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We show that three subclasses of bounded treewidth graphs are well quasi ordered by refinements of the minor order. Specifically, we prove that graphs with bounded vertex cover are well quasi ordered by the induced subgraph order, graphs with bounded feedback vertex set are well quasi ordered by the topological-minor order, and graphs with bounded circumference are well quasi ordered by the induced minor order. Our results give algorithms for recognizing any graph family in these classes which is closed under the corresponding minor order refinement.  相似文献   

A team of mobile agents, called guards, tries to keep an intruder out of an assigned area by blocking all possible attacks. In a graph model for this setting, the guards and the intruder are located on the vertices of a graph, and they move from node to node via connecting edges. The area protected by the guards is an induced subgraph of the given graph. We investigate the algorithmic aspects of the guarding problem, which is to find the minimum number of guards sufficient to patrol the area. We show that the guarding problem is PSPACE-hard and provide a set of approximation algorithms. All approximation algorithms are based on the study of a variant of the game where the intruder must reach the guarded area in a single step in order to win. This variant of the game appears to be a 2-approximation for the guarding problem, and for graphs without cycles of length 5 the minimum number of required guards in both games coincides. We give a polynomial time algorithm for solving the one-step guarding problem in graphs of bounded treewidth, and complement this result by showing that the problem is W[1]-hard parameterized by the treewidth of the input graph. We also show that the problem is fixed parameter tractable (FPT) parameterized by the treewidth and maximum degree of the input graph. Finally, we turn our attention to a large class of sparse graphs, including planar graphs and graphs of bounded genus, namely apex-minor-free graphs. We prove that the one-step guarding problem is FPT and possess a PTAS on apex-minor-free graphs.  相似文献   

Parameterized power domination complexity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The optimization problem of measuring all nodes in an electrical network by placing as few measurement units (PMUs) as possible is known as Power Dominating Set. Nodes can be measured indirectly according to Kirchhoff's law. We show that this problem can be solved in linear time for graphs of bounded treewidth and establish bounds on its parameterized complexity if the number of PMUs is the parameter.  相似文献   

We study the distributed low tree-depth decomposition problem for graphs restricted to a bounded expansion class. Low tree-depth decomposition have been introduced in 2006 and have found quite a few applications. For example it yields a linear-time model checking algorithm for graphs in a bounded expansion class. Recall that bounded expansion classes cover classes of graphs of bounded degree, of planar graphs, of graphs of bounded genus, of graphs of bounded treewidth, of graphs that exclude a fixed minor, and many other graphs. There is a sequential algorithm to compute low tree-depth decomposition (with bounded number of colors) in linear time. In this paper, we give the first efficient distributed algorithm for this problem. As it is usual for a symmetry breaking problem, we consider a synchronous model, and as we are interested in a deterministic algorithm, we use the usual assumption that each vertex has a distinct identity number. We consider the distributed message-passing \(\mathcal {CONGEST}_\mathrm{BC}\) model, in which messages have logarithmic length and only local broadcast are allowed. In this model, we present a logarithmic time distributed algorithm for computing a low tree-depth decomposition of graphs in a fixed bounded expansion class. In the sequential centralized case low tree-depth decomposition linear time algorithm are used as a core procedure in several non-trivial linear time algorithms. We believe that, similarly, low tree-depth decomposition could be at the heart of several non-trivial logarithmic time algorithms.  相似文献   

For directed and undirected graphs, we study how to make a distinguished vertex the unique minimum-(in)degree vertex through deletion of a minimum number of vertices. The corresponding NP-hard optimization problems are motivated by applications concerning control in elections and social network analysis. Continuing previous work for the directed case, we show that the problem is W[2]-hard when parameterized by the graph’s feedback arc set number, whereas it becomes fixed-parameter tractable when combining the parameters “feedback vertex set number” and “number of vertices to delete”. For the so far unstudied undirected case, we show that the problem is NP-hard and W[1]-hard when parameterized by the “number of vertices to delete”. On the positive side, we show fixed-parameter tractability for several parameterizations measuring tree-likeness. In particular, we provide a dynamic programming algorithm for graphs of bounded treewidth and a vertex-linear problem kernel with respect to the parameter “feedback edge set number”. On the contrary, we show a non-existence result concerning polynomial-size problem kernels for the combined parameter “vertex cover number and number of vertices to delete”, implying corresponding non-existence results when replacing vertex cover number by treewidth or feedback vertex set number.  相似文献   

We explore three important avenues of research in algorithmic graph-minor theory, which all stem from a key min-max relation between the treewidth of a graph and its largest grid minor. This min-max relation is a keystone of the Graph Minor Theory of Robertson and Seymour, which ultimately proves Wagner’s Conjecture about the structure of minor-closed graph properties. First, we obtain the only known polynomial min-max relation for graphs that do not exclude any fixed minor, namely, map graphs and power graphs. Second, we obtain explicit (and improved) bounds on the min-max relation for an important class of graphs excluding a minor, namely, K 3,k -minor-free graphs, using new techniques that do not rely on Graph Minor Theory. These two avenues lead to faster fixed-parameter algorithms for two families of graph problems, called minor-bidimensional and contraction-bidimensional parameters, which include feedback vertex set, vertex cover, minimum maximal matching, face cover, a series of vertex-removal parameters, dominating set, edge dominating set, R-dominating set, connected dominating set, connected edge dominating set, connected R-dominating set, and unweighted TSP tour. Third, we disprove a variation of Wagner’s Conjecture for the case of graph contractions in general graphs, and in a sense characterize which graphs satisfy the variation. This result demonstrates the limitations of a general theory of algorithms for the family of contraction-closed problems (which includes, for example, the celebrated dominating-set problem). If this conjecture had been true, we would have had an extremely powerful tool for proving the existence of efficient algorithms for any contraction-closed problem, like we do for minor-closed problems via Graph Minor Theory.  相似文献   

The subject of this paper is the Independent Set problem for bounded node degree graphs. It is shown that the problem remains MAX SNP -complete even when graphs are restricted to being of degree bounded by 3 or to being 3-regular. Some related problems are also shown to be MAX SNP -complete at the lowest possible degree bounds. We next study a better polynomial time approximation of the problem for degree 3 graphs. The performance ratio is improved from the previous best of 5/4 to arbitrarily close to 6/5 for degree 3 graphs and to 7/6 for cubic graphs. When combined with existing techniques this result also leads to approximation ratios, (B+3)/5+ε for the independent set problem and 2-5/(B+3)+ε for the vertex cover problem on graphs of degree B , improving previous bounds for relatively small odd B . Received March 1996, and in final form May 1998.  相似文献   

T. Hagerup 《Algorithmica》2000,27(3):292-315
The formalism of monadic second-order (MS) logic has been very successful in unifying a large number of algorithms for graphs of bounded treewidth. We extend the elegant framework of MS logic from static problems to dynamic problems, in which queries about MS properties of a graph of bounded treewidth are interspersed with updates of vertex and edge labels. This allows us to unify and occasionally strengthen a number of scattered previous results obtained in an ad hoc manner and to enable solutions to a wide range of additional problems to be derived automatically. As an auxiliary result of independent interest, we dynamize a data structure of Chazelle for answering queries about products of labels along paths in a tree with edges labeled by elements of a semigroup.  相似文献   

We propose an exact algorithm for counting the models of propositional formulas in conjunctive normal form. Our algorithm is based on the detection of strong backdoor sets of bounded size; each instantiation of the variables of a strong backdoor set puts the given formula into a class of formulas for which models can be counted in polynomial time. For the backdoor set detection we utilize an efficient vertex cover algorithm applied to a certain “obstruction graph” that we associate with the given formula. This approach gives rise to a new hardness index for formulas, the clustering-width. Our algorithm runs in uniform polynomial time on formulas with bounded clustering-width. It is known that the number of models of formulas with bounded clique-width, bounded treewidth, or bounded branchwidth can be computed in polynomial time; these graph parameters are applied to formulas via certain (hyper)graphs associated with formulas. We show that clustering-width and the other parameters mentioned are incomparable: there are formulas with bounded clustering-width and arbitrarily large clique-width, treewidth, and branchwidth. Conversely, there are formulas with arbitrarily large clustering-width and bounded clique-width, treewidth, and branchwidth.  相似文献   

This paper studies the natural linear programming relaxation of the path coloring problem. We prove constructively that finding an optimal fractional path coloring is Fixed Parameter Tractable (FPT), with the degree of the tree as parameter: the fractional coloring of paths in a bounded degree trees can be done in a time which is linear in the size of the tree, quadratic in the load of the set of paths, while exponential in the degree of the tree. We give an algorithm based on the generation of an efficient polynomial size linear program. Our algorithm is able to explore in polynomial time the exponential number of different fractional colorings, thanks to the notion of trace of a coloring that we introduce. We further give an upper bound on the cost of such a coloring in binary trees and extend this algorithm to bounded degree graphs with bounded treewidth. Finally, we also show some relationships between the integral and fractional problems, and derive a 1+5/3e≈1.61—approximation algorithm for the path coloring problem in bounded degree trees, improving on existing results. This classic combinatorial problem finds applications in the minimization of the number of wavelengths in wavelength division multiplexing (wdm) optical networks.  相似文献   

We investigate the parameterized computational complexity of the satisfiability problem for modal logic and attempt to pinpoint relevant structural parameters which cause the problem??s combinatorial explosion, beyond the number of propositional variables v. To this end we study the modality depth, a natural measure which has appeared in the literature, and show that, even though modal satisfiability parameterized by v and the modality depth is FPT, the running time??s dependence on the parameters is a tower of exponentials (unless P = NP). To overcome this limitation we propose possible alternative parameters, namely diamond dimension and modal width. We show fixed-parameter tractability results using these measures where the exponential dependence on the parameters is much milder (doubly and singly exponential respectively) than in the case of modality depth thus leading to FPT algorithms for modal satisfiability with much more reasonable running times. We also give lower bound arguments which prove that our algorithms cannot be improved significantly unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis fails.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of updating a single-source shortest path in either a directed or an undirected graph, with positive real edge weights. Our algorithms for the incremental problem (handling edge insertions and cost decrements) work for any graph; they have optimal space requirements and query time, but their performances depend on the class of the considered graph. The cost of updates is computed in terms of amortized complexity and depends on the size of the output modifications. In the case of graphs with bounded genus (including planar graphs), graphs with bounded arboricity (including bounded degree graphs), and graphs with bounded treewidth, the incremental algorithms require O(log n) amortized time per vertex update, where a vertex is considered updated if it reduces its distance from the source. For general graphs with n vertices and m edges our incremental solution requires O( log n) amortized time per vertex update. We also consider the decremental problem for planar graphs, providing algorithms and data structures with analogous performances. The algorithms, based on Dijkstra's technique [6], require simple data structures that are really suitable for a practical and straightforward implementation. Received January 1995; revised February 1997.  相似文献   

This paper concerns a domination problem in graphs with parity constraints. The task is to find a subset of the vertices with minimum cost such that for every vertex the number of chosen vertices in its neighbourhood has a prespecified parity. This problem is known to be ${\mathcal NP}$ -hard for general graphs. A linear time algorithm was developed for series-parallel graphs and trees with unit cost and restricted to closed neighbourhoods. We present a linear time algorithm for the parity domination problem with open and closed neighbourhoods and arbitrary cost functions on graphs with bounded treewidth and distance-hereditary graphs.  相似文献   

We investigate the complexity and expressive power of a spatial logic for reasoning about graphs. This logic was previously introduced by Cardelli, Gardner and Ghelli, and provides the simplest setting in which to explore such results for spatial logics. We study several forms of the logic: the logic with and without recursion, and with either an exponential or a linear version of the basic composition operator. We study the combined complexity and the expressive power of the four combinations. We prove that, without recursion, the linear and exponential versions of the logic correspond to significant fragments of first-order (FO) and monadic second-order (MSO) Logics; the two versions are actually equivalent to FO and MSO on graphs representing strings. However, when the two versions are enriched with μ-style recursion, their expressive power is sharply increased.Both are able to express PSPACE-complete problems, although their combined complexity and data complexity still belong to PSPACE.  相似文献   

We study the problem of determining the spanning tree congestion of a?graph. We present some sharp contrasts in the parameterized complexity of this problem. First, we show that on apex-minor-free graphs, a general class of graphs containing planar graphs, graphs of bounded treewidth, and graphs of bounded genus, the problem to determine whether a given graph has spanning tree congestion at most k can be solved in linear time for every fixed k. We also show that for every fixed k and d the problem is solvable in linear time for graphs of degree at most d. In contrast, if we allow only one vertex of unbounded degree, the problem immediately becomes NP-complete for any fixed k??8. Moreover, the hardness result holds for graphs excluding the complete graph on 6 vertices as a minor. We also observe that for k??3 the problem becomes polynomially time solvable.  相似文献   

The Freeze-Tag Problem: How to Wake Up a Swarm of Robots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An optimization problem that naturally arises in the study of swarm robotics is the Freeze-Tag Problem (FTP) of how to awaken a set of "asleep" robots, by having an awakened robot move to their locations. Once a robot is awake, it can assist in awakening other slumbering robots. The objective is to have all robots awake as early as possible. While the FTP bears some resemblance to problems from areas in combinatorial optimization such as routing, broadcasting, scheduling, and covering, its algorithmic characteristics are surprisingly different. We consider both scenarios on graphs and in geometric environments. In graphs, robots sleep at vertices and there is a length function on the edges. Awake robots travel along edges, with time depending on edge length. For most scenarios, we consider the offline version of the problem, in which each awake robot knows the position of all other robots. We prove that the problem is NP-hard, even for the special case of star graphs. We also establish hardness of approximation, showing that it is NP-hard to obtain an approximation factor better than 5/3, even for graphs of bounded degree. These lower bounds are complemented with several positive algorithmic results, including: · We show that the natural greedy strategy on star graphs has a tight worst-case performance of 7/3 and give a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for star graphs. · We give a simple O(log δ)-competitive online algorithm for graphs with maximum degree δ and locally bounded edge weights. · We give a PTAS, running in nearly linear time, for geometrically embedded instances.  相似文献   

Clique-width of graphs is a major new concept with respect to efficiency of graph algorithms. The notion of clique-width extends the one of treewidth, since bounded treewidth implies bounded clique-width. We give a complete classification of all graph classes defined by forbidden induced subgraphs of at most four vertices with respect to bounded or unbounded clique-width.  相似文献   

We present a fixed-parameter algorithm that constructively solves the $k$-dominating set problem on any class of graphs excluding a single-crossing graph (a graph that can be drawn in the plane with at most one crossing) as a minor in $O(4^{9.55\sqrt{k}}n^{O(1)})$ time. Examples of such graph classes are the $K_{3,3}$-minor-free graphs and the $K_{5}$-minor-free graphs. As a consequence, we extend our results to several other problems such as vertex cover, edge dominating set, independent set, clique-transversal set, kernels in digraphs, feedback vertex set, and a collection of vertex-removal problems. Our work generalizes and extends the recent results of exponential speedup in designing fixed-parameter algorithms on planar graphs due to Alber et al. to other (nonplanar) classes of graphs.  相似文献   

Some 25 years ago Valiant introduced an algebraic model of computation in order to study the complexity of evaluating families of polynomials. The theory was introduced along with the complexity classes VP and VNP which are analogues of the classical classes P and NP. Families of polynomials that are difficult to evaluate (that is, VNP-complete) include the permanent and hamiltonian polynomials. In a previous paper the authors together with P. Koiran studied the expressive power of permanent and hamiltonian polynomials of matrices of bounded treewidth, as well as the expressive power of perfect matchings of planar graphs. It was established that the permanent and hamiltonian polynomials of matrices of bounded treewidth are equivalent to arithmetic formulas. Also, the sum of weights of perfect matchings of planar graphs was shown to be equivalent to (weakly) skew circuits. In this paper we continue the research in the direction described above, and study the expressive power of permanents, hamiltonians and perfect matchings of matrices that have bounded pathwidth or bounded cliquewidth. In particular, we prove that permanents, hamiltonians and perfect matchings of matrices that have bounded pathwidth express exactly arithmetic formulas. This is an improvement of our previous result for matrices of bounded treewidth. Also, for matrices of bounded weighted cliquewidth we show membership in VP for these polynomials.  相似文献   

Covering problems are fundamental classical problems in optimization, computer science and complexity theory. Typically an input to these problems is a family of sets over a finite universe and the goal is to cover the elements of the universe with as few sets of the family as possible. The variations of covering problems include well-known problems like Set Cover, Vertex Cover, Dominating Set and Facility Location to name a few. Recently there has been a lot of study on partial covering problems, a natural generalization of covering problems. Here, the goal is not to cover all the elements but to cover the specified number of elements with the minimum number of sets. In this paper we study partial covering problems in graphs in the realm of parameterized complexity. Classical (non-partial) version of all these problems has been intensively studied in planar graphs and in graphs excluding a fixed graph H as a minor. However, the techniques developed for parameterized version of non-partial covering problems cannot be applied directly to their partial counterparts. The approach we use, to show that various partial covering problems are fixed parameter tractable on planar graphs, graphs of bounded local treewidth and graph excluding some graph as a minor, is quite different from previously known techniques. The main idea behind our approach is the concept of implicit branching. We find implicit branching technique to be interesting on its own and believe that it can be used for some other problems.  相似文献   

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