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辽宁省是我国重要的粮食生产基地,为保障我国粮食安全提供了重要支撑。本研究基于虚拟耕地理论,计算辽宁省2000-2020年主要粮食作物虚拟耕地的生产与消费盈亏量,制定生态补偿政策,旨在为保护辽宁省耕地资源、合理调整粮食生产战略提供依据。结果表明,2000-2020年,辽宁省玉米、水稻虚拟耕地含量较低,大豆虚拟耕地含量较高;玉米虚拟耕地盈余量充足且呈逐年波动增加趋势,水稻虚拟耕地总体略有盈余,亏损状况有所好转,盈余量呈现波动式提高,大豆虚拟耕地盈余状况急剧下降,生产量不能满足当地居民需要,对于大豆的需要主要依赖进口。小麦虚拟耕地亏损有所减小,但辽宁省亏缺情况仍普遍存在。因此,建议辽宁省可以适当提高玉米和水稻的种植面积,增加大豆的进口量,同时鼓励虚拟耕地贸易,优化农业种植结构并实施农产品虚拟土地战略,实现区域水土资源安全以及农业可持续发展。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,在政策的支持下,全国粮食生产实现历史性的"十一连增",2014年总产达到60709.9万吨历史高位。但是受制于人口增长、耕地减少、消费激增等凶素,全国粮食供给长期处于紧平衡状态的现状没有改变。2014年巾央农村工作会议上明确指出,在我同经济发展新常态下,加快推进农业现代化要坚持把保障国家粮食安全作为首要任务,要继续完善国家  相似文献   

<正>保障粮食安全,就要保障粮食供给,但是随着人口增长和生活水平提高,粮食消费不断增加,中国粮食生产和供给始终面临需求总量增加和供给不足的双重压力,所以中国面对的是一个日益增大的国内粮食需求市场。但国内粮食生产的基本资源水和土地缺乏,并且还在流失,粮食供给情况严峻。因此要在保障中国粮食生产的基本资源——耕地、水源、农业生产环境的同时,也要加快粮食生产的科技应用。过去的10年,尽管全球粮食价格多次出现快速大  相似文献   

正7月30日,中国水利部农村水利水电司副司长倪文进在北京透露,截至目前,中国灌溉面积达到11.1亿亩(7400万公顷),居世界第一,其中耕地灌溉面积10.2亿亩(6800万公顷),占全国耕地总面积的50.3%。灌溉排水是中国农业发展的命脉、国家粮食安全的基石。倪文进说,截至目前,中国已建成大型灌区459处、中型灌区7300多处。全  相似文献   

以干旱绿洲灌区这一特殊沙漠边缘地带武威市为例,构建基于PSR模型的耕地集约利用评价体系,运用熵值法、极差标准化法及多因素综合评价法来评价耕地集约利用。结果表明:近年武威市耕地综合指数上升明显,从2010年的0.0805上升到2012年的0.1516,并与协调度指数保持一致;不同的区县表现出不同的耕地集约利用水平差异,2012年凉州区耕地集约利用度最高,达到0.5185,天祝县耕地利用度呈粗放状态,前者是后者的3.81倍。利用PSR模型评价结果与研究区的耕地实际利用情况相符,武威市干旱绿洲灌区耕地集约利用水平低,提升潜力很大。  相似文献   

正6月1日,农业部办公厅、财政部办公厅联合下发通知,启动粮食绿色高产高效创建,以主要粮食作物为主,集成示范推广成熟技术模式,打造绿色增产模式攻关升级版。开展耕地休耕试点,2016年,通过现有资金渠道,在河北地下水漏斗区季节性休耕100万亩,在湖南重金属污染区休耕10万亩,在贵州、云南  相似文献   

<正>滕州是山东省人口最多的县级市,人口170万,人均耕地0.77亩,人多地少、精耕细作、土地单位产值高,粮食精种高产、马铃薯设施栽培、畜牧标准化养殖闻名全国,是当前中国精细化现代农业的缩影,国家现代农业示范区改革与建设试点绩效评价位列第三名。国家现代农业示范区建设水平监测综合得分78.88分,在全国率先基本实现农业现代化。根据国家政策导向,积极引导工商资本、返乡创业人员、风险投资基金等各类社会资源投入设施农  相似文献   

以青藏高原地区青海省东部干旱区域常见杂草旱雀麦(Bromus tectorum Linn)作为受体,用琼脂共培法对青藏高原青海省东部干旱区域8种主要栽培小麦品种进行化感作用的评价。结果表明:8种小麦品种对旱雀麦的发芽率、发芽势抑制强度为2.78%~69.44%,其中高原448抑制作用最强,乐麦5号抑制作用最弱,青春38、高原437、通麦1号对旱雀麦种子萌发的抑制率都达到10%以上,而互助红、互麦14则对旱雀麦种子萌发表现为负的抑制率。相关性分析得出:处理间化感作用的差异在根长、芽长、干重方面的P值分别为0.0166、0.0194和0.0001,达到显著水平,鲜重P值大于0.5,无相关性。利用化感作用效应指数(RI值)作为化感指标,结合聚类分析得出高原448化感作用最强,青春38、高原437、通麦1号、阿勃化感作用中等,互助红、互麦14号、乐麦5号没有化感作用。  相似文献   

<正>山东省德州市是全国重点产棉区之一,2009年度该市棉花产销呈现如下特点:单产总产大幅减少德州市位于鲁西北平原,下辖11个县市区,人口560万,耕地810万亩,是个典型的农业大市,常年植棉面积在200万~300万亩。2000年以来,当地夏津、武城、陵县形  相似文献   

食用油脂面临严峻的挑战 一、我国“六五”期间,大约每增加100(北方)~150万(南方)人口,耕地(良田居多)净减100万亩;未来十余年人  相似文献   

China’s urbanization has led to changes in food consumption patterns. The effects of this population shift on the limited arable land resources available have not been clearly understood. Based on food consumption data in 1982, 1992 and 2002, we evaluated the arable land requirements needed to meet the demand of Chinese food consumption patterns and the countermeasures that could mitigate the increasing pressure on this limited resource. The results indicated that processed food (including plant oil, alcohol and sugar) needed the most arable land for production, followed by livestock-based food and plant-based food, which needed the least. The arable land requirement for food consumption of urban residents was higher than that of rural residents in all 3 years, 1982, 1992 and 2002 and both decreased from 1982 to 2002. Based on the data for these years, the total arable land requirement for Chinese food consumption is projected to increase from 1982 to 2030, and then gradually decreases from 2040 to 2050. The food demand pressures put on the limited arable land resources in China is exacerbated by trends in food consumption patterns—i.e. more livestock-based and less plant-based food, and the need to improve the nutritional intake of both urban and rural populations. To alleviate the pressures, Chinese food consumption patterns should be changed so that less livestock-based and more plant-based food is consumed. Two other mitigation options are to increase the import of land-intensive food and to invest in agricultural research and development. These findings could be helpful in optimizing the interrelationships between the limited arable land resources available and food consumption patterns during the continuing rapid urbanization of China.  相似文献   

中国2020年食物与营养发展目标战略分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
系统分析了我国食物与营养发展新特点,总结出我国生产结构与消费结构不衔接、消费目标和营养目标不协调、营养改善与健康需求不匹配等食物与营养发展新问题,阐述了资源环境压力增大、流动人口扩大、老龄化社会来临、非传染性慢病呈高发条件下食物与营养发展面临的新需求,提出了我国食物与营养发展的"协调、优化、干预"三大战略选择,预测了2020年我国粮食、肉类、蔬菜等8种主要农产品生产与消费需求量目标,提出了全面小康社会建设时期促进食物与营养发展的若干战略对策与措施。  相似文献   

A Total Diet Study (TDS) consists of selecting, collecting and analysing commonly consumed foods to obtain concentration data of different chemical compounds in foods as eaten. A TDS food list summarises the most consumed foods and represents the dietary habits of the general population of the country under study. The work reported here investigated whether TDS food lists that were initially designed for the whole population of the country under study also sufficiently cover the dietary pattern of specific subpopulations that are extra vulnerable for certain contaminants. The work was performed using data of three European countries: the Czech Republic, France and the UK. Each national food consumption database was combined with the corresponding national TDS food list (containing 336, 212 and 119 food items for the Czech Republic, France and the UK, respectively). The data were aggregated on the highest level of hierarchy of FoodEx-1, a pan-European food classification system, including 20 main FoodEx-1 groups. For the group ‘milk and dairy products’, the coverage of the consumption by the food list was investigated for more refined subgroups. For each food group or subgroup and country, the average percentage of coverage of the diet by the national TDS food list was calculated for different subpopulations, including children versus adults, women versus men, vegetarians versus non-vegetarians, and women of child-bearing age versus older women. The average diet of the different subpopulations was sufficiently covered by the food list of the Czech Republic and France. For the UK the average coverage was low due to a different food-coding approach and because food lists were not derived directly from national food consumption data. At the level of the 20 main food groups, differences between the subpopulations with respect to the average coverage of consumption by the TDS food list were minimal. The differences were more pronounced when looking in detail at the coverage of the dairy consumption. TDS food lists based on the mean consumption of the general population are also applicable to study the chemical exposure of different subpopulations, e.g. children, women of child-bearing age and vegetarians. This lowers the effort when performing a TDS.  相似文献   

食品专业是一个应用实践性强的专业,社会对食品专业人才的综合素质要求较高。为了构建满足社会需要的应用型人才培养模式,采用问卷星网站创立问卷,对我校食品专业实践教学现状进行实践教学内容、管理方式、实践教学效果及存在的问题和改进建议等方面的问卷调查。经对调查结果进行整理与分析,发现大学生对现行实践教学模式比较满意,但仍存在有待改进的地方,需要进一步完善实践教学模式,探索更适合食品专业大学生发展和满足社会需要的食品专业实践教学新模式。  相似文献   

广东省食品安全问题事件屡有发生,对社会和经济造成不良影响。通过对广东省内10个城镇地区食品安全现状进行实地调研,10个地区进行以问卷形式为主的调查,共发放500份问卷,有效回收458份。通过调查,总结出广东省当前在种植和养殖、加工、包装、贮运、销售和最终消费等环节中容易出现的食品质量安全问题,结合广东省消费者的安全意识及食品安全制度存在的不足,提出了改善省内当前食品安全状况的对策,对预防和控制食品安全事故有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Lead is a highly toxic contaminant with food being the major source of exposure for the general public. The second German food consumption survey (Nationale Verzehrsstudie II – NVS II) with about 20 000 participants (15 371 for dietary history interviews used for this study) allowed for an updated exposure assessment for the German population. Based on these comprehensive data, information on consumption of 545 individual food items by the German population was generated. Lead concentrations in food were compiled from the German food monitoring programme, European countries’ authority programmes and the published literature, covering the years from 2000 to 2009, and were multiplied with consumption data to obtain estimates of lead intake from food. Average lead concentrations per main food group were highest for meat (including offal), followed by fish (including seafood), vegetables and cereals. Due to high consumption, beverages contributed most to the intake of the general public, followed by main groups vegetables, fruits & nuts and cereals. Lead intake from food was estimated to be 0.53 and 0.72 µg kg–1 bw and day for average and high-end consumers, respectively. This is close to (average consumers) respectively above (high-end consumers) a reference value derived from a recent health risk evaluation performed by EFSA, using the benchmark approach. Uncertainties in these estimates pertain to the influence of values below the limit of quantification and some foods not considered due to lacking occurrence data. In conclusion, the estimated lead intake of the German population from food is still close to health-based reference values. Further efforts to reduce lead intake are required.  相似文献   

Cadmium is a very toxic contaminant with food being the major source of exposure for the general public. The second German food consumption survey (Nationale Verzehrsstudie II – NVS II) with about 20 000 participants (15 371 for dietary history interviews used for this study) allowed for an updated exposure assessment for the German population. Based on these comprehensive data, information on the consumption of 545 individual food items by the German population was generated. Cadmium concentrations in food were compiled from the German food monitoring programme, European countries’ authority programmes and the published literature, covering the years from 1993 to 2008, and were multiplied with consumption data to obtain estimates of cadmium intake from food. Consumption-weighted mean cadmium concentrations per main food group were highest for cereals, followed by oily seeds & fruits, and vegetables. Due to both high consumption and considerable occurrence of cadmium, cereals and vegetables contributed most to the intake of the general public, followed by the main groups beverages, fruits & nuts, and dairy products (including milk). Cadmium intake from food was estimated to be 1.46 and 2.35 µg kg–1 bw week–1 for average and high-end consumers, respectively. This corresponds to 58% for average and 95% for high-end consumers, respectively, of a reference value derived from a recent health risk evaluation performed by EFSA, using the benchmark approach. Uncertainties in these estimates pertain to the influence of values below the limit of quantification and some foods not considered due to lacking occurrence data. In conclusion, the estimated cadmium intake of the German population from food is still close to health-based reference values. Further efforts to reduce cadmium intake are required.  相似文献   

In order to address the issue of excessive intake of aluminium (Al) from Al-containing food additives in the Chinese diet, this study conducted a dietary exposure assessment of Al in the general population based on the national surveillance data of Al content in foods and national food consumption data. It was found that the mean dietary exposure of the whole Chinese population to Al from Al-containing food additives was 1.795 mg kg?1 bw week?1, not exceeding the PTWI, while high dietary exposures (e.g., 97.5th percentile) to Al were 7.660 and 2.103–2.903 mg kg?1 bw week?1 for children, respectively, both exceeding the PTWI. It was found that the dietary exposure to Al for 32.5% of the total Chinese population and 42.6% of children aged 4–6 years exceeded the PTWI. Wheat flour and wheat-based products are the main source of dietary A l exposure (85% of the total intake); and puffed foods are the major source of Al intake for children. These findings suggested that consumption of Al-containing food additives could be a health concern for consumers with high food consumption (97.5th percentile) and children under the age of 14 years.  相似文献   

Herbal food supplements claiming to reduce weight may contain active pharmacological ingredients (APIs) that can be used for the treatment of overweight and obesity. The aim of this study was to determine whether herbal food supplements for weight loss on the Dutch market contain APIs with weight loss properties. Herbal food supplements intended for weight loss (n = 50) were sampled from August 2004 to May 2013. An HPLC-DAD-MS/MS method was used to screen for the presence of the APIs in herbal supplements. In 24 samples the APIs sibutramine, desmethylsibutramine (DMS), didesmethylsibutramine (DDMS), rimonabant, sildenafil and/or the laxative phenolphthalein were identified 41 times. The presence of these APIs was, however, not stated on the label. The potential pharmacological effects of the detected APIs were estimated using data from reported effective doses of approved drugs. Use of 20 of the 24 herbal food supplements may result in potential pharmacological effects. Furthermore, risk assessment of phenolphthalein, a suspected carcinogen and found to be present in 10 supplements, based on the margin of exposure (MOE) approach, resulted in MOE values of 96–30 000. MOE values lower than 10 000 (96–220) were calculated for the daily intake levels of four out of these 10 supplements in which phenolphthalein was found. However, taking into account that weight loss preparations may be used for only a few weeks or months rather than during a lifetime, MOE values may be two to three orders of magnitude higher. The current study shows that the use of food supplements with sibutramine, DMS, DDMS and/or phenolphthalein could result in pharmacological effects.  相似文献   

The last two decades saw a steady increase of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) used for treatment of foods. Although the science of biomaterials exposed to high pressure started more than a century ago, there still seem to be a number of unanswered questions regarding safety of foods processed using HHP. This review gives an overview on historical development and fundamental aspects of HHP, as well as on potential risks associated with HHP food applications based on available literature. Beside the combination of pressure and temperature, as major factors impacting inactivation of vegetative bacterial cells, bacterial endospores, viruses, and parasites, factors, such as food matrix, water content, presence of dissolved substances, and pH value, also have significant influence on their inactivation by pressure. As a result, pressure treatment of foods should be considered for specific food groups and in accordance with their specific chemical and physical properties. The pressure necessary for inactivation of viruses is in many instances slightly lower than that for vegetative bacterial cells; however, data for food relevant human virus types are missing due to the lack of methods for determining their infectivity. Parasites can be inactivated by comparatively lower pressure than vegetative bacterial cells. The degrees to which chemical reactions progress under pressure treatments are different to those of conventional thermal processes, for example, HHP leads to lower amounts of acrylamide and furan. Additionally, the formation of new unknown or unexpected substances has not yet been observed. To date, no safety-relevant chemical changes have been described for foods treated by HHP. Based on existing sensitization to non-HHP-treated food, the allergenic potential of HHP-treated food is more likely to be equivalent to untreated food. Initial findings on changes in packaging materials under HHP have not yet been adequately supported by scientific data.  相似文献   

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