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The field at the tip of a field emitter triode can be expressed by EVg+γV c, where Vg and Vc the gate and collector voltages, respectively. For small gate diameters and tips below or in the plane of the gate and/or large tip-to-collector distances, γVc<<βV g. The-device is operated in the gate-induced field emission mode and the corresponding I-Vc curves are pentode-like. By increasing the gate diameter and/or recessing the gates from the tips, collector-assisted operation can be achieved at reasonable collector voltages. Results are presented for two devices with gate diameters of 3.6 and 2.0 μm. By obtaining γ at different emitter-to-collector distances, I-Vc and transconductance gm-Vg curves are calculated and compared with experimental results. It is shown that as a consequence of collector-assisted operation, the transconductance of a device can be increased significantly  相似文献   

A low-pass and a bandpass additive white Gaussian noise channel with a peak-power constraint imposed on otherwise arbitrary input signals are considered. Upper bounds on the capacity of such channels are derived. They are strictly less than the capacity of the channel when the peak-power constrain is removed and replaced by the average-power constraint, for which the Gaussian inputs are optimum. This provides the answer to an often-posed question: peak-power limiting in the case of bandlimited channels does reduce capacity, whereas in infinite bandwidth channels it does not, as is well known. For an ideal low-pass filter of bandwidth B, the upper bound is Blog 0.934P/(N0B) for P/( N0B)≫1, where P is the peak power of the input signal and N0/2 is the double-sided power spectral density of the additive white Gaussian noise  相似文献   

The electromagnetic field of an optical wave of frequency ω, traveling through a long, electrooptic waveguide of arbitrary cross section and composition in the presence of an arbitrary external field of strength Eext and radio frequency Ω, is derived by a perturbative argument, assuming Ω/ω≪1 and | rijkEext|≪1, where r ijk are the linear electrooptic coefficients. An idealized model is solved exactly in the context of rigorous perturbation theory, and the solution is shown to be valid whenever (rijk Eext)2ω/Ω≪1, without restriction on rijkEextω/Ω. The arbitrary cross section formula, when evaluated in the model case, agrees exactly with the rigorous result, so it is argued that the arbitrary cross section formula should also be valid whenever (rijkEext)2 ω/Ω≪1  相似文献   

The error probability results shown by I. Korn (see ibid., vol.38, no.11, p.1980-6, 1990) indicate that the error floor is higher for systems with decision feedback (DF). It was concluded that DF gives a lower error probability only for smaller values of the normalized bandwidth BtT of the premodulation Gaussian filter, higher values of the ratio of powers in the direct and diffuse signal components K, and a lower range of signal-to-noise ratio. It is shown that this conclusion is not correct by theoretically analyzing the case of the land mobile channel where K=0 (or -∞ dB) and deriving a simple closed-form expression for the error probability for 1 bit differential detection with DF. It is shown that DF reduces the error probability for all values of BtT and signal-to-noise ratios. The formula derived can be easily evaluated not only for Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK) but for all partial-response continuous-phase-modulation (PRCPM) signals  相似文献   

Based on theoretical understanding, the concept that the lower power supply voltage limit can be simply expressed by 1.1EcLeff, where Ec is the critical electric field necessary to cause carrier velocity saturation and Leff is the effective channel length, is introduced. Experimental results confirmed that 1.1EcLeff predicts a good guideline for power-supply voltage for CMOS devices over a wide range of gate oxide thickness (7-45 nm) and design rule (0.3-2.0 μm). On the basis of theoretical models and experimental results, trends for power-supply voltage with MOS device scaling are demonstrated. It is shown that 1.1EcLeff can be regarded as the lower power-supply voltage limit in order to maintain the improvement in delay time for below 0.6-μm channel length at reduced power supply. The transconductance behavior for a MOSFET under high electric fields was investigated in order to explain the physical meaning of 1.1EcLeff  相似文献   

The authors describe a novel technique for direction-of-arrival estimation based on computing a permutation matrix E and a QR factorization RE=HB of the permuted covariance matrix R, such that a possible rank deficiency of R is revealed in the triangular factor B having a minimum norm lower right block. A subset of the columns of the orthogonal matrix, H, is shown to be orthogonal to the direction vectors of sources and hence can be used to estimate their bearings. The cost of this algorithm is only slightly more than that of one QR factorization, but is much lower than that of an eigen-decomposition. Simulation results are included to show that the proposed method performs nearly as well as MUSIC in terms of signal resolution, bias, and variance of the estimated bearings  相似文献   

Adachi  F. Ohno  K. 《Electronics letters》1988,24(24):1491-1493
Postdetection diversity, in which the demodulator outputs are weighted in proportion to the vth power of each demodulator input signal envelope when they are added, is described for GMSK signal reception using a frequency demodulator and a one-bit decision feedback equaliser. Experiments on a 16 kbit/s GMSK with a premodulation filter bandwidth-bit duration product of BbT=0.25, show that using v=2 provides a diversity gain about 1-1.5 dB larger than selection combining, at an average bit error rate of 10-2 in a Rayleigh fading environment  相似文献   

The variation of the diffusion coefficient D(E) versus the electric field strength E is determined at 300 K in n-type GaAs (ND=3×10-17 cm-3 ), using pulsed high-frequency noise measurements. D(E) is found to increase slightly at low field, then to decrease down to one tenth of its ohmic value near the threshold field. Long (⩾4 μm) real n+-n-n+ Gunn diodes, with an arbitrary doping profile, can be modeled. Comparisons are made, and excellent agreement is found, between experimental and theoretical characteristics of two real diodes, with notch and with gradual doping profiles. The doping profile ND(x ) is shown to have a considerable influence on the diode behavior, in regard to the electric field profile as well as the noise characteristics. Using the impedance field method, the noise current is modeled and found to by very sensitive in the D(E) variation law, in particular in the range of 2.5-4 kV/cm. The agreement between the experimental noise and the computed noise of real diodes is quite satisfactory when using the D(E) determined  相似文献   

The possibility of using a high-intensity optical field in conjunction with a gas target to produce a highly ionized plasma filament suitable for recombination XUV lasers in both transient and quasi-steady-state regimes is examined. A distinction is made between low Z ions which can be stripped to the desired ionization state at nonrelativistic intensities and higher Z ions which require relativistic intensities to produce the desired ionization. In the nonrelativistic case (Ei<500 eV), it is shown that electron thermal conduction is extremely effective in cooling ~10-μm diameter filaments imbedded in cold background plasma. In the relativistic case, self-focusing of the ionizing laser radiation may lead to a very small diameter electron-cavitated filaments which will undergo a space-charge-driven expansion (Coulomb explosion) on the time scale of an ion plasma period, resulting in the emission of extremely high currents of moderate energy (E≈1/8 Zme c2) ions. The implications of such filamentation for the scaling of the present type of recombination laser to short wavelengths are discussed  相似文献   

Consider a channel with inputs and outputs in the field F q(q>2). It is said that the channel is skewed on a set BFq* if the additive noise generated by the channel is likely to lie in B, i.e. B is a set of common errors. The concern is the construction of focused codes that are appropriate for such channels. It is said that a code is (t1,t2)-focused on B if it can correct up to t1+t2 errors provided at most t1 of those errors lie outside of B; the strategy is to offer different levels of protection against common and uncommon errors and so provide novel tradeoffs between performance and rate. Techniques for constructing focused codes and bounds on their rates are described  相似文献   

A model for magnetic recording is proposed which uses two parameters to describe the limitations on the remanent magnetization in the medium: the dimensionless peak value Am and the steepest slope B(s-1). A low-pass bandwidth restriction W(s-1) due to read circuits is also included. Lower and upper bounds on the achievable transmission rates are derived in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio. For the case of ideal low-pass restriction with BW, the bounds increase linearly, logarithmically, and as the cube root, with low, medium, and large ρB, respectively. With BW the problem reduces to the one with no restriction on the slope  相似文献   

The probability of qi of successful packet reception when i users transmit simultaneously in a mobile packet radio system is shown to decrease monotonically with i for a number of commonly used capture and spatial distribution models, with no fading. Examples of both noiseless and noisy systems in which qi is not monotonically decreasing with i are also given  相似文献   

Optimum energy extraction from an electron-beam-pumped XeF(C A) laser is achieved with a five-component rare gas halide mixture. The characterization and modeling of laser action in such a gas mixture requires a knowledge of small-signal gain and absorption coefficients not only on the blue-green XeF(CA) transition, but also in the ultraviolet (UV) region for the competing XeF(BX) and KrF(BX ) transitions. The authors report gain measurements on the XeF(CA) transition and small-signal gain and absorption coefficients at or near both the XeF(BX ) (351 and 353 nm) and KrF(BX) (248 nm) transitions. A study of the gain for the UV and visible transitions as a function of Kr and Xe partial pressure is reported, and its impact on the XeF(CA) kinetics is discussed  相似文献   

Ohno  K. Adachi  F. 《Electronics letters》1988,24(25):1539-1540
The applicability of the maximum likelihood sequential estimator (MLSE) to 16 kbit/s GMSK signal reception using a frequency demodulator is investigated. The experimental results for GMSK with a premodulation filter bandwidth-bit duration product of BbT=0.25 show that the bit error rate performance with MLSE approaches that of MSK, with a loss of about 2.5 dB in the signal energy per bit/noise power spectral density ratio and about 3.5 dB in the desired signal/cochannel interference ratio. The experimental block error rates are also reported  相似文献   

The asymptotic (M→∞) probability of symbol error Pe,m for M-ary orthogonal modulation in a Nakagami-m fading channel is given by the incomplete gamma function P(m, mx) where x=In 2/(Eb/N0) and Eb is the average energy per bit. For large signal-to-noise ratio this leads to a channel where the probability of symbol error varies as the inverse mth power of Eb/N0. These channels exist for all m⩾1/2. The special case of m=1 corresponds to Rayleigh fading, an inverse linear channel  相似文献   

Au Schottky barrier heights on molecular-beam-epitaxial grown n-GaAs1-xSbx/N-GaAs heterostructures with x up to 0.26 have been studied. It was found that φbn=0.9-1.77x+2.89x2, or φbn≈0.77Eg-0.20 for x<0.26. The pinning position of the Fermi level with respect to the valence-band edge for x<0.26 takes the form of E pin=-0.52x+0.53 eV, which also appears to be valid for an x value up to 1.0  相似文献   

A procedure for synthesizing multilayered radar absorbing coatings is presented. Given a predefined set of Nm available materials with frequency-dependent permittivities ∈i(f) and permeabilities μi(f ) (i=1,. . ., Nm), the technique determines simultaneously the optimal material choice for each layer and its thickness. This optimal choice results in a screen which maximally absorbs TM and TE incident plane waves for a prescribed range of frequencies {f1,f2,. . ., f Nf} and incident angles {&thetas;1, &thetas;2,. . .,&thetas;N&thetas;}. The synthesis technique is based on a genetic algorithm. The technique automatically places an upper bound on the total thickness of the coating, as well as the number of layers contained in it, which greatly simplifies manufacturing. In addition, the thickness or surface mass of the coating can be minimized simultaneously with the reflection coefficient. The algorithm was successfully applied to the synthesis of wideband absorbing coatings in the frequency ranges of 0.2-2 GHz and 2-8 GHz  相似文献   

The author evaluates the limiting efficiencies e(-S ) of burst-correcting array codes A(n1,n2, -s) for all negative readouts -s as n2 tends to infinity and n1 is properly chosen to maximize the efficiency. Specializing the result to the products of the first i primes donated by si (1⩽i<∞), which are optimal choices for readouts, gives the expression e(-si)=(2pi+1 -2)/(2pi+1-1) where pi+1 is the next prime. Previously, it was known only that e(-2)⩾4/5 and e(-1)⩾2/3. This result reveals the existence of burst-correcting array codes with efficiencies arbitrarily close to 1 and with rates also arbitrarily close to 1  相似文献   

The problem of counting the number of cuts with the minimum cardinality in an undirected multigraph arises in various applications, such as testing the super-λ-ness of a graph, as described by F.T. Boesch (1986), and calculating upper and lower bounds on the probabilistic connectedness of a stochastic graph G in which edges are subject to failure. It is shown that the number |C( G)| of cuts with the minimum cardinality λ(G) in a multiple graph G=(V,E) can be computed in O(|E|+λ(G)|V|2 +λ(G)|C(G)||V|) time  相似文献   

The effect of hot-electron injection energy (Ei) into the base on the high-frequency characteristics of In0/52(Ga1-xAlx)0.48 As/InGaAs abrupt heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) is investigated by changing the composition of the emitter. There exists an optimum Ei at which a maximum current gain cutoff frequency (ft) is obtained. Analysis of hot-electron transport in the base and collector by Monte Carlo simulation is carried out to understand the above phenomenon. The collector transit time (τc ) increases with Ei, because electrons with higher energy transfer from the Γ valley into the upper L and X valleys. At first, the base transit time (τb ) decreases with Ei at the low Ei region. However, τb does not decrease monotically with Ei, because of the nonparabolicity in the energy-band structure of InGaAs. Consequently, there exists a minimum in the sum of τb and τc , in other words a maximum ft, at an intermediate value of Ei  相似文献   

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