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葡萄酒中甘油含量的测定及其在品质鉴别中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
使用Chem Well全自动酶联免疫生化分析仪,采用甘油激酶试剂盒,对葡萄酒中的甘油含量进行测定,实验表明,甘油含量在2.0~16.7 g/L浓度范围内线性关系良好,相关系数为0.9989;对不同的干红和干白葡萄酒,加标回收率为94.2%~118%;精密度和重复性(n=10)RSD%均小于5%。应用该法对部分进口和国产葡萄酒(包括采样的国产劣质葡萄酒)中的甘油含量进行了测定,通过甘油含量及甘油与酒精度的比值(简称甘酒比)对葡萄酒的品质进行了初步鉴别,效果良好。 相似文献
通过对国产葡萄酒产品中生物胺组成和含量的检测分析,了解国产葡萄酒中生物胺含量现状。采用GB/T 5009.208—2008方法,对国内市售的250个国产葡萄酒样品中8种生物胺(色胺、苯乙胺、腐胺、尸胺、组胺、酪胺、精胺和亚精胺)含量进行检测。结果显示,国产葡萄酒样品中8种生物胺含量范围分别为色胺0~32.78 mg/L,苯乙胺0~48.20 mg/L,腐胺0~46.60 mg/L,尸胺0~9.38 mg/L,组胺0~14.37 mg/L,酪胺0~14.60 mg/L,精胺0~12.73 mg/L,亚精胺0~0.50mg/L;葡萄酒样品中检出率最高和最低的生物胺分别为腐胺和精胺,检出率分别为88.4%和50.0%,组胺检出率为52.8%;98.8%的葡萄酒样品中组胺含量低于10 mg/L,98.0%的葡萄酒样品中酪胺含量低于10 mg/L。同其他种类葡萄酒相比,干红葡萄酒样品中生物胺含量相对较高,但与欧洲葡萄酒传统酿造国家的同类产品含量水平一致。国产葡萄酒中生物胺含量水平符合食品安全要求,具有较好的饮用安全性。 相似文献
建立高锰酸钾褪色光度法测定葡萄酒中乙醇和甘油含量的方法。结果表明,当测定波长为525 nm、反应温度为100℃、反应时间为10 min、浓硫酸用量为10 mL时,乙醇含量在0.0~0.6 mg/mL范围内符合朗伯-比尔定律,乙醇含量测定时方法检出限为0.03 mg/mL,相对标准偏差(RSD)为3.8%,回收率为93.0%~106.0%;甘油含量在0.0~0.4 mg/mL范围内符合朗伯-比尔定律,甘油含量测定时方法检出限为0.02 mg/mL,相对标准偏差(RSD)为4.8%,回收率为87.5%~106.3%。经用于某市售葡萄酒样品的分析,其乙醇浓度(体积比)为12.4%,甘油浓度(体积比)为0.79%。 相似文献
目的通过对新疆市售地产葡萄酒中氨基甲酸乙酯(EC)含量的检测分析,了解目前新疆市售地产葡萄酒中EC的含量状况。方法按照《2013年国家食品污染和有害因素风险工作手册》中酒中氨基甲酸乙酯检测的标准操作程序要求,对53份新疆市售地产葡萄酒中的EC含量进行检测。结果检测的53份新疆市售地产葡萄酒EC含量范围为3.2~291.2μg/L,平均含量30.0μg/L。结论本次调查显示新疆市售地产葡萄酒均存在EC。我国应尽快制定酒类中EC的限量标准,以切实保护我国消费者利益并构建我国葡萄酒贸易壁垒。 相似文献
葡萄酒中甘油的生成及其影响因素 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
甘油具有甜味和粘稠性,是干、半干葡萄酒的主要组成分,对酒的质量具有重要影响。甘油是葡萄酒酵母的正常发酵副产物,主要在葡萄汁发酵初期产生。葡萄酒酵母启动甘油生产原因可能是发酵最初缺少醇脱氢酶,造成氧化还原当量不平衡,细胞生产甘油、消耗NADH以平衡胞内氧化还原电势;葡萄汁中初始糖浓度高造成高渗透压,胞内产甘油作为溶质以抵消高渗透压。不同的酵母之间产甘油能力差别很大。提高甘油量是改进干、半干葡萄酒质量的重要措施之一。筛选高产甘油的葡萄酒酵母、混合菌种发酵、调整葡萄汁成分、改变发酵条件、施加热刺激等均能在不同程度上增加甘油的产量。 相似文献
目的 通过测定不同产地、不同品种、不同类型的524支进出口葡萄酒中单宁的含量,进一步分析葡萄酒中的单宁与口感质量的关系。方法 将样品用蒸馏水稀释100倍,以没食子酸为标准物质,采用分光光度法对葡萄酒中的单宁进行定量分析。结果 该方法简单可靠,试剂用量少,操作方便,快速准确,仪器设备简单。在0 mg/L~5.0 mg/L范围内线性关系良好,相关系数为0.9999;单宁添加回收率在86.7%~120%之间,平均回收率达103.8%。产地方面,意大利的红葡萄酒中单宁含量最高,平均为2.70 g/L;品种方面,黑皮诺酿造的红葡萄酒中单宁含量较多,平均含量为3.15 g/L;国产葡萄酒方面,云南产区的葡萄酒中单宁含量相对较高,平均为2.51 g/L。结论 葡萄酒中单宁含量与葡萄品种、产地、酒类型有关;柔顺指数超过5.0的葡萄酒,口感与品质良好。 相似文献
干辣椒及辣椒粉中罗丹明B含量的调查与分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的了解我国市售干辣椒及辣椒粉中罗丹明B的含量状况,分析违法添加罗丹明B的可能性和含量,为提出罗丹明B经济获利水平下添加行为的评判提供数据支持。方法使用随机抽样原则,在餐饮店、食品商店超市和农贸市场,随机采集干辣椒及辣椒粉,采用液相色谱-串联质谱法检测。结果在2 107份样品中,检出罗丹明B72份(干辣椒21份,辣椒粉51份),检测值在0.2×10-3~11.9 mg/kg之间,干辣椒检测值均0.1 mg/kg;辣椒粉中,23份样品检测值0.1 mg/kg,12份样品检测值在0.1~0.5 mg/kg之间,13份样品检测值在0.5~5.0 mg/kg之间,仅3份样品检测值5.0 mg/kg,且农贸市场和散装样品罗丹明B的检出率高。结论市售干辣椒及辣椒粉中存在违法添加罗丹明B的情况,辣椒粉问题为更严重。 相似文献
目的为掌握我国腌腊肉制品中违法添加有机磷农药的状况。方法依据随机抽样原则,2013年在全国9省市的餐饮店、农贸市场、商店超市和网店采集腌腊肉制品共863份,通过气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)对12种有机磷农药残留进行检测。结果全国863份样品的有机磷农药总检出率为4.40%(38/863),其中敌敌畏检出率最高,为4.17%(36/863),且存在同一样品同时检出多种有机磷农药的情况;采样地区中云南的检出率最高,为24.27%(25/103),且农贸市场中有机磷农药检出率高于8%。结论市售腌腊肉制品中存在违法添加有机磷农药的情况,且以敌敌畏和敌百虫较为严重。 相似文献
对葡萄汁在发酵过程中,影响甘油生成量的六个主要因素:酵母菌株,葡萄汁含糖量、二氧化硫的添加量、发酵温度、葡萄原料所寄生的灰葡萄孢霉、酒石酸含量,进行了叙述。 相似文献
目的检测浙江省部分水产品中硼的含量。方法在浙江省11个地市的超市和农贸市场采集部分水产品,按照GB/T 21918—2008《食品中硼酸的测定》的第二法测定样品的硼含量。结果共采集样品296份,硼检出率为66.2%(196/296),硼含量中位数、P25、P75和最大值分别为0.19、0.025、0.47和26.8 mg/kg。海水水产品硼检出率和硼含量高于淡水水产品。海水中甲壳类、鱼类、软体类硼检出率和硼含量差异无统计学意义(P0.05);淡水中甲壳类、鱼类硼检出率和硼含量差异无统计学意义(P0.05);淡水虾和淡水蟹硼检出率和硼含量差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论本研究淡水水产品均为活水产品,海水水产品均为冰鲜水产品,前者测得的硼含量可以认为是本底含量,而后者因不能确定是否人为添加了硼,故测得值尚不能认为是本底含量。因此,对于两种生活环境中水产品硼含量的比较尚不能确定不同生活环境(海水或淡水)会影响硼在生物体内的富集。本研究中淡水水产品硼含量的测定可为硼限量标准的制定提供一定的参考。 相似文献
M. Victorina Aguilar M. Carmen Martinez Taisir A. Masoud 《Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung und -Forschung A》1987,185(3):185-187
Summary All of the essential technological means of treating grapes, must and wine were examined systematically. The main reasons for the differences in the arsenic (As) content of rosé and red wines are explained. In this study a relationship has been found between the As level and the wine-making technique. Rosé wines contain more As than red wines because they require a shorter period of contact with the skins. In order to prove this, the average values for the rosé and red wine samples from the same winery were compared.
Arsen-Gehalt in einigen spanischen Weinen. Beeinflussung des Arsengehaltes von Most und Weinen durch kellertechnische Maßnahmen
Zusammenfassung Durch systematische Überprüfung aller wesentlichen kellertechnischen Schritte der Most- und Weinbehandlung wurden die Hauptursachen der großen Unterschiede im Arsengehalt von Weinen aufgeklärt. Dieser vermindert sich schon beim ersten Abstich nach der Gärung und weiterhin durch die Entfernung der Trübstoffe. Bei starkstreuenden Gehalten zeigte sich, daß die Rotweine geringere Werte als die Roséweine aufwiesen. Außerdem unterschieden sich vergleichbare Weine aus verschiedenen Betrieben deutlich im Arsengehalt.相似文献
M V Aguilar M C Martinez T A Masoud 《Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung》1987,185(3):185-187
All of the essential technological means of treating grapes, must and wine were examined systematically. The main reasons for the differences in the arsenic (As) content of rosé and red wines are explained. In this study a relationship has been found between the As level and the wine-making technique. Rosé wines contain more As than red wines because they require a shorter period of contact with the skins. In order to prove this, the average values for the rosé and red wine samples from the same winery were compared. 相似文献
The concentrations of fourteen metal ions were determined in 113 commercial Greek wines by atomic absorption or emission spectroscopy. The ions of K (1440 mg l−1 ), Na (27.7 mg l−1 ), Mg (101 mg l−1 ) and Ca (31.9 mg l−1 ) were found in greatest concentration. Among the others, mean Fe and Al concentrations were 3.51 and 2.35 mg l−1 , respectively; Cu, Zn and Pb were between 0.20 and 0.41 mg l−1 ; and Li, Ni, Cr, Co and Cd were < 0.10 mg l−1 . These results are compared critically with published data on wines of widely differing origins. 相似文献
A survey for the presence of ochratoxin A (OTA) was conducted from 1995 to 1999 on 268 locally produced commercial wines, and on 81 samples of domestic dried vine fruits (currants and sultanas) collected between 1998 and 2000 from sites of primary storage and processing. The OTA concentration in red dry wines (n = 104, median = 0.09 microgram l(-1)) was not significantly different from that for white (n = 118, median = 0.06 microgram l(-1)) and rosé (n = 20, median = 0.08 microgram l(-1)) wines. Eighteen samples of dessert wines (sweet, semi-sweet, semi-dry) and eight samples of retsina wine showed larger OTA concentrations with medians of 0.33 and 0.27 microgram l(-1), respectively. Our data indicate that the geographic region of origin influences OTA contamination for the red dry wines. In fact, a trend of increasing OTA contamination was observed for red wines from northern to southern Greece. Regarding the OTA levels in dried vine fruits, sultanas (n = 27, median = 0.6 microgram kg(-1)) were less contaminated than currants (n = 54, median = 1.3 microgram kg(-1)). Also, sultanas produced in 2000 and currants produced in 1999 showed the lowest incidence of OTA contamination, with medians of 0.3 and 0.9 microgram kg(-1), respectively. 相似文献
Iva Ružić Mojca Škerget Željko Knez Mislav Runje 《European Food Research and Technology》2011,233(3):465-472
Influence of maceration on phenolic content and antiradical activity was analyzed in fourteen white wines from Italian region
Friuli–Venezia Giulia and Croatian region Istria. Total phenols were determined by Folin–Ciocalteu reagent, twelve individual
polyphenols were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography and antiradical activity was determined using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl
free radical (DPPH·). The experiments showed that the maceration process increases significantly the amount of total phenols and inhibition of
DPPH·. Furthermore, a high synergistic activity of individual phenols was observed. The strongest inhibition of DPPH· and the highest amount of total phenols were obtained for 800 Bianco, a blending macerated wine made from 3 white wine varieties.
Our study shows that the antioxidant potential of white grape phenols can be preserved during wine processing. The maceration
step allows the extraction of phenolic compounds from grape skins, seeds and stalks, resulting in phenol-rich white wine with
strong antioxidant properties. 相似文献
The authors have investigated the lead content of 560 hungarian wines produced between 1969 and 1973 by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Type of instrument: UNICAM SP 1900). The preparation of samples was made by wet digestion with HNO3-H202. For 94.12% of the investigated wines less than 0.4 ppm lead content was established. The 2.67% of wines contain 0.4-0.6 ppm lead. In case of 18 samples (3.21%) more than 0.6 ppm lead content was found. 相似文献
《Food chemistry》2002,78(4):523-532
In the present study the content of 15 polyphenols was determined in 55 samples of red wines from different denominations of origin in the Canary Islands (Spain) using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV and fluorescence detection. The most important differences in content among wines according to different categories (island, zone and denomination of origin) were established. In general, red wines from the Canary Islands had a content in polyphenols in the lower part of the range considered normal. The exception was quercetin, with a mean content (17.5 mg/l) higher than in other wines, which may be a peculiarity of these particular wines. The principal component analysis (PCA) technique was used to study the latent structure. A good differentiation among wines according to their production area was obtained using linear discriminant analysis (LDA). 相似文献
Resveratrol content in wines and musts from the south of Spain 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Trans- and cis-resveratrol and their glycosides have been determined in eighty-one samples including musts, substrate wines and commercial wines (red, white and Sherry-type wines) from the south of Spain. Sample analysis was performed using a direct injection technique by HPLC with photodiode array detector. Prior to the injection, the sample was filtered using a filter selected through a complete filtration study. Climatological data can affect total resveratrol levels. Values obtained for total resveratrol content in red wines ranged from 0.038 mg/l in a dry year to 1.164 mg/l for a normal year. The pressure applied to the berries to obtain must, has been object of study in order to ascertain its influence in final resveratrol content. For the same vintage, the total resveratrol content ranged from 0.032 mg/l in a wine, obtained from the lighest pressure musts, to 0.873 mg/l for those obtained from the highest pressure musts. No resveratrol has been found in Sherry wines, being present in the substrate wines in all cases. 相似文献
Koak Ji Hye Kang Byung Sun Hahm Young Tae Park Cheon Seok Baik Moo Yeol Kim Byung Yong 《Food science and biotechnology》2010,19(4):1011-1018
Objectives of this study were to make a Muscat Bailey A (MBA) wine from grapes raised in Yongdong, Korea using various manufacturing
methods and to blend it with Gerbong and Campbell wines using optimization technique. Effects of fermentation temperatures
and of American and French toasted oak chips were determined. The highest sensory score was achieved from without the bacteria
at 11°C and with bacteria at 17°C, respectively. Higher preference value was obtained from the heavy toasted, and French oak
chip. Three kinds of red wines made from 3 different varieties were mixed at the various ratio and optimized. As a result
of numerical and graphical optimization, the ratio of 11.1 (Gerbong wine): 48.9 (Campbell wine): 40.0 (MBA wine) produced
the best sensory score. This study was performed to improve the quality of MBA wine, and an optimum blending formulation for
better quality wine was obtained. 相似文献