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介绍了小通道、微通道内流动沸腾换热机理的最新进展,其中包括国内外学者对各种形状的单通道小通道内流动沸腾现象的解释及其对换热系数影响的各种不同看法,以及微通道内流动沸腾换热现象研究的概况;还介绍了小通道和微通道内流型转变的研究现状,指出了各研究者研究结果的差异,并提出要进一步探索小通道微通道内流动沸腾换热现象,必须借助更先进的观测手段等。  相似文献   

微/小通道紧凑式蒸发器的应用越来越广泛,对其换热特性的深刻认识和进一步研究已成为当前亟待解决的课题,而目前涉及微/小尺度通道内沸腾换热特性和流动方面的研究尚处于起步阶段:本文介绍了近年来国内外微/小通道内沸腾换热方面的研究状况,并指出了该研究领域有待于深入开展研究的内容。  相似文献   

通过对微通道换热器和翅片式换热器试验研究,风冷制冷机组采用微通道冷凝器,成本节省19%,机组的能效比提高了13.9%,所以微通道冷凝器在空调领域应用具有显著的性能优势和经济效益,但也指出应用中遇到冷凝水排放、除霜困难、各通道水利不平衡等技术难题.同时在生产制造过程中工艺技术阻碍了微通道的发展.  相似文献   

为了更好地了解近年来微通道研究的发展状况,基于微通道两个不同的尺度级别(微米级、纳米级),对国内外相关研究成果进行了综述。通过对比分析发现,学者们对影响微通道流动与换热的因素,如工质侧的工质种类、微通道侧的通道结构、制作材料以及微尺度效应等进行了研究,但有些结论仍存在争议,甚至部分结果之间相互矛盾。在纳米通道的研究中,由于无法进行实验研究,数值模拟方法得到了广泛的应用;并且在大部分研究中主要采用分子动力学方法;在纳米通道内原子势能对换热性能产生了较大影响。  相似文献   

对当量直径为177.8μm、长为3mm的矩形截面并列微通道进行了试验研究,通过高速摄影仪对并列微通道内空气-水的两相流动进行了可视化研究,试验中观察到几种典型的流型;利用分相流模型、均相流模型对并列微通道的整体压降进行预测,并与测得的试验值进行了对比,通过计算各个模型的平均绝对误差来比较其预测效果.结果表明:均相流模型对整体压降的预测效果好于分相流模型;均相流模型中,用Dukler黏度计算式得到的预测值平均绝对误差最小,预测效果最好.  相似文献   

通过搭建的微通道两相沸腾流换热实验台,利用高速摄像仪拍摄其工质两相流流型,研究了接触角分别为48.2°、140°的普通微通道和疏水微通道的压降特性、换热性能,并结合工质流型图阐述其变化规律机理。实验采用的微通道尺寸为0.55 mm×0.55 mm×80 mm,工质质量流量范围为1983~3636 kg/(m2·s),两相流进口干度为0~0.45。研究结果表明,疏水微通道的压降在所有实验干度区间均显著大于普通微通道的压降,在低干度区间,疏水微通道的换热性能高于普通微通道的换热性能。  相似文献   

为研究节流型微通道换热特性,设计并加工制作了突缩突扩结构的微通道实验件。采用控制变量法控制改变加热电压、质量流量、入口温度,通过实验数据对比分析研究了影响节流型微通道对流换热的规律。研究结果表明:随着质量流量的增加,微通道蒸发器的对流传热系数不断减小;随着雷诺数的增大努谢尔数不断增大,对流换热效果比较明显。  相似文献   

对国内外微通道流动和换热的研究实验作了总结,阐述了影响微通道换热系数的因素,如热流密度、过热度和干度等.对去离子水在内径为0.65 mm、长为102 mm的圆形管道内流动沸腾换热进行了实验研究,得到了局部换热系数随干度的变化关系,进而根据换热系数的变化趋势讨论了饱和流动沸腾区微通道内主导的换热机制.结果表明:从换热系数随干度的变化关系很难判定主导的换热机制;将实验数据与已发表的预测关联式进行了比较,发现大多关联式都失效,说明基于常规理论的模型不再适用于微通道.  相似文献   

采用数值模拟的方法对不同管径、不同长度微圆管的换热特性和换热能力进行了研究和对比。结果表明:对于相同管长的圆管,在相同压比条件下,除了内径为0.1mm的圆管外,单位流通面积的换热量随着管径的增大而逐渐减小;在相同压比条件下,除内径为0.1mm的圆管外,其他圆管的单位面积换热量均随管长的增加而增大,且较大管径的增大幅度明显大于较小管径的增大幅度。对当量直径相同的圆管和跑道形管进行对比发现,圆管的换热能力明显优于跑道形管道。  相似文献   

凝汽器冷却水系统运行过程中,由于难溶盐分的沉积和微生物污垢的生成,会在凝汽器的换热表面上形成污垢,使传热系数下降,真空降低。分析了凝汽器水侧污垢的特性,然后给出了考虑污垢因素的凝汽器传热系数的计算方法。  相似文献   

For a novel prototype solar collector, using a plate heat pipe, condenser heat transfer was analysed in detail. The condenser has the shape of a rectangular channel. Flow and heat transfer of water in the rectangular channel was modelled and the heat transfer coefficient assessed, using the Fluent code. Under typical operating conditions a mixed convection situation occurs. The channel is inclined and heating is through one wall only (upper channel surface). The range of temperature differences considered was similar to the one verified under real operating conditions, covering a wide range of Grashof numbers. Results showed that the Nusselt number is significantly higher than the one for forced convection in a rectangular channel with fully developed boundary layers. In order to enhance heat transfer, a modification to the rectangular channel was analysed, using baffles to improve flow distribution and increase velocity. The effect of this modification on collector energy performance (efficiency) was assessed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Heat regenerators transfer heat from one gas to another, with an intermediate storage in solids. The heat transfer surface for gas flow application should provide at the same time high surface area and low friction factor. Three geometries of heat transfer surface, monolith, stack of woven screens and bed of spheres, have been compared. Their performance was evaluated from the pressure drop of the heat regenerator working at a given heat transfer efficiency. The comparison was performed using numerical simulation and published measurements of heat transfer and flow friction characteristics. By adjusting the length and the period of the exchanger, it is possible to obtain the same heat transfer efficiency with the three geometries. Beds of spheres give very short and compact heat regenerators, working at high pressure drop. At the opposite, monoliths form long regenerators working at low pressure drop. Stacks of woven screens cover a wide range of performance: low porosity woven screens give high heat transfer efficiency and high pressure drop, while high porosity woven screens offer performance similar to that of the monoliths. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

迪恩涡强化传热技术的初步实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湛含辉  朱辉  付峥嵘 《节能》2009,28(3):21-24
对迪恩涡的强化传热作用进行了初步的实验研究,发现在迪恩涡的作用下,90°弯管的传热系数明显高于直管;弯管的阻力损失在层流区略高于直管,但是在过渡区之后便开始低于直管的阻力损失。迪恩涡强化传热技术在提高传热系数、降低阻力损失方面有着极大的潜力,是一种节能的强化传热技术。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONHeattransferenllancen1enttechniquesplayaveryimportantroleintllermalcontroltechnologies1lsedwithnlicroelectronicchips,powerfullasermirrors,aerospacecraft,thermalnuclearfusion,etc.Itiswidelyrecognizedthattl1eheattransfercanbein-creasedbyil1creasingthesurfaceareaincontactwiththecoolant.TuckermanandPease[1,2]pointedoutthatforlaminarflowinconfinedchannels,theheattransfercoefficientisinverselyproportionaltothewidthofthechannelsincethelimitingNusseltnum-berisconsta11t.Theybuiltawate…  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to investigate flow and heat transfer characteristics of water in rectangular microchannels. All tests were performed with deionized water. The flow rate, the pressures, and temperatures at the inlet and outlet were measured. The friction factor, heat flux, and Nusselt number were obtained. The friction factor in the microchannel is lower than the conventional value. That is only 20% to 30% of the convectional value. The critical Reynolds number below which the flow remains laminar in the microchannel is also lower than the conventional value. The Nusselt number in the microchannel is quite different from the conventional value. The Nusselt number for the microchannel is lower than the conventional value when the flow rate is small. As the flow rate through the microchannel is increased, the Nusselt number significantly increases and exceeds the value of Nusselt number for the fully developed flow in the conventional channel. The micro‐scale effect was exhibited. The Nusselt number is also affected by the heat flux. The Nusselt number remains the constant value when the flow rate is small. The Nusselt number increases with the increase in the heat flux when the flow rate is large. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 37(4): 197–207, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20206  相似文献   

ExperimentalResearchonHeatTransferandPressureDropofTwoConfigurationsofPinFinned-TubesinIn-lineArrayShouGuangYao;DeShuZhu(Depa...  相似文献   

This paper deals with the study of heat transfer behaviour in the cyclone separator of a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) and how it is affected by relevant operating parameters. The experiments are conducted in a 140 mm diameter cyclone of a cold bed set‐up of 102 mm×102 mm bed cross‐section, 5.25 m height CFB. The cyclone separator is designed according to the high‐efficiency Lapple design and made to accommodate two identical heat transfer probes. From the experimental results, the heat transfer coefficient is found to increase with increase in solid circulation rate, as well as gas superficial velocity. The effect of bed inventory and heat flux on heat transfer coefficient has also been investigated. An empirical equation has been developed to predict the heat transfer coefficient in the cyclone separator based on dimensional analysis. The experimental results are compared with the predicted results and a good agreement has been observed. There is an optimal distance from the entry of the cyclone where the local heat transfer coefficient is maximum. The collection efficiency of the cyclone separator has been measured for all the operating conditions. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Microchannel heat sinks constitute an innovative cooling technology for the removal of a large
amount of heat from a small area and are suitable for electronics cooling.In the present work,Tool
Steel D2 grade milling slitting saw type plain milling cutter is fabricated The microchannels are
machined in aluminum work pieces to form the microchannel heat sink using the fabricated milling
cutter in an horizontal milling machine.A new experimental set-up is fabricated to conduct the tests
on the microchannel heat sink.The heat carried by the water increases with mass flow rate and heat
input.The heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number increases with mass flow rate and increased
heat input.The pressure drop increases with Reynolds number and decreases with input heat.The
friction factor decreases with Reynolds number and decreases with input heat.The thermal resistance
decreases with pumping power and decreases with input heat.  相似文献   

Experiments have been performed to investigate the heat transfer characteristics and pressure drop in the micro-channel heat sinks under constant heat flux conditions. The experiments are performed for the Reynolds number and heat flux in the ranges of 200–1000 and 1.80–5.40 kW/m2, respectively. The micro-channel heat sink with two different channel heights and two different channel widths are accomplished by wire electrical discharge machine. Effects of different geometrical configurations parameters of the micro-channel and heat flux on the heat transfer characteristics and pressure drop are considered. The micro-channel geometry configuration has significant effect on the enhancement heat transfer and pressure drop. The results of this study are expected to lead to guidelines that will allow the design of the micro-channel heat exchangers with improved heat transfer performance of the electronic devices.  相似文献   

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