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蒋鑫  林箐 《中国园林》2022,38(9):34-39
作为古代重要的水利工程类型和人居环境支撑系统,运河不仅满足了漕粮物资的运输需求,沿线区域还形成了以运河水利为支撑的传统风景体系。聚焦于具有代表性的淮扬运河沿线区域,首先梳理阐述淮扬运河水利营建的环境基础与历史演变过程,然后解析运河水利作为支撑系统的整体运行机制与结构单元,最后分别从城郊水利景观、城池园林景观、邑境文化景观3个层面深入探讨运河水利对于淮扬运河沿线区域传统风景体系的渗透影响和表现特征。旨在整体系统地解读运河水利支撑影响下的淮扬运河沿线区域传统风景体系的营建逻辑,以期从新的视角为运河景观的复写和运河遗产的转化利用提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

大运河后申遗时代,中国对于大运河文化的保护、传承与利用已上升至国家层面。从公众视角出发研究大运河文化遗产利用的反馈与感知可以为大运河文化带和大运河国家文化公园的建设提供支撑。以10个典型运河相关公园及景区为研究对象,将其网络文本数据作为数据源,使用ROST CM6、NetDraw软件中的词频分析、社会网络分析等语义分析功能,从公众关注点、使用情况和公众态度3个感知维度进行比较研究,总结大运河文化遗产的现有利用模式及其公众感知特征,为未来大运河文化带和大运河国家文化公园的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

王建革  周晴 《风景园林》2019,26(12):21-27
嘉湖平原传统的圩田开发过程形成的农业模式是中国经典的生态农业模式的代表,其中湖州的桑基鱼塘系统被认定为全球重要农业文化遗产(GIASH),通过对本区域内圩田相关的历史文献记载的梳理与分析发现:嘉湖平原的圩田农业开发历史悠久,宋元时期嘉湖平原地区沼泽地开发过程中形成以江南运河为主干河道的河网,以运河为框架进行了圩田水利的开发。宋元时期根据嘉湖平原内部的地势与水环境差异,北部形成以荻塘运河为中心的溇港圩田开发模式,中部形成以运河和塘河为中心的围田开发模式,南部以湖杭运河和杭嘉运河为中心形成桑基鱼塘和桑基稻田圩田体系。  相似文献   

王越  宋凤  任震 《中国园林》2022,38(6):63-68
大运河山东段是运河的中枢河段,其中德州、聊城段地处黄河以北,为著名闸河,解决了运河通航的关键技术问题,也承担漕粮仓储、盐运等重要职能。以水利景观的复合属性为切入点,选取大运河德州、聊城段为研究区段,从水利系统和聚落景观体系两方面探讨其主要特征。首先从运河水系、阻滞单元、调控单元和传输单元四方面研究水利系统构成与运行机制,梳理了以弯代闸、龙形水势的德州段与闸河聊城段的水利景观特征;再从聚落类型、城水关系、支撑体系、空间格局与园林景观五方面探讨水利建设影响下的聚落景观体系特征,从而挖掘运河水利景观的组成、特征、运行机制与风景营建智慧,为运河文脉传承、风景保护与再创造提供一定理论基础。  相似文献   

近年来对大运河文化的挖掘与发扬成了沿河城市的一种时尚,本项目通过将体育健身中心的众多功能分散组合为两个体块,通过体块穿插和形态处理分别对应大运河之水和大运河之船,实现了一个既体现大运河文化又具有城市地标形象的体育建筑。  相似文献   

Samples of mud, water, algae and fish were collected from the Danube River and Danube Canal and analysed by neutron activation techniques for various trace metals. The study was conducted over a ten-months time period. Results show no significant variation in levels of Cr, Co, Sb, Zn, Fe and Sc during the period of study. Comparison of the results obtained for the river with those obtained for the canal indicate that, with the exception of one sampling site, there are no statistically significant differences. Generally the values lie in the range accepted as normal for most fresh water systems. One site in the canal was found to have high Cr content in the mud samples at a point where the Vienna River joins the canal.  相似文献   

在当前中国遗产行动与国土空间规划体系的要求 下,大运河遗产应被作为线性文化景观以及所在区域水文化 景观系统的组成部分加以整体认识。以19世纪末浙东运河及 其所在的宁绍平原为样本,探析适应环境的浙东运河河道主 干特征,并对运河与周边天然环境、城镇环境以及农业环境 形成的空间格局以及产生的过程联系、功能价值进行剖析, 也揭示了运河塑造与强化区域景观独特性的作用,并归纳了 大运河环境关联机制解析的原理性框架。最终,从多种全线 连贯策略、多类型沿运环境规划策略以及依托运河构建全域 自然与文化资源网络3个层面对当下大运河遗产的保护、传承 与利用提出建议。  相似文献   

通过对镇江地区以江南运河为主的人工水系变迁过程及其与江南文明互动发展的研究,提出江南地区的运河产业遗产应当包括与大运河主航道密切相关的庞大人工化水网系统。大量相关河道与相关遗产是江南文明核心价值的综合体现,是中国大运河遗产区别于已有世界遗产的特色所在。  相似文献   

京杭运河是世界开挖最早、最长的人工河道。随城市路网的密布延伸,曾经承载南北交通、市井生活的运河日渐萧条。古老的运河如何在新兴城市中存活?承载着历史印记与文化传统的运河如何重新定义?  相似文献   

Variations in phosphorus (P) concentrations in an agriculturally impacted river draining a Chalk aquifer and an associated canal in the west of the Thames Basin, southern England are examined and linked to agricultural and sewage sources and within river/canal process controls. The study area comprises the River Dun, the adjacent River Kennet and the Kennet and Avon (K&A) Canal. Large seasonal variations are observed for soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and dissolved silicon (Si) with low concentrations in the spring and summer times when biological activity is high. The K&A Canal shows the largest SRP and Si concentration declines. This reflects high biological activity coupled with higher temperatures and higher water residence times. The extent of SRP removal is examined in relation to organic (uptake/release with phytoplankton growth/decay) and, to a lesser extent, inorganic (SRP coprecipitation with calcite) mechanisms. Boron (B) is used as a tracer of sewage sources. Agricultural inputs of both dissolved and particulate P (PP) can be important particularly under conditions where the catchment is wet and near surface/overland flow is important: sewage treatment works effluent and septic tank discharges to groundwater also probably provide a major component of the SRP occurring within the water column. The canal, and to a lesser extent the river, acts as sink for P in sewage effluent sources due to the high biological activity especially during the spring and summer. The aquifer probably acts as a major sink for agricultural and septic tank inputs of P.  相似文献   

河流水系、交通网络与城镇聚落的发展、演化的相关性是区域系统韧性研究中的重要切入点.京杭大运河在历史上扮演了南北交通大动脉的角色,带动并影响了沿线城市的发展.通过历史文献分析,利用核密度分析、缓冲区分析等地理信息空间分析方法,对清中后期以来不同时期运河沿线城市聚落及南北水陆交通网络空间分布特征、演化过程、耦合关系及相互作...  相似文献   

姚丽华 《城市建筑》2014,(9):365-365
为防止石津干渠右岸307国道路面雨污水入渠污染输水水质,设计在干渠右侧坡顶处设置混凝土挡护墙,挡护墙旁设排水沟。通过一定间距设置的横向导水管,将路面集水排入南侧路边沟。  相似文献   

蔡正银  陈皓  黄英豪  张晨 《岩土工程学报》1979,41(11):1977-1982
膨胀土渠道由于季节性的通水和停水,其边坡实际处于干湿循环的状态,非常容易引起边坡失稳。采用离心模型试验对干湿循环作用下的膨胀土渠道边坡稳定性进行了探讨,研究了渠道边坡的破坏机理。研究发现,由于渠道的反复通水和停水,渠道边坡土体经历了多次干湿循环,每次循环后边坡土体裂缝逐渐扩展,渠水不断入渗,饱和区逐渐扩大。渠基土的膨胀性越强,每次干湿循环后的裂隙扩展越严重,渠水入渗作用也越强,渠道越容易破坏。研究还发现,由于通水和停水造成的渠道干湿循环破坏模式主要表现为渠坡整体发生浅层失稳破坏,这一破坏模式与前人研究发现的牵引式滑坡具有较大不同之处。  相似文献   

在运河水系、城市格局和产业布局的长期演化与变迁之间究竟存在着怎样的动态关联?这是大运河遗产保护规划在开展之前、所必须面对和破解的一项课题。本文聚焦于在历史视野下运河与城市发展的互动关联,通过"三脉并重"的研究策略和"历史性地图"解析发现:常州的城市格局、产业布局和运河水系的关系在总体上可以划分为前运河时期、大运河时期、后运河时期和新运河时期4个阶段;其中运河水系经历了从形态演变到功能演替的变迁,城市格局经历了从内生式发展到外延式扩展的变迁,产业布局则经历了从运河指向到综合指向的变迁,而三者之间互动关系也经历了一个从"最初形成,互动单一"到"内在关联,面临挑战"的过程。  相似文献   

山东运河是大运河中非常重要的一段,但由于自然条件的限制,水源供给不足是一大问题,为保障运河水位以确保漕船顺利通航,需要采取一系列的措施,其中设置水柜是非常重要的措施。本文重点论述了山东运河水柜的设置缘由、管理机构、管理人员配备、运作方式等方面。  相似文献   

Sustainable design and implementation of greywater reuse (GWR) has to achieve an optimum compromise between costs and potable water demand reduction. Studies show that GWR is an efficient tool for reducing potable water demand. This study presents a multi-objective optimization model for estimating the optimal distribution of different types of GWR homes in an existing municipal sewer system. Six types of GWR homes were examined. The model constrains the momentary wastewater (WW) velocity in the sewer pipes (which is responsible for solids movement). The objective functions in the optimization model are the total WW flow at the outlet of the neighborhoods sewer system and the cost of the on-site GWR treatment system. The optimization routing was achieved by an evolutionary multi-objective optimization coupled with hydrodynamic simulations of a representative sewer system of a neighborhood located at the coast of Israel. The two non-dominated best solutions selected were the ones having either the smallest WW flow discharged at the outlet of the neighborhood sewer system or the lowest daily cost. In both solutions most of the GWR types chosen were the types resulting with the smallest water usage. This lead to only a small difference between the two best solutions, regarding the diurnal patterns of the WW flows at the outlet of the neighborhood sewer system. However, in the upstream link a substantial difference was depicted between the diurnal patterns. This difference occurred since to the upstream links only few homes, implementing the same type of GWR, discharge their WW, and in each solution a different type of GWR was implemented in these upstream homes. To the best of our knowledge this is the first multi-objective optimization model aimed at quantitatively trading off the cost of local/onsite GW spatially distributed reuse treatments, and the total amount of WW flow discharged into the municipal sewer system under unsteady flow conditions.  相似文献   

随着京杭大运河["2011中国(杭州)休闲发展国际高峰论坛17日首次发布了"全球十大休闲范例城市"的名单,杭州成为中国唯一入选的城市。"]"申遗"日渐临近,运河的全方位保护与开发建设如火如荼。在杭州,京杭大运河杭州主城区段成为继西湖之后又一个城市热点,运河沿线休闲设施相继落成,成为城市休闲廊道空间的重要组成部分。该文从问题出发,以设施"主题化"为视角,结合现场调研,分析不同年龄段市民休闲活动的特征,解析休闲人群对休闲设施的需求,探讨运河休闲空间"主题化"的营造策略,以期对提升运河休闲的吸引力有所启发。  相似文献   

西青区南运河发展战略 西青区南运河规划以水文化为核心,挖掘、保护、传承运河文化。 通过“品质保护”提升沿线区域的“生活品质”.完成”区域功能演变”.打造生态、文化、活力、旅游之河。规划遵循一心两翼的开发准则,营建以元宝岛为核心的旅游休闲商务区与乡村生态休闲区。旅游休闲商务区以南运河和中央休闲景观大道为两条休闲景观主轴.横向连接元宝岛与主城区并串联西青体育中心、创意产业园区、运河新天地、运河休闲岛、秀水北岸、花花世界等特色板块。  相似文献   

Nonpoint source (NPS) water pollution is one of serious environmental issues, especially within an agricultural system. This study aims to propose a robust chance-constrained fuzzy possibilistic programming (RCFPP) model for water quality management within an agricultural system, where solutions for farming area, manure/fertilizer application amount, and livestock husbandry size under different scenarios are obtained and interpreted. Through improving upon the existing fuzzy possibilistic programming, fuzzy robust programming and chance-constrained programming approaches, the RCFPP can effectively reflect the complex system features under uncertainty, where implications of water quality/quantity restrictions for achieving regional economic development objectives are studied. By delimiting the uncertain decision space through dimensional enlargement of the original fuzzy constraints, the RCFPP enhances the robustness of the optimization processes and resulting solutions. The results of the case study indicate that useful information can be obtained through the proposed RCFPP model for providing feasible decision schemes for different agricultural activities under different scenarios (combinations of different p-necessity and pi levels). A p-necessity level represents the certainty or necessity degree of the imprecise objective function, while a pi level means the probabilities at which the constraints will be violated. A desire to acquire high agricultural income would decrease the certainty degree of the event that maximization of the objective be satisfied, and potentially violate water management standards; willingness to accept low agricultural income will run into the risk of potential system failure. The decision variables under combined p-necessity and pi levels were useful for the decision makers to justify and/or adjust the decision schemes for the agricultural activities through incorporation of their implicit knowledge. The results also suggest that this developed approach is applicable to many practical problems where fuzzy and probabilistic distribution information simultaneously exist.  相似文献   

Information is provided on phosphorus in the River Kennet and the adjacent Kennet and Avon Canal in southern England to assess their interactions and the changes following phosphorus reductions in sewage treatment work (STW) effluent inputs.A step reduction in soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration within the effluent (5 to 13 fold) was observed from several STWs discharging to the river in the mid-2000s. This translated to over halving of SRP concentrations within the lower Kennet. Lower Kennet SRP concentrations change from being highest under base-flow to highest under storm-flow conditions. This represented a major shift from direct effluent inputs to a within-catchment source dominated system characteristic of the upper part to the catchment. Average SRP concentrations in the lower Kennet reduced over time towards the target for good water quality. Critically, there was no corresponding reduction in chlorophyll-a concentration, the waters remaining eutrophic when set against standards for lakes.Following the up gradient input of the main water and SRP source (Wilton Water), SRP concentrations in the canal reduced down gradient to below detection limits at times near its junction with the Kennet downstream. However, chlorophyll concentrations in the canal were in an order of magnitude higher than in the river. This probably resulted from long water residence times and higher temperatures promoting progressive algal and suspended sediment generations that consumed SRP. The canal acted as a point source for sediment, algae and total phosphorus to the river especially during the summer months when boat traffic disturbed the canal's bottom sediments and the locks were being regularly opened. The short-term dynamics of this transfer was complex. For the canal and the supply source at Wilton Water, conditions remained hypertrophic when set against standards for lakes even when SRP concentrations were extremely low.  相似文献   

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