobility are very uneven among people in Hong Kong and as a city of long working hours and heavy work burden, the time people stay in their home neighbourhood and interaction with friends are in fact very limited. There are also high opportunities for them to move to neighbourhoods with a different socio-economic profile with that they live in. Yet people from poor neighbourhoods tend to move to poor neighbourhoods whilst richer people to richer neighbourhoods. Thus pole may be mobile but interaction with other income groups may be limited. At the same time, the mobile phone app that has been developed offers a very robust instrument for social research which needs to track people's movement  相似文献   

Fear of the detrimental effects of ethnic segregation has pervaded the debate on the population composition of cities and neighbourhoods. However, little is known about mechanisms underlying the spatial sorting of ethnic minorities. Hence, policies aimed at desegregation may result in exactly the opposite - that is, new ethnic concentrations and segregation. This paper studies the residential outcomes of 658 forced movers from urban restructuring areas in The Hague. Compared with "native" Dutch (those with both parents born in the Netherlands), ethnic minorities report neighbourhood improvement less often and are more likely to stay within or move into other ethnically concentrated neighbourhoods. These differences are not fully explained by differences in individual characteristics, resources, institutional factors, pre-relocation preferences or other relocation outcomes. Ethnic specificities in neighbourhood choices thus remain a pressing issue for further research.  相似文献   


This paper explores the relationship between the concept of quality of life (QoL) and housing circumstances among the immigrant and local population of two neighbourhoods in Norway: Storhaug in Stavanger and Grünerløkka in Oslo. Objective data regarding housing circumstances, e.g., type of residence, dimension or overcrowding, is collected through spatial analysis and desktop-research. Inhabitants of these neighbourhoods are interviewed with the help of map-based questionnaires to collect both objective data regarding these housing circumstances as well as subjective data, e.g. reason of location and personal satisfaction with housing and QoL. The objective and subjective data is analysed geographically and statistically. This study finds that the immigrant group has less favourable housing circumstances than the local population. Circumstances such as type of residence, the reason of location and satisfaction with the residence are predictors for satisfaction with QoL between both groups. Being local or immigrant, as well as the study area, Storhaug and Grünerløkka, or the type of ownership were not significant predictors of satisfaction with QoL in this specific study. These findings provide a base for understanding the importance of housing circumstances for QoL. Due to the high percentage of the immigrant population and its projection in Norway, these investigations are expected to help practitioners identify housing features and design aspects that can impact on the overall satisfaction with QoL of both host and immigrant society.


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