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氮、磷、钾胁迫对甘蔗生长及固氮酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氮、磷、钾是植物生长发育所必需的大量矿质元素,也是甘蔗与固氮微生物联合固氮系统形成的重要调控因素。本研究以粤糖93-159和ROC22为材料,在酸性土壤上进行肥效试验,分析了施用氮、磷和钾肥对甘蔗生长及固氮酶活性的影响。结果表明,不施氮肥显著抑制了甘蔗的生长发育,甘蔗株高、茎径和有效茎数与氮磷钾处理(NPK)相比,粤糖93-159降低了74.49%、17.48%、78.0%,ROC22降低了78.28%、68.75%、64.7%;然而,不施氮肥促进了甘蔗联合固氮作用,显著提高了根系和+4叶的固氮酶活性,粤糖93-159增加了25.24%、68.83%,ROC22增加了99.67%、58.97%。不施磷肥显著减少了2个甘蔗品种的有效茎数,降低了粤糖93-159的植株高度、固氮酶活性和氮浓度。不施钾肥仅影响2个甘蔗品种的固氮酶活性及粤糖93-159的有效茎数。研究结果可为挖掘甘蔗养分高效潜力及联合固氮系统与养分相关联的基础研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

李月梅 《中国油料》2012,(2):174-180
利用大田试验研究氮、磷、钾肥对青海省互助县种植的甘蓝型春油菜产量、养分吸收量和肥料利用效率等指标的影响。结果表明,氮肥和磷肥对春油菜(甘蓝型杂交油菜青杂2号)籽粒产量的提高有显著作用,钾肥的影响相对较小;与不施肥对照相比,氮、磷、钾肥的施用可显著促进成熟期春油菜地上部N、P、K素累积量(P〈0.05);不同肥料的春油菜农学利用率分别为5.3kg/kg N、5.6kg/kg P2O5和1.7kg/kg K2O;肥料表观利用率分别为N 33.6%、P2O57.8%和K2O 52.0%,N、P、K肥对油菜籽产量的偏生产力分别为28.0kg/kg N、46.7kg/kg P2O5和26kg/kg K2O。青海省互助县种植条件下,当春油菜产量水平在3 504kg/hm2时,NPK配施条件下每生产100kg籽粒需要吸收N、P2O5、K2O量分别为4.6kg、2.0kg和5.6kg,氮磷钾比为1∶0.43∶1.21。油菜生产实践中实现高产目标需同时关注地力培肥和平衡施肥两方面。  相似文献   

在云南省曲靖地区的低肥力和中高肥力试验地分别开展旱作马铃薯的田间小区试验,研究磷钾施用量对马铃薯生物量、养分利用、产量和经济效益的影响。结果表明:相同施肥量的条件下,中高肥力试验地的东山组马铃薯产量远高于低肥力的越州组,产量相差10 305.00~20 140.20 kg·hm-2;越州组NP2K3(N,150 kg·hm-2; P2O5,90 kg·hm-2; K2O, 405 kg·hm-2)处理产量产值最高,NP2K1(N,150 kg·hm-2; P2O5,90 kg·hm-2; K2O, 135 kg·hm-2)处理净收益最高; 东山组NP2K2(N,150 kg·hm-2; P2O5,90 kg·hm-2; K2O, 270 kg·hm-2)处理产量、产值及净收益均是最高; 两组试验的马铃薯干重变化趋势相似,NP2K2处理的干重积累量较多,无钾无磷处理干重积累少;马铃薯体内累积K最多,其次为N,最后为P, NPK养分吸收积累的高峰期在马铃薯块茎膨大期到淀粉积累期; 东山组的马铃薯PK利用效率明显高于越州组。NP1K2(N,150 kg·hm-2; P2O5,45 kg·hm-2; K2O, 270 kg·hm-2)处理的P肥利用率和P素农学效率较高,P肥利用率和P素农学效率都有随施P量增加而降低的趋势。NP2K1处理的K肥利用率和K素农学效率最高,K肥利用率和K素农学效率均有随施K量增加而降低的趋势。  相似文献   

氮、磷、钾肥不同配比对果蔗产量和品质影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董素钦 《甘蔗糖业》2007,(3):16-18,54
对果蔗氮、磷、钾营养元素平衡关系的试验研究结果表明:氮、磷、钾肥合理配施能显著提高果蔗产量,改善品质,而且还能增加经济效益;与糖蔗相比,果蔗要适当增施磷肥,少施钾肥,能提高蔗汁甜味,避免蔗皮硬,提高果蔗品质.在本地区土壤磷素含量中等水平,钾素水平不高的情况下,氮、磷、钾肥配施比例以1∶0.5∶0.5或1∶0.7∶0.5为宜.  相似文献   

选用L9(34)正交表,设置了碳源、氮源和磷量的三因素三水平试验,以探索适于松乳菇生长和矿质营养吸收的最佳培养基。结果表明:9种培养基对松乳菇生长和矿质养分含量均有明显影响。三因素中,对菌丝体生长、K、Ca吸收影响最大的是碳源,对Fe、Mn吸收影响最大的是氮源,对P、Mg、Zn吸收影响最大的是P量。碳源中,可溶性淀粉效果最佳,可使生物量增加32.20%,P、K、Zn含量分别增加16.94%、182.81%,59.09%;氮源中,酒石酸铵最利于菌丝体生长,尿素最利于P、K吸收,谷氨酸最利于Mg、Fe、Mn吸收;P量中,0.5 g/L KH2PO4最适于菌丝体生长和对P、K、Mg、Zn的吸收。促进松乳菇生长和矿质营养吸收的优化组合是:可溶性淀粉18.0 g/L+酒石酸铵0.5 g/L+KH2PO40.5 g/L。  相似文献   

对8种典型造纸植物纤维原料的氮、磷含量进行了分析,采用常规蒸煮工艺进行蒸煮,通过测定浆料和黑液的氮、磷含量对蒸煮过程氮、磷元素的迁移规律进行了总结。同时结合制浆造纸生产的实际情况和相关标准,探讨了氮、磷污染物对废水排放的影响,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

秸秆还田条件下,采用多年田间定位试验研究了N肥减量施用对作物产量、养分吸收利用以及土壤表观N平衡的影响,旨在为关中小麦/玉米一年二熟轮作区合理施用N肥提供依据。结果表明:与常规施N处理(玉米季施氮187.5 kg·hm-2,小麦季施氮150 kg·hm-2)相比,2008—2011年三年中,15%减N、30%减N两个处理均未显著降低作物籽粒与秸秆产量;2010—2011年生长季中,15%减N处理降低了作物秸秆N、P、K周年总吸收量,增加了籽粒N、P、K周年总吸收量,其中籽粒P周年总吸收量增加达显著性水平;30%减N处理显著降低了籽粒N和秸秆N、K周年总吸收量,降幅分别为12.9%、41.9%、18.5%,在小麦收获后,30%减N处理的N素盈余量只有11.3 kg·hm-2,有潜在缺N危险。综合考虑产量、养分吸收利用及土壤表观N平衡,在秸秆还田条件下,15%减N处理的施N量(即玉米季施氮159 kg·hm-2,小麦季施氮127.5 kg·hm-2)为本地区最佳N肥用量。  相似文献   

氮、磷、钾、镁亏缺对烤烟生长和叶片腺毛发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以烤烟K326为材料,对烟株生长过程中几种营养元素出现亏缺时烟叶腺毛密度和发育状况进行了研究.结果表明:当N、P、K、Mg等营养亏缺时除对烟株的生长产生影响之外,对烟叶各类腺毛的生长发育也有显著影响.缺N时由于叶面积缩小和对烟叶各类腺毛生长的刺激效应,导致烟叶各类腺毛密度相对增加,而缺P、K和Mg时除影响烟叶叶面积外还会导致烟叶各类腺毛密度大幅降低.因此,在烤烟生长前期,保证P、K和Mg养分的供应对保持或提高烟叶的腺毛密度及分泌能力非常重要.  相似文献   

目的:研究缺刻蚁形藻(Myrmecia incisa)在4种氮、磷质量浓度条件下的生长和总脂(TL)及花生四烯酸(AA)含量,以及在低氮和低磷条件下的脂肪酸组成。方法:采用BG-11培养基和Φ6×60cm柱状光生物反应器培养缺刻蚁形藻,利用有机溶剂提取脂类物质,通过气相色谱-质谱仪分析脂肪酸的组成。结果:在300~1500mg/L的硝酸钠质量浓度范围内,氮质量浓度的改变对缺刻蚁形藻的生物量影响不明显,不同氮质量浓度条件下的最终生物量在2.10~2.40g/L之间。低氮质量浓度条件下TL和AA含量最大,分别为藻粉干质量的27%和总脂肪酸(TFA)的9.04%,其中AA占藻体干质量的3.16%。不同磷质量浓度对缺刻蚁形藻的生长影响显著,低磷质量浓度明显抑制藻的生长,其最终生物量在0.98~2.47g/L之间。在质量浓度8~20mg/L的磷酸氢二钾条件下,藻的TL含量没有明显变化,为20%左右。结论:TL与氮、磷质量浓度呈明显负相关关系,低氮比低磷条件更有利于AA的积累。  相似文献   

通过旱棚小车模拟小麦/玉米垄沟套作种植试验,研究了3种不同垄沟部位(垄顶、垄底和沟中)施肥对小麦/玉米生长和产量及土壤水氮分布的影响。结果表明:相同灌水条件下,施肥部位对垄沟套作水分分布影响不显著,但土壤硝态氮的分布差异较大; 垄顶施肥和垄底施肥处理下,由于水肥异区,其垄上小麦生长带的硝态氮主要分布在0~30 cm土层,有效地减少了硝态氮向土壤深层淋溶,而后期沟内玉米生长带的水氮处理相同,因此其硝态氮分布差异较小; 在相同灌水条件下,垄沟套作可以有效降低水分流失,减少氮肥损失,因此较传统平作更有利于作物生长,提高小麦、玉米的产量,且以垄顶施肥和垄底施肥效果最显著,小麦产量较平作分别增加11.47%、10.81%,玉米产量较平作分别增加18.87%、22.70%。  相似文献   

Eight maize (Zea mays L) hybrids were grown under five N levels with or without the nitrification inhibitor, nitrapyrin (2-chloro-[6-trichloro-methyl] pyridine), to evaluate N interactions relative to yield performance, N use efficiency, grain protein concentration, and kernel texture. Results indicate that maize hybrids can be grouped into three categories based on grain yield: (1) low N-responsive types which reach their maximum yield with 134 kg ha?1 of applied N; (2) intermediate types that respond to moderate N levels (134 to 201 kg N ha?1); and (3) high N-responsive types that respond to higher levels of N (201 kg N ha?1). High N-responsive types, in general, increased yield with nitrapyrin treatment at all levels of N. Crop N utilisation efficiency for high N-responsive hybrids decreased, but was static for low N-responsive hybrids as N fertiliser increased. In general, as the grain yield of a hybrid increased in response to N, the concentration of protein in the kernel increased; although grain yields and protein concentration are negatively correlated among hybrids. Increased kernel translucence, an indicator of kernel hardness induced by N fertiliser, correlated highly positive with zein proteins. Isoelectric focusing analysis showed that increases in zein were primarily due to a quantitative increase in α- and γ-zein polypeptides. This study indicates that hybrids are different in their N requirements for maximum yield. Low N conditions not only restrict grain yield but also affect kernel textural quality.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An apparently large disparity still exists between developed and developing countries in historical trends of the amounts of nitrogen (N) fertilizers consumed, and the same situation holds true in China. The situation of either N overuse or underuse has become one of the major limiting factors in agricultural production and economic development in China. The issue of food security in N‐poor regions has been given the greatest attention internationally. Balanced and appropriate use of N fertilizer for enriching soil fertility is an effective step in preventing soil degradation, ensuring food security, and further contributing to poverty alleviation and rural economic development in the N‐poor regions. RESULTS: Based on the China Statistical Yearbook (2007), there could be scope for improvement of N use efficiency (NUE) in N‐rich regions by reducing N fertilizer input to an optimal level (≤180 kg N ha?1), and also potential for increasing yield in the N‐poor regions by further increasing N fertilizer supply (up to 116 kg N ha?1). For the N‐rich regions, the average estimated potential of N saving and NUE increase could be about 15% and 23%, respectively, while for the N‐poor regions the average estimated potential for yield increase could be 21% on a regional scale, when N input is increased by 13%. CONCLUSION: The study suggests that to achieve the goals of regional yield improvement, it is necessary to readjust and optimize regional distribution of N fertilizer use between the N‐poor and N‐rich regions in China, in combination with other nutrient management practices. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

通过对2012年丹东质量调查的50个稻谷样品的检测,分析稻谷的出米率、整精米率、出糙率之间相关性,结果表明:稻谷的出米率与整精米率及出糙率之间存在相关性,且达到极显著水平,整精米率与出米率的相关水平要好于出糙率与出米率的相关水平,稻谷的出米率可以作为收购入库的定等指标之一。  相似文献   

Pot soil experiments showed that there were great variations among six rice cultivars in their tolerance to soil Cd stress, with respect to tillering, plant height, leaf area, dry matter accumulation and grain yield. Some cultivars were highly tolerant of Cd and showed little toxicity under high levels of soil Cd stress (100 mg kg?1), while others were much more sensitive. Roots were not necessarily more sensitive than above‐ground parts, but the diversities among rice cultivars with regard to the relative changes in dry matter accumulation under soil Cd stress were greater in roots than those observed in straw and grain. The toxicity effects of Cd on rice growth and development lessened as plants grew and matured, indicating that rice plants show adaptation and growth compensation in response to soil Cd stress during prolonged exposure. The relative change in the number of grains per panicle showed a strong positive correlation with relative change in grain yield and, of the four grain yield components measured (panicles per pot; grains per panicle; filled grain percentage; weight per grain), it appeared to be the one most influenced by Cd stress. Thus the reduction of grains per panicle is the main cause of grain yield loss under soil Cd stress. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

介绍了国内出糙率检测方法、整精米率检测方法、稻谷和糙米潜在出米率测定方法等国家标准以及稻谷和糙米潜在出米率测定方法国际标准的主要技术内容,研究比较了国际标准与我国相关国家标准的技术差异和各自的优点,介绍了我国承担修订《稻米——稻谷和糙米潜在出米率的测定》国际标准的工作情况以及该国际标准修订前后的技术差异。  相似文献   

Grain protein content affects the flour yield and breadmaking characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L). In this study, grain protein yield, grain protein content, flour yield and loaf volume were quantified for four wheat cultivars (Inia, Carina, Kariega and SST 86) grown under six different soil fertility regimes in a long-term fertilisation and irrigation experiment at the University of Pretoria. The experimental design was a randomised complete block replicated four times, with fertility as the main plots and cultivars as the subplot treatments. Grain protein yield, flour yield, loaf volume and mixograph dough peak mixing time varied among cultivars and soil fertility situations. Grain protein content differed among cultivars, but mixograph water absorption and dough characteristics did not differ. The highest grain protein yield was 873 kg ha−1 for Carina and the lowest 527 kg ha−1 for SST 86. Grain protein content averaged 131 g kg−1 for Carina and 122 g kg−1 for Kariega. Breadmaking performance showed that in a well-balanced soil fertility situation, Kariega produced 1025 cm3 of loaf volume while Inia averaged 950 cm3. Grain protein yield increased with increasing soil fertility, but grain protein content, flour yield, loaf volume, water absorption and mixograph peak mixing time varied with soil fertility. The interaction between cultivar and soil fertility was significant for grain protein yield, grain protein content, flour yield, loaf volume and water absorption but not dough peak mixing time. The results indicate cultivar differences in breadmaking quality characteristics and that soil fertility status affects grain protein yield, grain protein content, flour yield, loaf volume potential and water absorption but not mixograph peak mixing time and dough characteristics. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rice is the most important staple food in Asia but has also been identified as one of the major sources of cadmium (Cd) intakes for some Asian population. This study investigated whether grain yield could be maintained but Cd in grains be reduced through proper irrigation management when rice was grown in Cd‐contaminated soil. RESULTS: Compared to the well watered treatment, the alternate wetting and moderate soil drying (MD, re‐watered when soil water potential decreased to ?20 kPa) increased grain yield by 10–12% and improved milling and appearance quality of rice when grown in a soil containing a water‐soluble Cd content of 18 g kg?1. An alternate wetting and severe soil drying (SD, re‐watered when soil water potential decreased to ?40 kPa) showed an opposite effect. Both MD and SD significantly increased Cd content in roots while they reduced it in the straw. MD reduced Cd content by 19–21% in the grain and by 40% in milled rice. The SD significantly increased Cd content in the grain but reduced it in milled rice. CONCLUSION: An alternate wetting and moderate soil drying could increase rice yield and quality and also reduce Cd in the diet of rice. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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