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The release behavior tests of NOx precursors from wheat straw during pyrolysis in argon and gasification in 5%O2/95%Ar and 5%CO2/95%Ar were performed using a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) coupled with a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer. The results show that heating rate and particle size have substantial effects on the selectivity of N-conversion due to the selectivity of cracking of cyclic amides and the secondary reaction influencing the formation of NH3, HCN and HNCO. The atmosphere influences the N-selectivity to HCN, NH3, NO and HNCO. The formation of HCN and NH3 in 5%O2/95%Ar is a result of competition among the opposing effects of O2. The presence of O2 promotes the yields of HCN and HNCO evidently, and HNCO seems to be a favourable product from biomass-N compared in Ar atmosphere although HCN yield is a little bigger than that of HNCO. The use of CO2 reduces the formation of HCN, the yield of NH3 keeps essentially constant compared in Ar, and the emission of HNCO is suppressed. NH3 seems to be a favourable product from biomass-N in 5%CO2/95%Ar.  相似文献   

W. Nimmo  S.S. Daood  B.M. Gibbs 《Fuel》2010,89(10):2945-2861
Oxygen enrichment of the combustion air in pulverised coal combustion for power plant is seen as a possible retrofit measure to improve CO2 scrubbing and capture. This technique produces a reduced volume of flue gas with higher CO2 concentration than normal air combustion that will contributes to the enhancement of amine scrubbing plant efficiencies. We report in this article the results of a study at the small pilot scale into the effect of these combustion modifications on the formation of NOx and associated carbon burnout changes. Experiments were performed using a Russian coal, typical of that used in some UK power stations with shea meal and Pakistani cotton stalk as biomass fuels co-fired at a fraction of 15%th. The down-fired pulverised coal combustor was operated at 20 kWth under air-staged conditions for NOx control and the secondary and over-fire air flows were both enriched by up to 79% (100% O2) for a range of splits giving a 35% overall O2 concentration for full enrichment. When the same enrichment process was applied to biomass/coal combustion different behaviour was observed with respect to NOx formation. We have shown that oxygen enrichment can achieve benefits of improved carbon burnout with a positive impact on NOx emissions over and above the primary aim of increasing CO2 concentration in the flue gas for enhanced capture efficiencies. With all other conditions of overall stoichiometry, OFA levels and O2 enrichment levels remaining the same, NOx levels at 22% OFA initially increased over the range of secondary air enrichment, particularly for shea meal/coal co-firing. At 31% OFA the trends were to lower NOx at high enrichment levels. However, co-firing with shea meal initially showed an increase in NOx emission at lower levels of enrichment (up to 40% O2) followed by overall lower NOx emissions at 100% O2 in the secondary air. The results show that NOx emissions can either increase or decrease depending on the operating conditions. The differences in behaviour are attributed, not only to the effects of enrichment on the stoichiometry of the near-burner zone, but also on the flame dynamics and intensity of combustion related to the associated reductions in gas velocity and swirl intensity by the transition from air to pure O2 in the secondary oxidant stream.  相似文献   

Effects of pressure on the formation of HCN and NH3 during the pyrolysis and gasification of Loy Yang brown coal in steam were investigated using a pressurised drop-tube/fixed-bed reactor. The NH3 yield increased with increasing pressure during both pyrolysis and gasification. Increasing pressure selectively favours the formation of NH3 at the expenses of other N-containing species. The changes in the yield of NH3 with increasing pressure were mainly observed in the feeding periods both during pyrolysis and gasification and were closely related to the formation and subsequent cracking of soot both as a result of intensified thermal cracking of volatile precursors inside the particles and as a result of volatile-char interactions after the release of volatiles. While the corresponding HCN yield during pyrolysis showed little sensitivity to changes in pressure, the HCN yield during gasification in steam showed some increases with increasing pressure. Our data indicate that the direct hydrogenation of char-N by H radicals, favoured by the presence of steam, is the main route of NH3 formation during pyrolysis and gasification. The direct conversion, either through hydrogenation or hydrolysis, of HCN into NH3 on char surface during the pyrolysis and gasification of brown coal is not an important route of NH3 formation.  相似文献   

Hua Fei  Jun Xiang  Lushi Sun  Peng Fu  Gang Chen 《Fuel》2011,90(2):441-448
When predicting the variation of pore structure during O2/CO2 combustion of coal chars using the random pore model (RPM), it is impossible to calculate exactly the structure parameter ψ from the pore characteristics. The values of structure parameter ψ, which were calculated based on its fractal feature at various carbon conversions, should be almost constant. However, this investigation exhibited a drastic increase of ψ at the end of combustion reaction. In this work, structure parameter ψ of the RPM was modified according to the experimental analysis and a new model, fractal random pore model (FRPM), was constructed. Compared with other models such as RPM, discrete random pore model (DRPM), the Struis model (Model I) and the Liu model (Model II), it was found that fractal random pore model was more accurate to describe coal chars combustion, especially at higher conversions. Using the FRPM, O2/CO2 isotherm combustion of coal chars were analyzed at different temperatures.  相似文献   

Biomass-nitrogen conversion during the pyrolysis and gasification of a cane trash in steam was investigated using a fluidised-bed/fixed-bed reactor and a fluidised-bed/tubular reactor. Our results indicate that the thermal cracking of volatile-N is the main route of HCN formation although the thermal cracking of char-N also contributes to the formation of HCN. There are three major routes of NH3 formation: ‘hydrolysis’ of N-containing structures in the solid phase during the primary pyrolysis, thermal cracking and gasification of solid nascent char as well as the thermal cracking and reforming of volatile-N. Under the current experimental conditions, the hydrolysis of HCN does not appear to be an important route of NH3/HNCO formation.  相似文献   

C.J. Liu  G.X. Wang  S.X. Sang 《Fuel》2010,89(10):2665-2672
Pore structure changing of coal during the CO2 geo-sequestration is one of the key issues that affect the sequestration process significantly. To address this problem, the CO2 sequestration process in an anthracite coal was replicated using a supercritical CO2 (ScCO2) reactor. Different coal grain sizes were exposed to ScCO2 and water at around 40 °C and 9.8 MPa for 72 h. Helium pycnometer and mercury porosimetry provide the density, pore size distribution and porosity of the coal before and after the ScCO2 treatment. The results show that after exposure to the ScCO2-H2O reaction, part of the carbonate minerals were dissolved and flushed away by water which made the true density increased as well as total pore volume and porosity most importantly in the micro-pore range. Hysteresis between mercury intrusion and extrusion was observed. Ink bottle shaped pores can be either damaged or created compared with the ScCO2 treated coal samples. This suggests that the ScCO2 treatment most likely increase the volumes of pores in anthracite coal, which also contributed to the increase in porosity of the treated samples. Therefore the CO2 sequestration into coal appears to have the potential to increase significantly the anthracite microporosity which is very advantageous for CO2 storage.  相似文献   

Our results indicate that the gas atmosphere surrounding coal/char particles can greatly affect the formation of NH3 and HCN through its influence on the availability of H radicals. Based on our results, it is believed that the chemisorption of CO2 on the nascent char surface can consume H radicals or block the access of N-sites by H radicals for the formation of NH3 and HCN. For the chars whose thermal cracking generates little H radicals, the gasification of char by CO2 can also generate additional H radicals, enhancing the formation of NH3. However, even gasification of char in CO2 at 950 °C does not lead to the formation of HCN. The oxidation of coal with 4% O2 at low temperatures (400-600 °C) leads to the formation of HCN as well as NH3 due to the enhanced formation of (H) radicals. The gasification of coal with 15% H2O drastically enhances the formation of NH3 due to the greatly enhanced availability of H as an intermediate between the reactions of H2O and char. These results support our reaction mechanisms proposed previously, emphasising the importance of H on the formation of NH3 and HCN during pyrolysis, which can also be extended to the conversion of coal-N during gasification.  相似文献   

This work investigates the improvement of Ni/Al2O3 catalyst stability by ZrO2 addition for H2 gas production from CH4/CO2 reforming reactions. The initial effect of Ni addition was followed by the effect of increasing operating temperature to 500–700 °C as well as the effect of ZrO2 loading and the promoted catalyst preparation methods by using a feed gas mixture at a CH4:CO2 ratio of 1:1.25. The experimental results showed that a high reaction temperature of 700 °C was favored by an endothermic dry reforming reaction. In this reaction the deactivation of Ni/Al2O3 was mainly due to coke deposition. This deactivation was evidently inhibited by ZrO2, as it enhances dissociation of CO2 forming oxygen intermediates near the contact between ZrO2 and nickel where the deposited coke is gasified afterwards. The texture of the catalyst or BET surface area was affected by the catalyst preparation method. The change of the catalyst texture resulted from the formation of ZrO2–Al2O3 composite and the plugging of Al2O3 pore by ZrO2. The 15% Ni/10% ZrO2/Al2O3 co-impregnated catalyst showed a higher BET surface area and catalytic activity than the sequentially impregnated catalyst whereas coke inhibition capability of the promoted catalysts prepared by either method was comparable. Further study on long-term catalyst stability should be made.  相似文献   

Changdong Sheng  Yi Li 《Fuel》2008,87(7):1297-1305
The present paper was addressed to mineral transformations and ash formation during O2/CO2 combustion of pulverized coal. Four Chinese thermal coals were burned in a drop tube furnace to generate ashes under various combustion conditions. The ash samples were characterized with XRD analysis and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. The impacts of O2/CO2 combustion on mineral transformation and ash formation were explored through comparisons between O2/CO2 combustion and O2/N2 combustion. It was found that, O2/CO2 combustion did not significantly change the mineral phases formed in the residue ashes, but did affect the relative amounts of the mineral phases. The differences observed in the ashes formed in two atmospheres were attributed to the impact of the gas atmosphere on the combustion temperatures of coal char particles, which consequently influenced the ash formation behaviors of included minerals.  相似文献   

A Victorian brown coal (68.5% C), a Chinese high-volatile Shenmu bituminous coal (82.3% C) and a Chinese low-volatile Dongshan bituminous coal (90% C) were gasified in a fluidised-bed/fixed-bed reactor at 800 °C in atmospheres containing 15% H2O, 2000 ppm O2 or 15% H2O + 2000 ppm O2. While the gasification of these coals in 2000 ppm O2 converted less than 27% of coal-N into NH3, the introduction of steam played a vital role in converting a large proportion of coal-N into NH3 by providing H on char surface. The importance of the roles of steam in the formation of NH3 in atmospheres containing 15% H2O + 2000 ppm O2 decreased with increasing coal rank. This is largely due to the slow gasification of high-rank coal chars, resulting in low availability of H on char surface. The gasification of chars from the high-rank coal appears to produce higher yields of HCN than that of lower rank coals, probably as a result of the decomposition of partially hydrogenated/broken/activated char-N structures during gasification at high temperature. The alkali and alkaline earth metallic species in brown coal tend to favour the release of coal-N as tar-N but have limited effects on char-N conversion during gasification.  相似文献   

Hao Liu 《Fuel》2003,82(11):1427-1436
Coal combustion with O2/CO2 is promising because of its easy CO2 recovery, extremely low NOx emission and high desulfurization efficiency. Based on our own fundamental experimental data combined with a sophisticated data analysis, its characteristics were investigated. It was revealed that the conversion ratio from fuel-N to exhausted NO in O2/CO2 pulverized coal combustion was only about one fourth of conventional pulverized coal combustion. To decrease exhausted NO further and realize simultaneous easy CO2 recovery and drastic reduction of SOx and NOx, a new scheme, i.e. O2/CO2 coal combustion with heat recirculation, was proposed. It was clarified that in O2/CO2 coal combustion, with about 40% of heat recirculation, the same coal combustion intensity as that of coal combustion in air could be realized even at an O2 concentration of as low as 15%. Thus exhausted NO could be decreased further into only one seventh of conventional coal combustion. Simultaneous easy CO2 recovery and drastic reduction of SOx and NOx could be realized with this new scheme.  相似文献   

The O2/CO2 coal combustion technology is an innovative combustion technology that can control CO2, SO2 and NOx emissions simultaneously. Calcination and sintering characteristics of limestone under O2/CO2 atmosphere were investigated in this paper. The pore size, the specific pore volume and the specific surface area of CaO calcined were measured by N2 adsorption method. The grain size of CaO calcined was determined by XRD analysis. The specific pore volume and the specific surface area of CaO calcined in O2/CO2 atmosphere are less than that of CaO calcined in air at the same temperature. And the pore diameter of CaO calcined in O2/CO2 atmosphere is larger than that in air. The specific pore volume and the specific surface area of CaO calcined in O2/CO2 atmosphere increase initially with temperature, and then decline as temperature exceeds 1000 °C. The peaks of the specific pore volume and the specific surface area appear at 1000 °C. The specific surface area decreases with increase in the grain size of CaO calcined. The correlations of the grain size with the specific surface area and the specific pore volume can be expressed as L = 744.67 + 464.64 lg(1 / S) and L = − 608.5 + 1342.42 lg(1 / ε), respectively. Sintering has influence on the pore structure of CaO calcined by means of influencing the grain size of CaO.  相似文献   

Wen Li  Hailiang Lu  Haokan Chen  Baoqing Li 《Fuel》2005,84(4):353-357
The volatilization behavior of fluorine in five Chinese coals was investigated during fluidized-bed pyrolysis and CO2-gasification at a temperature range of 500-900 °C. The effect of co-existed and added calcium on fluorine volatility during pyrolysis was also determined. With increasing pyrolysis temperature, the volatility of fluorine increases. However, the volatility is greatly dependent on the fluorine chemical forms occurred in coal. Except for Datong and Zhungeer coal, more than 65% of fluorine in other three coals occurs as the steady forms. Fluorapatite is not the major carrier of fluorine in the coals studied. Fluorine volatility is retarded by coexisting calcium during coal pyrolysis, indicating that at least part of the stable forms of fluorine in coal might occur as calcium fluoride or calcium fluoride with complex compounds which are stable even at high pyrolysis temperature. The addition of CaO and limestone can suppress the release of fluorine during pyrolysis. The effect of CaO is better than that of limestone. The volatility of fluorine of coal during CO2-gasification depends on not only the occurrence mode of fluorine, but also the gasification reactivity of the coal. Compared with N2 atmosphere, CO2 is more favorable to the release of fluorine from coal.  相似文献   

In the work presented in this paper, an alternative process concept that can be applied as retrofitting option in coal-fired power plants for CO2 capture is examined. The proposed concept is based on the combination of two fundamental CO2 capture technologies, the partial oxyfuel mode in the furnace and the post-combustion solvent scrubbing. A 330 MWel Greek lignite-fired power plant and a typical 600 MWel hard coal plant have been examined for the process simulations. In a retrofit application of the ECO-Scrub technology, the existing power plant modifications are dominated by techno-economic restrictions regarding the boiler and the steam turbine islands. Heat integration from processes (air separation, CO2 compression and purification and the flue gas treatment) can result in reduced energy and efficiency penalties. In the context of this work, heat integration options are illustrated and main results from thermodynamic simulations dealing with the most important features of the power plant with CO2 capture are presented for both reference and retrofit case, providing a comparative view on the power plant net efficiency and energy consumptions for CO2 capture. The operational characteristics as well as the main figures and diagrams of the plant’s heat balances are included.  相似文献   

The corrosion behavior of X70 steel and iron in water-saturated supercritical CO2 mixed with SO2 was investigated using weight-loss measurements. As a comparison, the instantaneous corrosion rate in the early stages for iron in the same corrosion environment was measured by resistance relaxation method. Surface analyzes using SEM/EDS, XRD and XPS were applied to study the morphology and chemical composition of the corroded sample surface. Weight-loss method results showed that the corrosion rate of X70 steel samples increased with SO2 concentration, while the corrosion rate increased before decreasing with SO2 concentration for iron sample. Comparing resistance relaxation method results with weight-loss method results, it is found that the instantaneous corrosion rate of iron is much higher than the uniform corrosion rate of the iron tablet specimens which are covered with thick corrosion product films after a long period of corrosion. The corrosion product films were mainly composed of FeSO4 and FeSO3 hydrates. The possible reaction mechanism under such environment was also analyzed, and the electrochemical reaction between the dissolved SO2 in the condensed water film with iron is the critical reaction step.  相似文献   

Hao Liu  Ramlan Zailani 《Fuel》2005,84(16):2109-2115
This paper presents experimental results of a 20 kW vertical combustor equipped with a single pf-burner on pulverised coal combustion in air and O2/CO2 mixtures with NOx recycle. Experimental results on combustion performance and NOx emissions of seven international bituminous coals in air and in O2/CO2 mixtures confirm the previous findings of the authors that the O2 concentration in the O2/CO2 mixture has to be 30% or higher to produce matching temperature profiles to those of coal-air combustion while coal combustion in 30% O2/70% CO2 leads to better coal burnout and less NOx emissions than coal combustion in air. Experimental results with NOx recycle reveal that the reduction of the recycled NO depends on the combustion media, combustion mode (staging or non-staging) and recycling location. Generally, more NO is reduced with coal combustion in 30% O2/70% CO2 than with coal combustion in air. Up to 88 and 92% reductions of the recycled NO can be achieved with coal combustion in air and in 30% O2/70% CO2 respectively. More NO is reduced with oxidant staging than without oxidant staging when NO is recycled through the burner. Much more NO is reduced when NO recycled through the burner (from 65 to 92%) than when NO is recycled through the staging tertiary oxidant ports (from 33 to 54%). The concentration of the recycled NO has little influence on the reduction efficiency of the recycled NO with both combustion media—air and 30% O2/70% CO2.  相似文献   

Pure TiO2 anatase particles with a crystallite diameters ranging from 4.5 to 29 nm were prepared by precipitation and sol–gel method, characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), BET surface area measurement, UV–vis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and tested in CO2 photocatalytic reduction. Methane and methanol were the main reduction products. The optimum particle size corresponding to the highest yields of both products was 14 nm. The observed optimum particle size is a result of competing effects of specific surface area, charge–carrier dynamics and light absorption efficiency.  相似文献   

S?awomir Ku? 《Fuel》2003,82(11):1331-1338
The catalytic performance in oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) of unmodified pure La2O3, Nd2O3, ZrO2 and Nb2O5 has been investigated under various conditions. The results confirmed that the activity of La2O3 and Nd2O3 was always much higher than that of the remaining two. The surface basicity/base strength distribution of pure La2O3, Nd2O3, ZrO2 and Nb2O5 was measured using a test reaction of transformation of 2-butanol and a temperature-programmed desorption of CO2. Both methods showed that La2O3 and Nd2O3 had high basicity and contained medium and strong basic sites (lanthanum oxide more and neodymium oxide somewhat less). ZrO2 had only negligible amount of weak basic sites and Nb2O5 was rather acidic. The confrontation of the basicity and catalytic performance indicated that in the case of investigated oxides, the basicity (especially strong basic sites) could be a decisive factor in determination of the catalytic activity in OCM. Only in the case of ZrO2 it was observed a moderate catalytic performance in spite of negligible basicity. The influence of a gas atmosphere used in the calcination of oxides (flowing oxygen, helium and nitrogen) on their basicity and catalytic activity in OCM had been also investigated. Contrary to earlier observations with MgO, no effect of calcination atmosphere on the catalytic performance of investigated oxides in OCM and on their basicity was observed.  相似文献   

Wen Cao  Danxing Zheng   《Fuel》2007,86(17-18):2864-2870
This paper proposes a novel power cycle system composed of chemical recuperative cycle with CO2–NG (natural gas) reforming and an ammonia absorption refrigeration cycle. In which, the heat is recovered from the turbine exhaust to drive CO2–NG reformer firstly, and then lower temperature heat from the turbine exhaust is provided with the ammonia absorption refrigeration system to generate chilled media, which is used to cool the turbine inlet gas except export. In this paper, a detailed thermodynamic analysis is carried out to reveal the performance of the proposed cycle and the influence of key parameters on performance is discussed. Based on 1 kg s−1 of methane feedstock and the turbine inlet temperature of 1573 K, the simulation results shown that the optimized net power generation efficiency of the cycle rises up to 49.6% on the low-heating value and the exergy efficiency 47.9%, the new cycle system reached the net electric-power production 24.799 MW, the export chilled load 0.609 MW and 2.743 kg s−1 liquid CO2 was captured, achieved the goal of CO2 and NOx zero-emission.  相似文献   

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