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在顶底复吹转炉熔池侧壁上安装侧吹枪,形成顶底侧吹转炉。通过实验室物理模拟研究了顶底侧吹条件下转炉熔池的混匀行为;在工业试验中,对比了顶底侧吹转炉和顶底复吹转炉炼钢的冶金效果。实验室研究结果表明,顶底侧吹技术可以显著提高转炉熔池的搅拌能力,大幅度降低转炉熔池的混匀时间,存在一个临界侧吹气量,当侧吹气量大于该临界值后,熔池混匀时间变化不大。工业试验结果表明,转炉采用顶底侧吹技术,可以降低钢铁料消耗,吨钢石灰消耗可降低将近3kg,提高了转炉的脱磷能力,降低炉渣和钢水的氧化性,平均出钢碳氧积为0.0025×10-4,钢水氧化性的降低提高了合金收得率。 相似文献
在200 t复吹转炉的1∶12缩小模型进行了物理模拟试验,研究了4~12支底枪不同的布置方案对复吹转炉熔池混匀的影响。复吹条件下,在所研究的气体流量范围,4支底枪不同布置方案的混匀时间变化范围较大,混匀时间在20~49 s;6支底枪不同布置方案的混匀时间在18~42 s;而8~12支底枪不同布置方案的混匀时间在14~38 s;4,6,8,10,12支底枪的混匀时间小于27 s的底枪布置方案占对应试验总布置方案的比例分别为14%、13%、33%、44%、67%,有较多的8~12支底枪布置方案的混匀时间小于27 s,在转炉冶炼的一个炉役内可供吹炼选择的底枪布置方案较多。复吹时,当底枪支数由4支增加到8支,不同底吹方案的混匀时间平均值下降较为明显,当底枪支数由8支增加到12支,对于0.57 m~3/h的底吹气体流量,混匀时间平均值有所降低,而底吹气量为2.29 m~3/h时,混匀时间平均值变化不大。 相似文献
为了强化转炉熔池的搅拌,在200 t复吹转炉1∶12的模型进行物理模拟试验,研究了底吹非均匀供气对转炉复吹和纯底吹熔池的搅拌混匀效果;采用数学模拟的方法计算了纯底吹条件下,转炉采用底吹非均匀供气时的熔池流体流动。研究结果表明,在所研究的不同的底吹非均匀供气方案中,与底吹均匀供气方案相比,线性底吹非均匀供气方案有利于改善转炉熔池搅拌效果,最佳的底吹非均匀供气方案的混匀时间比均匀供气降低了19%~25%。复吹时底吹非均匀供气的混匀时间降低程度要比纯底吹的非均匀供气大,即复吹条件下,底吹采用非均匀供气更有利于熔池搅拌混匀。采用线性底吹非均匀供气方案时,在熔池内形成了明显的大循环非对称流动,有利于整个熔池内的对流传质,从而缩短了混匀时间。 相似文献
转炉冶炼终点碳曲线拟合模型避开了熔池初始碳含量难以精准确定的问题,假设吹炼后期脱碳速率与熔池碳含量具有一定的函数关系,通过这种函数关系预报钢水终点碳含量.终点碳的三次方模型和指数模型预报精度在±0.02%之间的命中率分别为85.9%和81.2%.运用熔渣分子理论,基于冶炼热轧板材(SPHC)的渣组元成分,计算得出渣中FeO的活度为0.241.出钢温度为1686℃时,C和Fe元素选择性氧化的临界碳质量分数为0.033%.本文在传统指数模型的基础上,充分考虑了枪位、顶吹流量、底吹流量等操作参数对熔池脱碳速率的影响,建立了基于熔池混匀度的指数模型.基于熔池混匀度的指数模型与其他烟气分析碳曲线拟合模型相比,命中率有所提高.以新钢生产热轧板材(目标碳质量分数为0.06%)时的烟气数据为研究对象建模,终点碳质量分数预报误差在±0.02%之间的有75炉次,占验证数据量的88.2%. 相似文献
转炉底吹的布置和流量控制对转炉熔池混匀的影响至关重要,是决定碳氧反应、脱磷反应的动力学条件.为了给国内某钢厂 120 t转炉的底吹供气元件布置方式提供理论依据,通过水模试验,研究了不同底吹布置方案及底吹流量对熔池搅拌均匀混合时间的影响,为确定最优底枪布置方式提供参考.结果表明,在保持其他参数一致的条件下,转炉底吹采用环形布置,底枪夹角为 40°、底吹半径 R= 0.55D的混匀效果较好;通过比较发现,非对称布置混匀效果要优于环形对称布置.实际应用过程中,若考虑对炉龄的影响,建议选择环形对称布置方式(夹角40°、R= 0.55 D);若忽略对炉龄的影响,建议选择非对称布置方式. 相似文献
建立了描述复吹转炉熔池内流体流动的数学模型,采用PHOENTCS (Parabolic Hyperbolic、Or Elliptic,Numerical Integration Codes Seties)商用软件模拟计算分析了底吹、顶吹、顶底复吹等不同工况下熔池内气体的流动状况和速度分布,喷吹气体对熔池的搅拌混匀作用,得出转炉采取顶底复吹工艺时。底吹喷枪的合理布置位置应在熔池直径的(0.5~0.7)倍圆周上。 相似文献
Mamdouh Eissa 《国际钢铁研究》1999,70(1):9-14
The data obtained from 84 heats carried out in a 90-t top blown basic oxygen converter were used to study the effects of slag composition and temperature on the activity coefficient and activity of manganous oxide in the slag as well as on the manganate capacity and the manganese distribution between slag and metal. In addition, the dependence of manganese activity in the metal on the concentration of maganese and temperature was also investigated. The present study carried out in wide ranges of temperature, 1350–1690°C, and slag basicity expressed as (CaO)/(SiO2), 1.4–10.6, clarifies the dependence of MnO activity coefficient mainly on temperature. The activity coefficient of MnO increases by decreasing the temperature. On the other hand, activity of MnO increases by increasing MnO concentration and temperature. Both activity coefficient and activity of MnO in the slag slightly increase by increasing the slag basicity. At constant temperature, the activity of Mn in the molten metal varies linearly with Mn concentration and tends also to increase with increasing temperature at constant Mn concentration. The increase in manganese activity by increasing Mn concentration is much steeper at high temperatures. The manganate capacity as well as manganese distribution ratio decrease with increasing temperature at constant basicity and tend also to slightly decrease with increasing slag basicity at constant temperature. Equations describing the parameters affecting activity coefficient and activity of manganous oxide in the slag, manganese activity in the metal, manganate capacity and manganese distribution ratio have been derived. 相似文献
�Գ����������壬����ԣ���������꿡 《钢铁研究学报》2015,27(12):42-47
Taking water- model experiments of a 300 t dephosphorization converter, when under eight bottom blowing element, different bottom blowing arrangement, the size of the bottom blowing flow rate and top blowing parameters on the influence of the molten pool mixing effect was studied. From the research, when the bottom blowing elements concentrated and symmetrically arranged in the furnace bottom of 0. 42D on the circumference of a circle, the bottom blowing flow rate is 2. 94m3/h, the lance height is 58?D88mm, the blending effect of the molten pool is best. When the scrap ratio reaches to 10%, the mixing time increases greatly, and different single scrap has similar influence on mixing time. For a 1. 5 t scrap, the bottom blowing flow rate must reach to 4010m3/h, the scrap can meet the suspension energy, when the top blowing flow rate is 30000m3/h. The research results can provide reference for optimization of practical operation parameters. 相似文献
为研究复吹参数对脱磷转炉混匀行为和脱磷效果的影响,根据相似原理,针对300 t双联脱磷转炉进行实验室的水模拟试验,研究了21种不同底吹元件数量和布置方式,顶吹强度、氧枪枪位以及底吹强度对熔池混匀效果的影响,利用数值模拟方法进行了进一步的分析比较。结果表明,采用8支底吹元件的对称集中布置方式,同时保持较大流量的底吹强度可加强对熔池的搅拌效果。通过工业试验得出,半钢平均磷质量分数由试验前的0.024 9%降低到0.017 3%,半钢脱磷率由试验前的75.3%提高到85.4%,提高了熔池整体的搅拌效率和脱磷效果。 相似文献
山西太钢不锈钢股份有限公司第二炼钢厂180t顶底复吹转炉投产初期,存在消耗指标高、冶炼周期长等问题。通过优化吹氧工艺、造渣制度及转炉操作工艺,并采用炉型控制技术,使顶底复吹转炉冶炼终点碳氧积控制稳定、氧耗降低2.3m^3/t,提高底吹透气元件使用寿命,缩短冶炼周期2min,提高资源综合利用率。 相似文献
Physical modelling of slag splashing practice of an 80 t combined blown converter was conducted in this paper. Through measuring the mass flux of splashed slag, the effect of different operating parameters on slag splashing was investigated. By means of variance analysis, the influence significance of different operating parameters on slag splashing was obtained, and the optimal combination of operating parameters were acquired as follows: lance height 600?mm, top gas flowrate 18000?Nm3?h?1, four nozzles lance, bottom nozzle configuration D4, bottom gas flowrate 100?Nm3?h?1, and amount of remained slag 10%. In addition, the relation between the agitation energy of top blow and mass flux of splashed slag was discussed, and the estimation model for mass flux of splashed slag during BOF slag splashing practice was proposed through data analysis. 相似文献