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太阳能发电发展“十二五”规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
前言太阳能资源丰富,分布广泛,开发利用前景广阔。太阳能发电作为太阳能利用的重要方式,已经得到世界各国的普遍关注。近几年,太阳能发电技术进步很快,产业规模持续扩大,发电成本不断下降,在全球已实现较大规模应用。在国际市场的带动下,我国太阳能光伏产业快速发展,光伏技术和成本上均已形成一定的国际竞争力。从发展趋势看,太阳能发电即将成为技术可行、经济合理、具备规模化发展条件的可再生能源,对我国合理  相似文献   

<正>太阳能发电是新兴的可再生能源技术,目前已实现产业化应用的主要是太阳能光伏发电和太阳能光热发电。近年来,在国家政策的支持下,加上丰富的太阳能资源,基本形成了我国光伏电池制造产业,太阳能光热发电的重大装备设计、制造和系统集成等技术也取得重要突破。为贯彻《可再生能源法》,  相似文献   

付晶晶 《太阳能》2009,(10):I0061-I0062
当夕阳西下,暮色将山村笼罩的时候,像点点繁星降临人间,沿着蜿蜒山路列队,那是新安装的太阳能路灯亮了,一抹明亮的光辉照亮了静寂的山路,给山村增添了无限生机。  相似文献   

非言 《太阳能》2013,(4):35
2013年1月29日,由中国可再生能源学会承担的中-丹可再生能源发展项目"太阳能发展路线图研究"项目开题会议在北京举行。来自国家能源局、科技部、丹麦使馆、国家可再生能源中心的领导以及行业相关科研院所、学会协会、电力机构、国际组织以及企业界代表同课题组专家共计60余人一同出席了会议。本太阳能发展路线图研究项目为期一年,将针对太阳能光伏发电、太阳能中低温热利用、太阳  相似文献   

李忠东 《太阳能》2012,(20):39-40
在高油价和倡导低碳经济的双重推动下,新能源汽车尤其是电动汽车(简称EV)的使用已被各国提上重要议程。虽然EV将引领汽车业进入零排放时代,然而目前仍有不少制约EV发展的因素,其中最大的障碍是电池的续航里程有限。因此,能否及时充电成为购买EV的消费者最大的顾虑。正因为如此,EV的充电方式被列入研发的重点。经过选择比较,利用太阳能或风能为EV充电被普遍看好。  相似文献   

美国加利福尼亚州启动了一项“屋顶太阳能工程”,此举旨在提高加州利用可再生能源的能力。 根据工程计划,南加州部分商业楼房的房顶将率先安装先进的太阳能光伏发电装置,安装面积将达到604万m^2。工程建成后,这些设施的发电功率将达到250MW,能满足南加州16.2万个家庭的生活用电。  相似文献   

美国加利福尼亚州启动了一项“屋顶太阳能工程”,此举旨在提高加州利用可再生能源的能力。 根据工程计划,南加州部分商业楼房的房顶将率先安装先进的太阳能光伏发电装置,安装面积将达到604万m^2。工程建成后,这些设施的发电功率将达到250MW,能满足南加州16.2万个家庭的生活用电。  相似文献   

毋庸置疑,电动汽车(EV)本身是“绿色”的,在行驶过程中并不会对环境产生任何危害,但EV所使用的电能大多来自于煤炭燃烧等非清洁能源。至于完全意义上的“环保汽车”,应该指车辆的动力全来自于风力或太阳能一类的清洁能源。  相似文献   

北京将从2008年起在全市范围内建设百所阳光校园.以加强太阳能的开发利用。北京校园的路灯照明将用太阳能.洗澡的浴室等也靠太阳能。 此外,这项工程还包括建设一批太阳能采暖示范项目、可再生能源示范教育小屋及太阳能热水系统展示项目等。北京市有关部门负责人认为,“阳光校园”的建设,不仅可以促进太阳能的开发利用,促进节能减排,改善环境。更重要的是在加强青少年可再生能源教育、培养能源意识方面具有重要的示范作用。  相似文献   

吴鸣 《节能与环保》2014,(11):62-64
1我国新能源的发展形势我国随着工业经济的高速发展,环境问题日益凸显,因此大力发展可再生能源发电,特别是太阳能发电是解决我国能源危机和保证可持续发展的重要战略。  相似文献   

《Journal of power sources》1999,84(2):261-269
The integration of the on-board energy source of an electrically propelled vehicle with a supercapacitor bank (SB) as a peak power unit, can lead to substantial benefits in terms of electric vehicle performances, battery life and energy economy. Different architectures may be envisaged, to be chosen according to technical–economical trade-off. A research activity, supported by the European Community in the frame of the Joule III program and titled `Development of Supercapacitors for Electric Vehicles' (contract JOE3-CT95-0001), has been in progress since the beginning of 1996. The partners involved are SAFT (project leader), Alcatel Alsthom Research (France), Centro Ricerche Fiat (Italy), University of Kaiserslautern (Germany), Danionics (DK) and ECN (Netherlands). Its objective is to develop a SB and its electronic control and to integrate them in two different full-scale traction systems, supplied, respectively, by sealed lead traction batteries and by a fuel cell system. Through the bench tests, it will be possible to evaluate the impact of the SB on both traction systems. In this paper, a project overview will be given; the power management strategy principles, the supercapacitor's control electronic devices, the system's architecture and the supercapacitor's requirements on the base of the simulation results, will be examined.  相似文献   

The combined use of clean technologies can lead amongst other benefits to reduced environmental impacts, improved system efficiencies, better management of land scarcity, and diminishment of the effect of power variability of intermittent clean energy sources. Nonetheless, private investors facing budgetary constraints will only opt to invest in the combination of technologies if the latter is more profitable than the investment in a single technology. The aim of the paper is to provide a systematic model for decision makers that allows them to evaluate the profitability of any random combination of technologies under budgetary constraints, and to compare this profitability with that of the individual projects in isolation. This research goes beyond the state of art in the field of financial management and more specifically in the field of the rationing of capital amongst interdependent projects, by developing a method to calculate the payoff of interdependent projects undertaken together. Moreover, this paper develops a computational model from the investor's point of view, of which the purpose is threefold: First, the model allows to directly compare the economic payoff of individual complementary technologies with the economic payoff of their integrated combination, under budgetary constraints. Second, the model calculates economic synergies labeled ‘benefits of combined technologies’ (BOCT) when combining complementary technologies. Third, the model explains the rationalization behind the presence of BOCT. The model exemplifies an ex ante cost benefit analysis developed for business and non‐governmental use. A four step methodology is proposed and illustrated by means of a case study of PV solar power and battery electric vehicles (BEVs) for a small Belgian enterprise. Results show that at low electricity prices (<€0.112/kWh) it is most profitable to invest in BEVs. When the price of electricity rises (>€0.134/kWh), investment in exclusively PV becomes most attractive. In all other cases, it is more profitable to invest in the combination of both technologies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

张琪  黄东  郑宏飞 《太阳能》2006,(4):42-44
众所周知,汽车工业的发展给环境带来了巨大污染。有关资料表明,(美国)汽车排放占城市总污染份额的60%;我国也已占到了25%~40%。大城市的温室效应约40%来自汽车尾气排放。汽车主要使用  相似文献   

This paper sets forth a family of models of light-duty plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) fleets, appropriate for conducting long-term national-level planning studies of the energy and transportation sectors in an integrated manner. Using one of the proposed models, three case studies on the evolution of the U.S. energy and transportation infrastructures are performed, where portfolios of optimum investments over a 40-year horizon are identified, and interdependencies between the two sectors are highlighted. The results indicate that with a gradual but aggressive introduction of PEVs coupled with investments in renewable energy, the total cost from the energy and transportation systems can be reduced by 5%, and that overall emissions from electricity generation and light-duty vehicle (LDV) tailpipes can be reduced by 10% over the 40-year horizon. The annual gasoline consumption from LDVs can be reduced by 66% by the end of the planning horizon, but an additional 800 TWh of annual electricity demand will be introduced. In addition, various scenarios of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions are investigated. It is found that GHG emissions can be significantly reduced with only a marginal cost increment, by shifting electricity generation from coal to renewable sources.  相似文献   

The introduction of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) is expected to have a significant impact on regional power systems and pollutant emissions. This paper analyzes the effects of various penetrations of PHEVs on the marginal fuel dispatch of coal, natural gas and oil, and on pollutant emissions of CO2, NOx, SO2 in the New York Metropolitan Area for two battery charging scenarios in a typical summer and winter day. A model of the AC transmission network of the Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) region with 693 generators is used to realistically incorporate network constraints into an economic dispatch model. A data-based transportation model of approximately 1 million commuters in NYMA is used to determine battery charging pattern. Results show that for all penetrations of PHEVs network-constrained economic dispatch of generation is significantly more realistic than unconstrained cases. Coal, natural gas and oil units are on the margin in the winter, and only natural gas and oil units are on the margin in the summer. Hourly changes in emissions from transportation and power production are dominated by vehicular activity with significant overall emissions reductions for CO2 and NOx, and a slight increase for SO2. Nighttime regulated charging produces less overall emissions than unregulated charging from when vehicles arrive home for the summer and vice versa for the winter. As PHEVs are poised to link the power and transportation sectors, data-based models combining network constraints and economic dispatch have been shown to improve understanding and facilitate control of this link.  相似文献   

The increasing pollution caused by conventional cars and the problems caused by the use of fossil fuels have drawn the attention of researchers and manufacturers to the design of cars that use clean fuels. Electric vehicles connected to the network have a significant impact on reducing environmental pollution and transportation costs, especially in big cities. The cost of supplying loads to subscribers in the distribution network also includes generation and transmission costs. These costs are directly related to the intelligence of the distribution network and the total amount of energy of electric vehicles. The contribution of each generation unit and each transmission line must be calculated to determine the generation and transmission costs. In this research, in order to maximize the profit of the parking lot owner, improve voltage drop and load factor, a comprehensive framework for optimal energy management in a parking lot is presented, which can provide a method to control the charging of electric vehicles, in addition to meeting the needs of their owners, only as a series of controllable loads that they need to receive electrical energy to charge their batteries. In the next step, considering the inherent characteristic of electric cars, i.e. having a battery, and looking at them as a series of storage resources that can return the electric energy in their battery to the grid if necessary, a method to simultaneously control their charging and discharging is provided. In the final step of the paper, it is assumed that hydrogen storage systems will also enter the circuit, and thus, a comprehensive method for energy management is proposed. Finally, the linearized model of demand response and the proposed scheme along with the modeling of hydrogen storage and electric vehicles are considered to be part of contribution to improve the operation and economic situation of the network.  相似文献   

The attention on green and clean technology innovations is highly demanded of a modern era. Transportation has seen a high rate of growth in today's cities. The conventional internal combustion engine‐operated vehicle liberates gasses like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and water, which result in the increased surface temperature of the earth. One of the optimum solutions to overcome fossil fuel degrading and global warming is electric vehicle. The challenging aspect in electric vehicle is its energy storage system. Many of the researchers mainly concentrate on the field of storage device cost reduction, its age increment, and energy densities' improvement. This paper explores an overview of an electric propulsion system composed of energy storage devices, power electronic converters, and electronic control unit. The battery with high‐energy density and ultracapacitor with high‐power density combination paves a way to overcome the challenges in energy storage system. This study aims at highlighting the various hybrid energy storage system configurations such as parallel passive, active, battery–UC, and UC–battery topologies. Finally, energy management control strategies, which are categorized in global optimization, are reviewed. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

文章分析了并联式混合动力汽车电机和发动机功率的实时分配问题,为提高发动机和电机的工作效率,设计了一种基于蚁群优化的模糊控制策略。通过发动机台架性能测试的实验数据,拟合得到发动机工作效率函数,并绘制发动机工作效率图。根据发动机工作效率图制定模糊控制规则,并以发动机工作效率为优化目标,利用蚁群算法对模糊隶属度函数参数进行优化。ADVISOR的仿真结果表明,与未优化的模糊控制策略相比,优化后的模糊控制策略能更有效地改善混合动力汽车的整车燃油经济性,并能更好地解决电池过度放电的问题,提高电池的工作寿命。  相似文献   

Plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) are expected to balance the fluctuation of renewable energy sources (RES). To investigate the contribution of PEVs, the availability of mobile battery storage and the control mechanism for load management are crucial. This study therefore combined the following: a stochastic model to determine mobility behavior, an optimization model to minimize vehicle charging costs and an agent-based electricity market equilibrium model to estimate variable electricity prices. The variable electricity prices are calculated based on marginal generation costs. Hence, because of the merit order effect, the electricity prices provide incentives to consume electricity when the supply of renewable generation is high. Depending on the price signals and mobility behavior, PEVs calculate a cost minimizing charging schedule and therefore balance the fluctuation of RES. The analysis shows that it is possible to limit the peak load using the applied control mechanism. The contribution of PEVs to improving the integration of intermittent renewable power generation into the grid depends on the characteristic of the RES generation profile. For the German 2030 scenario used here, the negative residual load was reduced by 15–22% and the additional consumption of negative residual load was between 34 and 52%.  相似文献   

Electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), which obtain their fuel from the grid by charging a battery, are set to be introduced into the mass market and expected to contribute to oil consumption reduction. In this research, scenarios for 2020 EVs penetration and charging profiles are studied integrated with different hypotheses for electricity production mix. The impacts in load profiles, spot electricity prices and emissions are obtained for the Portuguese case study. Simulations for year 2020, in a scenario of low hydro production and high prices, resulted in energy costs for EVs recharge of 20 cents/kWh, with 2 million EVs charging mainly at evening peak hours. On the other hand, in an off-peak recharge, a high hydro production and low wholesale prices' scenario, recharge costs could be reduced to 5.6 cents/kWh. In these extreme cases, EV's energy prices were between 0.9€ to 3.2€ per 100 km. Reductions in primary energy consumption, fossil fuels use and CO2 emissions of up to 3%, 14% and 10%, respectively, were verified (for a 2 million EVs' penetration and a dry year's off-peak recharge scenario) from the transportation and electricity sectors together when compared with a BAU scenario without EVs.  相似文献   

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