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Wind speed prediction (WSP) is essential in order to predict and analyze efficiency and performance of wind-based electricity generation systems. More accurate WSP may provide better opportunities to design and build more efficient and robust wind energy systems. Precious short-term prediction is difficult to achieve; therefore several methods have been developed so far. We notice that the statistics of the alterations, which occur between sequential values of the predicted wind speed data, may differ significantly from observed wind statistics. In this study, we investigate these alterations and compare them and, accordingly, propose a novel method based on Weibull and Gaussian probability distribution functions (PDF) for short-term WSP. The proposed method stands on an algorithm, which examines comparison of the statistical features of the observed and generated wind speed in order to achieve more accurate estimation. We have examined this method on the wind speed data set observed and recorded in Ankara in 2013 and in 2014. The obtained results show that the new algorithm provides better wind speed prediction with an enhanced wind speed model.  相似文献   

基于威布尔分布的风速概率分布参数估计方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
准确地描述风速特性,直接影响风电场风能资源评估的结果.文章介绍了基于威布尔分布的平均风速及最大风速估计法、矩估计法、最小二乘估计法和极大似然估计法等4种风速概率分布参数估计的方法.通过对乌兰察布地区测风塔实际数据的分析,比较了4种方法的参数估计结果,得到以下结论:在风能资源较丰富地区,平均风速及最大风速估计法的风速拟合效果波动较大,对平均风能密度估计误差较大;矩估计法、最小二乘估计法和极大似然估计法拟合效果良好.  相似文献   

R. Baïle  J.‐F. Muzy  P. Poggi 《风能》2011,14(6):735-748
Several known statistical distributions can describe wind speed data, the most commonly used being the Weibull family. In this paper, a new law, called ‘M‐Rice’, is proposed for modeling wind speed frequency distributions. Inspired by recent empirical findings that suggest the existence of some cascading process in the mesoscale range, we consider that wind speed can be described by a seasonal AutoRegressive Moving Average (ARMA) model where the noise term is ‘multifractal’, i.e. associated with a random cascade. This leads to the distribution of wind speeds according to the M‐Rice probability distribution function, i.e. a Rice distribution multiplicatively convolved with a normal law. A comparison based on the estimation of the mean wind speed and power density values as well as on the different goodness‐of‐fit tests (the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, the Kuiper test and the quantile–quantile plot) was made between this new distribution and the Weibull distribution for 35 data sets of wind speed from the Netherlands and Corsica (France) sites. Accordingly, the M‐Rice and Weibull distributions provided comparable performances; however, the quantile–quantile plots suggest that the M‐Rice distribution provides a better fit of extreme wind speed data. Beyond these good results, our approach allows one to interpret the observed values of Weibull parameters. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the probability density function of wind speed is of paramount importance in many applications such as wind energy conversion systems and bridges construction. An accurate determination of the probability distribution of wind speed allows an efficient use of wind energy, thus rendering wind energy conversion system more productive. In the present paper, the maximum entropy principle (MEP) is used to derive a family of pre-exponential distributions in order to fit wind speed distributions. Using averaged hourly wind speed of six different regions in Algeria, it has been found that the proposed pre-exponential distributions fit the wind speed distributions better than the conventional Weibull distributions in terms of root mean square error. However, it has been found also that MEP based distributions have shown some practical limitations such as the choice of pre-exponential order and interval of definition.  相似文献   

The wind characteristics of six locations in the State of Kuwait have been assessed. The annual average wind speed for the considered sites ranged from 3.7 to 5.5 m/s and a mean wind power density from 80 to 167 W/m2 at standard height of 10 m. The Weibull parameters and power density of each station have been determined using Weibull distribution. The wind data at heights 15, 20, 25 and 30 m were obtained by extrapolation of the 10 m data using the Power-Law. The potential wind energy at different heights was estimated using Weibull parameters. Maximum power density is found at 30 m height which varies between 130 and 275 W/m2 with 70% increase from the standard height indicating fairly potential wind energy especially in the northern part of the country. The highest potential wind power was found during the summer season which is the peak demand season of electricity in Kuwait.  相似文献   

Accurate and reliable assessment of wind energy potential has important implication to the wind energy industry. Most previous studies on wind energy assessment focused solely on wind speed, whereas the dependence of wind energy on wind direction was much less considered and documented. In this paper, a copula-based method is proposed to better characterize the direction-related wind energy potential at six typical sites in Hong Kong. The joint probability density function (JPDF) of wind speed and wind direction is constructed by a series of copula models. It shows that Frank copula has the best performance to fit the JPDF at hilltop and offshore sites while Gumbel copula outperforms other models at urban sites. The derived JPDFs are applied to estimate the direction-related wind power density at the considered sites. The obtained maximum direction-related wind energy density varies from 41.3 W/m2 at an urban site to 507.9 W/m2 at a hilltop site. These outcomes are expected to facilitate accurate micro-site selection of wind turbines, thereby improving the economic benefits of wind farms in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, the developed copula-based method provides useful references for further investigations regarding direction-related wind energy assessments at various terrain regions. Notably, the proposed copula-based method can also be applied to characterize the direction-related wind energy potential somewhere other than Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Wind characteristics and wind turbine characteristics in Taiwan have been thoughtfully analyzed based on a long-term measured data source (1961–1999) of hourly mean wind speed at 25 meteorological stations across Taiwan. A two-stage procedure for estimating wind resource is proposed. The yearly wind speed distribution and wind power density for the entire Taiwan is firstly evaluated to provide annually spatial mean information of wind energy potential. A mathematical formulation using a two-parameter Weibull wind speed distribution is further established to estimate the wind energy generated by an ideal turbine and the monthly actual wind energy generated by a wind turbine operated at cubic relation of power between cut-in and rated wind speed and constant power between rated and cut-out wind speed. Three types of wind turbine characteristics (the availability factor, the capacity factor and the wind turbine efficiency) are emphasized. The monthly wind characteristics and monthly wind turbine characteristics for four meteorological stations with high winds are investigated and compared with each other as well. The results show the general availability of wind energy potential across Taiwan.  相似文献   

A very flexible joint probability density function of wind speed and direction is presented in this paper for use in wind energy analysis. A method that enables angular–linear distributions to be obtained with specified marginal distributions has been used for this purpose. For the marginal distribution of wind speed we use a singly truncated from below Normal–Weibull mixture distribution. The marginal distribution of wind direction comprises a finite mixture of von Mises distributions. The proposed model is applied in this paper to wind direction and wind speed hourly data recorded at several weather stations located in the Canary Islands (Spain). The suitability of the distributions is judged from the coefficient of determination R2.

The conclusions reached are that the joint distribution proposed in this paper: (a) can represent unimodal, bimodal and bitangential wind speed frequency distributions, (b) takes into account the frequency of null winds, (c) represents the wind direction regimes in zones with several modes or prevailing wind directions, (d) takes into account the correlation between wind speeds and its directions. It can therefore be used in several tasks involved in the evaluation process of the wind resources available at a potential site. We also conclude that, in the case of the Canary Islands, the proposed model provides better fits in all the cases analysed than those obtained with the models used in the specialised literature on wind energy.  相似文献   

The article, which is a segment of a complex wind energy examination, uses statistical methods to analyze the time series of monthly average wind speed in the period between 1991 and 2000 measured on seven Hungarian meteorological stations. Empirical distribution of measured monthly average wind speeds is approximated by theoretical distributions to claim that certain distributions are universal, i.e. independent of orography. We used one of them, the Weibull distribution, to generate the distribution of monthly average wind speeds on levels different from anemometer altitude as well, then we calculate the averages for the entire period and we fit a power function on them. Thus we can demonstrate a correlation between Hellmann's wind profile law and the Weibull distribution.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous mixture distributions (HTM) have not been employed for wind speed modeling of the Arabian Peninsula. In order to improve our understanding of wind energy potential in the Arabian Peninsula, HTM should be tested for the frequency analysis of wind speed. The aim of the current study is to assess the suitability of HTMs and identify the most appropriate probability distribution to model wind speed data in the UAE. Hourly mean wind speed data were used in the current study. Ten homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture distributions were used and constructed by mixing the four following probability distributions: Gamma, Weibull, Extreme value type-one, and Normal distributions. The Weibull and Kappa distributions were also employed as representatives of the conventional non-mixture distributions. Maximum Likelihood, Expectation Maximization algorithm, and Least Squares methods were employed to fit the mixture distributions. Results indicate that mixture distributions give the best fit to wind speed data for all stations. Wind speed data of five stations show strong mixture distributional characteristics. Applications of HTMs show a significant improvement in explaining the whole wind speed regime. The Weibull-Extreme value type-one mixture distribution is considered the most appropriate distribution for wind speed data in the UAE.  相似文献   

Increasing knowledge on wind shear models to strengthen their reliability appears as a crucial issue, markedly for energy investors to accurately predict the average wind speed at different turbine hub heights, and thus the expected wind energy output. This is particularly helpful during the feasibility study to abate the costs of a wind power project, thus avoiding installation of tall towers, or even more expensive devices such as LIDAR or SODAR.The power law (PL) was found to provide the finest representation of wind speed profiles and is hence the focus of the present study. Besides commonly used for vertical extrapolation of wind speed time series, the PL relationship between “instantaneous” wind profiles was demonstrated by Justus and Mikhail to be consistent with the height variation of Weibull distribution. Therefore, in this work a comparison is performed between these two different PL–based extrapolation approaches to assess wind resource to the turbine hub height: (i) extrapolation of wind speed time series, and (ii) extrapolation of Weibull wind speed distribution. The models developed by Smedman–Högström and Högström (SH), and Panofsky and Dutton (PD) were used to approach (i), while those from Justus and Mikhail (JM) and Spera and Richards (SR) to approach (ii). Models skill in estimating wind shear coefficient was also assessed and compared.PL extrapolation models have been tested over a flat and rough location in Apulia region (Southern Italy), where the role played by atmospheric stability and surface roughness, along with their variability with time and wind characteristics, has been also investigated. A 3-year (1998–2000) 1–h dataset, including wind measurements at 10 and 50 m, has been used. Based on 10–m wind speed observations, the computation of 50–m extrapolated wind resource, Weibull distribution and energy yield has been made. This work is aimed at proceeding the research issue addressed within a previous study, where PL extrapolation models were tested and compared in extrapolating wind resource and energy yield from 10 to 100 m over a complex–topography and smooth coastal site in Tuscany region (Central Italy). As a result, wind speed time series extrapolating models proved to be the most skilful, particularly PD, based on the similarity theory and thus addressing all stability conditions. However, comparable results are returned by the empirical JM Weibull distribution extrapolating model, which indeed proved to be preferable as being: (i) far easier to be used, as z0–, stability–, and wind speed time series independent; (ii) more conservative, as wind energy is underpredicted rather than overpredicted.  相似文献   

Knowing about wind speed distribution for a specific site is very essential step in wind resource utilizations. In this paper, a probability density function with the maximum entropy principle is derived using different algorithm from previous studies. Its validity considering various numbers of moment constraints is tested and compared with the conventional Weibull function in terms of computation accuracy. Judgment criterions include the Chi-square error, root mean square error, maximum error in cumulative distribution function as well as the relative error of wind power density between theoretical function and observation data. Wind sample data are observed at four wind farms having different weather conditions in Taiwan. The results show that the entropy quantities reveal a negative correlation with the number of constraints used, regardless of station considered. For a specific site experiencing more stable weather condition where wind regimes are not too dispersive, the conventional Weibull function may accurately describe the distribution. While for wind regimes having two humps on it, the maximum entropy distributions proposed outperform a lot the Weibull function, irrespective of wind speed or power density analyzed. For the consideration of computation burden, using four moment constraints in calculating maximum entropy parameters is recommended in wind analysis.  相似文献   

In this work, the wind speed probability distribution is estimated for Burla location in the state of Odisha in the east coast of India. For this purpose, 10 min averaged wind speed data collected over one year period at Burla is utilized. Specifically, Weibull, Gamma, Lognormal, Inverse Gaussian distributions; mixture distributions such as Weibull-Weibull, Gamma-Weibull, Normal-Weibull, and Normal-Normal are examined to evaluate their suitability to represent the measured wind speed. The non-parametric kernel density method is also used to represent the measured wind speed wherever the parametric distributions are not suitable. Chi-square test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit tests are used to evaluate the suitability of each of the above distributions.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the wind speed distribution and the most frequent wind directions is important when choosing wind turbines and when locating them. For this reason wind evaluation and characterization are important when forecasting output power. The data used here were collected from eleven meteorological stations distributed in Navarre, Spain. We obtained data for the period extending from 1992 to 1995, with each datum encompassing 10 minutes of time. Wind speed data of each station were gathered in eight directional sectors, each one extended over 45 degrees according to the direction from which the wind blows. The stations were grouped in two blocks: those under the influence of the Ebro valley and those in mountainous areas. For each group the Weibull parameters were estimated, (according to the Weibull probability paper because the Weibull distribution gives the best fit in this region). Kurtosis and skewness coefficients were estimated as well. The Weibull parameters, especially the scale parameter c, depend strongly on the direction considered, and both Weibull parameters show an increasing trend as the direction considered moves to the more dominant direction, while both kurtosis and skewness show a corresponding decreasing trend.  相似文献   

Turkey is one of the developing countries. The production of electricity in Turkey is basically focused on hydro-power and thermal-power. On the other hand, measurements show that Turkey has a reasonable wind potential but this potential was not being used for many years due to government policies which supported the use of petroleum, coal, and hydro power as energy sources. In recent years there is an increasing interest in using wind energy as one of the energy sources. This paper briefly introduces a study of the determination of wind power potential of Nurda ı/Gaziantep district where is on the south of Turkey for future wind power generation projects. Evaluation of wind data; taken by Turkish Electrical Power Resources Development Administration at the foot of the mountain, Nurda ı, shows that the district has a mean wind speed of 7.3 m/s at 10 m height and observed highest value wind speed is 23.3 m/s. Mean power density of the site is found as 222 W/m2 and the results suggest that the site encourages investors especially since the terrain is a grassy plain on the side of the mountain and the measurements are taken at 10 m height.  相似文献   

In the present study the energy potential of wind for the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia is investigated. A suitable Weibull distribution is generated based on the data obtained for a duration of one complete year at a costal location in northeastern Saudi Arabia. Comparison of this model is made with the Rayleigh distribution of wind power densities. Two horizontal-axis type of wind energy conversion systems which operate at fixed rpm are considered and a model of quadratic power output function is used. It is found that the error in using the Rayleigh approximation will be less than 10% of the full rated power density level.  相似文献   

Dynamic models of wind farms with fixed speed wind turbines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The increasing wind power penetration on power systems requires the development of adequate wind farms models for representing the dynamic behaviour of wind farms on power systems. The behaviour of a wind farm can be represented by a detailed model including the modelling of all wind turbines and the wind farm electrical network. But this detailed model presents a high order model if a wind farm with high number of wind turbines is modelled and therefore the simulation time is long. The development of equivalent wind farm models enables the model order and the computation time to be reduced when the impact of wind farms on power systems is studied. In this paper, equivalent models of wind farms with fixed speed wind turbines are proposed by aggregating wind turbines into an equivalent wind turbine that operates on an equivalent wind farm electrical network. Two equivalent wind turbines have been developed: one for aggregated wind turbines with similar winds, and another for aggregated wind turbines under any incoming wind, even with different incoming winds.The proposed equivalent models provide high accuracy for representing the dynamic response of wind farm on power system simulations with an important reduction of model order and simulation time compare to that of the complete wind farm modelled by the detailed model.  相似文献   

测风数据的时间间隔对风速概率分布参数计算的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风电场风速概率分布是体现风能资源统计特性的重要指标.文章在认为风速服从双参数威布尔分布的前提下,对于不同时间间隔所记录的风数据,分别应用最小二乘法、平均风速和标准差估算法、平均风速和最大风速估算法求解风速概率分布参数,由此估算出能直接体现风能资源状况的风能特征指标值.比较由风速概率分布推算出风能特征指标的估计值与由记录...  相似文献   

In addition to the probability density function (pdf) derived with maximum entropy principle (MEP), several kinds of mixture probability functions have already been applied to estimate wind energy potential in scientific literature, such as the bimodal Weibull function (WW) and truncated Normal Weibull function (NW). In this paper, two other mixture functions are proposed for the first time to wind energy field, i.e. the mixture Gamma–Weibull function (GW) and mixture truncated normal function (NN). These five functions will be reviewed and compared together with conventional Weibull function. Wind speed data measured from 2006 to 2008 at three wind farms experiencing different climatic environments in Taiwan are selected as sample data to test their performance. Judgment criteria include four kinds of statistical errors, i.e. the max error in Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, root mean square error, Chi-square error and relative error of wind potential energy. The results show that all the mixture functions and the maximum entropy function describe wind characterizations better than the conventional Weibull function if wind regime presents two humps on it, irrespective of wind speed and power density. For wind speed distributions, the proposed GW pdf describes best according to the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test followed by the NW and WW pdfs, while the NN pdf performs worst. As for wind power density, the MEP and GW pdfs perform best followed by the WW and NW pdfs. The GW pdf could be a useful alternative to the conventional Weibull function in estimating wind energy potential.  相似文献   

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