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污染土壤修复技术研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
综述了污染土壤的物理、化学和生物修复技术的特点、适用范围及目前国内外的研究情况及前景。针对上述污染土壤修复技术存在的问题,提出把多种修复技术结合是土壤修复的主要研究方向。 相似文献
针对海上溢油事故时有发生,严重威胁海洋生态环境,介绍了溢油鉴别通常采取的策略,即微量组分鉴别、"指纹"鉴别和DNA标记,并作出对比。尽管有很多因素限制,但采取溢油"指纹"分析的策略仍是最实用的方法。此外,为治理溢油造成的污染,系统介绍了溢油污染的修复。 相似文献
生物修复是利用生物的生命代谢活动减少土壤环境中有毒有害物的浓度,使污染土壤恢复到健康状态的过程。目前,治理石油烃类污染土壤的生物修复技术主要有两类:一类是微生物修复技术,按修复的地点又可分为原位生物修复和异位生物修复;另一类是植物修复法。 相似文献
Shilin Liu Jing Lin Qiyuan Chen Zili Liu Lishuang Gui Liwei Chen Shilin Huang Xuelin Tian 《大分子材料与工程》2021,306(10):2100242
Crude oil spill accidents pose a worldwide environmental threat. Oleophilic and hydrophobic absorbents that can selectively absorb oil from water have shown promising application potential in oil spill remediation. Simultaneous optimization of the absorption and desorption speed of absorbents towards oil is highly desirable for their recyclable usage, but remains a great challenge, because these two properties are generally conflicting. Here, a facile and ingenious strategy is proposed to tackle the above challenge via surface modification of porous sponges with highly flexible linear polydimethylsiloxane (LPDMS) brushes. The LPDMS brushes feature liquid-like properties at room temperature owing to its extremely low glass transition temperature, and act as a covalently-grafted lubrication layer throughout the 3D network channels of the sponge, which can minimize contact angle hysteresis and reduce friction between oil and sponge channel. Compared to the prevalent cross-linked polydimethylsiloxane (CPDMS) modification strategy, sponges modified with LPDMS brushes not only shows significantly enhanced absorption speed, but also exhibits superior desorption dynamics towards viscous crude oils. The design strategy of slippery sponges with liquid-like molecules may open a new avenue for developing advanced absorbents with simultaneously enhanced absorption and desorption performances for liquid separation and purification applications. 相似文献
选取天津滨海地区某地为现场通风试验场址,通过中试试验研究了轻质油污染通风修复方法在该地类型土壤中应用的可行性。在分析了现场通风抽提能力的基础上,以轻质油代表物正己烷为模拟污染物,对抽提过程中抽提尾气正己烷浓度监测,研究了该中试方法去除土壤中轻质油污染物的效果。结果显示,当模拟污染现场抽提过程正己烷初始质量浓度为452.04mg/m^3时,经过89h通风抽提试验后,正己烷质量浓度下降到6.28mg/m^3,抽提后期有较长的拖尾阶段。研究表明该类型土壤使用原位通风法去除轻质油污染效果良好。 相似文献
简述了水域中石油污染的来源、危害及防治对策,对石油烃的微生物摄取、降解机制、生物修复的影响因素及强化途径等进行了详细论述,并对石油污染水体生物修复的发展趋势及应用前景进行了讨论。 相似文献
随着经济的快速发展,大量污染物排入河涌导致河涌水体污染问题日趋严重。采取有效的技术措施治理河涌污染势在必行。结合近年来国内外河涌治理的研究成果,综述了河涌治理中生态恢复技术的原理和特点,并指出今后研究方向。 相似文献
热解析技术是一种针对去除污染场地中的挥发性和半挥发性有机污染物快速而高效的环境修复技术.本文扼要探讨了该工艺的技术原理、工艺路线、应用前景和存在的问题. 相似文献
Jürgen Bachl Stefan Oehm Judith Mayr Carlos Cativiela José Juan Marrero-Tellado David Díaz Díaz 《International journal of molecular sciences》2015,16(5):11766-11784
Phase selective gelation (PSG) of organic phases from their non-miscible mixtures with water was achieved using tetrapeptides bearing a side-chain azobenzene moiety. The presence of the chromophore allowed PSG at the same concentration as the minimum gelation concentration (MGC) necessary to obtain the gels in pure organic phases. Remarkably, the presence of the water phase during PSG did not impact the thermal, mechanical, and morphological properties of the corresponding organogels. In the case of miscible oil/water mixtures, the entire mixture was gelled, resulting in the formation of quasi-hydrogels. Importantly, PSG could be triggered at room temperature by ultrasound treatment of the mixture or by adding ultrasound-aided concentrated solution of the peptide in an oil-phase to a mixture of the same oil and water. Moreover, the PSG was not affected by the presence of salts or impurities existing in water from natural sources. The process could be scaled-up, and the oil phases (e.g., aromatic solvents, gasoline, diesel fuel) recovered almost quantitatively after a simple distillation process, which also allowed the recovery and reuse of the gelator. Finally, these peptidic gelators could be used to quantitatively remove toxic dyes from aqueous solutions. 相似文献
阐述了土壤污染的特征、危害和现状,并从物理修复、化学修复和生物修复三方面简要介绍了土壤修复措施,旨在为土壤修复提供科学依据。 相似文献
中海惠州炼化二期项目是国内最大的炼化一体化项目之一,在生产过程中实现环境友好,保证环境不受污染,不仅是企业的经济责任还足企业应尽的社会责任。文章重点论述了在事故应急状态下,惠州炼化二期项目在陆域采取的“置级防控措施”,码头采取的应急关断措施,海上溢油采取的“三级布控措施”,有效控制事故状态下事故水的流向,避免事故水外溢.污染环境:针对海上溢油的突发事件,通过三级布控,有效的资源配置,及时控制溢油所造成的海上污染。通过本文的论述,不但对即将建设的中海惠州炼化二期项目的建设有积极作用,对其他濒海的石化企业避免事故水环境污染及海上溢油应急处理也有指导意义。 相似文献