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~(11)C (half time is 20.3 min) is a proton-rich radioactive nucleus. The cross sections of p ~(11)C and d ~(11)C reactions were predicted in energy region up to 25 MeV. From the calculated results one can see some features of nuclear reactions of proton-rich radioactive nuclei. The calculated results also show that the experimental measurement to ~(11)C d reaction is more feasible than to ~(11)C p reaction at HI-13 tandem accelerator. 相似文献
Neutronic analyses for the core conversion of Pakistan research reactor-2 (PARR-2) from high enriched uranium (HEU) fuel to low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel has been performed. Neutronic model has been verified for 90.2% enriched HEU fuel (UAl4–Al). For core conversion, UO2 fuel was chosen as an appropriate fuel option because of higher uranium density. Clad has been changed from aluminum to zircalloy-4. Uranium enrichment of 12.6% has been optimized based on the design basis criterion of excess reactivity 4 mk in miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR). Lattice calculations for cross-section generation have been performed utilizing WIMS while core modeling was carried out employing three dimensions option of CITATION. Calculated neutronic parameters were compared for HEU and LEU fuels. Comparison shows that to get same thermal neutron flux at inner irradiation sites, reactor power has to be increased from 30 to 33 kW for LEU fuel. Reactivity coefficients calculations show that doppler and void coefficient values of LEU fuel are higher while moderator coefficient of HEU fuel is higher. It is concluded that from neutronic point of view LEU fuel UO2 of 12.6% enrichment with zircalloy-4 clad is suitable to replace the existing HEU fuel provided that dimensions of fuel pin and total number of fuel pins are kept same as for HEU fuel. 相似文献
Mark Van Strydonck Mathieu Boudin Víctor M. Guerrero Ayuso Manuel Calvo Josep M. Fullola M. Àngeles Petit 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2010,268(7-8):990-994
The Cova des Pas cave is a karstic cave in the cliffs of the Barranc (canyon) de Trebalúger. It is a small cave only 6.5 m deep, 4.5 m wide and 1.7 m high. Yet more than 70 burials, in foetal position, from the Early Iron Age were found in this small cave. The conservation of the archaeological remains was very unusual. Not only wood, ropes and other plant material was found, but also remains of body tissue, hair and leather. In spite of the remarkable preservation of the bodies and artefacts, the state of conservation of the bone material was very bad. The bones contained little and heavily deteriorated collagen and the organic plant material was very fragile. The special environmental conditions of the cave are the cause of these unusual preservation conditions. Although the cave is situated in a limestone cliff, the soil of the cave is very acid. Unexpectedly bad sample quality seemed to be the major drawback for AMS radiocarbon dating on hair, wood, ropes and bone collagen, as well as on bio-apatite. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Materials》2013,432(1-3):57-60
The complex permittivity of a SiC fiber-reinforced SiC matrix (SiCf/SiC) composite was measured in a temperature range of 25–700 °C at frequencies from 8.2 to 18 GHz. The SiCf/SiC composite exhibited a positive temperature coefficient, that is, its complex permittivity increased with temperature. The observed positive temperature coefficient can be interpreted by Debye theory, by which the theoretical predictions were in well agreement with the experimental results. 相似文献
The design and overall dimensions of a 5 GHz TE10–TE30 mode converter are presented. This mode converter is a RF element of a 20 MW CW lower hybrid system proposed for ITER. A low power mock-up of this device has been manufactured at CEA/IRFM and measured at low power. RF measurements indicate a return loss of 40 dB and a transmission loss of 4.78 dB ± 0.03 dB for the three outputs. The forward conversion efficiency from TE10 mode to TE30 has been measured from electric field probing to 99.9%. The good RF performances obtained validate the RF design of this element. 相似文献
《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(4):405-411
The preliminary studies of the activation analysis and waste management for blanket materials of the multi-functional experimental fusion–fission hybrid reactor, i.e. Multi-Functional eXperimental Fusion Driven Subcritical system named FDS-MFX, were performed. The neutron flux of the FDS-MFX blanket was calculated using VisualBUS code and Hybrid Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (HENDL) developed by FDS Team. Based on these calculated neutron fluxes, the activation properties of blanket materials were analyzed by the induced radioactivity, the decay heat and the contact dose rate for different regions of the FDS-MFX blanket. The safety and environment assessment of fusion power (SEAFP) strategy, which was developed in Europe, was applied to FDS-MFX blanket for the management of activated materials. Accordingly, the classification and management strategy of activated materials after different cooling time were proposed for FDS-MFX blanket. 相似文献
Tarik S. Reshid 《Journal of Fusion Energy》2013,32(2):164-170
Fusion serves an inexhaustible energy for humankind. Although there have been significant research and development studies on the inertial and magnetic fusion reactor technology, Furthermore, there are not radioactive nuclear waste problems in the fusion reactors. In this study, (n, p) reactions for some structural fusion materials such as 27Al, 51V, 52Cr, 55Mn and 56Fe have been investigated. The new calculations on the excitation functions of 27 Al(n, p) 27 Mg, 51 V(n, p) 51 Ti, 52 Cr(n, p) 52 V, 55 Mn(n, p) 55 Cr and 56 Fe(n, p) 56 Mn reactions have been carried out up to 30 MeV incident neutron energy. Statistical model calculations, based on the Hauser–Feshbach formalism, have been carried out using the TALYS-1.0 and were compared with available experimental data in the literature and with ENDF/B-VII, T = 300 K; JENDL-3.3, T = 300 K and JEFF-3.1, T = 300 K evaluated libraries. 相似文献
The paper presents the behavior and properties analysis of the low enriched uranium fuel compared with the original high enriched uranium fuel. The MNSR reactor core was modeled with both fuel materials and the reactor behavior was studied during the steady state and abnormal conditions. The MERSAT code was used in the analysis. The steady state thermal hydraulic analysis results were compared with that obtained from the experimental results hold during commissioning the Syrian MNSR. Comparison with experimental data shows that the steady-state behavior of the HEU core was accurately predicted by the MERSAT code calculations. The validated model was then used to analyze LEU cores with two proposed UO2 fuel pin designs. With each LEU core, the steady state and 3.77 mk rod withdrawal transient were run and the results were compared with the available published data in the literatures for the low enriched uranium fuel core. The results reveal that the low enriched uranium fuel showed a good behavior and the peak clad temperatures remain well below the clad melting temperature during reactivity insertion accident. 相似文献
In this paper, a new small pressurized water reactor (PWR) core design concept using fully ceramic micro-encapsulated (FCM) particle fuels and UO2–ThO2 fuels was studied for effective burning of transuranics from a view point of core neutronics. The core of this concept rate is 100 MWe. The core designs use the current PWR-proven technologies except for a mixed use of the FCM and UO2–ThO2 fuel pins of low-enriched uranium. The significant burning of TRU is achieved with tri-isotropic particle fuels of FCM fuel pins, and the ThO2–UO2 fuel pins are employed to achieve long-cycle length of ~4 EFPYs (effective full-power year). Also, the effects of several candidate materials for reflector are analyzed in terms of core neutronics because the small core size leads to high sensitivity of reflector material on the cycle length. The final cores having 10 w/o SS303 and 90 w/o graphite reflector are shown to have high TRU burning rates of 33%–35% in FCM pins and significant net burning rates of 24%–25% in the total core with negative reactivity coefficients, low power peaking factors, and sufficient shutdown margins of control rods. 相似文献
New empirical and semi-empirical formulae have been suggested for the (n, 3He) reaction cross-sections with dependent on asymmetry parameter, S = (N − Z)/A. The (n, 3He) reaction cross-sections at the energy of 14–15 MeV have been investigated for two different parameters groups by the classification
of nuclei into 31 ≤ A ≤ 103 and 133 ≤ A ≤ 181. The obtained results have been compared with the other systematics and experimental data for the (n, 3He) reaction cross-sections. Some improvement has been got in describing the (n, 3He) reaction cross-sections compared with the existing relations. 相似文献
The cross sections for the 175Lu(n, α)172Tm, 176Lu(n, α)173Tm and 175Lu(n, p)175m+gYb reactions have been measured in the neutron energy range of 13.5–14.8 MeV using the activation technique. The first data for 175Lu(n, α)172Tm reaction cross sections are presented. In our experiment, the fast neutrons were produced via the 3H(d, n)4He reaction on K-400 Neutron Generator at Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP). Induced gamma activities were measured by a high-resolution (1.69 keV at 1332 keV for 60Co) gamma-ray spectrometer with high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector. Measurements were corrected for gamma-ray attenuations, random coincidence (pile-up), dead time and fluctuation of neutron flux. The neutron fluences were determined by the cross section of 93Nb(n, 2n)92mNb or 27Al(n, α)24Na reactions. The neutron energy in the measurement was by the cross section ratios of 90Zr(n, 2n)89m+gZr and 93Nb(n, 2n)92mNb reactions. The results were discussed and compared with experimental data found in the literature and with results of published empirical formulae. 相似文献
The knowledge of level density for reaction cross-section calculations are needed for various applications such as fission and fusion reactor design, accelerator driven sub-critical systems, nuclear medicine, neutron capture and astrophysics. In this study, the excitation functions for (p, n) reactions from reaction threshold to 30 MeV proton incident energy on 60Ni, 61Ni, 62Ni and 64Ni isotopes were calculated using TALYS 1.6 nuclear code involving the level density models. This is of importance to the validation of nuclear model approaches with increased predictive power. There are several models of level density that can be used to predict cross-section. In this work, the (p, n) cross-sections would be calculated using three different model of level density, such as constant temperature model, back-shifted fermi gas model and generalized superfluid model on 60,61,62,64Ni reactions. The (p, n) reaction cross-section calculations for 60,61,62,64Ni target nuclei were compared with each other and the experimental nuclear reaction data obtained from EXFOR database. 相似文献
Md. Shakilur Rahman Kyung-Sook Kim Manwoo Lee Gui Nyun Kim Youngdo Oh Hee-Seock Lee Moo-Hyun Cho In Soo Ko Won Namkung Nguyen Van Do Pham Duc Khue Kim Tien Thanh Tae-Ik Ro 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2009,267(21-22):3511-3518
We measured the isomeric yield ratios in the photonuclear reactions of natZr(γ, n)89m,gZr, natZr(γ, xn1p)86m,gY, and 89Y(γ, xn)87m,g,86m,gY by the activation method. The high-purity natural Zr and Y metallic foils in disc shape were irradiated with uncollimated bremsstrahlung beams of 50-, 60-, and 70-MeV generated from an electron linear accelerator at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory. The induced activities in the irradiated foils were measured by the high-resolution γ-ray spectrometric system consisting of a high-purity germanium detector and a multichannel analyzer. The obtained isomeric yield ratios in the formation of 89m,gZr, 87m,gY, and 86m,gY are compared with the corresponding values found in the literature. The measured isomeric yield ratios at the bremsstrahlung energies of 50-, 60-, and 70-MeV are the first measurement except 87Y at 50-MeV bremsstrahlung. 相似文献
E. Tel M. Şahan A. Aydın M. Bölükdemir H. Şahan F. A. Uğur 《Journal of Fusion Energy》2011,30(1):26-33
In fusion reactor structures, a serious damage mechanism has been gas production in the metallic resulting from diverse nuclear
reactions, mainly through (n, α) and (n, p) reactions above a certain threshold energy. The neutron incident energy around 14–15 MeV is enough to excite the nucleus
for the reactions such as (n, p), (n, d), (n, 2n), (n, t), and (n, α). Design of the fusion reactor, about the 14–15 MeV neutron incident energy reaction cross sections is of great importance
for various target nuclei. In this study, the experimental data have been taken only at 14–15 MeV energy regions from EXFOR
database. The (n, α) reactions for some structural fusion materials such as 27Al, 51V, 52Cr, 55Mn, 56Fe and 58Ni have calculated by using evaluated empirical formulas developed by Tel et al. at 14–15 MeV and calculated with the pre-equilibrium
models up to 20 MeV. The calculated results are discussed and compared with the experimental data taken from EXFOR database. 相似文献
A. Kaplan V. Çapalı H. Özdoğan A. Aydın E. Tel İ. H. Sarpün 《Journal of Fusion Energy》2014,33(5):510-515
The theoretical neutron-production cross-sections produced by 181Ta(3He,xn)184?xRe reactions (x = 1–7) for structural fusion material 181Ta in 3He-induced reactions have been performed in the incident 3He energy range of 14–75 MeV. Reaction cross-sections, based on theoretical pre-equilibrium nuclear reaction models, have been calculated theoretically by means of the TALYS 1.6 two component exciton, EMPIRE 3.1 exciton, ALICE/ASH geometry dependent hybrid (GDH) and ALICE/ASH hybrid models. The neutron-production cross-section results of the models have been compared with the each other and against the experimental nuclear reaction data (EXFOR). Except the 181Ta(3He,2n)182Re and 181Ta(3He,7n)177Re reactions, the ALICE/ASH cross-section calculations show generally agreement with the experimental values for all reactions used in this study. The ALICE/ASH–GDH model can be suggested, if the experimental data are unavailable or are improbably to be produced because of the experimental troubles. 相似文献
In this study, we have investigated the asymmetry term effect for the (n, d) reaction cross sections at 14–15 neutron incident energy. It has been discussed the odd–even effect and the pairing effect
considering binding energy systematic of the nuclear shell model for the new experimental data and new cross section formulae
developed by Tel et al. for (n, d) reactions. We have determined different parameter groups by the classification of nuclei into even–even, even–odd and odd–even
for (n, d) reactions cross sections. The obtained empirical and semi-empirical formulae by fitting two parameters for (n, d) reactions were given. By using the new cross sections formulae for (n, d) reactions the obtained results have been discussed and compared with the available experimental data. 相似文献
In the hybrid reactor, tritium self-sufficiency must be maintained for a commercial power plant. For self-sustaining (D-T)
fusion driver tritium breeding ratio should be greater than 1.05. Working out the systematics of (n, t) reaction cross-sections are of great importance for the definition of the excitation function character for the given reaction
taking place on various nuclei at energies up to 20 MeV. In this study we have investigated asymmetry term effect for the
(n, t) reaction cross-sections at 14–15 neutron incident energy. It has been discussed the odd–even effect and the pairing effect
considering binding energy systematic of the nuclear shell model for the new experimental data and new cross-sections formulas
(n, t) reactions developed by Tel et al. We have determined a different parameter groups by the classification of nuclei into even–even,
even–odd and odd–even for (n, t) reactions cross-sections. The obtained empirical and semi-empirical formulas by fitting two parameter for (n, t) reactions were given. All calculated results have been compared with the experimental data and the other semi-empirical
formulas. 相似文献