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An experimental investigation of the performance of a micro-combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) system is described. The natural gas and LPG-fired micro-CCHP system uses a small-scale generator set driven by a gas engine and a new small-scale adsorption chiller, which has a rated electricity power of 12 kW, a rated cooling of 9 kW and a rated heating capacity of 28 kW. Silica gel–water is used as working pair in the adsorption cooling system. The refrigeration COP of the adsorption chiller is over 0.3 for 13 °C evaporation temperature. The test facility designed and built is described, which supplies better test-rig platform for cooling, heating and power cogeneration. Experimental methodology of this system is presented and the results are discussed. An energetic analysis of micro-CCHP system is performed as well. The overall thermal and electrical efficiency is over 70%.  相似文献   

Modeling, identification and control of air-conditioning systems   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In this paper, feedback controller design for the air-conditioning system is addressed through systematic modeling and identification. Particularly, the physical model of the system reveals the key parameter that dictates energy efficiency, and the identification procedure produces a low-order, linear model suitable for controller design. The feedback controller employed is multi-input–multi-output-based and possesses a cascade structure for dealing with the fast and slow dynamics in the system. To determine appropriate control parameters, conditions that establish performance and stability of the cascade design are given. Experiments show that the controller can simultaneously achieve satisfactory transient response in the indoor temperature, and improve energy efficiency at steady state.  相似文献   

Rapid cycling the compressor of an air conditioning or refrigeration system can be used to modulate capacity, thus offering an alternative to a variable speed compressor. This paper explores design tradeoffs to optimize rapid cycling performance based on experimental results using two different evaporators and changing other components of an air conditioning system. Rapid cycling has inherent compressor lift penalties associated with larger mass flow rates, which need to be minimized. Preventing dryout (superheating) in the evaporator during the off cycle, a major penalty as cycles are lengthened, is also important. Evaporator dryout is minimized by increasing the refrigerant side area and reducing off cycle drainage. Combining a flash gas bypass with a suction line heat exchanger was found to maximize performance during the off cycle while allowing increased cycle lengths without incurring major penalties.  相似文献   

Air conditioning is a non-critical application for fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) where decisions about servicing faults should involve the use of economics. Existing methods for evaluating impacts of faults on equipment performance only consider some individual factors such as the equipment coefficient of performance (COP) or cooling capacity. This paper develops an overall economic performance degradation index (EPDI) for air conditioning equipment that includes the combined effects of degradations in COP, cooling capacity, and sensible heat ratio (SHR). EPDI quantifies the performance degradation caused by faults based on economics so it can be used as part of the decision making process in an overall FDD system. Furthermore, EPDI can be used along with estimates of typical field performance degradations to assess the economic benefits associated with the application of automated FDD. A case study is presented where EPDI was applied to measurements for an existing unit where faults were artificially introduced.  相似文献   

Refrigeration cogeneration systems which generate power alongside with cooling improve energy utilization significantly, because such systems offer a more reasonable arrangement of energy and exergy “flows” within the system, which results in lower fuel consumption as compared to the separate generation of power and cooling or heating. This paper proposes several novel systems of that type, based on ammonia–water working fluid. Importantly, general principles for integration of refrigeration and power systems to produce better energy and exergy efficiencies are summarized, based primarily on the reduction of exergy destruction. The proposed plants analyzed here operate in a fully-integrated combined cycle mode with ammonia–water Rankine cycle(s) and an ammonia refrigeration cycle, interconnected by absorption, separation and heat transfer processes. It was found that the cogeneration systems have good performance, with energy and exergy efficiencies of 28% and 55–60%, respectively, for the base-case studied (at maximum heat input temperature of 450 °C). That efficiency is, by itself, excellent for cogeneration cycles using heat sources at these temperatures, with the exergy efficiency comparable to that of nuclear power plants. When using exhaust heat from topping gas turbine power plants, the total plant energy efficiency can rise to the remarkable value of about 57%. The hardware proposed for use is conventional and commercially available; no hardware additional to that needed in conventional power and absorption cycles is needed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the conservation of energy in a cogeneration system. A steam power cycle (Rankine) produces electrical power 2 MW and steam is bleeded off from the turbine at 7 bar to warm a factory or units of buildings during the winter or to supply a steam ejector refrigeration cycle to air-conditioning the same area during the summer. In the summer this system can be as alternative solution instead of absorption. Certainly the ejector refrigeration unit is more economical than absorption unit. The ratio of electrical power/heat is varied into the region (0.1–0.4) and the evaporator temperature of the ejector cycle is varied into the region (10–16 °C). A computer program has been developed for the study of performance parameters of the cogeneration system.  相似文献   

Simulation has been widely used for performance prediction and optimum design of refrigeration systems. A brief review on history of simulation for vapour-compression refrigeration systems is done. The models for evaporator, condenser, compressor, capillary tube and envelop structure are summarized. Some developing simulation techniques, including implicit regression and explicit calculation method for refrigerant thermodynamic properties, model-based intelligent simulation methodology and graph-theory based simulation method, are presented. Prospective methods for future simulation of refrigeration systems, such as noise-field simulation, simulation with knowledge engineering methodology and calculation methods for nanofluid properties, are introduced briefly.  相似文献   

Despite energy conservation regulations and efforts for improving HVAC operations, numerous domestic buildings do not perform energy efficiently and many times the indoor environment is far away from specified comfort levels. Especially in houses served from low-temperature heating systems the low ability of the heating system to respond to fast changing thermal loads is common. In such cases, the implementation of new, sophisticated controls is an important issue. In this study, we use a reference model of a domestic low temperature heat pump heating system developed in TRNSYS–EES and analyse its operation. Several methods of control strategies have been applied for specified time periods in order to keep the comfort within reasonable ranges. Prognostic climatic control and increased ventilation rates when required are some of these methods. The results depict the influence of the control method on the indoor temperature and the comfort indexes of PMV and PPD. The highest indoor temperature difference for a chosen day reaches 4 °C when there is no shading and when there is internal shading with the option of applying prognostic climatic control. Generally, the findings highlight the importance of dynamics in controlling functions and the difficulty of incorporating in models unpredictable factors as the solar radiation.  相似文献   

This study proposes a user-friendly graphical method for calculating the steady-state operational point of a thermoelectric cooler (TEC)-based active cooling system, including the heatsink role. The method is simple and intuitive and provides comprehensive information about the cooling system such as its feasibility, required heatsink, the TEC current, temperatures of the cold and hot sides, and coefficient of performance (COP). The method could help designers to examine and choose a thermoelectric module from catalogues to meet a specific cooling problem. To start using the method, designers need only the experimental TEC data provided by practically all manufacturers of such devices. The experimental results of this study verify the high accuracy of the proposed model and graphical approach.  相似文献   

Preventive maintenance plays a very important role in the modern Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems for guaranteeing the thermal comfort, energy saving and reliability. Its key is a cost-effective Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) method. To achieve this goal, this paper proposes a new method by combining the model-based FDD method and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method. A lumped-parameter model of a single zone HVAC system is developed first, and then the characteristics of three major faults, including the recirculation damper stuck, cooling coil fouling/block and supply fan speed decreasing, are investigated by computer simulation. It is found that the supply air temperature, mixed air temperature, outlet water temperature and control signal are sensitive to the faults and can be selected as the fault indicators. Based on the variations of the system states under the normal and faulty conditions of different degrees, the faults can be detected efficiently by using the residual analysis method. Furthermore, a multi-layer SVM classifier is developed, and the diagnosis results show that this classifier is effective with high accuracy. As a result, the presented Model-Based Fault Detection and Diagnosis (MBFDD) method can help to maintain the health of the HVAC systems, reduce energy consumption and maintenance cost.  相似文献   

A model for absorption of water vapor into aqueous LiBr flowing over a horizontal smooth tube is developed. The flow is divided into three regimes: (1) falling film in contact with the tube, (2) drop formation at the bottom of the tube, and (3) drop fall between the tubes. Governing equations are formulated for each flow regime, and the variations of solution temperature, LiBr mass fraction, mass absorption rate and heat transfer rate are discussed including the effect of inlet subcooling. It is shown that the temperature variation across the film exhibits a nonlinear profile near the top of the tube and this effect leads to the necessity of a two-dimensional formulation in the falling film regime for accurate prediction. As has been observed previously, the mass fraction boundary layer at the vapor/liquid interface is found to be very thin and this explains the low absorption flux. The model predicts that significant absorption takes place in the drop formation regime with a considerable variation of temperature and mass fraction.  相似文献   

This works focuses on using neural networks and expert systems to control a gas/solid sorption chilling machine. In such systems, the cold production changes cyclically with time due to the batchwise operation of the gas/solid reactors. The accurate simulation of the dynamic performance of the chilling machine has proven to be difficult for standard computers when using deterministic models. Additionally, some model parameters dynamically change with the reaction advancement. A new modelling approach is presented here to simulate the performance of such systems using neural networks. The backpropagation learning rule and the sigmoid transfer function have been applied in feedforward, full connected, single hidden layer neural networks. Overall control of this system is divided in three blocks: control of the machine stages, prediction of the machine performance and fault diagnosis.  相似文献   

The development of the novel direct digital control (DDC)-based capacity controller for a direct expansion (DX) air conditioning (A/C) unit having variable-speed compressor and supply fan to simultaneously control indoor air temperature and relative humidity (RH) in a conditioned space served by the DX A/C unit has been reported in Part I of the two-part series. The results of preliminary controllability tests for the novel capacity controller presented in Part I, however, suggested that the controller developed was operational, with acceptable control accuracy but rooms for improvement with respect to control sensitivity. This paper, the second part of the two-part series, reports on the further development of the controller to improve its control sensitivity and the associated controllability test results. Both control accuracy and reasonable control sensitivity were achieved by incorporating a traditional Proportional–integral (PI) controller into the DDC-based capacity controller.  相似文献   

The paper describes an experimental plant aimed at simulating and verifying the performances of a single-stage H2O–LiBr absorption machine. The machine is water cooled and it is supplied by hot water produced by an electrical boiler; it is possible to simulate different service conditions by varying the temperatures and the flow rate of water in the external circuits. Measurement facilities allow to record in real time all the main operating parameters of internal and external circuits (temperatures, pressures and flow rates). The paper illustrates the characteristics of the machine and of the plant and the results of various experimental campaigns. In particular, the acquisitions on the plant have tested different service conditions by varying the flow rate and the temperature of the supplying hot water; the energy and energy performances of the plant are presented and compared with data from literature and from a simulation code developed for the plant.The results show that the absorption machine can work, with acceptable efficiency, with input temperatures of about 65–70 °C; this result is interesting for a future supply of the machine with solar energy.  相似文献   

A lumped-parameter dynamic simulation of a single-effect ammonia–water absorption chiller is performed. Modeling is based on the continuity of species constituting the ammonia–water mixture and the conservation of energy for each component of the absorption chiller. Ordinary differential equations governing the response of each component and the algebraic equations describing the constitutive relation are solved in parallel by numerical integration. The model has been applied to a commercially available 10.5 kW absorption chiller to study the transients of temperature, pressure, concentration, and void fraction of each component during the start-up operation. The time constant of the absorption chiller is also investigated. The parameters considered are the bulk concentration of the ammonia–water solution, the mass of the solution filled, and the volumes of key components of the absorption chiller. In addition, the reduction of the time constant by a stepwise turn-up and turn-down of the flue gas flow rate during the primary stage of start-up period is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The paper presents a new desiccant cooling cycle to be integrated in residential mechanical ventilation systems. The process shifts the air treatment completely to the return air side, so that the supply air can be cooled by a heat exchanger. Purely sensible cooling is an essential requirement for residential buildings with no maintenance guarantee for supply air humidifiers. As the cooling power is generated on the exhaust air side, the dehumidification process needs to be highly efficient to provide low supply air temperatures. Solid rotating desiccant wheels have been experimentally compared with liquid sorption systems using contact matrix absorbers and cross flow heat exchangers. The best dehumidification performance at no temperature increase was obtained in an evaporatively cooled heat exchanger with sprayed lithium chloride solution. Up to 7 g kg−1 dehumidification could be reached in an isothermal process, although the surface wetting of the first prototype was low. The process then provides inlet air conditions below 20 °C for the summer design conditions of 32 °C, 40% relative humidity. With air volume flow rates of 200 m3 h−1 the system can provide 886 W of cooling power.A theoretical model for both the contact absorber and the cross flow system has been developed and validated against experimental data for a wide range of operating conditions. A simulation study identified the optimisation potential of the system, if for example the surface wetting of the liquid desiccant can be improved.  相似文献   

A novel silica gel–water adsorption chiller is designed and its performance is predicted in this work. This adsorption chiller includes three vacuum chambers: two adsorption/desorption (or evaporation/condensation) vacuum chambers and one heat pipe working vacuum chamber as the evaporator. One adsorber, one condenser and one evaporator are housed in the same chamber to constitute an adsorption/desorption unit. The evaporators of two adsorption/desorption units are combined together by a heat-pipe heat exchanger to make continuous refrigerating capacity. In this chiller, a vacuum valve is installed between the two adsorption/desorption vacuum chambers to increase its performance especially when the chiller is driven by a low temperature heat source. The operating reliability of the chiller rises greatly because of using fewer valves. Furthermore, the performance of the chiller is predicted. The simulated results show that the refrigerating capacity is more than 10 kW under a typical working condition with hot water temperature of 85 °C, the cooling water temperature of 31 °C and the chilled water inlet temperature of 15 °C. The COP exceeds 0.5 even under a heat source temperature of 65 °C.  相似文献   

The existence of faults in vapour compression chillers plays a significant role in terms of energy efficiency loss, performance degradations, and even environmental implications. In this paper, a dynamic model-based fault detection technique suitable for real-time implementation is proposed. The main objective is to obtain a reliable and automated tool for fault detection in vapour compression chillers, which can be applied in steady-state or transient operation. The fault detection methodology is based on comparing actual and expected performance using an adaptative model and operating variables dynamic thresholds. The technique has been successful applied for on-line refrigerant leakage detection with experimental tests involving the artificial introduction of the fault in a laboratory vapour compression plant, showing the results its capability of detecting incipient leakage failure conditions avoiding false alarms.  相似文献   

Modeling of horizontal tube-bundle absorbers of absorption cooling systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simplified-coupled model was developed for the analysis and design of horizontal tubular absorbers. The analysis included film-flow over tubes, drop and jet flow between tubes and the serpentine flow of the coolant. The predictions of the model were compared with experimental data and the predictions of a numerical simulation model. Both models included inter-tube flow and absorption. There is good agreement between the predictions of the two models, particularly when spatially varying heat and mass transfer coefficients are used in the simplified model. There is reasonable trend-wise agreement between the predictions of the two models and the experimental data. The simplified model was used to extract heat and mass transfer coefficients from published experimental data. The approximate expressions obtained for the exponents in the simplified model agreed well with exact analysis. The modeling of round tubes as vertical plate segments result in significant deviations in the predictions of the solution temperature and concentration. Partial wetting of the absorber tubes by the solution has a marked effect on the predictions of the two models.  相似文献   

This paper is the second paper out of two which present the development of a dynamic model for single-effect LiBr/water absorption chillers. The first part describes the model in detail with respect to the heat and mass balances as well as the dynamic terms. This second part presents a more detailed investigation of the model performance, including performance analysis, sensitivity checks and a comparison to experimental data. General model functionality is demonstrated.A sensitivity analysis gives results which agree very well to fundamental expectations: it shows that an increase in both external and internal thermal mass results in a slower response to the step change but also in smaller heat flow oscillations during the transient period. Also, the thermal mass has been found to influence the heat flow transients more significantly if allocated internally. The time shift in the solution cycle has been found to influence both the time to reach steady-state and the transients and oscillations of the heat flow. A smaller time shift leads to significantly faster response.A comparison with experimental data shows that the dynamic agreement between experiment and simulation is very good with dynamic temperature deviations between 10 and 25 s. The total time to achieve a new steady-state in hot water temperature after a 10 K input temperature step amounts to approximately 15 min. Compared to this, the present dynamic deviations are in the magnitude of approximately 1–3%.  相似文献   

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