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李月梅 《中国油料》2012,(2):174-180
利用大田试验研究氮、磷、钾肥对青海省互助县种植的甘蓝型春油菜产量、养分吸收量和肥料利用效率等指标的影响。结果表明,氮肥和磷肥对春油菜(甘蓝型杂交油菜青杂2号)籽粒产量的提高有显著作用,钾肥的影响相对较小;与不施肥对照相比,氮、磷、钾肥的施用可显著促进成熟期春油菜地上部N、P、K素累积量(P〈0.05);不同肥料的春油菜农学利用率分别为5.3kg/kg N、5.6kg/kg P2O5和1.7kg/kg K2O;肥料表观利用率分别为N 33.6%、P2O57.8%和K2O 52.0%,N、P、K肥对油菜籽产量的偏生产力分别为28.0kg/kg N、46.7kg/kg P2O5和26kg/kg K2O。青海省互助县种植条件下,当春油菜产量水平在3 504kg/hm2时,NPK配施条件下每生产100kg籽粒需要吸收N、P2O5、K2O量分别为4.6kg、2.0kg和5.6kg,氮磷钾比为1∶0.43∶1.21。油菜生产实践中实现高产目标需同时关注地力培肥和平衡施肥两方面。  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜生育后期叶片对产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
甘蓝型油菜初花期后,叶片仍是主要光合器这民,但各类叶对产量的作用不同,无柄叶〉短柄叶〉分枝叶〉长柄叶,对产量的影响分别为7.4%-15.5%,5.1%-14.6%,3.3%-14.6%和0.3%--5.0%。各类叶对结角数和角粒数的影响与对产量的影响一致,但对千粒重的影响相反。  相似文献   

文章根据天津长芦海晶集团有限公司气象台的气象资料,将1954年~2003年50年的温度、降水和蒸发量进行了统计分析:塘沽地区气候趋向变暖,特别是近10年变化明显,气温升高明显,降水量偏少;同时,对海盐生产充分利用气候资源、应对气候变化进行了分析。  相似文献   

文章根据天津长芦海晶集团有限公司气象台的气象资料,将1954年~2003年50年的温度、降水和蒸发量进行了统计分析:塘沽地区气候趋向变暖,特别是近10年变化明显,气温升高明显,降水量偏少;同时,对海盐生产充分利用气候资源、应对气候变化进行了分析.  相似文献   

为使用地与养地相结合,在保持油菜不减产的同时,建立合理的油菜/紫云英间作技术体系。采用大田试验,研究了紫云英(Astragalus sinicus L.)与不同密度油菜(Brassica napus L.)间作对二者生长和产量的影响。结果表明:紫云英与密度为20万~40万株/hm2油菜按2∶1带型间作(即1m宽带内播种两行油菜,1行紫云英),间作油菜各处理不同生育期氮磷钾和碳的养分累积量均有高于或接近于油菜单作(MR)的趋势,间作油菜株高、根长、根颈粗、单株鲜重和产量接近于或显著高于密度为30万株/hm2的单作油菜。在保持油菜产量不显著降低的同时,间作模式可以收获3 592~5 724kg/hm2的紫云英绿肥。紫云英与不同密度油菜间作均表现土地资源利用优势(LER〉1)。  相似文献   

在杭州地区,连晚杂交稻茬口三熟制油菜可以达到秋发的标准。其配套技术主要为;选择中迟熟甘蓝型良种;9月15-20日播种,6-7叶大壮苗移栽,10.5万株/hm^2;氮磷钾硼肥采取5;3:0;2的配施方法;多效唑化控育壮秧,初花期叶面肥防早衰荫角;防治苗期蚜虫和后期菌核病等。与常规栽培相比,秋发油菜表现为全生育期长,冬前生长量足,封行早,抗寒能力强,单株有效角果数多,比常规栽培增产25.2。  相似文献   

黄腐酸对油菜生理和产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在开花期,用0,50,100和200mg/kg黄腐酸溶液喷洒白菜型油菜,结果表明,黄腐酸能提高叶绿素含量,降低叶片电导率,提高叶片相对含水量,降低其水分饱和亏缺,从而增强了油菜抗旱能力。喷洒黄腐酸还显著提高油菜的干物质积累量和籽粒产量。  相似文献   

以当地糯玉米主栽品种垦粘1号和京科糯2000为对照,在5个种植密度下对沈糯9号及两个当地对照品种的鲜穗产量、鲜籽粒产量、穗部性状、植株性状及熟期进行了研究。结果表明:密度对三个品种产量的影响达极显著水平;各密度下鲜穗产量、穗长、穗粗、穗行数均显著高于垦粘1号和京科糯2000;籽粒深度、行粒数、百粒重及株高与京科糯2000相当,显著高于垦粘1号,但穗位显著低于京科糯2000;沈糯9号熟期较垦粘1号和京科糯2000分别晚6 d和早9 d。综上所述,沈糯9号在产量、穗部性状及田间长势均优于垦粘1号和京科糯2000,且填补了垦粘1号和京科糯2000之间的熟期空白,因此,沈糯9号在黑龙江省东南部乃至全省的开发前景十分可观。  相似文献   

钾肥对油菜植株养分及种子产量品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

白菜型春油菜(Brassica Campestris)两个品种8种栽培密度的产量及春构成因素分布特性分析结果表明,单位面积产量与各枝序粒重和角果数占单株粒重和角果数的比率有密切关系。角粒重较高,较稳定下,单位面积产量随一次分枝粒重比率和角果数比率的下降,或主序粒重比率和角果数比率的上升而提高;角粒重低,且随一次分枝粒重比率和角果数比率的下降,或主序粒重比率和角果数比率的上升而降低。一次分枝粒重比率  相似文献   

Projected impacts from future warming on grapevine phenology have been modelled for two important varieties across six representative wine-growing regions in Australia. Various regional warming projections are based on a range of future greenhouse gas emission scenarios and patterns of climate change from a suite of climate models. Results are compared and contrasted regionally and the sensitivity of grapevine phenology to different climate futures is assessed. Impacts on budburst vary from region to region. Cabernet Sauvignon budburst in Coonawarra is projected to occur earlier by four to eight days in the year 2030, and by six to 11 days in 2050. Season duration (from budburst to harvest) is compressed in all regions studied and harvest is earlier in most cases. Given the highest warming scenario, harvest could be 45 days earlier in Coonawarra by 2050. Some regions may be adversely affected by the chilling requirement not being met in future warmer climates. For example, in the Margaret River region budburst is projected to be later. An important finding of this analysis is that harvest is projected to occur both earlier in the year and in a warmer climate, i.e. a dual warming impact. Harvesting in warmer temperatures can negatively impact grape quality.  相似文献   

酿酒葡萄的产量和品质对温度和降水的变化很敏感,气候变化因而会影响酿酒葡萄的生产。该文概述了我国主要酿酒葡萄产区的生产和气候变化;分析了温度、降水和灾害天气对酿酒葡萄生产的影响;指出我国葡萄产区将总体暖化,但干湿变化的地区差异大,因此气候变化的影响多样。新疆、东北、宁夏、山东、甘肃等产区随变暖有望扩大种植范围并增加晚熟品种的种植,东北等地或因降水变化增大而产量不稳,京津冀优质葡萄种植区域可能因升温种植区域北移或减少。建议中国酿酒葡萄生产还需更多实验性研究来应对未来气候变化。  相似文献   

对高寒阴湿地区节肢动物种群在冬、春油菜田群落变化规律进行了调查,采用Shannon.Wiener多样性、丰富度、均匀度3个参数,进行统计分析。结果表明:冬、春油菜田节肢动物有39个种,隶属于11个目,29科,主要以鞘翅目、膜翅目和双翅目为主,占62.07%,冬、春油菜节肢动物群落组成不同,其群落丰富度、多样性、均匀度随着不同的生长发育期而呈动态变化,冬油菜区节肢动物多样性指数(H’)和丰富度指数(DMA)呈交替变化,它们的均匀度指数(E)〉0.4。油菜不同的生长发育时期分布不同的节肢动物种群,其群落优势种为跳甲、茎象甲、蚜虫、潜叶蝇。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Negative climate impacts on crop yield increase pressures on food security in China. In this study, climatic impacts on cereal yields (rice, wheat and maize) were investigated by analyzing climate‐yield relationships from 1980 to 2008. RESULTS: Results indicated that warming was significant, but trends in precipitation and solar radiation were not statistically significant in most of China. In general, maize is particularly sensitive to warming. However, increase in temperature was correlated with both lower and higher yield of rice and wheat, which is inconsistent with the current view that warming results in decline in yields. Of the three cereal crops, further analysis suggested that reduction in yields with higher temperature is accompanied by lower precipitation, which mainly occurred in northern parts of China, suggesting droughts reduced yield due to lack of water resources. Similarly, a positive correlation between temperature and yield can be alternatively explained by the effect of solar radiation, mainly in the southern part of China where water resources are abundant. CONCLUSION: Overall, our study suggests that it is inter‐annual variations in precipitation and solar radiation that have driven change in cereal yields in China over the last three decades. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Grapevine reproductive development extends over two seasons, and the genotypic expression of yield potential and fruit composition is subject to environmental impacts, which include viticultural manipulations, throughout this period. This paper reviews current knowledge on yield formation and fruit composition and attempts to identify challenges, opportunities and priorities for research and practice. The present analysis of published information gives a critical appraisal of recent advances concerning variables, especially as they relate to global climate change, that influence yield formation and fruit composition at harvest. Exciting discoveries in fundamental research on the one hand and an increasing focus on outcomes and knowledge transfer on the other are enabling the development and implementation of practical recommendations that will impact grape production in the future. Future research should aim to minimise seasonal variation and optimise the profitable and sustainable production of high-quality fruit for specific uses in the face of climate change, water and labour shortages, shifting consumer preferences and global competition. Better control of product quantity and quality, and differentiation to meet consumer demands and market preferences will enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of the global grape and wine industries.  相似文献   

采用阿勒泰地区7个气象站1961—2010年逐日平均气温资料,使用线性趋势分析、累积距平、t检验并基于Kriging插值法,分析近50年日平均气温稳定通过≥10℃的初日、终日、持续日数和积温的时空变化特征,揭示春玉米播种期及种植布局的变化规律。结果表明,阿勒泰地区近50年≥10℃积温呈现初日提前、终日推迟、持续日数延长、积温增加的现象,其倾向率分别为0.3、1.3、1.6 d·10a-1和57.1℃·10a-1,且突变年份均发生在20世纪90年代中期。各县市春玉米播种期提前3~8 d,生长季延长6~11 d。突变前青河东部不能种植春玉米,晚熟品种不能种植或种植风险较大。随着气候不断变暖,春玉米不同熟性品种可种植区逐渐东扩,各县市春玉米在品种熟性上均发生了改变,表现为由不能种植到种植早熟、早熟向中(晚)熟、中晚熟向晚熟品种的变化。  相似文献   

The effect of soil-applied ammonium sulphate (10, 20, 30, 50 and 80 kg S ha?1) and agricultural gypsum (20 and 50 kg S ha?1) and of foliar-applied elemental sulphur (20 kg S ha?1) on the seed yield and chemical composition of double-low cultivars of winter oilseed rape was determined at 11 sites in England during 1989-1991. Significant (P ? 0.05) mean seed yield responses to applied sulphur (S) of 10 and 17% were obtained at two sites on sandy soils in northern England which showed symptoms of severe S deficiency. At a third site on a shallow calcareous soil in south-west England, which did not show S deficiency symptoms, seed yield was consistently but not significantly increased by an average of 8%. At one of the sites in 1989, application of ammonium sulphate caused leaf scorch and, at the maximum rate of S applied, seed and oil yield were decreased. No conclusions were reached regarding the amount of S required for maximum yield response. The S treatments decreased seed oil content by an average maximum of 9 mg g?1. Seed glucosinolate content was increased by a greater amount at the two sites in northern England compared to other sites, where increases averaged only 3 μmol g?1. Analysis of individual glucosinolates in the harvested seed from one of the sites in northern England showed that only the alkenyl glucosinolates were increased by S application. Yield responses were best predicted by total S concentrations and N : S ratio values in young fully-expanded leaves at flowering. Foliar-applied elemental S was consistently less effective in raising leaf S content than ammonium sulphate. Gypsum was occasionally found to be less effective than ammonium sulphate as an S fertiliser.  相似文献   

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