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艺术帝国--佛罗伦萨 俯视佛罗伦萨和谐优美的城市轮廓星罗棋布以粉红色为主色调房顶的古老建筑鳞次栉比;城郊间别墅点缀在环抱城市的平缓山坡上秀美别致;美丽的阿尔诺河像一条碧绿的飘带蜿蜒穿城而过;106米高的圣母百花大教堂巴洛克风格塔顶格外醒目;高耸于群楼之间的乔托钟楼鹤立鸡群,大有顶天立地之势.  相似文献   

暖暖 《家饰》2008,(6):118-118
L&D陶瓷翡冷翠系列 “翡冷翠”由现代著名诗人徐志摩首译,远比另一个译名“佛罗伦萨”更富诗意、更具色彩、也更符合古城的气质。翡冷翠的气质像一位宫廷诗人,优美中带着一种厚重感,青葱不褪,冷如翡翠。  相似文献   

<正>走过罗马就像穿越了时光隧道,罗马帝国走向文艺复兴,从埃马努埃莱二世的意大利王国走向墨索里尼的意大利帝国;而北上来到佛罗伦萨则是一个猛子扎进了文艺复兴的星宿海。在这里你可以找到但丁、薄伽丘、乔托、达芬奇、米开朗基罗、多纳泰罗、马基雅维利……但是走在  相似文献   


在巴黎马莱区中心,透过佛罗伦萨洛伊书店的窗户可以看到三个弯曲的形状,清晰又动感,与标准的正交立面形成明显对比.为了重新设置存储空间和书店内的书架,雅各布+麦克法兰建筑事务所设计了三个巨大的体块,在浮现而出的白色内部空间内相对排列.这些体块的设计经过了全面考虑,周围地区空无一物,使游客们可以漫步其中.  相似文献   

静谧的大学城——海德堡 海德堡(Heidelberg)是德国巴-符州著名的旅游城和大学城。1386年鲁普莱希特选帝侯在这里创办了德国最古老的大学——海德堡大学。直到今天,海德堡仍是德国乃至欧洲的一大科研基地。二次大战期间海德堡幸免于战火的选礼,古城风貌得以完好的保存。  相似文献   

<正>为了建设新的高速铁路网络,意大利政府开展了一项车站重组的重要计划,其中包括新建多座车站。我们在佛罗伦萨车站竞赛中获胜,设计方案将车站塑造成一个崭新的交通枢纽,通过一条新的有轨  相似文献   

当我们来到米开朗琪罗广场俯瞰佛罗伦萨全景时,初晨的阳光正好笼罩了这个被称为“花之都”的老城。橙红色的佛罗伦萨静静地在藏蓝色的盆地里苏醒过来,而阿尔诺河一片紫红,犹如熔解的铜汁缓缓西流。此时我们要探访的、从未谋面的“老朋友”们也慢慢显出了轮廓:主教堂的红圆顶、阿尔诺河的旧桥、乌费兹美术馆、市政厅塔楼、彩色的乔托钟楼……它们仿佛早已经静候在那里,从乔托进入契马布埃的画室起,从波提切利开始画《维纳斯的诞生》起,从米开朗琪罗受聘于梅蒂奇家族起,从伯鲁乃列斯基发明了透视法直至佛罗伦萨大教堂落成的那天起……佛罗伦萨…  相似文献   

和世界上许多大都市一样,要想在怫罗伦萨的市区拥有一座单独的、别致的公寓,就不得不考虑一下建筑的尺寸。本案的原建筑实际上是一座中世纪的老房子,当地的法律对这类建筑有严格的规定,绝对不允许扩大建筑的尺寸。单从复杂的交通环爱和诸多的法规限制来说,这座公寓并不是理想的居住场所,但是能在城市的中心拥有这样一座独一无二的住所实在是件让人兴奋的事情。  相似文献   

蔡晴  姚赯 《建筑师》2005,(6):94-98
1982年发布的《佛罗伦萨宪章》,依据《威尼斯 宪章》的精神,为历史园林的保护确定了基本的准则。历 史园林是一种有生命力的历史遗产,在实际的保护实践 中必须充分重视这一特点,进行适当的维护和修复活动。 历史园林的日常维护,主要是保证其自身和外部环境的 风貌不受破坏;在建筑遗产保护中已被扬弃的风格修复, 在已受到破坏的历史园林修复中可以合理使用并得到良 好效果。  相似文献   

一座城市有河必有水,有水必有桥,有水必有灵气。文艺复兴之都意大利的佛罗伦萨穿城而过的阿尔诺河就给这座古城增添了无限的魅力,横跨河上很多座造型优美的古桥,每座古桥都记录着一个昔日的传说,都有一个脍炙人口的故事让人津津乐道。  相似文献   

The three texts following the introduction consist of papers from La Conferenza Internazionale sul Restauro, Firenze 1996 (organized by Universita 'degli studi di Firenze) - The extent of Truth in the ' stato di fatto ' (Fancelli); Hermeneutic Openings of Conservation (Torsello); and From Restoration to Conservation: from Aesthetics to Ethics (Bellini).  相似文献   

In her lifetime Florence Taylor was celebrated as an advocate of town planning reform in Australia. Based in Sydney, she trained as an architect but spent most of her long professional life as a publisher and trade journalist, developing strong ties with the building industry. Unified by a strong environmental determinist position, early preoccupations with eradicating slums segued into numerous practical suggestions for improving city efficiency, focusing on urban renewal and traffic planning. Taylor was nonetheless often critical of planning in practice. As a businesswoman, she became antagonistic to planning as an activity of the modern state because of its apparent privileging of the public sector and over-regulation of private enterprise and everyday life. This ideological tension became acute in the 1940s as planning moved from its early foundation in propaganda and voluntary advocacy towards statutory oversight. While Taylor's life and career continued to be celebrated by her professional and social peers into the 1950s, her identification with mainstream town planning declined. This paper explores the contradictions in Florence Taylor's encounters with planning in shifting from advocate to antagonist.  相似文献   

Antinori酿酒厂通过建筑表达出其产品所蕴含的一种与田园景色和自然环境紧密相关的劳动、传统和文化特质。它的基本元素是酿造葡萄酒,田园生活渗透于生产过程中。因此,这个工程必须与土地紧密地融合在一起。这栋建筑看来像一个埋在地下的壳体,没有屋面、墙体、道路、停车场,隐藏起城市建筑中的常见因素,追求一种难以企及而又必须的自然环境与人工建筑之间的协调。两条位于地平面的曲线勾勒出一个新的地表和葡萄园,改变了山丘的走势,使阳光进入地下酒厂并构成周边景观。然而,这个自然主义设想和与土地交流的意图没有转变成为矫揉造作,尽可能地保留了传统地下拱顶式酒窖的特点,为保证生产最佳质量的产品提供了可能性。  相似文献   

In a typical unit of structurally complex, mainly shaley and highly tectonized terrain, two different levels of shaley clayey materials in the same site were identified and analyzed. These lithotypes were characterized in terms of their behaviour as a result of swelling phenomena connected with the mineralogy, stress history and variation in water content. The aim of the study was to assess, in particular, the problems caused by cutting and altering the slope composed of these heterogeneous terrains.  相似文献   

历史园林:"活"的古迹——《佛罗伦萨宪章》解读   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
傅岩  石佳 《中国园林》2002,18(3):69-72
解读《佛罗伦萨宪章》关于保护历史园林-“活”的古迹的原则和方法,梳理出其整体思路以及各条文间的内在逻辑,以增加对宪章精神的理解;并就宪章对我国历史园林保护的指导意义和适用性作简要探讨。  相似文献   

本文通过对意大利佛罗伦萨市Meyer儿童医院设计的研究析,论述了其在满足儿童心理需求方面的人性化设计以及对生态、节能技术的应用等,其节约和有效利用能源的手法尤其值得学习和借鉴.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Personal exposure to airborne benzene is influenced by various outdoor and indoor sources. The first aim of this study was to assess the benzene exposure of a sample of urban inhabitants living in an inner-city neighborhood of Florence, Italy, excluding exposure from active smoking. The secondary objective was to differentiate the personal exposures according to personal usage patterns of the vehicles. METHODS: A sample of 67 healthy non-smokers was monitored by passive samplers during two 4-weekday campaigns in winter and late spring. Simultaneously, benzene measurements were also taken for a subset of participants, inside and outside their houses. A 4-day time microenvironment activity diary was completed by each subject during each sampling period. Other relevant exposure data were collected by a questionnaire before the sampling. Additional data on urban ambient air benzene levels were also available from the public air quality network. The passive samplers, after automated thermal desorption, were analyzed by GC-FID. RESULTS: Benzene personal exposure levels averaged 6.9 (SD=2.1) and 2.3 (SD=0.7) microg/m(3) in winter and spring, respectively. Outdoor and indoor levels showed high correlation in winter and poor in spring. In winter the highest benzene personal exposure levels were for people traveling by more public transport, followed by users of only car and by users of only bus respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The time spent in-transport for work or leisure makes a major contribution to benzene exposure among Florentine non-smoking citizens. Indoor pollution and transportation means contribute significantly to individual exposure levels especially in winter season.  相似文献   

庄葳  姚彦彬 《时代建筑》2013,(1):134-143
文章介绍了意大利佛罗伦萨新歌剧院的设计特点,探讨了现代歌剧院如何延续文艺复兴时期剧场的形式,同时从城市的角度赋予新的时代特性.建筑师利用现代技术对传统形式进行净化和内在化的诠释,将城市、公众和文化结合起来,创造出柔性衔接历史与当下的新歌剧院形式.  相似文献   

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