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We calculated the internal inductance and the poloidal beta in a circular cross section Tokamak using Solov’ev assumption in the solution of Grad–Shafranov equation (GSE). GSE is solved by considering linear source functions and fixed boundary conditions. This solution has the three quantities (plasma current I p , plasma minor radius r p and $ \beta_{p} + l_{i} /2 $ ) that they are as input data. In two different discharges on IR-T1 Tokamak with this solution, we have shown that the internal inductance at a low value is required to extend the duration of Tokamak plasma discharge that it is consistence with other method.  相似文献   

In order to improve the HXR emission from APF plasma focus device we have investigated the effect of insulator sleeve outer diameter (O.D.) and its length. Fourteen different insulator sleeve geometries at three different filling gas pressures of 6, 7 and 8 Torr of neon are used in the present investigation. The average HXR yield, measured using scintillation detector, has been found to increase with the increase in insulator sleeve O.D. from 31 to 34 mm. Further increase in insulator sleeve diameter to 37 mm, however, decreased the HXR yield. The highest magnitude of 234.5 kA was achieved for 34 mm O.D. of sleeve at filling gas pressure of 7 Torr and voltage of 12 kV.  相似文献   

The degradation of phenol by pulsed discharge plasma above a liquid surface(APDP) and under a liquid surface(UPDP) was compared. The effects of discharge voltage, discharge distance,initial solution conductivity and initial p H on the removal of phenol were studied. It was concluded that the removal of phenol increases with increasing discharge voltage and with decreasing discharge distance in both APDP and UPDP systems. An increase in the initial solution’s conductivity has a positive effect in...  相似文献   

A new kind of diamide N,N,N‘,N‘-tetrahexylsuccinylamide(THSA) was synthesized,characterized and used for the extraction of HNO3,U(VI)and Th(IV) in a diluent composed of 0.5 volume fraction 1,2,4-trimethy benzene(TMB) and 0.5 volume fraction kerosene(OK),Extraction distribution coefficients of U(VI) and Th(IV) as functions of aqueous nitric acid concentation,extractant concentration.temperature and salting-out agent (LiNO3) have been studied,and it is found that THSA as an extractant is superior to TBP for extraction of U(VI) and Th(IV),Back Extraction was also studied.At low acidity,the main adduct of THSA and NHO3 is HNO3 is HNO3.THSA,THSA.(HNO3)2 and THSA.(HNO3)3 are also found at high acidity.The compositions of extracted species.apparent equilibrium constants and enthalpies of extraction reactions have also been calculated.  相似文献   

N,N,N‘N‘-tetrabutyladipicamide(TBAA) has been synthesized,and applied to the extraction of U(VI) and Th(IV) from nitric acid solutions in a diluent composed of 0.50 volume fraction 1,2,4-trimethyl benzene (TMA) and 0.50 volume fraction kerosene(OK),The effects of the aueous nitric acid concentration,extractant concentration,slating-out agent (LiNO3) and temperature on extraction ability of TBAA for U(VI) and Th(IV) have been studied.Back Extraction of U(VI) and Th (IV) from organic phases were performed by dilute nitric acid.The compositions of extracted complexes,equilibrium constants and enthalpies of extraction reactions have also been estimated.The IR spectra of extraction of U(VI) and Th(IV) have been studied.  相似文献   

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