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阐述了多品种备件库存成本的构成及其订货策略优化模型。考虑在随机订货提前期和一定的服务水平下,假设仓库备件的需求服从独立的复合泊松过程,以A、B、C三类备件的平均备件库存总成本最小为目标函数,由此得到A、B、C三类备件库存的最优订货策略。  相似文献   

针对设备剩余寿命预测无法获取设备直接状态信息的问题,引入随机滤波模型,利用平时易于监测到的间接状态信息,来预测设备的剩余寿命.该模型采用贝叶斯递推理论,可以有效利用设备监测到的历史状态信息;针对小样本模型参数估计问题,采用主观数据和客观数据相结合的贝叶斯方法对模型的参数进行估计;最后,以齿轮箱全寿命实验为依据,利用该模...  相似文献   

Over recent years a significant amount of research has been undertaken to develop prognostic models that can be used to predict the remaining useful life of engineering assets. Implementations by industry have only had limited success. By design, models are subject to specific assumptions and approximations, some of which are mathematical, while others relate to practical implementation issues such as the amount of data required to validate and verify a proposed model. Therefore, appropriate model selection for successful practical implementation requires not only a mathematical understanding of each model type, but also an appreciation of how a particular business intends to utilise a model and its outputs.This paper discusses business issues that need to be considered when selecting an appropriate modelling approach for trial. It also presents classification tables and process flow diagrams to assist industry and research personnel select appropriate prognostic models for predicting the remaining useful life of engineering assets within their specific business environment. The paper then explores the strengths and weaknesses of the main prognostics model classes to establish what makes them better suited to certain applications than to others and summarises how each have been applied to engineering prognostics. Consequently, this paper should provide a starting point for young researchers first considering options for remaining useful life prediction. The models described in this paper are Knowledge-based (expert and fuzzy), Life expectancy (stochastic and statistical), Artificial Neural Networks, and Physical models.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a statistical approach to estimating the time in which an operating gear will reach a critical stage. The approach relies on measured vibration signals. From these signals features are first extracted and then their evolution over time is predicted. This is done based on a dynamic model that relates hidden degradation phenomena to measured outputs. The Expectation-Maximization algorithm is used to estimate the parameters of the underlying state-space model on line. The time to reach the safety alarm threshold is determined by estimating the distribution of the remaining useful life using the estimated linear model. The results obtained on a pilot test bed are presented.  相似文献   

This paper addresses model-based prognosis to predict Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of a class of dynamical systems. The methodology is based on singular perturbed techniques to take into account the slow behavior of degradations. The full-order system is firstly decoupled into slow and fast subsystems. An interval observer is designed for both subsystems under the assumption that the measurement noise and the disturbances are bounded. Then, the degradation is modeled as a polynomial whose parameters are estimated using ellipsoid algorithms. Finally, the RUL is predicted based on an interval evaluation of the degradation model over a time horizon. A numerical example illustrates the proposed technique.  相似文献   

Health monitoring and prognostics of equipment is a basic requirement for condition-based maintenance (CBM) in many application domains. This paper presents an age-dependent hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM) based prognosis method to predict equipment health. By using hazard function (h.f.), CBM is based on a failure rate which is a function of both the equipment age and the equipment conditions. The state values of the equipment condition considered in CBM, however, are limited to those stochastically increasing over time and those having non-decreasing effect on the hazard rate. The previous HSMM based prognosis algorithm assumed that the transition probabilities are only state-dependent, which means that the probability of making transition to a less healthy state does not increase with the age. In the proposed method, in order to characterize the deterioration of equipment, three types of aging factors that discount the probabilities of staying at current state while increasing the probabilities of transitions to less healthy states are integrated into the HSMM. With an iteration algorithm, the original transition matrix obtained from the HSMM can be renewed with aging factors. To predict the remaining useful life (RUL) of the equipment, hazard rate is introduced to combine with the health-state transition matrix. With the classification information obtained from the HSMM, which provides the current health state of the equipment, the new RUL computation algorithm could be applied for the equipment prognostics. The performances of the HSMMs with aging factors are compared by using historical data colleted from hydraulic pumps through a case study.  相似文献   

设备视情预防维修与备件订购策略的联合优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究设备的视情预防维修与备件订购策略的联合优化问题。在分析设备劣化与备件库存联合状态转换的基础上,给出了联合状态的稳态概率密度函数的显式表达式和数值求解方法。基于此联合概率密度函数,推导连续劣化的设备受备件库存状态影响的维修概率和备件的订购和持有概率,建立以设备的检测周期、备件订购阈值、预防维修阈值为决策变量,同时考虑维修和备件相关成本的长期平均费用率模型。通过数值试验验证了联合概率密度函数推导的正确性和所建立的模型的有效性。灵敏度分析结果表明维修成本和备件成本之间存在一定的权衡,只有将二者联合优化才能取得设备的全局最优联合策略。以氢气合成装置传输管道的变薄劣化为例验证了模型的实用性。  相似文献   

The remaining useful life(RUL)of a system is generally predicted by utilising the data collected from the sensors that continuously monitor different indicators.Recently,different deep learning(DL)techniques have been used for RUL prediction and achieved great success.Because the data is often time-sequential,recurrent neural network(RNN)has attracted significant interests due to its efficiency in dealing with such data.This paper systematically reviews RNN and its variants for RUL prediction,with a specific focus on understanding how different components(e.g.,types of optimisers and activation functions)or parameters(e.g.,sequence length,neuron quantities)affect their performance.After that,a case study using the well-studied NASA's C-MAPSS dataset is presented to quantitatively evaluate the inflluence of various state-of-the-art RNN structures on the RUL prediction performance.The result suggests that the variant methods usually perform better than the original RNN,and among which,Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory generally has the best performance in terms of stability,precision and accuracy.Certain model structures may fail to produce valid RUL prediction result due to the gradient vanishing or gradient exploring problem if the parameters are not chosen appropriately.It is concluded that parameter tuning is a crucial step to achieve optimal prediction performance.  相似文献   

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