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多摩川上游雨水干线与黑目川流域雨水干线作为流域下水道的雨水治理工理,是日本的首项工程。项目实施中的课题是污水的流入、超量降雨的对应、雨水贮留渗透设施的设置等。因此,流域下水道管理人员与相关公共下水道管理人员成为一体共同进行治理。  相似文献   

近几年我国城市街道和家庭下水道经常堵塞,下水道疏通成了降低城市居民生活幸福指数的重要影响因素,下水道篦子的结构是否合理也是城市环境污染的重要影响因素,本篇主要介绍了下水道疏通方法及环保型下水道篦子新型设计。新型下水道篦子是一种环保型下水道篦子,它分三层:上层是篦子,中间层是浮球,下层是隔离体。有雨水和污水时浮球被雨水和污水浮起,雨水及污水从隔离体的漏斗状圆孔流入下水道,无雨水和污水时,浮球落在隔离体的漏斗状圆孔上。尤其是春夏秋季节可以防止蚊蝇等害虫从下水道篦子的孔中飞出,又能防止下水道中污水产生的污气从下水道篦子的孔中冒出。因此具有结构简单,成本低,使用方便和环保的优点。  相似文献   

城市环境规划者而临的最棘手问题,就是如何有效对付暴雨逞流的污染。为此,近年来临时存贮城市污水和雨水的要求在迅速增长,因为这样做更合符环境保护标准。现有的多数城市下水道(特别是大城市)都同时要处置生活污水和雨水。暴雨时,污水干管就要过负荷,有时即使中等雨量也会造成雨水和污水的混合物涌塞到地下室或低洼公路涵洞中的事故。  相似文献   

《下水道法施行令的部分修改政令》于2003年9月25日公布,从2004年4月1日开始实行。本次主要的修改点如下。(1)为对应地方分权的河流。规定还未制定的公共下水道等结构的技术标准,明确了许可标准。(2)由于合流制下水道雨天时溢流水的问题显在化,规定雨水排出口的结构标准和合流制下水道雨水影响大时排放水质标准,明确了合流制的改善要在10年以内进行。  相似文献   

日本的下水道处理人口普及率到2004年度末为68.1%,供用开始后经过15年以上,处于设备更新时期的污水处理厂有所增加。  相似文献   

叙述了利用下水道处理污水技术的理论基础及国内外研究现状。利用下水道处理污水是正在不断得到研究应用和发展的污水处理新技术,具有投资省,操作简单等优点。  相似文献   

抑制型下水道是减少流入下水道或河流中的雨水量,而控制雨水径流的基本方法是“渗透”和“贮留”,两者得兼并采用。不然就不能充分发挥抑制型下水道控制雨水径流的效果。 “渗透”是为减少雨水径流的绝对值。一  相似文献   

下水道污水处理研究进展及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
下水道在水污染控制系统中一直扮演着污水收集及输送的角色,并且对下水道的相关研究也处于"黑箱"状态。随着人们环保意识的增强以及科学研究手段和测试技术的发展,对下水道的研究逐渐成为水污染控制领域的热点之一,但时至今日仍未形成系统的理论与技术。介绍了国内外研究者对下水道处理污水方面的研究现状,并从"排水管道作为反应器"的视角出发,针对今后下水道处理污水需要开展的研究工作提出了展望。  相似文献   

今年夏季,洪水已成为许多国家的烦恼。如果没有“给力”的下水道系统,那么道路被淹、城市一片汪洋就在所难免了。法国巴黎下水道的历史要追溯到中世纪,在国王路易十四统治时期,巴黎完善了塞纳河左岸的雨水排泄系统。  相似文献   

横浜市自1962年最初的污水处理厂运营以来,作为重点实施策略积极地进行下水道整备,1984年已有11个污水处理厂完全运转。因此普及率也迅速增长,到2003年度末,对于全市总人口353万人,处理人口为352万人,下水道普及率达到了99.6%。  相似文献   

Some streams and springs have been historically and intentionally captured into combined sewer systems. This is a source of clean baseflow to combined sewers and wastewater treatment works that, unlike groundwater, infiltration‐inflow through pipe cracks and defective joints, has not been widely considered by the UK water industry. This study presents the first formal methodology, using multiple lines of evidence, to locate lost streams and springs and identify where they have been captured into the combined sewers. In a UK case study, approximately half the total stream length and over 100 natural springs have been apparently lost and could be flowing into the combined sewers. Evidence has demonstrated the suitability of tests to indicate captured flow in sewers, and has confirmed several streams and springs flowing into combined sewers.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the findings of a recent research project on groundwater contamination from leaking sewers, which was completed for the Construction Industry Research and Information Association. Fifty-four incidents were identified in England and Wales from a combined questionnaire survey and literature review. In addition to recorded incidents, the poor quality of many urban groundwaters suggests some effects from leaking sewers. Age is considered to be the most significant characteristic governing leakage from sewers; ground conditions (predominantly aquifer vulnerability) and usage (private versus public ownership) are also important factors relating to the likelihood of groundwater pollution from leaking sewers. Recommended strategies for reducing groundwater contamination include (a) modification of existing criteria for the service performance grading of existing sewers, (b) improved construction of new sewers in appropriate areas, (c) increased groundwater monitoring, and (d) risk assessments for new groundwater sources.  相似文献   

城市污水管道地下水渗入量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对广州市有代表性的污水管道地下水渗入量实际测定和研究分析,确定广州市污水系统新建钢筋混凝土污水管道地下水渗入量的加权平均值为210m3/(km·d)。对地下老管道地下水渗入量取新管道的1.5倍。分析影响污水管道地下水渗入量的因素,有管材质量和管段长度、管道接口材料和接口施工技术、地下水位、外界条件等。针对影响因素,提出降低地下水渗入量的工程措施,可为污水治理提供依据。  相似文献   

Captured streams and springs may be flowing in combined sewers, increasing clean baseflow in pipes and wastewater treatment works (WwTWs), reducing pipe capacity and increasing treatment costs. The UK water industry is aware of this in principle, but there has been no explicit discussion of this in the published literature, nor have there been any known attempts to manage it. Instead, the current focus is on the similar intrusion of groundwater infiltration through pipe cracks and joints. We have conducted a thorough review of literature and international case studies to investigate stream and spring capture, finding several examples with convincing evidence that this occurs. We identify three modes of entry: capture by conversion, capture by interception, and direct spring capture. Methods to identify and quantify capture are limited, but the experience in Zurich suggests that it contributed 7–16% of the baseflow reaching WwTWs. There are negative impacts for the water industry in capital and operational expenditure, as well as environmental and social impacts of loss of urban streams. For a typical WwTW (Esholt, Bradford) with 16% of baseflow from captured streams and springs, we conservatively estimate annual costs of £2 million to £7 million. A detailed case study from Zurich is considered that has successfully separated captured baseflow into daylighted streams through the urban area, with multiple economic, environmental and social benefits. We conclude that there is a strong case for the UK water industry to consider captured streams and springs, quantify them, and assess the merits of managing them.  相似文献   

The distribution of 1,4-dioxane was investigated in surface and groundwater in relation to possible sources. Water samples from river, coastal sea, and groundwater were collected and examined in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, from 1995 to 1998. Almost all samples were contaminated by 1,4-dioxane. On annual changes, the concentrations did not vary significantly in river water. However, some samples were still heavily polluted in groundwater. The highest correlation was between the concentration of 1,4-dioxane and 1,1,1-trichloroethane in the polluted groundwater samples. Soil and groundwater that was polluted by 1,1,1-trichloroethane in the past is still a possible source of 1,4-dioxane. In regard to a survey of other sources, effluents from the combined collection treatment from apartment houses, river basin sewage systems, and chemical plants were examined. The load unit of 1,4-dioxane from the treated effluent of domestic wastewater was assumed to be approximately 0.25 mg/person/day. This was derived from commonly used household chemicals, which contained 1,4-dioxane as a by-product. In river basin sewage systems, the concentrations in effluents varied significantly. High concentration inflows were probably not degraded and released. Although 50-60% of removal was recognized in acclimatized activated sludge from a chemical plant, 1,4-dioxane was easily desorbed with water from sludge.  相似文献   

为治理因大量工业废水和生活污水直排而造成的沁河水质污染状况,邯郸市通过建设西污水处理工程、铺设雨污水分流和污水截流管线、修建截流井、工业废水实现达标排放、对河道进行清淤、修建景观拦河坝、实施调水补水等工程,使沁河实现了退污还清。  相似文献   

Non-agricultural sources of groundwater nitrate: a review and case study   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Nitrate is often seen as an agricultural pollutant of groundwater and so is expected to be at higher concentrations in the groundwaters surrounding a city than in those beneath it. However the difference between rural and urban nitrate concentrations is often small, due to the non-agricultural sources of nitrogen that are concentrated in cities. This paper illustrates the source and significance of non-agricultural nitrogen for groundwater and presents a case study of nitrate loading in the city of Nottingham. Major sources of nitrogen in urban aquifers are related to wastewater disposal (on-site systems and leaky sewers), solid waste disposal (landfills and waste tips). The major sources of nitrogen in the Nottingham area are mains leakage and contaminated land with approximately 38% each of a total load of 21 kg N ha(-1) year(-1).  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for assessing the variability of biodegradable chemical oxygen demand (COD) fractions in urban wastewaters. Thirteen raw wastewater samples from combined and separate sewers feeding the same plant were characterised, and two optimisation procedures were applied in order to evaluate the variability in biodegradable fractions and related kinetic parameters. Through an overall optimisation on all the samples, a unique kinetic parameter set was obtained with a three-substrate model including an adsorption stage. This method required powerful numerical treatment, but improved the identifiability problem compared to the usual sample-to-sample optimisation. The results showed that the fractionation of samples collected in the combined sewer was much more variable (standard deviation of 70% of the mean values) than the fractionation of the separate sewer samples, and the slowly biodegradable COD fraction was the most significant fraction (45% of the total COD on average). Because these samples were collected under various rain conditions, the standard deviations obtained here on the combined sewer biodegradable fractions could be used as a first estimation of the variability of this type of sewer system.  相似文献   

The high pollution load in wastewater at the beginning of a rain event is commonly known to originate from the erosion of sewer sediments due to the increased flow rate under storm weather conditions. It is essential to characterize the biodegradability of organic matter during a storm event in order to quantify the effect it can have further downstream to the receiving water via discharges from Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO). The approach is to characterize the pollutograph during first flush. The pollutograph shows the variation in COD and TSS during a first flush event. These parameters measure the quantity of organic matter present. However these parameters do not indicate detailed information on the biodegradability of the organic matter. Such detailed knowledge can be obtained by dividing the total COD into fractions with different microbial properties. To do so oxygen uptake rate (OUR) measurements on batches of wastewater have shown itself to be a versatile technique. Together with a conceptual understanding of the microbial transformation taking place, OUR measurements lead to the desired fractionation of the COD. OUR results indicated that the highest biodegradability is associated with the initial part of a storm event. The information on physical and biological processes in the sewer can be used to better manage sediment in sewers which can otherwise result in depletion of dissolved oxygen in receiving waters via discharges from CSOs.  相似文献   

The Kannai-Yamashita district, which is Yokohama's administrative and economic heart, was the first part of the city to be installed with a modern sewerage system. This district is served by combined sewers, many of which have extensive pipe deterioration, shallow covering, and insufficient capacity. Whilst rehabilitation of these sewers has therefore been an urgent priority, flood alleviation has been given even greater precedence.
It was consequently decided (a) to construct supplementary storm trunk sewers and a stormwater pumping station to mitigate flooding, and (b) to implement a systematic rehabilitation of the sewers on a gradual basis. Studies of branch sewer rehabilitation also used a surcharge model in the interest of achieving an economical and efficient design.  相似文献   

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