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现代企业制度是法人企业制度,其主要形式是公司制。公司制企业以清晰的产权关系为基础,以完善的法人制度为核心,以有限责任制度为主要特点。“产权清晰,权责明确,政企分开,管理科学”是现代企业制度的基本内容。而企业档案是企业职工集体智慧的结晶,是企业建设与发展的真实历史记录,有成功经验总结,也有失败的教训归纳。毫无疑义,它是知识,是财富,是企业重要的无形资产。可以说,  相似文献   

在经济体制改革,世纪交替的时代,特别是在国企业改革到了关键时刻的今天,作为企业管理工作重要部分的企业档案管理工作怎么搞,建立什么样的企业档案管理模式,组建什么样的企业档案取能机构,不仅仅是各级档案行政管理机构考虑的问题,也是企业领导和企业档案部门不可回避的现实问题。  相似文献   

本文通过公司开展档案工作目标管理活动的情况 ,总结了企业档案工作目标管理中应做好的 6项工作  相似文献   

<正> 在市场经济条件下,企业对信息的需求愈来愈迫切,需求范围也愈来愈广。从某种意义上讲,企业间的竞争已不仅仅是生产技术能力的竞争,而且还是信息获取能力的竞争。提高企业信息需求满足率,就是增强企业的活力和竞争力。最大限度地提高本企业产品的市场占有率,使信息工作真正成为企业生产经营管理和科技进步的重要支柱,让人们真正感受到信息带来的社会进步和经济效益。  相似文献   

档案编研工作作为档案部门的一项重要职能,发挥着为企业生产经营各方面提供服务的重要作用。档案编研工作是企业档案工作的重点也是难点。针对档案编研工作的现状和存在的问题,进一步分析问题根源,提出企业档案编研工作的设想,促使企业档案工作发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了包头明天科技股份有限公司重视企业信息工作,在“十五”期间,以加强信息工作为契机,加大支持决策力度,把信息优势转化为经济优势,实施企业创新战略管理。  相似文献   

现在企业的改革正向着以“产权明晰,权责明确,政企分开,管理科学”为核心的现代企业制度方向发展,这将促使企业在管理、机制上发生巨大的变化。企业档案是企业活动的记录和凭证,是企业生产、经营、科研和发展的必备条件。企业档案工作作为企业管理基础工作的组成部分,怎样适应现代企业制度,更好地为企业的经济建设服务呢?一、企业推行现代企业制度后,档案工作面临的问题深化国有企业改革的重点在于政企分开,政府不直接干预企业正常的生产经营活动,只对企业拥有监督、协调和管制的权利。这样企业就有了更多的自主权,可以从本身的…  相似文献   

This review describes the kinetics at play in Cucurbituril (CB[n])/guest recognition within a very wide time frame, from picoseconds to days. We cover the kinetics of (1) radiative and non-radiative decays of fluorophores inside and outside CB[n]s, (2) guest motions in the CB[n] cavity, and (3) ingression, egression and threading mechanisms into, out of and through the macrocycles. We then show that the kinetics of guest release or capture can be controlled using CB[n]-capped mesoporous systems and micelles, or by coupling those processes to the kinetics of ancillary reactions. The last section is devoted to the latest examples of reactions catalyzed and inhibited by CB[n]s.  相似文献   

陈少华 《安徽化工》2007,33(6):17-19
脉冲电解可以调解电流密度、电流的通断时间、脉冲频率等多个参数,为控制金属沉积层的质量和沉积速度提供了有力的手段.介绍了近年来国内外有关脉冲电解的主要研究方向.  相似文献   

本文对包钢薄板厂加热炉炉内部件(炉辊及其附件)进行宏观观测及显微观察,详细分析了其失效形式及原因,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

陈旭东 《化工技术经济》1998,16(6):30-33,44
介绍了企业再造的概念、本质以及实施要点与难点,对我国企业如何将信息化、业务流程重建与加强管理有机地结合起来,实现企业管理创新,提升企业的竞争力提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

Size-resolved airborne particulate matter samples (PM 2.5 , PM 10 , and TSP) collected inside ten northern California homes over four days and one night (9–12 h/sample, spanning a 3.5 week period) were analyzed for protein, endotoxin, and (1 → 3)-β-D-glucan concentrations. Some simultaneous size-resolved outdoor samples were also collected. The associations of residential characteristics and occupant behavior with the indoor airborne levels were investigated. In addition, the relation between these chemical biomarkers and the more traditional culturing approaches was studied. Most of the indoor mass concentration of airborne particles and protein was in the fine fraction (PM 2.5 ), while the mass of airborne endotoxin and (1 → 3)-β-D-glucan was mainly in the coarser fractions (PM 10–2.5 and PM TSP–10 ). No strong correlations were seen between short-term (3–6 min) culturable bacteria and fungi counts and the corresponding longer-term (9–12 h) biomarker levels. Daytime indoor levels of the biomarkers tended to be higher than outdoors, especially for the PM 10–2.5 fraction, but only in a few cases were the indoor/outdoor relationships statistically significant. Indoor pets were associated with elevated airborne PM and bioaerosols inside homes. Two other factors, wall-to-wall carpet and older houses, also appear to be associated with some elevations in indoor levels.  相似文献   

赵海波 《当代化工》2021,50(4):972-975
通过石化园区内外工业大型独立LPG库及附属配套设施的定性及研究,工业大型独立LPG库建设大幅提升烯烃和碳四基础石化原料供应能力,利用上述原料并结合利用市场的碳一产品以及进口部分基础原料,采用先进清洁生产技术,延伸发展一批市场紧缺的大宗石化化工产品以及化工新材料,构建具有国际竞争力的炼化产业集群,带动整个行业的提质增效和...  相似文献   

论述了硫酸盐侵蚀混凝土过程的反应机理、内外影响因素、影响机理及理论模型等研究进展.首先以水泥水化反应为基础阐述了硫酸根离子侵蚀混凝土的机制,再根据侵蚀过程中内外影响因素和理论模型,分别针对孔隙、掺和料、结晶压、化学活性和电耦合效应等变量因素进行了论述,采用不同理论模型解释了变量演变过程;侵蚀影响造成扩散系数及损伤演变,并对其建立模型以及模型修正情况进行了描述;最后主要根据目前存在具有争议性问题以及后期研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

介绍了煤气主管道外镀锌内涂塑钢管加工工艺。通过实验和对比找出了较好的磷化和涂塑工艺方法,热镀锌钢管在特殊磷化处理后,内壁涂线性低密度聚乙烯塑膜替代喷丸处理,采用外镀锌内涂塑工艺,使防腐蚀效果更佳。接口方法采用了有自主知识产权的Y型接口工艺。  相似文献   

国内外采用胶接技术引发的几例事故浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国内外采用胶接技术所发生的几例典型事故,进行了简要的分析。  相似文献   

The consecutive disordered regions (CDRs) are the basis for the formation of intrinsically disordered proteins, which contribute to various biological functions and increasing organism complexity. Previous studies have revealed that CDRs may be present inside or outside protein domains, but a comprehensive analysis of the property differences between these two types of CDRs and the proteins containing them is lacking. In this study, we investigated this issue from three viewpoints. Firstly, we found that in-domain CDRs are more hydrophilic and stable but have less stickiness and fewer post-translational modification sites compared with out-domain CDRs. Secondly, at the protein level, we found that proteins with only in-domain CDRs originated late, evolved rapidly, and had weak functional constraints, compared with the other two types of CDR-containing proteins. Proteins with only in-domain CDRs tend to be expressed spatiotemporal specifically, but they tend to have higher abundance and are more stable. Thirdly, we screened the CDR-containing protein domains that have a strong correlation with organism complexity. The CDR-containing domains tend to be evolutionarily young, or they changed from a domain without CDR to a CDR-containing domain during evolution. These results provide valuable new insights about the evolution and function of CDRs and protein domains.  相似文献   

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