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The cognitive radio technology was applied to non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) cooperative multicast system,the feasibility of using users as relays was studied,and a two-level cooperative transmission scheme with parameterized multicast candidate sets was proposed.Specifically,the scheme first selected the candidate set according to the cardinality q,and then selected the best forwarding node based on the channel gain between the primary users and the candidate secondary users.Simulation results show that,through the reasonable selection of the cardinality q,the proposed scheme can greatly reduce the diversity gain of the secondary users while simultaneously increasing the diversity gain of the primary users.In NOMA cooperative multicast scenario composed of N multicast users,the proposed scheme can increase the diversity gain of the primary users from 2 to min(N-q+2,q+1) to meet their reliability requirements.  相似文献   

Energy-efficient communication is an important requirement for mobile relay networks due to the limited battery power of user terminals. This paper considers energy-efficient relaying schemes through selection of mobile relays in cooperative cellular systems with asymmetric traffic. The total energy consumption per information bit of the battery-powered terminals, i. e. , the mobile station(MS)and the relay, is derived in theory. In the joint uplink and downlink relay selection(JUDRS)scheme we proposed, the relay which minimizes the total energy consumption is selected. Additionally, the energy-efficient cooperation regions are investigated, and the optimal relay location is found for cooperative cellular systems with asymmetric traffic. The results reveal that the MS-relay and the relay-base station(BS)channels have different influence over relay selection decisions for optimal energy-efficiency. Information theoretic analysis of the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff(DMT)demonstrates that the proposed scheme achieves full spatial diversity in the quantity of cooperating terminals in this network. Finally, numerical results further confirm a significant energy efficiency gain of the proposed algorithm comparing to the previous best worse channel selection and best harmonic mean selection algorithms.  相似文献   

The transmission antennas of cooperative systems are spatially distributed on multiple nodes, so the received signal can be asynchronous due to propagation delays. A receiving scheme for cooperative relay networks is proposed, multiple asynchronous signals are reconstructed at the receiver by forward and backward interference cancellation, which can obtain gains of cooperative transmission diversity with obvious delay and with no requiring timing synchronization or orthogonal channelization between relays. Analysis and simulation show that the bit error rate(BER) of the proposed scheme is similar to Alamouti code, and the scheme has the diversity order of orthogonal transmission scheme accompanied by minimal BER losses. It is demonstrated that the performance can be further improved by adding an error correcting code(ECC).  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the bandwidth allocation problem for cooperative relay networks. The relay takes the roles of not only forwarding the data originated from the users but also of transmitting its own data to the access point. We focus on the interesting questions of when and how the users and the relay can both benefit from the cooperation by bandwidth allocation for relaying among the users. The bandwidth allocation problem is formulated in this paper as a Nash bargaining problem, and then the bandwidth allocation algorithm can be given on the basis of the sub‐gradient method. Simulation results illustrate that users and the relay can both obtain more profits through cooperation. Copyright ©2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王庆辉 《通信学报》2005,26(8):141-154
广东工业大学信息工程学院成立于2000年4月,其前身为原电子与信息工程系和原机械电子工程二系的测量与控制专业。现设有“信息工程”和“测控技术与仪器”两个本科专业,拥有“电子电力与电力传动”与“测试计量技术与仪器”两个学科的硕士学位授予点。  相似文献   

陈雷 《电信科学》2017,33(10):107-114
提出了协作多播网络中基于有限反馈的联合子载波和功率分配策略,在满足QoS需求的条件下使功率消耗最小化。该策略首先利用有限的反馈信息在等速率分配下将子载波分给不同的多播组,并提出“公平子载波分配”策略,达到了功率消耗和公平性的折中。然后利用提出的“协作功率迭代”策略完成有效的功率分配,该策略利用注水定理确定每个子载波的目标速率后,又通过一个功率迭代过程实现功率最佳化。仿真结果显示,新的协作策略大大降低了上行反馈开销,且所需功率和多播业务中断概率远远小于直传策略。此外,协作功率迭代策略由于有较低的计算复杂度,因此更适合于实际系统。  相似文献   

无线协作中继技术具有低成本、扩大覆盖范围的作用,可以有效提高通信系统的可靠性和传输速率。对无线协作中继技术进行综述,讨论协作中继的基本协议和协作中继的选择方案,并且进行比较分析和仿真验证。  相似文献   

We propose two novel automatic repeat request (ARQ) strategies for relay cooperative systems over Rayleigh fading channel one uses relay ARQ and the other destination ARQ. The BER performance of these two strategies is derived in fast block fading. Numerical analysis and simulation show the systems can get more performance gain when the inter-channel (the source to the relay) quality is bad in the relay ARQ strategy. In the destination ARQ strategy, when the uplink qualities of the source and relay to the destination are poor, the average received SNR of the destination is much low, the systems performance can be improved efficiently.  相似文献   

研究了多播业务在协作非正交多址接入(non-orthogonal multiple access,NOMA)系统中的应用及其性能。在一个单播和多播混合业务的场景中,多播用户组中选择某个信道状态最好的用户作为中继进行解码转发单播用户的信号,并在中继用户支持全双工的模式下,分析和推导了单播用户的中断概率和平均可达速率的闭式表达式。蒙特卡洛仿真结果和理论推导高度一致,表明提出的协作多播应用可以极大改善单播用户的中断性能,且多播用户的容量性能在中继发射功率不是很高的情况下不会受到影响。  相似文献   

研究采用放大转发协议的单向和双向中继网络中的中继选择与功率分配的联合优化策略。该策略以一定服务质量(QoS)要求为约束条件,以最小化中继网络中各节点的总功率为目标,建立优化问题。运用凸优化技术,得到了该优化问题的闭合解。仿真结果表明在满足相同的QoS要求下,该最优联合策略较传统的随机选择与等功率分配策略具有较低的功率消耗。  相似文献   

Cooperative communication is one of the fastest growing research areas of today. It can efficiently mitigate the effect of shadowing and fading with the help of relays and proper relay selection technique. In this paper, a novel relay selection scheme combined with artificial noise (AN) is devised to enhance the secrecy of cooperative networks with amplify‐and‐forward scheme, over Rayleigh fading channels in the presence of a passive eavesdropper. The probability of path selection of ant colony optimization algorithm is used for selecting the best relay with high end‐to‐end signal‐to‐noise ratio. The probability of choosing a path depends on the significance of channel gain (G) and fading coefficients (h). The proposed algorithm finds the best relay in the following wireless scenarios: when (i) both channel gain and fading coefficients are significant; (ii) only fading coefficients are significant; and (iii) only channel gain is significant. Because the direct links between source and destination and source and eavesdropper are considered, AN along with the information is sent by both the source and the selected relay. The performance is evaluated based on secrecy rate (Rs); for the relays randomly placed between the source and destination and for different eavesdropper's location. The results show that the proposed relay selection scheme achieves better secrecy for different wireless scenarios compared with traditional schemes. With the help of AN, the secrecy rate can be made positive even when the eavesdropper lies near to source.  相似文献   

To fully exploit the performance benefits of relay station (RS),in the two-hop cellular networks covering hotspots,when the number of RSs is predetermined,both RS deployment and frequency reuse scheme ...  相似文献   

Multihop cooperative communication is emerging as a key concept to extend the coverage area of the network and potentially increase the capacity. The spectral efficiency of such networks can be improved by adapting the transmission to time‐varying channel conditions, referred to as incremental relaying. Although such incremental relaying concepts are progressively being studied, many challenges, such as erroneous transmissions by intermediate nodes and end‐to‐end delay of the network, limit its practical use due to lack of an efficient implementation. This paper proposes an efficient multihop incremental relaying technique. In this method, erroneous relay forwarding is mitigated, and the overhead for coordination among nodes is reduced by exploiting the implicit feedback channel available due to the broadcast nature of wireless transmissions. The proposed scheme fully leverages the benefit of overhearing and eliminates the additional feedback slots required for validation. Further, it ensures reliable forwarding of information, which optimizes the throughput of multihop networks. Thorough analysis of the proposed scheme is performed under different deployment environments, and the theoretical analyses presented in this paper are supported with results from extensive simulation studies. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

从物理层安全的角度出发,在含有协作中继的通信网络中,通过选择最优中继来传递信息可有效提升系统性能。讨论了在含有多个单天线窃听用户的多中继通信系统中对最优中继的选择方案,并对系统采用放大转发(amplify-and-forward,AF)协议和解码转发(decode-and-forward,DF)协议这两种不同的情况分别进行了讨论和比较,同时还对比了不含中继的直接传输情况。理论分析和仿真结果表明,最优中继选择方案可有效保障系统的安全性能。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the performance evaluation and optimization of an efficient hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) scheme suitable for applications delivered over lossy multicast communication channels. In particular, different from previously investigated strategies, this paper proposes a modified HARQ scheme based on the symbol combining principle (MHARQ‐SC) where multiple copies of a same packet are consecutively transmitted at each transmission opportunity. By considering as the performance metrics, the mean packet delivery delay, and the energy consumption per information packet, this paper presents suitable performance evaluation and optimization strategies tailored for multicast communications. For the sake of comparisons, it has been also analyzed, under the same operational conditions, the performance of different HARQ schemes optimized for multicast communications. Numerical results have been provided to validate the proposed performance evaluation and optimization approaches in the case of the MHARQ‐SC scheme. An important result devised here is that the reported analytical results clearly highlight the performance gain of the proposed strategy in comparison with all the other considered alternatives. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper,we have compared the performance of joint network channel coding(JNCC) for multicast relay network using low density parity check(LDPC) codes and Convolutional codes as channel codes while exclusive or(XOR) network coding used at the intermediate relay nodes.Multicast relay transmission is a type of transmission scheme in which two fixed relay nodes contribute in the second hop of end-to-end transmission between base transceiver station(BTS) and a pair of mobile stations.We have considered one way and two way multicast scenarios to evaluate the bit error rate(BER) and throughput performance.It has been shown that when using XOR network coding at the intermediate relay nodes,the same transmission becomes possible in less time slots hence throughput performance can be improved.Moreover we have also discussed two possible scenarios in the proposed system model,in which both diversity and multiplexing gain has been considered.It is worth notifying that BER and throughput achieved for LDPC codes is better than Convolutional codes for all the schemes discussed.  相似文献   

In energy‐constrained military wireless sensor networks, minimizing the bit error rate (BER) with little compromise on network lifetime is one of the most challenging issues. This paper presents a new relay selection based on fuzzy logic (RSFL) scheme which provides balance between these parameters. The proposed scheme considers node's residual energy and path loss of the relay‐destination link as the input parameters for the selection of the relay node. The relay node selection by fuzzy logic is based on prioritizing higher residual energy and minimum path loss. To evaluate the performance on wireless sensor network, we compare the proposed scheme with the three existing relay selection strategies, ie, random, maximum residual energy based relay selection (MaxRes), and minimum energy consumption based relay selection (MinEnCon). The simulation results of the proposed scheme in terms of network lifetime, BER, Network Survivability Index (NSI), and average energy of network nodes have been presented and compared with different relay selection schemes. The simulation results show that the proposed RSFL scheme has the lowest BER, moderate network lifetime, average energy, and NSI.  相似文献   

刘鹏  徐秀  巩思园  丁恩杰 《电讯技术》2012,52(5):770-775
针对自私性无线协作中继(CR)网络中的放大再中继(AF)和解码再中继(DF)协议,分别给出 公平且有效率的协作中继功率分配方案。两种方案虽然具体研究内容有差别,但有着共同 的研究策略。首先,将节点间的协作功率选择问题建模为纳什议价博弈问题(NBP);然后, 通过求取其纳什议价解(NBS)获得协作节点的共赢策略;最后,针对AF和DF协议分别给出计 算机仿真。仿真结果表明,所提出协作中继性能改进算法的效率性体现在所有协作节点在AF 和DF协议中均获得信号接收质量的提高,其公平性则体现在任意节点为其协作伙伴所贡献的 转发功率大小仅取决于对方为其带来的性能增益大小。  相似文献   

In this paper,we present a non-transferable utility coalition graph game(NTU-CGG) based resource allocation scheme with relay selection for a downlink orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDMA) based cognitive radio networks to maximize both system throughput and system fairness.In this algorithm,with the assistance of others SUs,SUs with less available channels to improve their throughput and fairness by forming a directed tree graph according to spectrum availability and traffic demands of SUs.So this scheme can effectively exploit both space and frequency diversity of the system.Performance results show that,NTU-CGG significantly improves system fairness level while not reducing the throughput comparing with other existing algorithms.  相似文献   

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