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本实验对小麦抗性淀粉和马铃薯抗性淀粉结构特征及体外消化性进行研究。结果表明,与小麦抗性淀粉相比,马铃薯抗性淀粉直链淀粉含量更高,分子质量分布更集中,热稳定性更高。两种抗性淀粉粒径相差不大,均为C型结构,化学结构相似,没有基团差异。小麦抗性淀粉分子颗粒完整,表面光滑,呈不规则的椭圆形,马铃薯抗性淀粉分子为不规则多面体,分子表面粗糙,有凹陷,且有少量的层状起伏。体外消化试验表明:马铃薯抗性淀粉具有更强的抗消化能力,血糖指数分别为40.62、40.50(GI<55),属于低GI食品。相关性分析结果为抗性淀粉体外消化率与其直链淀粉含量、碘吸收峰负相关,与其结晶度、热焓值显著负相关,与比表面积正相关。 相似文献
抗性淀粉直链淀粉含量测定及消化性研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
以蜡质玉米淀粉为原料,经过糊化后使用普鲁兰酶脱支,产生更多的短直链淀粉重新结晶来制备抗性淀粉。通过碘吸光度法测定,直链淀粉含量高的样品的抗性淀粉含量不一定高,但直链淀粉含量低的样品不容易产生高含量抗性淀粉。在In-Vitro消化模型中,和原淀粉相比,所有的抗性淀粉样品消化产物的量、还原糖释放率和平均消化速率都减少或降低,并且抗性淀粉含量越高,减少或降低得越多。 相似文献
压热法制备淮山药抗性淀粉及其消化性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究压热法制备淮山药抗性淀粉的影响因素与抗性淀粉得率的关系,采用三因素二次通用旋转组合设计,优化淮山药抗性淀粉的制备工艺,试验结果表明:淀粉乳含量、pH值、压热时间对抗性淀粉得率的影响极显著,影响因素主次顺序依次为淀粉乳含量、淀粉乳pH值和压热时间;最佳工艺条件为淀粉乳含量25.20%,pH6.26,压热时间42.85 min,在此条件下测得的淮山药抗性淀粉得率为25.27%。In-Vitro体外模拟人体消化的试验表明,淮山药抗性淀粉较淮山药原淀粉更难消化,且抗性淀粉含量越大越难以消化。 相似文献
目的 研究马铃薯抗性淀粉的结构特征与体外消化特性.方法 以马铃薯淀粉为对照,采用红外光谱仪、X射线衍射仪技术(X-ray diffraction,XRD)、差示扫描量热法(differential scanning calorimetry,DSC)等手段研究马铃薯抗性淀粉的碘吸收特性、颗粒形貌、晶型结构形态、热特性.通... 相似文献
为了研制一款具备良好感官特性的功能性蛋糕,以蛋糕专用粉、银杏抗性淀粉、鸡蛋、色拉油、白砂糖等为原料,以品质评分为评价指标,通过单因素和响应面试验设计,对银杏抗性淀粉蛋糕的最佳配方进行优化,并对其消化性能进行评价。结果表明,最佳配方为银杏抗性淀粉:蛋糕专用粉配比为15:85的混合粉100 g,全蛋液185 g,色拉油16 g,白砂糖80 g,食盐5 g,泡打粉1 g,蛋糕油5 g,水30 g。在此条件下制得的蛋糕表皮金黄,外表稍有裂纹,内部组织细腻,气泡均匀,无空洞硬块,口感柔软,香味纯正,无颗粒感,品质评分为87.4±0.2。制得的银杏抗性淀粉蛋糕体外水解率在60 min趋于稳定,为62.87%±0.95%,显著低于对照组的80.15%±1.16%(p<0.05)。银杏抗性淀粉蛋糕具有良好的适口性和抗消化功能,有广阔的市场前景和应用价值。 相似文献
采用二次循环压热法制备、纯化得到了绿豆、马铃薯、锥栗和板栗抗性淀粉,并对它们的益生作用及结构变化进行了研究。结果表明:四种抗性淀粉对双歧杆菌和乳酸杆菌都有较好的增殖作用,对大肠杆菌和产气荚膜梭菌有抑制作用,对粪肠球菌、梭状杆菌、兼性细菌无明显影响。发酵液总酸度增大,表明四种抗性淀粉能被肠道益生菌发酵利用。发酵后抗性淀粉的平均聚合度有所降低,但结构变得更加整齐有序、比表面积增加,这可能与抗性淀粉在肠道所发挥的其他生理功能有关。发酵后四种抗性淀粉经的晶型均变为A型,微晶度降低。 相似文献
超高压处理对抗性淀粉消化性的影响研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
应用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、红外光谱(FTIR)、热重分析(TGA)、小角X射线衍射(SAXS)等手段,研究超高压对高直链玉米淀粉结构和消化性质的影响。结果表明,超高压对淀粉颗粒表面形态的影响随着压力的增加越来越明显。并且随着压力的升高热稳定性不断升高。经过200~600 MPa压力处理后的淀粉消化率随着压力的增加不断下降,800~1 000 MPa压力处理后的淀粉消化率不断增加,而淀粉内部半晶体或结构有序性是影响消化率的重要因素,有序性越高消化率越低。 相似文献
根据膨胀度、糊化度及差示扫描量热仪(DSC)测得热力学参数,综合分析甘薯交联抗性淀粉和原淀粉热力学性质,并采用Jenkins提出In–vitro模型测定淀粉体外消化性。结果表明:在同一温度下,甘薯交联抗性淀粉膨胀度和糊化度均较原淀粉低,且交联剂用量越高,淀粉膨胀度和糊化度越小;DSC测试结果显示,甘薯交联抗性淀粉相转变温度To、Tp、Tc随交联剂用量增加而升高,Tc–To和△H均比原淀粉低。In–vitro消化模拟实验表明,甘薯交联抗性淀粉消化性比原淀粉低,并随交联剂含量增加,消化产物量减少,消化速度降低。 相似文献
抗性淀粉制备工艺研究 总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12
采用酸变性和沸水浴的方法,对小麦和甘薯淀粉进行处理,以抗性淀粉得率作为评价指标,研究了在不同的淀粉乳浓度,盐酸用量,酸解时间,沸水浴时间,不同冷藏温度和时间条件下,小麦和甘薯淀粉糊化后形成抗性淀粉得率的变化情况,得到在不同条件下抗性淀粉得率受影响的趋势。 相似文献
Chemical composition,dietary fibre and resistant starch contents of raw and cooked pea,common bean,chickpea and lentil legumes 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Giovana Ermetice de Almeida Costa Keila da Silva Queiroz-MoniciSoely Maria Pissini Machado Reis Admar Costa de Oliveira 《Food chemistry》2006
The chemical composition and the contents of resistant starch and soluble and insoluble dietary fibre of pea (Pisum sativum L.), common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), chickpea (Cicer aretinum L.) and lentil (Lens culinaris Med.) legumes, were studied. Raw and freeze-dried cooked samples were used, both in the form of flour. Protein values of the legumes ranged from 18.5 to 21.9 g/100 g for the raw grains and from 21.3 to 23.7 g/100 g for freeze-dried cooked legumes. Chickpea stood out for the highest lipid content (p < 0.05), the lowest insoluble fibre values, and soluble dietary fibre not detected. The average content of resistant starch found in the legumes did not differ statistically (p > 0.05), being 2.23 ± 0.24 g/100 g for freeze-dried cooked legumes, and showing a slight reduction in comparison to the raw form. 相似文献
Resistant starches prepared from maize and peas were fermented in vitro with rat or human intestinal bacteria. With both inoculum types, degradation of pea starch after 24 h incubation (0 and 47% utilised by rat and human organisms, respectively) was markedly slower than that of maize starch (73 and 85%) and was incomplete even after 7 days' incubation; degradation of both starches was slower than with soluble starch or sucrose. The slow degradation of pea starch was not due to the presence of intact cell walls. Qualitatively, the production of C2-C4 volatile fatty acids was similar for all substrates and both inoculum types but there were some quantitative differences. If resistant food starches are to be regarded as dietary fibre, then, like ‘true’ fibre, any physiological effect in vivo may depend on the type of starch involved. 相似文献
4种抗性淀粉的主要理化特性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用二次循环压热法制备、纯化得到了绿豆、马铃薯、锥栗和板栗抗性淀粉,并对其主要理化性质进行了研究。结果表明:与相应的原淀粉相比,4种抗性淀粉的平均聚合度显著降低,其微观结构为不规则的片层状堆积结构;绿豆、马铃薯抗性淀粉晶体为B型,结晶度升高,且B型晶体所占比例显著增加;锥栗、板栗抗性淀粉晶体为V型,且V型晶体显著增加;4种抗性淀粉的溶解度显著降低,且对α-淀粉酶具有较强的抗性;4种抗性淀粉的糊化焓△H值差别不大,但绿豆与马铃著抗性淀粉的起始糊化温度T_0、峰值糊化温度T_P、终止糊化温度T_C值均要高于锥栗和板栗抗性淀粉的T_0、T_P、T_C值,特别是绿豆与马铃薯抗性淀粉的T_0、T_P、T_C、△H值显著增高。 相似文献
Amylotype corn starches, Hylon V and Hylon VII, were acid-hydrolyzed followed by autoclaving-storing cycles and drying in an oven or freeze-dryer. Molecular weights of the samples decreased with increasing hydrolysis time. Resistant starch (RS) contents of acid-hydrolyzed samples did not differ from those of native starches. RS contents of oven-dried samples were higher than those of freeze-dried samples. Onset (TO) and peak (TP) transition temperatures of hydrolysates were lower than those of respective native starches. Autoclaving-storing increased in TO and TP and decreased in ΔH values as compared to acid-hydrolyzed starches. Water binding and solubility values of hydrolysates were higher than those of respective native starches. Autoclaved-stored samples had higher water binding and solubility values than those of respective acid-hydrolyzed samples. Acid-hydrolyzed and autoclaved-stored samples increased the emulsion capacity and stability values of albumin. The RVA viscosity values of the autoclaved-stored samples were higher than those of the hydrolysates. 相似文献
Juraluck JuansangChureerat Puttanlek Vilai RungsardthongSanthanee Puncha-arnon Dudsadee Uttapap 《Food chemistry》2012,131(2):500-507
The effects of gelatinisation on slowly digestible (SDS) and resistant starch (RS) of native and modified canna starches were investigated. Starch slurries (10% w/w) were gelatinised at 100 °C for 5, 10, 20 and 40 min using a rapid visco analyzer (RVA). Significant change in the degree of gelatinisation (DG) values of all starch samples was observed during the initial 10 min of gelatinisation; after that the DG values increased gradually with gelatinisation time. The RS contents in all gelatinised starches decreased with increasing gelatinisation time, while the SDS values fluctuated. Chemical modification affected DG values as well as RS/SDS contents. The RS contents in 10% (w/w) acetylated, hydroxypropylated, octenyl succinylated and cross-linked canna starches gelatinised at 100 °C for 40 min were 26.6%, 32.0%, 45.3% and 19.8%, respectively, which were higher than that of the native starch (12.4%). Canna starch modified by crosslinking had the highest SDS content when gelatinised for 20-40 min. Modification of canna starch by heat-moisture treatment resulted in a lower content of RS for all treated samples. However, the Vt-HMT25 (canna starch containing moisture content of 25% during heat treatment) when gelatinised for 5-20 min contained a higher amount of SDS, compared to unmodified starch. The most effective modification method for RS and SDS formation was octenyl succinylation, where the sum of RS and SDS approached that of Novelose260. 相似文献
Serpil Ozturk Hamit Koksel Kevser Kahraman Perry K. W. Ng 《European Food Research and Technology》2009,229(1):115-125
High-amylose corn starches [(Hylon V (H5) and Hylon VII (H7)] were debranched with pullulanase, followed by autoclaving–storing
cycles and drying in an oven (at 50 °C) or freeze-dryer. The samples were autoclaved at 123 and 133 °C and stored at 4 and
95 °C. Molecular weights of the samples decreased and resistant starch (RS) contents increased with increased debranching
time. RS contents of H7 samples were higher than those of H5 samples. RS contents of oven-dried samples were higher than those
of freeze-dried samples. Debranching caused decreases in DSC peak temperature (T
p) and increases in enthalpy (ΔH) values of H5 and H7. Autoclaving at 133 °C caused higher ΔH values as compared to autoclaving
at 123 °C. The solubility and water-binding values of autoclaved-only (control) and autoclaved–debranched (3–48 h) samples
and the samples treated with autoclaving–storing cycles after debranching of both H5 and H7 were higher than those of their
respective native starches. Debranching of starch samples affected the emulsion capacity of albumin adversely, but improved
the emulsion stability of albumin. Cold viscosity values of freeze-dried samples were higher than those of oven-dried samples.
Autoclaving–storing cycles after debranching caused decreases in peak, breakdown and final viscosity values. 相似文献
The content of nutrients (protein, starch, ash, calcium, iron, phosphorous and thiamin) and antinutritional components (dietary fiber fractions, phytic acid and tannin), and in vitro bioavailability of calcium and iron and in vitro digestibility of protein and starch were determined in control, germinated and dehulled green gram, cowpea, lentil and chickpea. Germination caused significant (P<0.05) increase in protein, thiamin, in vitro iron and calcium bioavailability and in vitro starch and protein digestibility contents of all the legume samples. Further increase in mentioned parameters was observed after dehulling the germinated legumes. Phytic acid and tannin were reduced by 18-21% and 20-38%, respectively, on germination and more reduction was observed in dehulled over germinated samples. There were negative correlations between nutrients bioavailability and digestibility with antinutritional factors. 相似文献
Duck-Ki Hwang Sung-Woo Kim Ji-Hye Kim Je-Hoon Ryu Sang-Ho Yoo Cheon-Seok Park Byung-Yong Kim Moo-Yeol Baik 《Starch - St?rke》2009,61(1):20-27
In vitro digestibility of hydroxypropylated and cross-linked waxy and non-waxy rice starches was investigated to find the proper resistant starch (RS) assaying method for chemically modified starches. RS and total dietary fiber (TDF) content of hydroxypropylated and cross-linked waxy and non-waxy rice starches were measured using the approved AOAC RS assay procedure (AOAC method 2002.02) and the AOAC TDF assay procedure (AOAC method 985.29). Hydroxypropylation did not alter the RS content of waxy and non-waxy rice starches (less than 1% of RS). Cross-linking also did not change the RS content of waxy and non-waxy rice starches (less than 1% of RS). It is interesting to note that non-RS content decreased with increasing hydroxypropylation (97-80%) and cross-linking (99-95%) in both waxy and non-waxy rice starches. This indicates that some fraction of RS in hydroxypropylated and cross-linked waxy and non-waxy rice starches cannot be measured using approved AOAC RS and TDF assay procedures. Therefore, the RS and TDF assay procedures performed in this study are not appropriate to determine the RS content of chemically modified starch. Further investigation is needed to develop a method to determine the RS content of chemically modified starch. 相似文献