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EVIDOS ('evaluation of individual dosimetry in mixed neutron and photon radiation fields') is an European Commission (EC)-sponsored project that aims at a significant improvement of radiation protection dosimetry in mixed neutron/photon fields via spectrometric and dosimetric investigations in representative workplaces of the nuclear industry. In particular, new spectrometry methods are developed that provide the energy and direction distribution of the neutron fluence from which the reference dosimetric quantities are derived and compared to the readings of dosemeters. The final results of the project will be a comprehensive set of spectrometric and dosimetric data for the workplaces and an analysis of the performance of dosemeters, including novel electronic dosemeters. This paper gives an overview of the project and focuses on the results from measurements performed in calibration fields with broad energy distributions (simulated workplace fields) and on the first results from workplaces in the nuclear industry, inside a boiling water reactor and around a spent fuel transport cask.  相似文献   

The paper describes spectrometer equipment in the IPPE experimental laboratory for neutron spectra measurement in mixed (n,γ) fields. The laboratory was founded in 1957 and it occupies a leading position in the field of nuclear facilities radiation spectrometry and benchmark experiments in Russia. Spectrometer equipment includes spectrometers based on the organic stilbene scintillator, hydrogen counter and Bonner balls. Basic fields of spectrometer application are mixed radiation neutron spectra measurement of radionuclide sources, of nuclear reactors and accelerators; study of neutron transfer through the material, including benchmark experiments and measurement of neutron spectra in the rooms of nuclear facilities.  相似文献   

EVIDOS is an EC sponsored project that aims at an evaluation and improvement of radiation protection dosimetry in mixed neutron/photon fields. This is performed through spectrometric and dosimetric investigations during different measurement campaigns in representative workplaces of the nuclear industry. The performance of routine and, in particular, novel personal dosemeters and survey instruments is tested in selected workplace fields. Reference values for the dose equivalent quantities, H(*)(10) and H(p)(10) and the effective dose E, are determined using different spectrometers that provide the energy distribution of the neutron fluence and using newly developed devices that determine the energy and directional distribution of the neutron fluence. The EVIDOS project has passed the mid-term, and three measurement campaigns have been performed. This paper will give an overview and some new results from the third campaign that was held in Mol (Belgium), around the research reactor VENUS and in the MOX producing plant of Belgonucléaire.  相似文献   

Typical vertex finding algorithms use reconstructed tracks, registered in a multi-layer detector, which directly point to the common point of origin. A detector with a single layer of silicon sensors registers the passage of primary particles only in one place. Nevertheless, the information available from these hits can also be used to estimate the vertex position, when the geometrical properties of silicon sensors and the measured ionization energy losses of the particles are fully exploited. In this paper, the algorithm used for this purpose in the PHOBOS experiment is described. The vertex reconstruction performance is studied using simulations and compared with results obtained from real data. The very large acceptance of a single-layered multiplicity detector permits vertex reconstruction for low multiplicity events where other methods, using small acceptance subdetectors, fail because of insufficient number of registered primary tracks.  相似文献   

Two batches of diodes, with different structural ratios (the ratio of area and thickness), were made using different manufacturing processes. The energy response of the first batch to 15 kinds of monoenergetic neutrons ranging from 180 keV to 17.56 MeV was tested, and the neutron source response of both batches to 239Pu-Be neutron source was measured. The energy deposition in the diodes irradiated by 1 keV to 20 MeV monoenergetic neutrons was calculated with simulation procedure. The response curve of the experimental results showed an approximately similar trend to that of theoretical computation. Based on the results of the neutron source response experiments, it was concluded that the response of fast neutron varied linearly with the structural ratio of the detectors.  相似文献   

A new type of single-photon detector is introduced and its related properties characterized. The single-photon detector operating in the Geiger mode uses a new type of cooling system to moderate temperature, which can make the temperature drop to ?65?°C. Besides, the single-photon detector adopts a hold-off time modulation feedback control circuit to decrease the afterpulsing effects and the gate pulse is coupled to the avalanche diode through capacitance. In addition, a suitable delay and comparator with latch function circuit are used to detect avalanche signals. Experimental conditions are that the clock frequency is 10 MHz, refrigeration temperature is ?65?°C, and the width of control pulse is 5 ns. The experimental results indicate that quantum efficiency is about 20.42% and the dark count rate is about 5 × 10?6 ns?1 with signal-to-noise ratio 27 dB at the optimum operation point of this detector. The designed single-photon detector achieves a tradeoff between lower dark count rates and high quantum efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper describes the measurements of photon spectra in mixed neutron/photon radiation fields at a few locations in a nuclear reactor. The measurements were performed inside the containment of reactor 4 at the Swedish reactor site Ringhals, with a Ge-detector (4%). The measurements were carried out as a part of a EURADOS project in co-operation with the Swedish authorities and the reactor operating company. The measurements showed that a large fraction of the photons are high-energy photons (up to 7.6 MeV). This implies that GM-based photon detectors will overread in these fields since this type of detector generally overestimates the ambient dose equivalent in 6–7 MeV photon fields. The measurements also indicated that the photon field was almost isotropic, which in turn implies that the effective dose as well as the personal dose equivalent will be lower than the ambient dose equivalent.  相似文献   

A combination of the recombination principle of H(10) measurements with the use of the ionisation chambers containing boron has been presented, in order to increase the relative sensitivity of the chamber to neutrons by a factor close to the radiation quality factor of photoneutrons. Three types of the chambers were investigated. Two of them were filled with BF(3) and the third one contained electrodes covered with B(4)C. All the chambers were placed in paraffin moderators. The response of the chambers was investigated, depending on gas pressure and polarising voltage. The results showed that it was possible to obtain nearly the same response of the chamber to H(10) for photons and neutrons in a restricted energy range; however, further investigations are needed to make an optimum design.  相似文献   

Neutrons can be produced with low-energy ion accelerators for many applications, such as the characterisation of neutron detectors, the irradiation of biological samples and the study of the radiation damage in electronic devices. Moreover, accelerator-based neutron sources are under development for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT). Thin targets are used for generating monoenergetic neutrons, while thick targets are usually employed for producing more intense neutron fields. The associated photon field produced by the target nuclei may have a strong influence on the application under study. For instance, these photons can play a fundamental role in the design of an accelerator-based neutron source for BNCT. This work focuses on the measurement of the photon field associated with neutrons that are produced by 4.0-6.8 MeV protons striking both a thin 7LiF target (for generating monoenergetic neutrons) and a thick beryllium target. In both cases, very intense photon fields are generated with energy distribution extending up to several MeV.  相似文献   

The 4.4 MeV photon reference field described in ISO 4037 is produced by the (12)C(p,p')(12)C (E(x) = 4.4389 MeV) reaction using a thick elemental carbon target and a proton beam with an energy of 5.7 MeV. The relative abundance of the isotope (13)C in elemental carbon is 1.10%. Therefore, the 4.4 MeV photon field is contaminated by neutrons produced by the (13)C(p,n) (13)N reaction (Q = -3.003 MeV). The ambient dose equivalent H*(10) produced by these neutrons is of the same order of magnitude as the ambient dose equivalent produced by the 4.4 MeV photons. For the calibration of dosemeters, especially those also sensitive to neutrons, the spectral fluence distribution of these neutrons has to be known in detail. On the other hand, a mixed photon/neutron field is very useful for the calibration of tissue-equivalent proportional counters (TEPC), if this field combines a high-linear energy transfer (LET) component produced by low-energy neutrons and a low-LET component resulting from photons with about the same ambient dose equivalent and energies up to 7 MeV. Such a mixed field was produced at the PTB accelerator facility using a thin CaF(2) + (nat)C target and a 5.7 MeV proton beam.  相似文献   

Using a high intensity, femtosecond laser driven neutron source, a high-sensitivity neutron detector was calibrated. This detector is designed for observing fusion neutrons at the Z accelerator in Sandia National Laboratories. Nuclear fusion from laser driven deuterium cluster explosions was used to generate a clean source of nearly monoenergetic 2.45 MeV neutrons at a well-defined time. This source can run at 10 Hz and was used to build up a clean pulse-height spectrum on scintillating neutron detectors giving a very accurate calibration for neutron yields at 2.45 MeV.  相似文献   

A simple technique to construct monochromators for neutron beams is presented. The monochromator consists of a set of Si wafers stacked together and elastically bent to focus in the vertical geometry. The apparatus is described. It is shown that the peak reflectivity of the set is mainly governed by the number of wafers, while symmetry and smoothness of the rocking curve is achieved by the bending process. A prototype monochromator based on the (220) reflection of Si wafers has been tested and has successfully performed as a fixed monochromator selecting a flux of 3 × 106 n/(s cm2) (at 45 meV) at the sample position (with 20′ collimation in the white beam and 10′ after the reflection from the monochromator). We conjecture that such a technique could be applied to any kind of material provided the wafers are cut from a single crystal with the surface parallel to the reflecting planes.  相似文献   

The paper presents the main conclusions and recommendations derived from the EVIDOS project, which is supported by the European Commission within the 5(th) Framework Programme. EVIDOS aims at evaluating state of the art neutron dosimetry techniques in representative workplaces of the nuclear industry with complex mixed neutron-photon radiation fields. This analysis complements a series of individual papers which present detailed results and it summarises the main findings from a practical point of view. Conclusions and recommendations are given concerning characterisation of radiation fields, methods to derive radiation protection quantities and dosemeter results.  相似文献   

Fujiwara M  Sasaki M 《Applied optics》2007,46(16):3069-3074
In optical quantum information technology, a photon number resolving detector (PNRD) is the basic device for developing photonic quantum computers. The demands for the PNRD are high quantum efficiency and wide dynamic range. We have developed a charge integration photon detector (CIPD) with a quantum efficiency of 80% at telecom wavelengths. The repetition rate of the CIPD is as low as 40 Hz at present, but it can be applied for measurement of short pulses. We report the capability of the CIPD for multiphoton counting over 10 photons, its responsivity to the short pulses, and its high linearity using a binary intensity modulated short pulse (2 ns) train and simultaneous irradiation of two kinds of pulses.  相似文献   

In current radiotherapy, neutrons are produced in a photonuclear reaction when incident photon energy is higher than the threshold. In the present study, a method of discriminating the neutron component was investigated using an imaging plate (IP) in the neutron-gamma-ray mixed field. Two types of IP were used: a conventional IP for beta- and gamma rays, and an IP doped with Gd for detecting neutrons. IPs were irradiated in the mixed field, and the photo-stimulated luminescence (PSL) intensity of the thermal neutron component was discriminated using an expression proposed herein. The PSL intensity of the thermal neutron component was proportional to thermal neutron fluence. When additional irradiation of photons was added to constant neutron irradiation, the PSL intensity of the thermal neutron component was not affected. The uncertainty of PSL intensities was approximately 11.4 %. This method provides a simple and effective means of discriminating the neutron component in a mixed field.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a study performed on a mixed field neutron/gamma (n/gamma) area dosemeter incorporating radiophotoluminescent (RPL) glass detectors. RPL glass is known to be virtually insensitive to neutrons. The aim of the study was therefore to determine the neutron response of a dosemeter designed to combine n/gamma conversion with RPL detection capability. Monte Carlo calculations as well as measurements using monoenergetic beams and isotopic neutron sources showed this response to be constant, to within 30% in terms of H*(10), and independent of neutron energy from 250 keV to 10 MeV. For area monitoring, tests carried out in nuclear facilities (around PuO2 glove box and shipping casks containing PWR, MOX spent fuels or vitrified fission product) demonstrated that dosemeter response was accurate to within 15%, where the gamma component of the mixed n,gamma field remained below 1 MeV. When exposed in the Silene reactor simulating a criticality accident (10(17) fissions-liquid 235U--e.g. 1 Gy neutron and 1 Gy photon), the dosemeter exhibited good correlation with reference values and other measurement technologies (again to within 30%), for both neutron and gamma absorbed dose.  相似文献   

A new method is proposed for the determination of dose components in mixed radiation fields (gamma + neutrons) using a recombination chamber. The method involves the determination of the ratio of ionisation currents measured at two different voltages applied to the chamber without the need of determining the saturation current, neither in the radiation field investigated nor during calibration. Therefore, the chamber can be filled with a gas under a pressure much higher than that used in presently available recombination chambers. This paper presents theoretically derived formulae supporting the method and the experimental results of dose component measurements using a high-pressure recombination chamber filled with methane. The method can be used for determining neutron and gamma dose components in the environment, especially in the vicinity of nuclear centres.  相似文献   

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