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With the continuous progress of technology and the improvement of people's consumption level, requirements for picture quality are constantly increasing, which has raised the requirements for graphic processing units(GPU) and promoted their development. Among functional modules of GPU, the rasterization module is an important part of GPU. In this paper, we first review the development of rasterization algorithms and analyze their advantages and disadvantages. After that, we improve classical midpoint traversal by adding the idea of tile scanning and improving the parallelism of the algorithm and propose a tile-based multi-parallel midpoint traversal. Then, we implement and verify the proposed algorithm on software and hardware and compare the performance of the proposed algorithm with other algorithms to verify the superiority of the proposed algorithm. Finally, we deploy the improved algorithm in FPGA to verify the feasibility of the hardware.  相似文献   

We present an efficient method for detecting collisions between complex solid objects. The method features a stable processing time and low sensitivity to the complexity of contact between objects. The algorithm handles both concave and convex objects; however, the best performance is achieved when at least one object is convex in the proximity of the collision zone (our techniques check the required convexity property as a byproduct of the calculations). The method achieves real-time performance when calculations are supported by the standard functionality of graphics hardware available on high-end workstations.  相似文献   

We present an efficient and accurate algorithm for self‐collision detection in deformable models. Our approach can perform discrete and continuous collision queries on triangulated meshes. We present a simple and linear time algorithm to perform the normal cone test using the unprojected 3D vertices, which reduces to a sequence point‐plane classification tests. Moreover, we present a hierarchical traversal scheme that can significantly reduce the number of normal cone tests and the memory overhead using front‐based normal cone culling. The overall algorithm can reliably detect all (self) collisions in models composed of hundreds of thousands of triangles. We observe considerable performance improvement over prior continuous collision detection algorithms.  相似文献   

详细分析比较基于包围盒的碰撞检测算法中的轴向包围盒法、方向包围盒法、离散方向多面体法的检测原理和检测效率,并改进了轴向包围盒碰撞检测算法,提出利用简化包围盒边缘节点实现碰撞检测的新设想,其可行性已被初步试验证实。不仅显著提高了碰撞检测的速度,并且可以便捷地得到更为详细的碰撞检测信息,满足了进一步进行碰撞响应处理的需要。使飞行模拟机的视景系统能够实时、准确地检测出虚拟物体间的碰撞。  相似文献   

One of the main issues of the reverse engineering (RE) is the duplication of an existing physical part whose geometric information is partially or completely unavailable in measured form. In some industrial applications, physical parts are duplicated using three-axis CNC machines and ball-end mills. Many researches studied the problem of direct tool path generation from measured data point. However, up to the present, it appears that there is no reported study on interference detection in paths generated directly from measured data points. Interference detection is a curial problem in direct tool path generation from measured data points. This paper discusses the problem of local and global interference detection for three-axis machining in RE and proposes algorithms for local and global interference detection. With these algorithms, the measured data points captured from a physical part are analyzed and classified according to the shapes of the part. The method has been tested with several industrial parts, and it is shown to be robust and efficient especially for the part with free-form surfaces.  相似文献   

Realistic computer simulations of physical elements such as rigid and deformable bodies, particles and fractures are commonplace in the modern world. In these simulations, the broad‐phase collision detection plays an important role in ensuring that simulations can scale with the number of objects. In these applications, several degrees of motion coherency, distinct spatial distributions and different types of objects exist; however, few attempts have been made at a generally applicable solution for their broad phase. In this regard, this work presents a novel broad‐phase collision detection algorithm based upon a hybrid SIMD optimized KD‐Tree and sweep‐and‐prune, aimed at general applicability. Our solution is optimized for several objects distributions, degrees of motion coherence and varying object sizes. These features are made possible by an efficient and idempotent two‐step tree optimization algorithm and by selectively enabling coherency optimizations. We have tested our solution under varying scenario setups and compared it to other solutions available in the literature and industry, up to a million simulated objects. The results show that our solution is competitive, with average performance values two to three times better than those achieved by other state‐of‐the‐art AABB‐based CPU solutions.  相似文献   

The collision detection is of great importance in almost every game, whether among the objects or between the object and the scene .If the author don't detect collisions, objects will intersect each other or object will intersect the scene. In this paper, the author present two algorithms that high-speed detects the collision detection between moving bullet and role with unknown trajectories in 2D environment. The objects for collision detection are bounded by the axis-aligned rectangles or circles. The known information such as world coordinate system, collision object coordinate system and collision detection area coordinate system etc, are stored in the data files in advance. The data control systems load those information into the collision detection module to handle the collision among the roles and bullets. We set coordinate values of rectangular center and four vertexes or the center point of a circle and use the distance between two points or the distance from a point to a line to see whether the object's vertexes are enclosed in the other object. If it is true, there is a collision occurring. We improved the algorithm to make the player share the scene of running through the bullet cluster with skill and ease while avoiding being shot.  相似文献   

近几年来,布料仿真技术广泛应用于游戏开发中,本文针对游戏在实时性和交互性方面的特殊需求,结合“网络游戏公共技术平台关键技术研究”项目,对布料的物理模型、模型求解以及碰撞检测和处理等方面进行了分析和设计,并在此基础上实现了几种布料动画的模拟。  相似文献   

We present a new hybrid CPU/GPU collision detection technique for rigid and deformable objects based on spatial subdivision. Our approach efficiently exploits the massive computational capabilities of modern CPUs and GPUs commonly found in off‐the‐shelf computer systems. The algorithm is specifically tailored to be highly scalable on both the CPU and the GPU sides. We can compute discrete and continuous external and self‐collisions of non‐penetrating rigid and deformable objects consisting of many tens of thousands of triangles in a few milliseconds on a modern PC. Our approach is orders of magnitude faster than earlier CPU‐based approaches and up to twice as fast as the most recent GPU‐based techniques.  相似文献   

复杂实体干涉检验的改进八叉树法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在基于结构立体几何的实体造型系统中,用改进的八叉树方法进行了复杂实体间的干涉检验,即避免了复杂实体间的求交运算,又很好地克服了传统八叉树方法精度低的缺点。本文提出的方法可以推广至机器人无碰路径规划,三维实体布局等所有需要进行干涉检验的领域。  相似文献   

碰撞检测是游戏人工智能设计领域中的基本研究问题,快速智能的碰撞检测算法直接决定游戏效果的好坏。针对捕鱼类游戏的碰撞要求,设计了一种以空间网格划分为基础结合多重因素分析的高效智能碰撞算法,增加了相关游戏的可玩性及运行效率。  相似文献   

研究机器人准确定位问题.机器人装备的传感器数量较多,不同类型数据采集传感器对环境中突变性因素的敏感程度不同,造成用于定位的传感器信息反馈到终端后融合,结果存在偏差,出现了传感定位信息的模糊性.传统的传感信息融合方法多是根据先验信息进行信息融合,但是机器人传感器采集的多是随机信息,大大增加了融合后定位信息模糊性的可能,造成定位不准.提出了一种机器人定位模糊性寻优遗传算法.通过固定较大小的基因位来改善遗传算法的机器人位置寻优性能,每次基因位的固定都能改变机器人定位的寻优空间,对寻优位置进行细化,消除融合中带来的特征模糊性干扰.后期的仿真结果表明,改进方法可以改善机载机器入的定位能力,定位准确性大幅提高.  相似文献   

为了提高航空器的短期冲突检测的准确性和可靠性,对传统算法与模型进行了研究,在此基础上设计了具有机动检测的交互式UKF算法,提出了短期冲突检测模型。该模型对飞行器的航迹进行了分析,然后对飞行器的冲突域检测、冲突脱离、机动检测和冲突确认进行了讨论,并根据该模型设计了冲突检测算法。仿真结果表明,该算法能够精确、实时的检测飞行器的航迹,克服了传统算法的冲突盲警告和轨迹不变问题,提高了冲突预警的准确性,为管制员提供了可靠的保障。  相似文献   

Multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) designs offer a lot of computational power assembled in a compact design. In mobile robotic applications, they offer the chance to replace several dedicated computing boards by a single processor, which typically leads to a significant acceleration of the computer-vision algorithms employed. This enables robots to perform more complex tasks at lower power budgets, less cooling overhead and, ultimately, smaller physical dimensions.However, the presence of shared resources and dynamically varying load situations leads to low throughput and quality for corner detection; an algorithm very widely used in computer-vision. The contemporary operating systems from the domain have not been designed for the management of highly parallel but shared computing resources.In this paper, we evaluate resource-aware programming as a means to overcome these issues. Our work is based on Invasive Computing, a MPSoC hardware and operating-system design for resource-aware programming. We evaluate this system with real-world algorithms, like Harris and Shi–Tomasi corner detectors. Our results indicate that resource-aware programming can lead to significant improvements in the behavior of these detectors, with up to 22 percent improvement in throughput and up to 20 percent improvement in accuracy.  相似文献   

We introduce a framework for collision detection between a pair of rigid polyhedra. Given the initial and final positions and orientations of two objects, the algorithm determines whether they collide, and if so, when and where. All collisions, including collisions at different times, are computed at once along with properness values that measure the extent to which the collisions are between parts of the objects that properly face each other. This is useful for handling multiple (nearly) concurrent collisions and contact points.The relative motions of the rigid bodies are limited to screw motions. This limitation is not always completely accurate, but we can estimate the error introduced by the assumption.Our implementation uses rasterization to approximate the position and time of the collisions. This allows level-of-detail techniques that provide a tradeoff between accuracy and computational expense.The collision detection algorithms are only approximate, both because of the screw motion assumption and because of the rasterization. However, they can be made robust so as to give consistent information about collisions and to avoid sensitivity to roundoff errors.  相似文献   

基于着色算法的并行碰撞检测算法*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一种基于着色算法的并行碰撞检测算法,利用AABB包围盒较好的紧密性和包围球计算简单的优点以及并行算法中的分治策略构建物体的混合包围体层次(S-AABB);然后采用破对称技术中的典型算法——着色算法,将每棵任务树编码,以产生各不相同的类别,并将不同的类别指派到不同的并行机,在并行机上采用多线程技术执行相同的类别的任务树的遍历,来检测是否有碰撞发生。实验结果表明,与现有的经典的I-COLLIDE等算法相比,该算法在效率、精确性方面具有明显优势,能够满足交互式复杂虚拟环境的实时性和精确性的要求。  相似文献   

高逼真动态地形实时绘制中碰撞检测的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张荣华  郑顾平 《计算机应用》2006,26(11):2773-2774
高逼真考虑绘制动态地形的高逼真性与实时显示的突出矛盾,结合实时优化自适应网格(ROAM)地形绘制算法与Seamus McNally对该算法误差度量的改进,提出了动态地形可视化系统框架,初步设计并实现了仿真环境中炮弹等仿真实体与地形交互的碰撞检测。实验证明了该方案的有效性与可行性。  相似文献   

朱冰莲  李波 《计算机工程》2011,37(2):275-277
在串行干扰消除结构的基础上,提出一种分组部分并行软干扰消除多用户检测算法.根据用户功率大小进行分组,组内采用并行软干扰消除检测,组间采用串行干扰消除算法,依次检测各组用户,从而降低并行结构的计算复杂度.理论分析和仿真结果表明,该算法能比传统的PIC算法、PPIC算法及MPIC算法等并行干扰消除算法取得更好的误码率性能,...  相似文献   

随着计算机图形技术的发展,布料动画成为3D游戏和动画电影相关领域研究者共同关心和研究的课题,并呈现蓬勃发展的趋势.布料动画的主要目标是表现布料丰富的运动细节,获得细腻、逼真的动画效果,可广泛应用于游戏、动画和虚拟现实等众多领域.论述了国内外基于物理仿真的布料动画建模的研究现状,总结了基于物理仿真的布料动画基本理论和方法.通过对近年来该领域相关文献的分析和归纳,发现其中存在的优缺点和相互间的联系,力图为3D游戏和动画中布料动画仿真技术的研究提供系统的思路.  相似文献   

自适应椭球包围盒改进织物碰撞检测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了快速处理织物与模型的碰撞以获得仿真结果,提出一种基于自适应椭球包围盒的碰撞检测方法.该方法以法向距离和径向距离的加权平均值作为表面误差,数值化表示椭球与模型之间的拟合度,将优化K均值聚类方法用于自适应划分模型生成一系列逼近模型的最小体积包围椭球;根据表面误差的大小对椭球分类处理,误差小的椭球直接取代模型区域与织物碰撞,将三角网格之间的碰撞问题转化为质点相对于椭球的穿透测试,误差大的椭球与织物的碰撞检测仅用于排除不可能发生碰撞的三角形,再继续进行三角形之间的精确碰撞检测.实验结果表明,文中方法能快速、自适应地划分任意模型生成高度拟合的椭球,可大幅度地减少碰撞检测计算量,在提高计算速度的同时保证了仿真的真实感.  相似文献   

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