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We have designed an automatic song identification component of a digital rights management (DRM) system for music, called MusicDNA. The details of MusicDNA are presented and the process by which we arrived at the final system configuration is outlined. This paper documents our experiences so that it can serve as a reference to those seeking to build a complete DRM system for music.  相似文献   

针对现有音频内容取证算法采用二值图像作为辨识水印所带来的安全隐患,以及基于音频内容或特征生成的辨识水印稳定性不高,易被常规信号处理操作淹没的问题,提出了一种新的基于时域统计特征的音频内容取证算法。通过对音频信号时域统计平均值进行非均匀量化生成辨识水印。理论和实验结果表明通过该方法生成的辨识水印能够抵抗常规信号处理操作,稳定性高。生成的辨识水印存储于认证中心,组建辨识水印库。对音频内容进行取证时,将由该音频生成的辨识水印与从水印库中提取的对应辨识水印进行比对,即可对待取证音频的真实性、完整性进行鉴定。该取证方法操作简便,对不同类型音频均能实现篡改定位,对常规音频信号处理操作的鲁棒性高,有效扩大了基于内容音频取证算法的应用范围。  相似文献   

基于GMM-UBM模型的语言辨识研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
屈丹  王炳锡  魏鑫 《信号处理》2003,19(1):85-88
与说话人识别、连续语音识别相比,自动语言辨识是一个相对较新的研究,而且是一项较难的课题。本文给出了一种基于GMM-UBM模型的语言辨识系统,并利用OGI-TS电话语音库对算法的性能进行了测试,然后给出了实验结果。实验结果表明,该算法也是进行语言辨识的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

The objective of the current study is to develop an automatic tool to identify microbiological data types using computer-vision and statistical modeling techniques. Bacteriophage (phage) typing methods are used to identify and extract representative profiles of bacterial types out of species such as the Staphylococcus aureus. Current systems rely on the subjective reading of profiles by a human expert. This process is time-consuming and prone to errors, especially as technology is enabling the increase in the number of phages used for typing. The statistical methodology presented in this work, provides for an automated, objective and robust analysis of visual data, along with the ability to cope with increasing data volumes.  相似文献   

Automatic gait recognition based on statistical shape analysis   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Gait recognition has recently gained significant attention from computer vision researchers. This interest is strongly motivated by the need for automated person identification systems at a distance in visual surveillance and monitoring applications. The paper proposes a simple and efficient automatic gait recognition algorithm using statistical shape analysis. For each image sequence, an improved background subtraction procedure is used to extract moving silhouettes of a walking figure from the background. Temporal changes of the detected silhouettes are then represented as an associated sequence of complex vector configurations in a common coordinate frame, and are further analyzed using the Procrustes shape analysis method to obtain mean shape as gait signature. Supervised pattern classification techniques, based on the full Procrustes distance measure, are adopted for recognition. This method does not directly analyze the dynamics of gait, but implicitly uses the action of walking to capture the structural characteristics of gait, especially the shape cues of body biometrics. The algorithm is tested on a database consisting of 240 sequences from 20 different subjects walking at 3 viewing angles in an outdoor environment. Experimental results are included to demonstrate the encouraging performance of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

统计型流量包络以统一的数学形式抽象具有各种统计特性的网络流量过程,从而得到一般性的理论分析结果.文章全面介绍了各种不同的统计型流量包络,分析、比较了其适用性和应用局限,并提出了仍然存在的主要问题,以期为进一步的理论研究和实际应用提供有益的参考.  相似文献   

数字信号控制器具有数字信号处理器和微控制器的优点,在现代自动控制、数据采集系统中占据着重要的地位,TMS320F28335作为目前最主流的数字信号控制器,在实际工程中被广泛的使用。目前该处理器存在着程序设计周期长,程序设计过程复杂等问题。采用模型化设计的DSP嵌入式系统程序开发方法能很好地解决这个问题。以设计一个基于DSP的音频数据采集系统为例,通过将CCS软件和Matlab/Simulink进行有机的结合,对模型进行图形化界面配置,最终实现目标处理器程序代码的自动生成、下载、调试和运行,从而快速地实现音频信号数据采集系统的设计。  相似文献   

A method of spectral decomposition in multichannel recordings is proposed, which represents the results of multivariate (MV) parametric identification in terms of classification and quantification of different oscillating mechanisms. For this purpose, a class of MV dynamic adjustment (MDA) models in which a MV autoregressive (MAR) network of causal interactions is fed by uncorrelated autoregressive (AR) processes is defined. Poles relevant to the MAR network closed-loop interactions (cl-poles) and poles relevant to each AR input are disentangled and accordingly classified. The autospectrum of each channel can be divided into partial spectra each relevant to an input. Each partial spectrum is affected by the cl-poles and by the poles of the corresponding input; consequently, it is decomposed into the relevant components by means of the residual method. Therefore, different oscillating mechanisms, even at similar frequencies, are classified by different poles and quantified by the corresponding components. The structure of MDA models is quite flexible and can be adapted to various sets of available signals and a priori hypotheses about the existing interactions; a graphical layout is proposed that emphasizes the oscillation sources and the corresponding closed-loop interactions. Application examples relevant to cardiovascular variability are briefly illustrated  相似文献   

利用小波脊线实现数字调制信号的自动识别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对含基带脉冲成形滤波的数字调制信号的自动识别,研究了小波脊理论在其中的应用.理论分析表明,不同调制类型的数字信号经过连续小波变换后,会在时频平面上呈现出不同的脊线特征,利用这些特征能够有效识别信号调制类型.在小波脊原理的基础上,还进一步推导出选择Morlet小波参数的标准以及信号的规格要求.实际信号的测试证明了该方法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

Blind identification of single input multiple output systems is considered herein. The low-rank structure of the output signal is exploited to blindly identify the channel using a subspace fitting framework. Two approaches based on a minimal linear parameterization of a subspace are presented and analyzed. The asymptotically best consistent estimate is derived for the class of blind subspace-based techniques. The asymptotic estimation error covariance of the subspace estimates is derived, and the corresponding covariance of the statistically optimal estimates provides a lower bound on the estimation error covariance of subspace methods. A two-step procedure involving only linear systems of equations is presented that asymptotically achieves the bound. Simulations and numerical examples are provided to compare the two approaches  相似文献   

针对当前主动形状模型构建中的实际问题,本文提出一种整合NURBS技术的三维统计形状建模方法。首先对目标样本进行多边形网格化处理,再对其进行NURBS建模和曲面空间变换,然后对NURBS曲面上的控制点进行主成分分析,以生成相应的统计形状模型。为了验证该方法的有效性,我们将该方法应用于部分人体器官的训练样本集进行建模测试。实验结果表明,该方法可较为合理和准确地描述目标形状的变化模式,并能提高建模效率,减少存储空间的占用。  相似文献   

A novel method is introduced for the generation of landmarks for three-dimensional (3-D) shapes and the construction of the corresponding 3-D statistical shape models. Automatic landmarking of a set of manual segmentations from a class of shapes is achieved by 1) construction of an atlas of the class, 2) automatic extraction of the landmarks from the atlas, and 3) subsequent propagation of these landmarks to each example shape via a volumetric nonrigid registration technique using multiresolution B-spline deformations. This approach presents some advantages over previously published methods: it can treat multiple-part structures and requires less restrictive assumptions on the structure's topology. In this paper, we address the problem of building a 3-D statistical shape model of the left and right ventricle of the heart from 3-D magnetic resonance images. The average accuracy in landmark propagation is shown to be below 2.2 mm. This application demonstrates the robustness and accuracy of the method in the presence of large shape variability and multiple objects.  相似文献   

Whole nerve cuff electrodes can record an electric signal generated by the superposition of single fiber action potentials (AP's). Using a simple stochastic model for the superposition of AP's, the statistical properties of nerve cuff signals are mathematically derived in this study. Consequences of common signal processing methods like rectification and time-averaging are also explained. The nerve cuff signals are found to be approximately identically, independently distributed Gaussian signals with zero mean and varying variance. The spectral properties of the cuff signals generated by single AP shape or different AP shapes are also addressed and investigated by examining the properties of the autocorrelation functions of the nerve cuff signals. The theoretical results were found to be in accordance with computer simulations and processing of actual recorded data.  相似文献   

针对建筑物场景红外仿真真实性差、对国外软件依赖性强的现状,提出了一种新的适用于大规模建筑物场景自动建模及红外仿真的方法。该方法利用Google Earth提供的高分辨率航片中的阴影和地形信息,结合OpenFlight API自动建立建筑物场景三维模型,解决了数字高程数据、楼层数据缺失条件下的建模难题;通过对航片中不同城市地物的分割建立材质标号图像,利用理论分析的方法建立了建筑物场景中不同地物的红外辐射特征方程,离线生成了零视距红外纹理,并增加大气以及探测器作用效果,提高了红外场景的描述细节和真实性。  相似文献   

基于GPIB的车载音响自动测试系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述基于GPIB技术的自动测试系统的组成,介绍了GPIB技术的特点和原理,最后介绍已在实际中使用的车载音响测试系统.该系统是在基于GPIB的基础上构建起来的,并在实际中得到应用.整个系统分为硬件和软件两大部分:硬件部分主要由测试仪表构成,软件在Windows XP环境下运行,由Visual C++编写.  相似文献   

Cough is a common symptom of many respiratory diseases. The evaluation of its intensity and frequency of occurrence could provide valuable clinical information in the assessment of patients with chronic cough. In this paper we propose the use of hidden Markov models (HMMs) to automatically detect cough sounds from continuous ambulatory recordings. The recording system consists of a digital sound recorder and a microphone attached to the patient's chest. The recognition algorithm follows a keyword-spotting approach, with cough sounds representing the keywords. It was trained on 821 min selected from 10 ambulatory recordings, including 2473 manually labeled cough events, and tested on a database of nine recordings from separate patients with a total recording time of 3060 min and comprising 2155 cough events. The average detection rate was 82% at a false alarm rate of seven events/h, when considering only events above an energy threshold relative to each recording's average energy. These results suggest that HMMs can be applied to the detection of cough sounds from ambulatory patients. A postprocessing stage to perform a more detailed analysis on the detected events is under development, and could allow the rejection of some of the incorrectly detected events.  相似文献   

设计了一种轻量级的自动识别温控调速风扇控制器,解决风扇随昼夜不同、温度不同的自动控制问题。从系统总体设计、温控调速的硬件设计、智能温控的软件设计等方面阐述了集多传感器的单片机智能控制风扇系统。经实验运行证明,所实现的多模式智能风扇控制器设计合理、体积小、重量轻、节能环保等,有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

为了解决纸质车证用于车辆出入管理存在的问题,经过市场调研和产品考察,采用RFID无源芯片与现有纸质车证相结合,既兼顾了纸质车证的使用,又增加了防伪功能。通过现场测试及试运行,达到了设计和使用要求。  相似文献   

李楠  靳学胜  李飞 《激光杂志》2022,43(2):163-167
当前三维景观建模方法存在建模精度低,误差大,而且实时性差等不足,为了提高三维景观建模精度,克服当前三维景观建模方法存在的局限性,提出了基于机载激光雷达技术的三维景观自动建模方法.首先分析三维景观建模的工作原理,找到影响三维景观建模效果的因素,然后采用机载激光雷达技术采集景观的相关数据,并引入虚拟现实技术构建三维景观模型...  相似文献   

基于图像统计建模的工业过程产品质量监测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在机器视觉非接触式的在线检测技术中,为了有效 感知图像局部子块的随机堆积状态,提出一种基于图像空间结构统计建模的工业产品质量智 能鉴 别方法。从理论分析了自然图像的局部同质碎片颗粒的韦伯分布(WD)过程;采用多尺度全向 高斯导数滤波方 法获得图像空间结构细节,基于WD统计建模获得图像空间结构在不同高斯观测尺度 下的特征描述; 最后,基于最小二乘-支持向量机(LS-SVM)原理建立工业产品质量智能分类模型。在大米 加工品质 自动分类和针织坯布质量智能鉴别中进行的验证性和对比性测试结果表明,所提出的方法 因能有效表征 为大量局部碎片颗粒随机堆积而成的复杂纹理图像空间结构的视觉感知特性,工业产品质量 智能分类准确 率高,为实现工业流水线上产品质量的智能分级和高质量产品的自动生产包装奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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