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We have investigated morphology change of FePt nanogranular films (FePt)47(Al2O3)53 under irradiation with 210 MeV Xe ions. Here, electron tomography technique was extensively employed to clarify three-dimensional (3D) structure in irradiated specimens, in addition to conventional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques such as bright-field observation and scanning TEM energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (STEM-EDX) analysis. The ion irradiation induces the coarsening of FePt nanoparticles with elongation along the beam direction. Electron tomography 3D reconstructed images clearly demonstrated that when the fluence achieves 5.0 × 1014 ions/cm2, well-coarsened FePt balls have been formed on the irradiated surface, and the particles in the film interior have been deformed into rods along the ion trajectory. The alloy particles become inhomogeneous in composition after prolonged irradiation up to 1.0 × 1015 Xe ions/cm2. The particle center is enriched with Pt, while Fe is slightly redistributed to the periphery.  相似文献   

Makrofol-N polycarbonate thin films were irradiated with copper (50 MeV) and nickel (86 MeV) ions. The modified films were analyzed by UV-VIS, FTIR and XRD techniques. The experimental data was used to evaluate the formation of chromophore groups (conjugated system of bonds), degradation cross-section of the special functional groups, the alkyne formation and the amorphization cross-section. The investigation of UV-VIS spectra shows that the formation of chromophore groups is reduced at larger wavelength, however its value increases with the increase of ion fluence. Degradation cross-section for the different chemical groups present in the polycarbonate chains was evaluated from the FTIR data. It was found that there was an increase of degradation cross-section of chemical groups with the increase of electronic energy loss in polycarbonate. The alkyne and alkene groups were found to be induced due to swift heavy ion irradiation in polycarbonate. The radii of the alkyne production of about 2.74 and 2.90 nm were deduced for nickel (86 MeV) and copper (50 MeV) ions respectively. XRD analysis shows the decrease of the main XRD peak intensity. Progressive amorphization process of Makrofol-N with increasing fluence was traced by XRD measurements.  相似文献   

Ge oxide films were irradiated with 150 MeV Ag ions at fluences varying between 1012 and 1014 ions/cm2. The irradiation-induced changes were monitored by FT-IR spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The FT-IR spectra indicate stoichiometric changes and an increase in Ge content on irradiation. X-ray diffraction shows a crystallization of the irradiated films and presence of both Ge and GeO2 phases. The Ge nanocrystal size, as calculated from Scherrer’s formula, was around 30 nm. The morphological changes, observed in atomic force microscopy, also indicate formation of nanostructures upon ion irradiation and a uniform growth is observed for a fluence of 1 × 1014 ions/cm2.  相似文献   

高能Ar离子辐照PET膜引起的表面改性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用傅立叶转换的红外光吸收技术在反射方式下分析研究了35MeV/u Ar离子辐照半晶质PET膜引起的表面改性及其对吸收剂量的依赖性。结果表明,辐照导致PET膜中与晶态区域相关的吸收带强度随吸收剂量增加普遍减弱,而与非晶区域相关的吸收带强度随吸收剂量增加逐渐增加,表明辐照使PET膜发生了非晶化转变。化学键断裂主要发生在苯环的对位和酯的C-O键上,而苯环的基本结构在整个辐照过程中变化较小。非晶化效应和化学键断裂同时依赖于离子的照射剂量和样品表面的电子能量沉积。此外,在约5.0MGy以上的吸收剂量,辐照还引起了炔端基团的形成,炔端基团浓度随吸收剂量的增加显著增加。对实验结果进行了定性解释。  相似文献   

Swift heavy ions moving in metals lose most of their energy to inelastic scattering of electrons. The energy deposited in the electronic system is transferred into the atomic system via electron-ion interactions and can lead to melting and creation of new damage and also annealing of pre-existing atomic defects. Using a combination of molecular dynamics and a consistent treatment of electron energy transfer and transport we have modelled experiments performed in Fe to investigate the annealing effect and damage creation under electronic excitations. We observe both annealing and new damage creation at low and high electronic stopping, respectively. Rapid separation of interstitial atoms and vacant lattice sites is seen due to efficient transport via replacement collision sequences. Our results suggest that the role of electronic excitation can be significant in modeling of the behaviour of metals under swift heavy ion irradiation and attempts to modify metals via ion implantation.  相似文献   

Indium oxide thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis were irradiated by 100 MeV O7+ ions with different fluences of 5 × 1011, 1 × 1012 and 1 × 1013 ions/cm2. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the structure of indium oxide with cubic bixbyite. The strongest (2 2 2) orientation observed from the as-deposited films was shifted to (4 0 0) after irradiation. Furthermore, the intensity of the (4 0 0) orientation was decreased with increasing fluence together with an increase in (2 2 2) intensity. Films irradiated with maximum fluence exhibited an amorphous component. The mobility of the as-deposited indium oxide films was decreased from ∼78.9 to 43.0 cm2/V s, following irradiation. Films irradiated with a fluence of 5 × 1011 ions/cm2 showed a better combination of electrical properties, with a resistivity of 4.57 × 10−3 Ω cm, carrier concentration of 2.2 × 1019 cm−3 and mobility of 61.0 cm2/V s. The average transmittance obtained from the as-deposited films decreased from ∼81% to 72%, when irradiated with a fluence of 5 × 1011 ions/cm2. The surface microstructures confirmed that the irregularly shaped grains seen on the surface of the as-deposited films is modified as “radish-like” morphology when irradiated with a fluence of 5 × 1011 ions/cm2.  相似文献   

Classical molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out to investigate the development of surface topographies following irradiation by swift heavy ions. Two models were used: a thermal spike model in which atoms within a cylinder surrounding the path of the ion are given kinetic energy due to the electronic energy loss of the particle; and an electron stripping with recombination model. Both models give qualitatively similar results and show the formation of hillocks on the surface above the ion track and a less dense track core near to the surface.  相似文献   

The conditions for track formation by irradiation with swift ions, in the shape memory NiTi metallic compound are studied. We observe that tracks are only induced in the monoclinic structure but not in the cubic one and only when the linear rate of energy deposition by electronic excitation ([dE/dx]e) exceeds 46 keV/nm. We show that the tracks are amorphous in their centre and that a decrease of the monoclinic towards cubic transformation temperature is observed at the periphery of the track region. For [dE/dx]e=32 keV/nm, no individual tracks can be observed at low fluences, only a monoclinic → cubic structure transformation is observed at high fluences. If [dE/dx]  17 keV/nm, swift ions are unable to induce any visible structural modification by electronic excitations. The track formation in this alloy is discussed within the framework of the classical Coulomb explosion and thermal spike models.  相似文献   

Swift heavy ions (SHI) induce high densities of electronic excitations in narrow cylindrical volumes around their path. These excitations have been used to manipulate the size and shape of noble metal nanoparticles embedded in silica matrix. Films containing noble metal nanoparticles were prepared by magnetron co-sputtering techniques. SHI irradiation of films resulted in the formation of prolate Ag nanoparticles with major axis along the ion beam direction. It has been observed that the nanoparticles smaller than the track size dissolve and other grow at their expense, while the nanoparticles larger than track size show deformation with major axis along the ion beam direction. The aspect ratio of elongated nanoparticles is found to be the function of electronic energy loss and ion fluence. Present report will focus on the role of size and volume fraction on the shape deformation of noble metal nanoparticles by electronic excitation induced by SHI irradiation. The detailed results concerning irradiation effects in silica-metal composites for dissolution, growth and shape deformation will be discussed in the framework of thermal spike model.  相似文献   

Polyaniline (PAni) nanofibers doped with camphor sulfonic acid have been irradiated with 90 MeV O7+ ions at different fluences (3 × 1010?1 × 1012 ions/cm2) using a 15UD Pelletron accelerator under ultra-high vacuum. XRD studies reveal a decrease in the domain length and an increase in the strain upon SHI irradiation. The increase in d-spacing corresponding to the (1 0 0) reflection of PAni nanofibers with increasing irradiation fluence has been attributed to the increase in the tilt angle of the chains with respect to the (a, b) basal plane of PAni. Decrease in the integral intensity upon SHI irradiation indicates amorphization of the material. Micro-Raman (μR) studies confirm amorphization of the PAni nanofibers and also show that the PAni nanofibers get de-doped upon SHI irradiation. μR spectroscopy also reveals a benzenoid to quinoid transition in the PAni chain upon SHI irradiation. TEM results show that the size of PAni nanofibers decreases with the increase in irradiation fluence, which has been attributed to the fragmentation of PAni nanofibers in the core of amorphized tracks caused by SHI irradiation.  相似文献   

The dynamics of structural modifications of insulators irradiated with swift heavy ions were investigated theoretically applying a combination of Monte-Carlo method (MC), used to describe SHI penetration and following excitation and relaxation of the electronic subsystem, with Two Temperature Model (TTM) describing the heating of the lattice. This MC-TTM combination demonstrates that secondary ionizations play a very important role for the track formation process. They lead to an additional term in the heat diffusion equation related to energy stored in the hole subsystem. This storage of energy causes a significant delay of heating and prolongs the timescales up to tens of picoseconds.  相似文献   

室温下,先用100-120 keV的N离子注入类金刚石薄膜和石墨中,注入剂量5×1017至5×1018 cm-2,再用高能Xe、U、C60离子分别辐照注氮后的样品,然后用显微FTIR和Raman、XRD/XPS等手段进行分析表征,研究了实验样品中由辐照引起的新化学键和新相的产生.实验结果显示,高能重离子辐照可在所有样品中产生大量的CN键,高N浓度和大密度能量沉积导致sp3/sp2键比率的增加以及形成α-和β-C3N4必需的N-sp3C键的量的增加.C60离子辐照在注氮石墨样品中引起了ta-C、N=sp2C和N-sp3C键的形成;而高能离子辐照在注氮类金刚石薄膜样品中产生了α-和β-C3N4晶态夹杂物,其尺寸在1.4-3.6 nm之间.  相似文献   

Changes in the shape and size of Co, Pt and Au nanoparticles induced by swift heavy-ion irradiation (SHII) have been characterized using a combination of transmission electron microscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering and X-ray absorption near-edge structure. Elemental nanoparticles of diameters 2-15 nm were first formed in amorphous SiO2 by ion implantation and thermal annealing and then irradiated at room temperature with 27-185 MeV Au ions as a function of fluence. Spherical nanoparticles below a minimum diameter (4-7 nm) remained spherical under SHII but progressively decreased in size as a result of dissolution into the SiO2 matrix. Spherical nanoparticles above the minimum diameter threshold were transformed to elongated rods aligned with the ion beamdirection. The nanorod width saturated at an electronic energy deposition dependent value, progressively increasing from 4-6 to 7-10 nm (at 5-18 keV/nm, respectively) while the nanorod length exhibited a broad distribution consistent with that of the unirradiated spherical nanoparticles. The threshold diameter for spherical nanoparticle elongation was comparable to the saturation value of nanorod width. We correlate this saturation value with the diameter of the molten track induced in amorphous SiO2 by SHII. In summary, changes in nanoparticle shape and size are governed to a large extent by the ion irradiation parameters.  相似文献   

The effect of swift heavy ion (72.5 MeV 58Ni6+) irradiation on Au/n-GaAs Schottky barrier characteristics is studied using in situ current-voltage measurements. Diode parameters are found to vary as a function of ion irradiation fluence. The Schottky barrier height (SBH) is found to be 0.55(±0.01) eV for the as deposited diode, which decreases with ion irradiation fluence. The SBH decreases to a value of 0.49(±0.01) eV at the highest ion irradiation fluence of 5 × 1013 ions cm−2. The ideality factor is found to be 2.48 for unirradiated diode, and it increases with irradiation to a value of 4.63 at the highest fluence. The modification in Schottky barrier characteristics is discussed considering the energy loss mechanism of swift heavy ion at the metal-semiconductor interface.  相似文献   

Zinc oxides doped with trivalent elements are known as an n-type transparent semiconductor. We have studied ion irradiation effects on electrical properties, atomic structure and optical properties of In-doped ZnO films. We have observed increase in the electrical conductivity and this is ascribed to ion-induced replacement of Zn on lattice site by In.  相似文献   

NiO thin films grown on Si(1 0 0) substrates by electron beam evaporation and sintered at 700 °C, were irradiated by 120 MeV Au9+ ions. Though irradiation is known to induce lattice disorder and suppression of crystallinity, we observe grain growth at some fluences of irradiation. Associated with the growth of grains, the films develop cracks at a fluence of 3 × 1012 ions cm−2. The width of the cracks increased at higher fluences. Swift heavy ion irradiation induced atomic diffusion and strain relaxation in nanoparticle thin films, which are not in thermodynamic equilibrium, seem to be responsible for the observed grain growth. This phenomenon along with the tensile stress induced surface instability lead to crack formation in the NiO thin films.  相似文献   

Among ceramic materials for nuclear waste containment, single crystal yttria fully stabilized zirconia (FSZ) gained particular consideration because of its excellent radiation resistance both in the elastic and inelastic collision regime. We deposited amorphous and polycrystalline, cubic FSZ thin films on (1 0 0) Si by ultraviolet pulsed laser ablation and irradiated them with swift heavy uranium ions of 2.6-GeV energy at fluences between 2 and 12 × 1011 ions cm−2. The films were characterized before and after irradiation using X-ray reflectivity, grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, micro-Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Under ion irradiation, as-deposited crystalline films undergo amorphisation, followed by partial recrystallisation, whereas as-deposited amorphous films retain their disordered character. The dominant defects produced in the films are oxygen vacancies which may explain the amorphisation to recrystallisation path of our crystalline films.  相似文献   

Present study reports effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on structural and magnetic properties of sputtered W/Co multilayer structures (MLS) having bilayer compositions of [W(10 Å)/Co(20 Å)]5BL and [W(20 Å)/Co(20 Å)]5BL. These MLS are irradiated by 120 MeV Au9+ ions up to fluence of 1 × 1013 ions/cm2. X-ray reflectivity (XRR), wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (X-TEM) and magneto optical Kerr effect (MOKE) techniques are used for structural and magnetic characterization of pristine and irradiated MLS. Analysis of XRR data using Parratt’s formalism shows a significant increase in W/Co interface roughness. WAXD and X-TEM studies reveals that intra-layer microstructure of Co-layers in MLS becomes nano-crystalline on irradiation. MOKE study shows slight increase in coercivity at higher fluence, which may be due to increase in surface and interface roughness after recrystallization of Co-layers.  相似文献   

Fluorite-structured materials are known to exhibit an excellent structural stability under irradiation. The radiation stability of urania and yttria-stabilised cubic zirconia single crystals submitted to intense electronic excitations induced by 944-MeV Pb53+ ions was investigated. Various analytical tools (TEM, AFM, RBS/C, XRD) were employed to examine the modifications induced at the surface and in the crystal bulk. At low fluence irradiation leads to the formation of localised ion tracks whose centre is hollowed in the surface region over a depth of ~100 nm and to the formation of nanometer-sized hillocks. Both features are interpreted as resulting from an ejection of matter in the wake of the projectile. Track overlapping at high fluence results in the formation of micrometer-sized domains (~50 nm) in the crystal bulk characterised by a slight disorientation (~0.2°) with respect to the main crystallographic orientation of the crystal.  相似文献   

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