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基于Linux内核的桌面操作系统应用越来越广泛,但缺乏应用软件的支持。提出一种内核基于Linux新型中文操作系统。本操作系统内核使用Linux操作系统的内核,应用层使用Wine运行环境提供对Windows应用软件的支持,结合Linux安全稳定的内核,及兼容大量的Windows应用软件的优势。  相似文献   

Wine虚拟操作系统为Windows应用程序在Linux上运行提供了一个很好的虚拟环境。ElAura是类似于Wine的虚拟操作系统,它是Elastos操作系统在Linux上的虚拟环境。文章在分析Wine系统的基础了,针对Elastos操作系统的特点,设计并实现了基于共享内存和动态模块加载方式结合的内核对象服务系统。实验结果表明该文提出的内核对象服务系统对应用程序的响应时间明显少于Wine Server的响应时间。  相似文献   

64位Windows ABI虚拟化方法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对64位Windows ABI在Linux上的虚拟化问题,对x86-64ABI在Windows和Linux中的差异进行了分析,提出并研究了实现64位Windows ABI虚拟化的3个关键问题,即程序加载与链接、程序库接口仿真和系统调用仿真。在此基础上,对在用户空间和内核空间实现64位Windows ABI虚拟化的两种解决方案进行了分析,并基于用户空间方案设计实现了一种兼容Win64应用程序的操作系统KgdLinux。实验测试结果表明,64位Windows ABI虚拟化方法是可行的。  相似文献   

互联网时代,无论是PC端还是移动端的使用,都离不开操作系统的支持。操作系统利用硬件环境和软件环境的强力配合,为互联网工具的使用提供了安全的工作环境。目前,PC端主流的操作系统有Windows操作系统和Linux操作系统。Windows系列操作系统在设计上面向大众,采用简洁的界面,具有良好的人机交互工作环境。与Windows操作系统相比,Linux操作系统的最大特点是开源、免费、稳定,在计算机应用领域,Linux操作系统近几年发展迅速。在大数据、人工智能的发展前景下,Linux操作系统将被广泛运用在互联网领域。笔者针对Linux操作系统在不同领域的使用方法,考量其安全性能、稳定性能等因素,并对其安全技术进行详细分析。  相似文献   

IDC认为,Windows操作系统稳稳地占据了桌面市场94%的份额,但是商业机构、政府以及学校正在将目光投向Windows以外的系统。他们正在考虑用Linux作为客户端操作环境,从而取代Windows。不过,转换的过程比较缓慢。 这些机构一方面认识到了使用Linux将会节省大量的授权费用,另一方面却又要面临很多挑战,包括应用程序的支持不足以及机构内部从一个现有的操作系统移植到一个陌生的操作环境中的障碍。  相似文献   

仲涛 《微电脑世界》2001,(22):124-124
某些用户需要在同一台机器上安装多种操作系统,并进行多重引导。就Windows系列操作系统来说,自Windows 2000以来Microsoft已经很好地解决了系统间的安装顺序和引导问题,用户不需要特殊的技巧就能够实现多系统引导。但是Linux用户仍然经常会遇到Linux与Windows之间的共存问题。笔者就Microsoft最新推出的WindowsXP全新操作系统和Linux的共存及引导问题进行了实验,并总结出2种方便易行的方法(注:笔者实验所使用的硬盘为一块Seagate U6 60GB IDE硬盘,Linux版本为Red Hat Linux 7.1)。  相似文献   

乔永 《软件世界》2006,(14):88-88
Linux本身就是一个类UNIX操作系统,与生俱来就拥有了UNIX操作系统的RAS特性,同时也为UNIX系统之上的应用移植提供了良好的兼容支持,并以高效和灵活著称。Linux操作系统提供X-Windows图形用户界面,如同我们使用Windows操作系统一样,可以应用图形方式完成服务器的配置与管理。经过多年的发展,Linux在服务器端的市场占有率已经超过了U N I X系统,并逐步成为了UNIX操作系统的替代产品。从核心调用到底层函数集,从上层开发工具到底层编译环境,这些差异都会成为用户选择使用Linux操作系统的障碍。如何解决这些问题?企业需要一个专业化…  相似文献   

本文叙述了在Windows95操作系统与Linux操作系统互连的环境下,利用Delphi网络编程实现基于Telnet协议的Delphi应用程序与Linux主机之间的通信。重点讨论了C语言与Delphi编程语言在网络编程应用中的异同。  相似文献   

Linux是一类Unix计算机操作系统的统称,Linux操作系统是自由软件和开放源代码发展中最为经典的案例。Linux这个词本身只表示Linux内核,但在实际上人们已经习惯了用Linux来形容整个基于Linux内核,并且使用GNU工程各种工具和数据库的操作系统。Linux是一个可以自由分发的操作系统,它包括内核、系统工具、应用程序,以及完整的开发环境。  相似文献   

Linux网络配置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于习惯使用Windows操作系统的用户来说,Linux系统的一切看起来都是那么陌生和奇怪,本文向Linux初学者介绍Linux网络设置和调试的几种基本方法。  相似文献   


Linux is considered to be less prone to malware compared to other operating systems, and as a result Linux users rarely run anti-malware. However, many popular software applications released on other platforms cannot run natively on Linux. Wine is a popular compatibility layer for running Windows programs on Linux. The level of security risk that Wine poses to Linux users is largely undocumented. This project was conducted to assess the security implications of using Wine, and to determine if any specific types of malware or malware behavior have a significant effect on the malware being successful in Wine. Dynamic analysis (both automated and manual) was applied to 30 malware samples both in a Windows environment and Linux environment running Wine. Behavior analyzed included file system, registry, and network access, and the spawning of processes, and services. The behavior was compared to determine malware success in Wine. The study results provide evidence that Wine can pose serious security implications when used to run Windows software in a Linux environment. Five samples of Windows malware were run successfully through Wine on a Linux system. No significant relationships were discovered between the success of the malware and its high-level behavior or malware type. However, certain API calls could not be recreated in a Linux environment, and led to failure of malware to execute via Wine. This suggests that particular malware samples that utilize these API calls will never run completely successfully in a Linux environment. As a consequence, the success of some samples can be determined from observing the API calls when run within a Windows environment.


相比Windows操作系统而言,原代码开放、自由免费、支持SWP和NUMA体系结构,支持平台最多的Linux操作系统自1991年诞生以来,便具有无可取代的优势,目前广泛应用于嵌入式系统和服务器上。同时其多用户多任务的特性可以为用户量身定做适合的功能,从而灵活应用在各种场合。虽然在早期系统中用户界面方面不如Windows操作方便,主要采用字符界面键入命令,但现在的系统大多数也采用图形化界面深受用户喜爱。文件系统是Linux的一个突出特色,本文以Linux的典型文件系统ext2为例,介绍该文件系统的组成及工作原理,同时设计了简单的模拟实现文件系统简单的功能。  相似文献   

Windows和Linux是目前主流操作系统阵营中的两大主力。由于种种原因,这两种操作系统采用了各自独立的文件系统格式,WindowsNT系列采用NTFS文件系统,而GNU/Linux则为EXT2文件系统,两者互相不能访问。为了解决两者的互访问题,重点探讨了两种文件系统间的访问原理与方法,分析了不同操作系统平台下能够实现互访功能的应用程序。  相似文献   

张步忠  金海平 《微机发展》2007,17(5):163-165
系统调用是操作系统内核提供给用户使用内核服务的接口。Linux操作系统由于其自由开放性,用户可在原有基础上,添加新的系统调用,以便提供更多的服务。基于Linux2.4内核,文中研究了Linux操作系统系统调用的实现机制,并以基于数据库的文件系统功能扩展为例,说明系统调用扩展的实现过程。  相似文献   

分析SELinux体系在当前Linux类操作系统中的应用,基于角色的访问控制模型与可信计算,提出新的特权用户标识定义,利用该定义给出一种安全Linux操作系统特权用户管理方案。通过UID与角色的二维标识方法解决特权用户区分的问题,以可信计算中的密码服务加强认证的安全强度,用内核安全加固解决安全模式切换问题,从而改进SELinux在Linux类操作系统中的安全性。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how portability of a model between different computer operating systems can lead to increased efficiency in code execution. The portability problem is not a trivial one, as many geographic models are designed to be run inside a set environment (Unix, Solaris, Linux, and Windows), and are further limited by hardware constraints. The SLEUTH urban growth model [K.C Clarke, S. Hoppen, and L. Gaydos. “A self-modifying cellular automaton model of historical urbanization in the San Francisco Bay area”, Environment and Planning B, 24:247–261, 1997.] was implemented under three different operating systems (Solaris, Linux, and Windows). Results suggest that the model's performance is optimized by porting it from its original environment (Unix/Solaris) to Linux or Windows where faster processors are available. While the results show optimization of model performance, there are some suggestions of computational bottlenecks that may eventually limit the increased performance of the model. Regardless, the research demonstrates that the portability of a model can lead to not only to a decrease in computation time, but may increase the viability in practical applications and attract a wider user base.  相似文献   

Linux, is an Unix-like operating system. Although it is used mainly as a server operating system, it is slowly gaining more acceptance amongst end users. It has integrated security features and has the potential to help users protect themselves against malware. However, as we have seen, even Linux is not immune from such attacks.While the number of Windows worms has been increasing exponentially, to date there have only been a handful of malware programs directed at Linux. But as the number of workstation users running Linux increases, and as home users start to be connected via leased lines to the Internet, the situation may change. One indication of such progress was seen earlier this year, when Ramen was spreading Linux systems.This paper concentrates on current Linux malware, and describes the most typical malware seen on a Linux host.


The first Linux worm found in the wild, namely ADMworm, was reported by CERT®/CC[1] in 1998. It propagated in a fully automated fashion using a buffer overflow vulnerability in bind Domain Name Service server [1], and as such was very similar to the Internet Worm created by Robert Morris. The Morris worm almost shut down the entire Internet in November 1998. It was a VAX/VMS and SunOS based worm that exploited known vulnerabilities in sendmail’s debugging mode, fingerd and rsh/rexec. Within few hours the worm spread allegedly to more than half of the computers on the Internet at that time.This worm is similar to almost all Linux worms today — it is fully automatic, requires no user innovation and uses known vulnerabilities of the host operating system for its replication.[2]Table 1  相似文献   

利用Vmware整合嵌入式系统开发环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对虚拟机软件Vmware Workstation的分析,给出一种将Windows和Linux系统上的嵌入式开发环境整合在一起的方法。由于大多数嵌入式开发系统中存在的格式和文件与Linux相符,所以基于Vmware Workstation的Windows和Linux系统间的通信就成了嵌入式开发环境整合的基础。本文给出的正是这种基于Windows和Linux系统间的通信的嵌入式开发环境的整合方法。  相似文献   

We present a solution for the development of multiplatform and web-oriented Java applications for biometric authentication based on the BioAPI framework. Our proposal is a single Java Native Interface wrapper that is compatible with the BioAPI instantiations of Windows and Linux/Unix operating systems. Following a study of existing wrappers, we extended the open-source Linux/Unix wrapper to include Windows support. In order to show the utility of this multiplatform Java wrapper, we discuss some of its possible uses and present a real-life application.  相似文献   

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