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朱进宇  闫峥  苑乔  张少真 《微电子学》2020,50(2):219-226
目前,最先进的CMOS工艺逐渐逼近单原子尺度,单纯靠工艺进步来推动发展的时代即将结束,集成电路发展将进入"后摩尔时代"。在"后摩尔时代",集成电路的发展不会随着"摩尔定律"失效而终结,相反,以应用为导向的需求将使集成电路呈现出更加旺盛的发展活力。在边缘计算、人工智能、5G/物联网等应用需求快速兴起的背景下,从集成电路涉及的材料、器件、工艺、设计、封装、新理论及方法学等方面,详细介绍了"后摩尔时代"集成电路最新进展,分析其发展趋势。最后,简要介绍了未来可能对集成电路当前技术路线产生颠覆性影响的二维器件、量子计算等前沿领域的进展,并进行了展望。  相似文献   

受国家利好政策的推动,集成电路产业的发展策略与思路成为IC China 2014的热点话题。展览与会议期间,政府、企业与专家等就如何落实《国家集成电路产业发展推进纲要》、产业基金的组成与推动、良性发展环境的打造、产业布局的展开、新产品新技术的开发等关键问题进行了全面的研讨与交流。  相似文献   

肖力  赵莹 《电子与封装》2008,8(12):40-44
未来全球半导体90nm、65nm和45nm技术进入量产,其芯片尺寸缩小40%、功耗减少30%、速度加快20%。酷睿Ⅱ4核CPU芯片的晶体管已达到8.2亿只。动态存储器将发展到DDR3,其容量已提升至4Gb。NAND Flash和NOR Flash的存储容量已达到16Gb。32nm工艺技术生产的32Gb快闪存储器也成为现实,西欧、中东晶圆厂新增计划6项,投资过60亿美元。东南亚等区域计划投资16项。国内集成电路产量和销售年均增长30%,制造技术进入90nm,12英寸生产已进入批量生产阶段。设计达到0.18μm,少数达到0.13μm技术。08年产值同比增长8.3%,但第三季度增长下降。  相似文献   

随着全球半导体产业迈入“后摩尔时代”与“后PC时代”这一“两后时代”,全球半导体产业开始呈现出显著的“新常态”特征。一是产业规模由快速增长并伴随大幅波动,转为低速平稳增长。2011年以来,全球半导体产业发展渐趋平缓,且增速进一步放慢。二是产业结构调整加速,IC设计业与晶圆代工业异军突起。自2001年以来,全球IC设计业保持了年均近20%的增长速度,增速几乎10倍于产业整体增速,其  相似文献   

我国集成电路行业正处于快速增长期,一方面,4G、金融IC卡、移动支付等产业的迅速发展、普及为行业未来需求增长提供了巨大空间;另一方面,作为引领未来产业发展的重要组成部分,相关行业亦迎来各层政府的大力扶持。2014年,随着集成电路发展环境和政策体系进一步优化,加上集成电路专项发展资金建立,可以预见我国集成电路产业将步入一轮加速成长的新阶段。  相似文献   

李瑶 《信息空间》2004,(4):49-52
短期内我国集成电路产品出口以加工贸易为主导的格局还将维持。  相似文献   

本文阐述了世界集成电路产业的现状和发展,分析了国内外集成电路产业的市场概况,展示了新世纪集成电路产业发展的前景。  相似文献   

“十四五”时期是北京落实首都城市战略定位、推进以科技创新为核心的全面创新,加快建设全球数字经济标杆城市的关键时期.北京集成电路产业在对国家科技创新服务,以及北京数字经济建设的战略承载和基础支撑上,应责无旁贷地发挥急先锋和排头兵的作用.但“十四五”时期北京集成电路产业也面临着宏观环境日趋复杂,产业下行压力加大,协同创新动...  相似文献   

集成电路产业不仅是我国经济发展的基础性产业之一,也是一项具有战略性意义的产业,是一个国家综合国力与科技实力的代表.因此,大力创新微电子科学技术,发展集成电路产业就成为了我国目前最为重要任务之一.本文从我国微电子科学技术与集成电路产业的现状开始,对二者进行了系统的分析,并对发展的建议与方法展开了讨论.  相似文献   

作为信息产业基础核心的集成电路产业,具有战略性、基础性。浙江省在集成电路产业方面起步较早,且在发展过程中逐步具备了较具特色的产业优势,特别是在集成电路产业规模、新产业平台的增长规模迅速、产业应用服务化平台丰富,但浙江省集成电路发展仍存在技术差距制约、研发创新力薄弱、人才支撑体系不健全等现实问题。因此,对于浙江省而言构建产业基地,向集成电路设计领域发展具有开拓意义。通过对浙江省集成电路产业发展现状分析,梳理其发展过程中存在的问题,提供提升浙江省集成电路产业发展的对策。  相似文献   

Free moisture in the cavity of a sealed hermetic integrated circuit is considered an important reliability hazard. The contribution to the cavity moisture by the packaging materials can be studied effectively using the technique of moisture evolution analysis (MEA). The technique involves passing a dry carrier gas over the sample at high temperatures and measuring its moisture uptake coulometrically. The standard moisture evolution technique has been modified to quantify the kinetics of moisture evolution from sealing glasses used for hermetic sealing of I.C. packages which are primary contributors to total cavity moisture. It is also shown that once the moisture evolution mechanisms are understood, the technique of moisture evolution analysis can be correlated to a more complex, industry standard method for free cavity moisture measurement in a sealed hermetic package (RGA-mass spectrometry). MEA can therefore be used for the process control and prediction of free cavity moisture of hermetically sealed I.C. packages.  相似文献   

CPCA六届四次常务理事会在湖南长沙顺利召开,会上邀请了行业内的专家学者以及知名企业与大家共同探讨交流行业发展的现状、挑战和未来,本刊精选了在此次演讲中的精彩片段,与广大读者共享。  相似文献   

Companies innovate themselves to survive competition, and successful innovations are transferred to the industry as a whole through imitation. In this paper, the technical efficiency (TE) of the Korean information and communication technology (ICT) industry is estimated through stochastic frontier analysis, and the efficiencies from 2000 to 2013 are compared through meta-frontier analysis. In addition, by analyzing the effect of innovations that move the production function up on the TE and the meta-frontier efficiency through the two-stage least square model, this paper investigates the effects of innovation on other companies in the industry in the short- and long-term and how the industry evolves accordingly. As a result, sudden inflation of the meta-technology ratio caused by a few innovative firms automatically lowers the average TE. However, the innovation spills over intra-industry by the efforts of other firms trying to reach around the innovation (i.e., imitation). This recovers other firms’ TE and increases meta-frontier efficiency. In addition, this paper provides theoretical and practical implications of the results.  相似文献   

A comprehensive review of integrated circuit antennas suitable for millimeter and terahertz applications is presented. A great deal of research was done on integrated circuit antennas in the last decade, and many of the problems associated with electrically thick dielectric substrates, such as substrate modes and poor radiation patterns, have been understood and solved. Several antennas, such as the integrated horn antenna, the dielectric-filled parabola, the Fresnel plate antenna, the dual-slot antenna, and the log-periodic and spiral antennas on extended hemispherical lenses, which have resulted in excellent performance at millimeter-wave frequencies, are covered in detail. A review of the efficiency definitions used with planar antennas is included  相似文献   

Initial integrated circuit yield predictions were overly pessimistic because the assumption that defects were a homogeneous random population led to the logarithm of yield linearly declining with increasing chip area. In reality, the yield vs area curve is concave up, which can be successfully modeled by partitioning the wafer into several Poisson subareas of different defect densities. Previously, this partitioning was done by “eye”. Here an algorithm has been developed to do the partitioning. Good results over a wide range of yields have been obtained. For the particular data presented, the yield curves in the range of interest can be described by a negative binomial distribution, which implies the underlying defect density is governed by the gamma distribution. As previously anticipated, both led to overpredictions of the yield for large chip areas.  相似文献   

在社会不断发展的过程中,科学技术也得到了进一步发展,其中集成电路和微电子学的发展尤为迅速。对于集成电路来讲,它的基片是半导体单晶片,在相应的平面工艺下,将电阻、晶体管以及电容等一系列的元器件,通过连线在电路制作的基片上进而形成一个微型化的系统或者是电路。相对集成电路来讲,微电子的研究更为广阔,它不仅要研究电子在半导体和集成电路中的物理现象,还要研究它们之间的物理规律,以便使这些物理规律以及现象得到更好的应用。  相似文献   

The super self-aligned submicron single-metal FET (SASSFET), a FET-based integrated circuit technology suitable for fabrication of high-speed GaAs and InP circuits, is demonstrated. With nonalloyed source and drain contacts realized by MOCVD regrowth, the SASSFET is a uniform, dense, selfaligned, single-metal technology that achieves submicron dimensions with optical lithography. A 0.4 μm gate length junction HFET fabricated with the SASSFET technology has a transconductance of 380 mS/mm and a good high-frequency performance with fτ of 45 GHz and fmax of 80 GHz  相似文献   

A precision sample and hold integrated circuit with autozeroing of all DC errors is described. Experimental data have shown that it provides the accuracy necessary for use in 12 bit data acquisition systems. Application of noise-optimized silicon gate FET devices for the input circuitry of amplifiers which buffer the hold capacitor results in a low droop rate and allows the sample/hold to operate without external components. Common mode rejection is optimized through implementation of a modified current source offering extremely high output impedance at high operating currents. The device includes all digital control and switching circuitry.  相似文献   

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