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M. Yokota K. Yasuda M. Niraula K. Nakamura H. Ohashi R. Tanaka M. Omura S. Minoura I. Shingu Y. Agata 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2008,37(9):1391-1395
We report on the growth of very thick (>260 μm) high-crystalline-quality single-crystal CdTe epitaxial films on (211) Si substrates in a metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy
reactor, and the development of gamma ray detectors and their radiation detection properties. Films were grown with a high
growth rate varying from 40 μm/h to 70 μm/h. A heterojunction diode was fabricated by growing a 90-μm-thick CdTe layer on an n
+-Si substrate, which exhibited good rectifying behavior and had a low reverse bias leakage current of 0.18 μA/cm2 at 100 V bias. The diode clearly demonstrated its gamma radiation detection capability by resolving energy peaks from the
241Am radioisotope during room-temperature measurements. By cooling the diode detector to −30°C, the leakage current could be
reduced by three orders of magnitude from the room-temperature value. At this operating condition dramatic improvements in
the pulse height spectrum were observed. 相似文献
Hassan Elhadidy Jan Franc Eduard Belas Pavel Hlídek Pavel Moravec Roman Grill Pavel Hoschl 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2008,37(9):1219-1224
Thermoelectric effect spectroscopy and photoluminescence techniques were used to study the defect levels in samples from three
crystals of CdTe:In grown by the vertical gradient freeze method. The main goal of the investigation was to study defects,
which strongly trap charge carriers or act as recombination centers in order to eliminate them from the technological process.
The main difference among detecting and non-detecting samples was the absence of electron traps with a very high capture cross-section
and energy 0.6 eV to 0.7 eV, which act as lifetime killers even at low concentrations. Recently published ab initio calculations show a complex of Te antisite and Cd vacancy within this energy range. 相似文献
Martine C. Duff Douglas B. Hunter Patterson Nuessle David R. Black Harold Burdette Joseph Woicik Arnold Burger Michael Groza 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2007,36(8):1092-1097
Synthetic CdZnTe (CZT) crystals can be used for the room temperature-based detection of gamma radiation. Structural/morphological
heterogeneities within CZT, such as secondary phases (namely, precipitates and inclusions), can negatively affect detector
performance. We used a synchrotron-based x-ray technique, specifically extended x-ray absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy,
to determine whether there are differences on a local structural level between intact CZT of high and low radiation detector
performance. These studies were complemented by data on radiation detector performance and transmission infrared (IR) imaging.
The EXAFS studies revealed no detectable local structural differences between the two types of CZT materials. 相似文献
J. Kubát J. Franc R. Grill P. Horodyský P. Hlídek E. Belas 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2007,36(8):871-876
The possibility to estimate an upper limit of concentrations of defects forming deep levels in high-resistivity CdTe is discussed
based on evaluation of room-temperature photocurrent spectra. A model explaining the shift of the maximum of photocurrent
with the applied electric field as a consequence of screening effects caused by space charge accumulated on deep levels is
presented. Theoretical calculations show that a maximum concentration of deep levels leading to the observed shift of the
photocurrent maximum is less than ∼1013 cm−3 for typical capture cross sections of electrons and holes. This result supports the models assuming formation of a high-resistivity
state with a minimum deep level doping. 相似文献
The effect of the location of the high resistivity region on gamma-ray detector performance within the crystal boule is investigated
for 10% zinc with 1.5% excess Te. By varying the indium-doping concentration in several CdZnTe boules, the region of high
resistivity is seen to move along the vertical length of the crystal. The variation of the zinc concentration within the crystal
boule is compared with the location of the high resistivity region along the length of the crystals. The concentration of
zinc is extracted from Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) measurements, and the segregation coefficient is calculated using
data obtained from the CdZnTe crystals. The zinc distribution is plotted in terms of the location along the crystal length
in order to correlate the concentration with detector performance. Radiation spectra obtained from the 122-KeV gamma rays
using a 57Co source reveal a strong dependence between detector performance and the relative location of the high resistivity region
within the crystal. Initial results suggest that there are three semi-distinct regions along the length of the boule that
give very different characteristics, where it can be said that the best detector performance is in the middle region with
a 6% resolution of the 122-KeV peak, which is quite good for test detectors without a guard ring such as these. It is determined
that this middle region has a zinc concentration of ∼9–11%, which varies slightly from the original concentration of 10%.
The differences in the performance characteristics are discussed, and defect distribution within the crystal as the main source
of the variation is suggested. Also, based on the results, it is believed that the role of indium is essentially to compensate
for the vacancies in the crystal and, therefore, is secondary to the crystalline properties and impurities within the boule.
Overall, it is believed that crystalline defects and inclusions play a greater role in determining the performance characteristics
of CdZnTe radiation detectors. 相似文献
Theory of te precipitation and related effects in CdTe Crystals 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A thermodynamic calculation is presented which explains the origin of often reported large stress fields in and around Te
precipitates and associated punching of dislocation loops in star like patterns. The calculation is based on the consideration
that the stoichiometric deviation in Te saturated crystals are accommodated by Te interstitials, Cd multivacancy complexes
and Te antisites; the Te interstitials are most mobile of them, and dominate the precipitation process; and the precipitates
when they appear first are in droplet form. The droplet state is modelled on the basis of the Lennard-Jones 6-12 interaction
potential. The droplet growth is envisaged to occur via the following two processes operating in tandem: first, capture of
excess Te interstitials to cause droplet overpressurization, and then, punching of interstitial dislocation loops whenever
the pressure exceeds a threshold value. The flow of Te interstitials into the droplets is driven by the difference between
their formation energies in the lattice and the free energy change of the droplets per Te atom added. It is shown that the
achievable droplet pressures far exceed that required for the loop punching and sustaining the growth cycle. The occurrence
of varying precipitate morphologies are explained, and the possibility of nucleating high presssure Te phases is examined.
Some experimental evidence is also presented which corroborate the theoretical arguments involved. 相似文献
M. Niraula K. Yasuda H. Ohnishi H. Takahashi K. Eguchi K. Noda Y. Agata 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2006,35(6):1257-1261
Direct growth of high-quality, thick CdTe (211) epilayers, with thickness up to 100 μm, on Si (211) substrates in a vertical
metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy system is reported. In order to obtain homo-orientation growth on Si substrates, pretreatment
of the substrates was carried out in a separate chamber by annealing them together with pieces of GaAs at 800–900°C in a hydrogen
environment. Grown epilayers had very good substrate adhesion. The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) value of the x-ray double-crystal
rocking curve from the CdTe (422) reflection decreased rapidly with increasing layer thickness and remained between 140–200
arcsec for layers >18 μm. Photoluminescence measurement at 4.2 K showed high-intensity, bound excitonic emission and very
small defect-related deep emissions, indicating the high crystalline quality of the grown layers. Furthermore, a CdTe/n+-Si heterojunction diode was fabricated that exhibited clear rectifying behavior. 相似文献
S. Terterian M. Chu D. Ting L. C. Wu C. C. Wang M. Szawlowski G. Vissor P. N. Luke 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2003,32(7):796-802
A large number of room-temperature detectors have been produced from CdZnTe crystals grown with 10% Zn and 1.5% excess tellurium
by the low-pressure, vertical-Bridgman technique. Radiation spectra obtained by these crystals using a 241Am source reveal the characteristic 59.5-keV line as well as the six low-energy peaks, which include the Cd and Te escape
peaks. Similarly, 57Co spectra obtained also show a very well-defined 122-keV peak with a 3:1 peak-to-valley ratio. Seven CdZnTe crystals have
been grown for reproducibility studies. Four of these crystals have resistivities over 1E9 Ω-cm. Considering that the indiumdoping
level is on the order of 2E15 cm−3, the reproducibility is excellent. The theoretical basis of the high-resistivity phenomenon in CdZnTe is discussed in reference
to a previous paper. The uniformity of these 6-in.-long CdZnTe crystals is studied, and various measurements are carried out,
both laterally and vertically, along the boule. It is determined that, in general, roughly a 3.5-in. section near the middle
of the 6-in. boule has sufficient resistivity for producing radiation detectors. This nonuniformity along the vertical direction
is caused mostly by the composition change of Cd, Zn, Te, and In-doping level in the growth melt caused by differences in
the segregation coefficients of these elements. Although, variations in resistivity are seen across some of the wafer slices,
most show very good uniformity with high breakdown voltage. Some of the variations are attributed to the different grains
within the boule. Similar results are seen in the measured radiation spectra obtain on 4 mm × 4 mm × 2 mm samples from different
locations across the wafer, where some samples show well-resolved secondary peaks, while others display only the primary spectral
lines. 相似文献
In order to assess the purity of their Cd and Te components, CdTe crystals have been grown by Bridgman using commercial batches
of elements of purity ranging from 5N to 6N+. The assessment has been achieved through the classical optical and electrical techniques that solid state physics offers,
on as-grown and annealed crystals. Some contamination by residual acceptors like Cu, Li, and P is shown to occur during the
high temperature growth, mainly if uncoated silica tubes are used, as is emphasized within a comparison between the electrical
and optical properties of crystals grown by melt-growth or at lower temperature by solution-growth. 相似文献
M. Niraula K. Yasuda K. Takagi H. Kusama M. Tominaga Y. Yamamoto Y. Agata K. Suzuki 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2005,34(6):815-819
A CdTe/n+-GaAs heterojunction diode for a room-temperature nuclear radiation detector has been developed and demonstrated. The heterojunction
diode was fabricated by growing a 2–5-μm-thick iodine-doped n-CdTe buffer layer on the n+-GaAs substrates, followed by about 100-μm-thick undoped p-like single crystalline CdTe layer using metalorganic vapor-phase
epitaxy. The n-type buffer layer was found to be essential to improve the junction property of the diode detector. The diode
detectors exhibited good rectification property and had the reverse leakage currents typically from 1 μA/cm2 to 5 μA/cm2 at 40 V bias. The detector clearly demonstrated its energy resolution capability by resolving the 59.54-keV gamma peak from
the 241Am radioisotope during the radiation detection test. 相似文献
用助熔剂法制备了准同型相界附近的弛豫铁电体基钛铌铟酸铅(Pb(In1/2Nb12)0.63Ti0.37O3,简称PINT)铁电单晶体,研究了四氧化三铅(Pb3O4)与二氟化铅(PbF2)助熔剂对钙钛矿结构相稳定性的不同作用。用四氧化三铅(Pb3O4)和三氧化二硼(B2O3)作为助熔剂获得尺寸达5mm的纯钙钛矿相结构PINT单晶体,利用显微分析方法、X射线衍射技术研究了单晶体的微观形貌和相结构,测量了〈100〉取向单晶体样品的介电温度谱。 相似文献
The transport, trapping, and subsequent detrapping of charge in single crystals of semi-insulating cadmium zinc telluride
(CdZnTe) has been analyzed using multiple-scale perturbation techniques. This method has the advantage of not only treating
impulse charge generation typical in spectroscopic analysis, but also a large class of continuous generation sources more
relevant to high-flux x-ray imaging applications. We first demonstrate that the multiple-scale solutions obtained for small-current
transients induced by an impulse generation of charge are consistent with well-known exact solutions. Further, we use the
multiple-scale solutions to derive an analytic generalization of the Hecht equation that incorporates detrapping over times
much longer than the carrier transit time (i.e., delayed signal components). The method is then applied to a continuous charge
generation source that approximates that of an x-ray source. The space–time solutions obtained are relevant to detector design
in high-flux x-ray imaging applications. Throughout this work the multiple-scale solutions are compared with exact solutions
as well as full numerical solutions of the fundamental charge conservation equations. 相似文献
L. Verger J. P. Bonnefoy F. Glasser P. Ouvrier-Buffet 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1997,26(6):738-744
There has been considerable recent progress in II-VI semiconductor material and in methods for improving performance of the
associated radiation detectors. New high resistivity CdZnTe material, new contact technologies, new detector structures, new
electronic correction methods have opened the field of nuclear and x-ray imaging for industrial and medical applications.
The purpose of this paper is to review new developments in several of these fields. In addition, we will present some recent
results at LETI concerning first the CdTe 2-D imaging system (20 × 30 mm2 with 400 × 600 pixels) for dental radiology and second the CdZnTe fast pulse correction method applied to a 5 × 5 × 5 mm3 CdZnTe detector (energy resolution = 5% for detection efficiency of 85% at 122 keV) for medical imaging. 相似文献
Single crystals of AgGaGeS4 (AGGS) were grown in a modified Bridgman furnace with 25 mm in diameter and 70 mm in length. The transmission spectra of as-grown AGGS slices were measured on a Hitachi 270-30 spectrophotometer, the fabricated device crystal was 5 mm×5 min×3.5 mm in dimension and its absorption was 0.04-0. 15 cm-1. Frequency doubling of 2.79 and 8 μm laser radiation were investigated using fabricated device crystals with thicknesses of 3.5 and 2.7 mm respectively. 相似文献
K. Yasuda M. Niraula K. Nakamura M. Yokota I. Shingu K. Noda Y. Agata K. Abe O. Eryu 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2007,36(8):837-840
Deep isolation trenches with high aspect ratio were formed on CdTe crystals using the excimer laser etching technique. Vertical
trenches 80-μm deep and 55-μm wide were formed in 5 min by irradiating a laser on the CdTe crystal through a contact-type metal mask in vacuum. Surface
chemistry of the laser-irradiated CdTe crystal was examined by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), scanning electron microscopy
(SEM), and photoluminescence (PL) to determine the extent of laser-induced damage. It was found that the damaged layer remains
confined to the thin surface layer in the submicron range, which could be easily removed by a light Br-methanol etch. 相似文献
The type III band alignment of HgTe/CdTe superlattices leads to the interesting possibility of achieving very long wavelength
infrared (VLWIR) (15 μm and longer) cutoff wavelengths with either normal (HgTe layer thickness less than about 70 ? for CdTe
layer thickness of 50 ?) or inverted (HgTe thickness greater than about 70 ?) band structures. The inverted band structure
superlattices promise even greater cutoff wavelength control than the normal band structure ones. However, the electronic
band gaps of inverted band structure superlattices are substantially less than their optical band gaps, leading to large thermal
carrier concentrations even at temperature as low as 40 K. These high carrier concentrations in turn give rise to more rapid
Auger recombination than normal band structure superlattices with the same cutoff wavelengths. We conclude that the highest
performance is expected from VLWIR HgTe/CdTe superlattice-based detectors with normal band structure absorber layers. 相似文献
Characterization of CdTe for HgCdTe surface passivation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
L. O. Bubulac W. E. Tennant J. Bajaj J. Sheng R. Brigham A. H. B. Vanderwyck M. Zandian W. V. Mc Levige 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1995,24(9):1175-1182
The objectives of this work are to study the physical and chemical structure of CdTe films using secondary ion mass spectrometry
(SIMS) and atomic force miroscopy (AFM) and to demonstrate the usefulness of these analytical techniques in determining the
characteristics of CdTe-passivation films deposited by different techniques on HgCdTe material. Three key aspects of CdTe
passivation of HgCdTe are addressed by different analytical tools: a) morphological microstructure of CdTe films examined
by atomic force microscopy; b) compositional profile across the interface determined by Matrix (Te)—SIMS technique; c) concentration
of various impurities across the CdTe/HgCdTe structure profiled by secondary ion-mass spectrometry. 相似文献
用提拉法生长了质量较高的Al∶Bi12SiO20和Cr∶Bi12SiO20(简称Al∶BSO和Cr∶BSO)晶体,测定了掺杂BSO晶体的吸收光谱。首次发现:Al∶BSO(摩尔比)为0.1%的晶体的透过率(80%)远高于纯BSO晶体的透过率(70%);Cr∶BSO晶体中除Cr3+外,还存在少量Cr4+ 相似文献