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The paper deals with the problem of controlling artificial limbs in cases where several limb functions require control. These situations are of importance, especially to above-elbow upper-extremity amputees. Here, classical EMG (myoelectric) controllers have failed in the past, since they were based on only determining existence or nonexistence of an EMG signal. Recent work by Lyman et al. at UCLA has approached this multifunctional (MF) control problem via using a large number of electrodes, though still considering only a limited part of the EMG spectrum. The present approach is based on earlier work by Graupe et al. [4], considering the whole spectrum of the EMG signal via identifying its time series model such that several limb functions can be controlled from a single signal site. However, the present work subsequently employs parallel filtering to discriminate between the various limb functions of interest to achieve fast discrimination and control as required for practical applications, since this allows the identification itself to be performed off line. Real-time on-line results are presented in the paper, as recently obtained from tests carried out on a 1969 Vietnam above-elbow amputee who had most severe (90 percent) nerve and muscle loss at his stump, and could therefore not use more than one or two electrode pairs. The results, where complete discrimination was achieved within 0.15 to 0.2 seconds using 8-bit Intel 8080 microprocessors at double precision (incorporating hardware multipliers), have yielded an 85 percent success rate in discrimination between four to five limb functions using a single electrode pair. It is noted that the amputee mentioned had no previous EMG actuation training whatsoever.  相似文献   

Attributed to its superior dexterity, the human’s thumb plays a significant role in the activities of daily living (ADLs). In order to promote the operational capability of the prosthetic hand, state-of-the-art designs tend to integrate multiple degrees of freedom (DOFs) in thumb’s trapeziometacarpal (TM) joint for achieving versatile movements. However, without proper control methods, this fine dexterity of multi-DOF prosthetic hand is hard to be demonstrated. This problem becomes more serious when the control signals, electromyography (EMG), are highly limited on the residual stump of the amputee. Through experiments, the paper examines the feasibility of recognizing 4 thumb motions (flexion/extension and abduction/adduction) together with the other 12 finger- and wrist-related motions under a general surface EMG configuration. After surveying the classification accuracy of several selective motion groups (thumb motions, thumb-involved finger motions, thumb-involved wrist motions, etc.), we report here the current limitations of the prevalent pattern recognition-based EMG control schemes. Considering the severely impaired neuromuscular systems of the amputees, controlling those thumb motions for achieving dexterous operations still faces many challenges. We finally discuss several alternative strategies, including switching, extended physiological proprioception (EPP) and postural synergy, for dealing with this problem.  相似文献   

重合闸前加速保护方式在配电网中被广泛应用.它节省投资,接线简单,可以快速切除瞬时性故障,但是当重合于永久性故障时,保护的动作时间可能较长,这对于负荷供电和系统安全都是极为不利的.为此,本文提出了一种适用于微机装置的改进型保护方案,它利用微机保护强大的记忆和逻辑功能,当发生重合于永久性故障时,该方案能够自动识别并立刻投入快速保护,从而大大缩短了对于永久性故障的切除时间.该方案原理简单,容易实现,不需额外增加任何设备,因而功能可靠,便于实际应用.  相似文献   

用计算机作为控制监测及数据处理手段,实现了快速监测处理和及时反馈信息,将为监测提供一条全新的途径,对采矿工作的安全、高效生产将起到重要作用.本文开发了一种基于单片机的压力测量控制系统,包含传感器、光耦6N139、数据开关74HC151、RS-485接口电路及高效电源电路等模块设计.  相似文献   

A low cost, wide range, six-channel pressure sensor, controlled by a 16-bit microprocessor has been designed and developed. The present design exploits the simplicity and reliability of manometers as well as the acquisition processing and control capabilities of microprocessors. The sensor is of digital output type and hence dispenses with the complex and expensive electronics normally required in conjunction with analogue pressure sensors. The data rate of the developed instrument is six samples/2·5 s for a range of ± 1000 mm of liquid column, with a resolution of 1·1 mm. Accuracy of the present unit is found to be better than 0·2 mm of the liquid column. The hardware and software design and implementation details of the unit are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

The authors present a method for fully testing chips designed using synthesis and silicon compilation. The method is targeted for a multiprocessor architecture that implements low-speed to medium-speed signal-processing algorithms. By taking advantage of the specific properties of the architecture, the method allows a chip to be partitioned into several functional units. The authors use the C-test concept instead of the traditional automatic test-pattern generation to derive a compact set of test vectors. The fault model covers both the stuck-at class and part of the transistor stuck-open and stuck-closed cases. For large units with embedded memory, the authors adopt a self-test approach  相似文献   

A major challenge in today's functional verification is the lack of a formal specification with which to compare the RTL model. We propose a novel top-down verification approach that allows specification of a design above the RTL. From this specification, it is possible to automatically generate assertion models and RTL reference models. We also demonstrate that symbolic simulation and equivalence checking can be applied to verify an RTL design against its specification.  相似文献   

本文提出了矩阵式红外线车流量识别这个全新的技术,利用微处理器,设计出了经济、高效、准确的车流量检测装置,能实现对被监测路段的车辆行驶方向、车型、多车并行、车流量统计等复杂情形的识别。这有利于获取道路交通情况,促进交通管理。  相似文献   

A multi-user processor system has been in use for student teaching. It is based on the CP/M1 compatible operating system McNOS. The experience of its use and possible limitations are described in the light of providing a cost effective reliable alternative to single user microprocessors with the additional benefit of utilization for teaching concurrent programming techniques.  相似文献   

Most verifications of superscalar, out-of-order microprocessors compare state-machine-based implementations and specifications, where the specification is based on the instruction-set architecture. The different efforts use a variety of correctness statements, implementations, and verification approaches. We present a framework for classifying correctness statements about safety properties of superscalar microprocessors. Our framework is independent of the implementation representation and verification approach, and is parameterized by the width of the processor. We characterize the relationships between the correctness statements of many different efforts and also illustrate how classical approaches to microprocessor verification fit within our framework. Published online: 17 December 2002  相似文献   

The paper introduces a formal security model for a microprocessor hardware system. The model has been developed as part of the evaluation process of the processor product according to ITSEC assurance level E4. Novel aspects of the model are the need for defining integrity and confidentiality objectives on the hardware level without the operating system or application specification and security policy being given, and the utilization of an abstract function and data space. The security model consists of a system model given as a state transition automaton on infinite structures and the formalization of security objectives by means of properties of automaton behaviors. Validity of the security properties is proved. The paper compares the model with published ones and summarizes the lessons learned throughout the modeling process  相似文献   

An alternative approach for the synthesis of variable structure control algorithms with chattering reduction is presented. The proposed method allows the designer to simultaneously satisfy the conflicting requirements of short sliding plane reaching time and transient behaviour degradation due to the effect of chattering. A new algorithm is obtained for single-input nth order systems. The strategy is illustrated with a microprocessor-based design for the control of a d.c. motor. Transient behaviour is shown to be improved and good robustness properties are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Java has gained great popularity in embedded appliances such as set-top boxes, smart phones and other hand held devices. In this paper we propose a translation based hw/sw codesigned Java virtual machine architecture, which extends a typical embedded RISC processor. The architectural extensions we propose include special instructions that accelerate translated blocks dispatch and security checks for arrays and objects. The extensions are done in a way that operating systems support is maintained, something that makes their adoption more attractive. Benchmarking using Embedded Caffeine Mark (ECM) benchmarks, showed significant speedups, especially when high performance RISC processors are employed.  相似文献   

基于ARM微处理器的ARINC429接口板软件设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用模块化设计思想,对基于ARM微处理器的通知智能型ARINC429接口卡提出了一套完备的软件方案,有效地解决了四发八收的信息控制.此方案满足ARINC429数据总线传输要求,有执行速度快、集成度高、可靠性好等优点,可以用在基于ARINC429标准进行通信的机载设备的地面调试,及需要扩展ARINC429通信接口的场合.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fully selective new one cycle microprocessor based differential relay for transformer protection.The relay was tested and was found to take care of maloperation due to inrush, current transformer (CT) saturation with internal fault, unsaturated CT with external fault, saturation of one CT with external (heavy through fault) or internal fault etc., without sacrificing the performance of the differential relay under genuine fault conditions.The relay behaviour has been extensively tested by arranged circuits for differential protection of tranformers in the laboratory for all above conditions.  相似文献   

基于机器视觉的智能车辆跟踪防撞系统,信息量大,计算速度、存储容量要求较高,不便在嵌入式系统中实现.通过对机器视觉图像信息的等间距抽取,压缩了图像采集量,保留了最小特征,减小了存储的压力;通过对传统图像边缘提取算子的研究,提出了简化的基于阈值的边缘提取算子,提高了计算速度.仿真研究表明:该方法简单有效,并在智能模型车平台...  相似文献   

The techniques employed in most clinical centres for training amputees to use myoelectric prostheses are quite similar. Training aids employing meters, lights or modified toys as indicators of signal level are routinely used for control site selection and for ‘signals training’.It is clear from local experience and from the literature that the difficulty of maintaining motivation rather than any other criterion is the limiting factor determining the duration and effectiveness of signals training. This is especially true for the case of children in the age range of 5–14 years.In an attempt to provide a training aid for young amputees, which maintains user motivation, the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at UNB has developed a system based on ‘computer games’. The rationale for this project derives from the observation that computer games have a universal fascination for all ages, and may provide the stimulus and excitement necessary to motivate the trainee.A custom hardware board has been designed which interfaces with an IBM PC type machine, which allows both conventional joystick input and two channels of myoelectric signal (MES) to be used as control sources for video game software. Consequently, the system is suitable for both single-site and two-site signal training. This arrangement also permits a comparison to be made concerning the activity of the sound limb versus the prosthetic side.The video game software has been custom designed so that subject evaluation routines can be run in the background. In this way the therapist can keep track of user performance and have a permanent record of the training session. The games have also been designed so that the user must use both sound and prosthetic limbs which in turn promotes the development of ‘two-handed’ activities.  相似文献   

Dolle  M. Schlett  M. 《Micro, IEEE》1995,15(5):32-40
Applications in telecommunications or multimedia require a new generation of fast and flexible microprocessors. We present a 32-bit RISC microprocessor with extended functionality for digital signal processing that reduces overall system cost. Due to its optimized design with just 210,000 transistors, this low-cost, medium- to high-performance microprocessor is well suited for a wide range of embedded system applications  相似文献   

《Journal of Systems Architecture》1999,45(12-13):1097-1110
As microprocessor-based systems grow in complexity, and the processor-memory speed gap widens further, more emphasis needs to be placed on early design space exploration in order to produce the highest performance systems with minimal schedule impact. We discuss the critical issues associated with architectural evaluation of complex microprocessor-based systems, and present a methodology for the comprehensive and semiautomatic evaluation of processor, cache hierarchy, system interconnect, and main memory architectural and technological alternatives. We discuss the implementation of the methodology, and describe how it can be used in early design space exploration. The unique aspects of the methodology are further illustrated through two architectural investigations performed using the toolset.  相似文献   

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