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1. INTRODUCTIONFreesurface turbulent flow exists widely in engineering. Due to difficulties in measurement and simulation, very little has been understood about the structures and transport mechanism of turbulence near the freesurface. Komori and Ueda…  相似文献   

Fully developed vertical turbulent channel flow with particle transport was investigated by use of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach coupled with dynamic the SubGrid Scale (SGS) model. It was assumed that the motion of each particle is followed in a Lagrangian frame of reference driven by the forces exerted by fluid motion and gravity under the condition of one-way coupling. The goal of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of the I.ES technique for predicting particle transport in turbulent flow and the behavior of particle-laden turbulent channel flow for three kinds of particles at different Stokes numbers. To depict the behavior of particle-laden turbulent channel flow, statistical quantities including particle fluctuation and fluid-particle velocity correlation, and visualization of the particle number density field were analyzed.  相似文献   

Pulsating turbulent open channel flow has been investigated by the u.se of I.arge Eddy Simulation (I.ES) technique coupled with dynamic Sub-Grid-Scale (SGS) model for turbulent SGS stress to closure the governing equations.Three-dimensional filtered Navier-Stokes equations are numerically solved by a fractional-- step method. The objective of this study is to deal with the behavior of the pulsating turbulent open channel flow and to examine the reliability of the I.ES approach for predicting the pulsating turbulent flow. In this study, the Reynolds number (Re,) is chosen as 180 based on the friction velocity and the channel depth, The frequency of the driving pressure gradient for the pulsating turbulent flow ranges low, medium and high value, Statistical turbulence quantities as well as the flow structures are analyzed.  相似文献   

Results of several Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of open channel flows with non-submerged vegetation are presented in this article. It is shown that the vegetation can make the flow structure in the mainstream direction uniform for both supercritical and subcritical flows. For subcritical flows, the LES results of the ensemble-average of time-averaged velocity distributions at four vertical sections around a single plant are in good agreement with measurements. The velocity sees double peaks at the upper and lower positions of flows. For supercritical flows, the ensemble-average velocities see some discrepancy between LES and measurement results. Some secondary flow eddies appear near the single plant, and they just locate in the positions of the double peaks in stream-wise velocity profiles. It is also found that the vegetation drag coefficient deceases as the Froude number increases.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONTheLESapproachoriginatedfromtheneedsofmeteorologiststopredictorsimulatetheglobalweath er .GenerallySmagorinsky (196 3)wascreditedwiththeinitialdevelopmentofLES .ThefirstapplicationoftheLESapproachtoproblemsofengineeriginterestwasmadebyDeardor…  相似文献   

Jet characteristics of air supply opening in a ventilating or an air-conditioning system is primarily decided by the folw state in the duct connected to the opening. It is valuable to study the opening jet characteristics and the flow state in a duct. In this study, the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique combined with the Tarlor-Galerkin Finite Element Method ( FEM) in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was applied to the problem. The 3-D flow fields in ducts around air supply opening under typical conditions were investigated by numerical simulation as well as experimental measurements. Numerical results agree well with the available experimental data. It indicates that the LES method is available under the conditions with complicated boundaries and inner accompanied by anisotropic large-scale eddies, and it is credible to predict the jet deflection characteristics around an opening.  相似文献   

Thermally-stratified shear turbulent channel flow with temperature oscillation on the bottom wall of the channel was investigated with the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach coupled with dynamic Sub-Grid-Scale (SGS) models. The effect of temperature oscillation on the turbulent channel flow behavior was examined. The phase-averaged velocities and temperature, and flow structures at different Richardson numbers and periods of the oscillation was analyzed.  相似文献   

Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of fully developed turbulent channel flow with heat transfer was performed to investigate the effects of the Reynolds number on the turbulence behavior. In the present study, the bottom wall of the channel was cooled and the top wall was heated. The Reynolds numbers, based on the central mean-velocity and the half-width of the channel, were chosen as 4000, 6000, 104 and 2×104, and the Prandtl number as 1.0. To validate our calculations, the present results were compared with available data obtained by Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), which proves to be in good agreement with each other. To reveal the effects of the Reynolds number, some typical quantities, including the velocity fluctuations, temperature fluctuation, heat fluxes and turbulent Prandtl number, were studied.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONInthenear shoreregion ,aswavespropagateintoshallowwater ,theprocessofshoalingleadstotheincreaseofwaveheight ,however ,thisprocesscannotcontinue ,andatacertain positionthewavebreaks .Inpractice ,breakingwavesarepow erfulagentsforgeneratingturbulence ,whichplaysanimportantroleinmostofthefluiddynamicalprocessesthroughoutthesurfzone ,suchaswavetransformation ,generationofnear shorecurrent ,diffusionofmaterials ,andsedimenttransporta tion .Manynumericalstudieshavebeenconductedt…  相似文献   

A Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique was applied to solve the turbulent channel flow for Rer = 150.Three types of turbulence models are employed, such as the Smagorinsky model, the Dynamic Sub-Grid Scale(SGS) model and the Generalized Normal Stress (GNS) model. The simulated data in time series for the LES were averaged in both time and space to carry out the statistical analysis. Results of LES were compared with that of a DNS. As an application, a LES technique was used for 2D body in order to check the validation by investigating the turbulent vortical motion around the afterbody with a slant angle.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamics of a pump sump consisting of a main channel,pump sump,and intake pipe is examined using Truchas,a three-dimensional Navier-Stokes solver,with a Large Eddy Simulation(LES) turbulence model.The numerical results of streamwise velocity profiles and flow patterns are discussed and compared with experimental data of Ansar and Nakato.Fairly good agreement is obtained.Furthermore,unlike Ansar et al.'s inviscid solution,the proposed numerical model includes the effect of fluid viscosity and consid...  相似文献   

The interaction between a plane wall jet and a parallel offset jet is studied through the Large Eddy Simulation (LES).In order to compare with the related experimental data,the offset ratio is set to be 1.0 and the Reynolds number Re is 1.0×10 4 with respect to the jet height L and the exit velocity 0 U.The Finite Volume Method (FVM) with orthogonal-mesh (6.17×10 6 nodes) is used to discretize governing equations.The large eddies are obtained directly,while the small eddies are simulated by using the Dynamic Smagorinsky-Lily Model (DSLM) and the Dynamic Kinetic energy Subgrid-scale Model (DKSM).Comparisons between computational results and experimental data show that the DKSM is especially effective in predicting the mean stream-wise velocity,the half-width of the velocity and the decay of the maximum velocity.The variations of the mean stream-wise velocity and the turbulent intensity at several positions are also obtained,and their distributions agree well with the measurements.The further analysis of dilute characteristics focuses on the tracer concentration,such as the distributions of the concentration (i.e.,0 C /C or /m C C),the boundary layer thickness δ c and the half-width of the concentration c b,the decay of the maximum concentration (0 /m C C) along the downstream direction.The turbulence mechanism is also analyzed in some aspects,such as the coherent structure,the correlation function and the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the fluctuating velocity.The results show that the interaction between the two jets is strong near the jet exit and they are fully merged after a certain distance.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONInactualrivers ,theriverbediscommonlycoveredbyvegetation .Thevegetationinriversplaysanimportantroleontheenvironmentalfunc tionoftherivers,thatis,theamenitytohumanlife ,livingspaceformanylives ,purificationofwaterqualityandsoon .However ,thevegetationinriversalsoplaysakeyroleonthecarryingca pacityofachannelwithfloodplains .Therefore ,thehydraulicsoftheflowwithvegetationshouldbemoreimprovedorrefined .Logicalexplanationandaccurateevaluationaboutturbulentflowinopenchannelwith…  相似文献   

The Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of the wave breaking over a muddy seabed is carried out with a Coupled Level Set and Volume Of Fluid (CLSVOF) method to capture the interfaces.The effects of the mud on the wave breaking are studied.The existence of a mud layer beneath an otherwise rigid bottom is found to have a similar effect as an increase of the water depth.As compared with the case of a simple rigid bottom,the inception of the wave breaking is evidently delayed and the breaking intensity is much reduced.The dissipation of the wave energy is shown to have very different rates before,during and after the breaking.Before and after the breaking,the mud plays an important role.During the breaking,however,the turbulence as well as the entrainment of the air also dissipate a large amount of energy.  相似文献   

The Filtering Grid Scale (FGS) of sub-grid scale models does not match with the theoretical Proper FGS (PFGS) because of the improper mesh. Therefore, proper Large Eddy Simulation (LES) Mesh is very decisive for better results and more economical cost. In this work, the purpose is to provide an adaptive control strategy for proper LES mesh with turbulence theory and CFD methods. A new expression of PFGS is proposed on the basis of ?5/3 law of inertial sub-range and the proper mesh of LES can be built directly from the adjustment of RANS mesh. A benchmark of the backward facing step flow at Re = 5147 is provided for application and verification. There are three kinds of mesh sizes, including the RANS mesh, LAM (LES of adaptive-control mesh), LFM (LES of fine mesh), employed here. The grid number of LAM is smaller than those of LFM evidently, and the results of LAM are in a good agreement with those of DNS and experiments. It is revealed that the results of LAM are very close to those of LFM. The conclusions provide positive evidences for the novel strategy.  相似文献   

Studies of the flow and sediment movement in a cavity with free surface were mostly limited to physical modeling experiments. In this study, the sediment movement is characterized in detail using a 3-D turbulent numerical model. To close the Reynolds equations, the standard k-ε model is employed. The VOF method is adopted to capture the time varying free surface and the porosity method is introduced to deal with the irregular boundary and the varying bed deformation. The computation results agree well with the experimental data in major aspects such as the vertical distribution of the sediment concentration and the deposition topography in the cavity. The comparisons show that this model can well predict the flow structure and the sediment movement and also the river bed deformation in a cavity.  相似文献   

A cavitation calculation scheme is developed and applied to ALE 15 and ALE 25 hydrofoils, based on the Bubble Two-phase Flow (BTF) cavity model with a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) methodology. The Navier-Stokes equations including cavitation bubble clusters are solved through the finite-volume approach with a time-marching scheme. Simulations are carried out in a 3-D field with a hydrofoil ALE 15 or ALE 25 at an angle of attack of 8° and cavitation number σ = 2.3 with a 2 × 106, meshing system. With the time-marching, the cavitation bubble gradually grows to a steady lump shape and then produces an irregular small bubble behind the main cavitation bubble, finally shedding from the leading edge of the cloud cavitation structure. The calculated results including velocity field and pressure field are consistent with experiment data at the same Reynolds number and cavitation number. The vortex and reverse flow are observed on the hydrofoil surface.  相似文献   

The turbulent flow, with the Reynolds number of 5.9× 105, in the strongly 3-D skew blade passage of a true Francis hydro turbine was simulated by the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach to investigate the spatial and temporal distributions of the fully developed turbulence in the passage with strongly 3-D complex geometry. The simulations show that the strong three-dimensionality of the passage has a great amplification effect on the turbulence in the passage, and the distributions of the turbulence are diversely nonuniform, for instance, the rise of turbulent kinetic energy in the lower 1/3 region of the passage is more than 45%, whereas its rise in the upper 1/3 region is less than 1%. With the LES approach, the details of the flow structures at the near-wall surfaces of the blades could be obtained. Several turbulent spots were captured.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional vortical structures for an impinging transverse jet in the near region were numerically investigated by means of Large-Eddy Simulation (LES). The LES results reproduced the skewed jet shear layer vortices close to the jet nozzle and the scarf vortex in the near-wall zone, in good agreement with the experimental observations. Different vortical modes in the skewed jet shear layer close to the jet nozzle were identified depending upon the velocity ratio between jet and crossflow, namely changing from an approximately axisymmetric mode to a helical one with the velocity ratios varying from 20 to 8. Moreover, the scarf vortex wrapped around the impinging jet in the near-wall zone showed distinct asymmetry with regard to its bilateral spiral legs within the near region. And the entrainment of the ambient crossflow fluids by the scarf vortex in the near-wall zone was appreciably influenced by its asymmetry and in a large part occurred on the surface of the spiral roller structures in the course of spreading downstream.  相似文献   

Turbulent flow in a 3-D blade passage of a Francis hydro turbine was simulated with the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to investigate the spatial and temporal distributions of the turbulence when strongly distorted wakes in the inflow sweep over the passage. In a suitable consideration of the energy exchanging mechanism between the large and small scales in the complicated passage with a strong 3-D curvature,one-coefficient dynamic Sub-Grid-Scale (SGS) stress model was used in this article. The simulations show that the strong wakes in the inflow lead to a flow separation at the leading zone of the passage,and to form a primary vortex in the span-wise direction. The primary span-wise vortex evolves and splits into smaller vortex pairs due to the constraint of no-slip wall condition,which triggers losing stability of the flow in the passage. The computed pressures on the pressure and suction sides agree with the measured data for a working test turbine model.  相似文献   

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