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The optical emission of non-polar GaN/AlN quantum dots has been investigated. The presence of stacking faults inside these quantum dots is evidenced in the dependence of the photoluminescence with temperature and excitation power. A theoretical model for the electronic structure and optical properties of non-polar quantum dots, taking into account their realistic shapes, is presented which predicts a substantial reduction of the internal electric field but a persisting quantum confined Stark effect, comparable to that of polar GaN/AlN quantum dots. Modeling the effect of a 3 monolayer stacking fault inside the quantum dot, which acts as zinc-blende inclusion into the wurtzite matrix, results in an additional 30% reduction of the internal electric field and gives a better account of the observed optical features. 相似文献
S. Michaelis de Vasconcellos A. Pawlis C. Arens M. Panfilova A. Zrenner D. Schikora K. Lischka 《Microelectronics Journal》2009,40(2):215-217
We have investigated the properties of neutral and charged excitons in single CdSe/ZnSe QD photodiodes by μ-photoluminescence spectroscopy. By applying a bias voltage, we have been able to control the number of electrons in a single QD by shifting the energy levels of the QD with respect to the Fermi level in the back contact. Also the quantum-confined Stark effect was observed as a function of the applied electric field. 相似文献
Self-assembled quantum dots in the Si-Ge-Sn system have attracted research attention as possible direct band gap materials, compatible with Si-based technology, with potential applications in optoelectronics. In this work, the electronic structure near the Γ-point and the interband optical matrix elements of strained Sn and SnGe quantum dots in a Si matrix are calculated using the eight-band k.p method, and the competing L-valley conduction band states were found by the effective mass method. The strain distribution in the dots was found within the continuum mechanical model. The bulk band-structure parameters, required for the k.p or effective mass calculation for Sn were extracted by fitting to the energy band structure calculated by the non-local empirical pseudopotential method (EPM). The calculations show that the self-assembled Sn/Si dots, with sizes between 4 and 12 nm, have indirect interband transition energies (from the size-quantized valence band states at Γ to the conduction band states at L) between 0.8 and 0.4 eV, and direct interband transitions between 2.5 and 2.0 eV, which agrees very well with experimental results. Similar good agreement with experiment was also found for the recently grown SnGe dots on Si substrate, covered by SiO2. However, neither of these is predicted to be direct band gap materials, in contrast to some earlier expectations. 相似文献
Chandan Biswas Hyun Jeong Mun Seok Jeong Woo Jong Yu Didier Pribat Young Hee Lee 《Advanced functional materials》2013,23(29):3597-3597
Chandan Biswas Hyun Jeong Mun Seok Jeong Woo Jong Yu Didier Pribat Young Hee Lee 《Advanced functional materials》2013,23(29):3653-3660
Enhanced carrier–carrier interactions in hybrid nanostructures exhibit exceptional electronic and optoelectronic properties. Carbon nanotubes demonstrate excellent switching behavior with high on/off ratio and high mobility but do not show photoresponse in the visible range, whereas quantum dots (QDs) shows excellent optical response in various optical ranges which can be tuned with diameter. Here, a simple and effective way to develop hybrid phototransistors with extraordinary optoelectronic properties is presented by decorating semiconducting QDs on the surface of a single‐walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT). This hybrid structure demonstrates clear negative photoresponse and optical switching behavior, which could be further tuned by applying external gate bias in the future. A clear type conversion of SWCNT transistor from p‐type to n‐type caused by a charge transfer from attached QDs to CNT is demonstrated. Moreover, this hybrid structure also demonstrates an enhancement in ‘optical Stark effect’ without applying any external electric field. Charged SWCNT surface plays a key role behind the enhancement of optical Stark effect in QDs. The carrier dynamics of the QD and CNT heterostructures system highlights the potential application opportunity of the quantum dot systems, which can be adaptable to the current technologies. 相似文献
Self-assembled InAs quantum dots have been extensively studied by a variety of experimental techniques. Works have been done
on the transport properties of the InAs dots located near a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). However, there have been
few reports on the optical properties of the InAs dots located closely to 2DEG. In this work, InAs dots samples with 2DEG
and without 2DEG growth by solid source molecular beam epitaxy were studied using photoluminescence measurements. Different
photoluminescence behaviors between the InAs dots and the InAs dots near the 2DEG were observed. It was found that the emission
efficiency of the InAs dots was significantly enhanced by the existence of the nearby 2DEG and the thermal activation energy
of the InAs dots was decreased by the 2DEG. It was speculated that the 2DEG at the AlGaAs/GaAs interface worked as an electron
reservoir to the InAs dots. As a result, the conduction band between the dots and 2DEG is lowered, and thus the thermal activation
energy of PL is lowered. It was concluded that in this way the optical properties of the InAs quantum dots could be tailored
for optical applications. 相似文献
Y. S. Tang C. M. Sotomayor Torres R. A. Kubiak T. E. Whall E. H. C. Parker H. Presting H. Kibbel 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1995,24(2):99-106
Nanometer-scale quantum dots based on a series of Si/Si0.91Ge0.09 strained layer superlattices and a Si9/Ge6 strain-symmetrized superlattice were fabricated using electron beam lithography and reactive ion etching. They were investigated
by photoluminescence and photoreflectance. It was found for the first time that the quantum efficiency of optical emission
from the quantum well layers increased by over two orders of magnitude when the quantum dot sizes were reduced to ≤100 nm. 相似文献
T. Marshall J. A. Petruzzello S. P. Herko J. M. Gaines C. A. Ponzoni 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1994,23(3):255-258
Significant progress in improving the performance of blue-green II-VI semiconductor injection lasers has come about from advances
in the epitaxial growth and doping of ZnMgSSe on GaAs substrates. This paper investigates electrical transport and its relation
to structural quality in n-type Zn1-yMgy SxSe1-x epilayers doped with Cl, grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The composition parameters x and y vary from about 0.12-0.18 and
0.08-0.15, respectively. The quaternary epilayers studied are lattice-matched (or nearly so) to the GaAs substrate. Temperature-dependent
Hall-effect measurements are performed on seven n-type ZnMgSSe:Cl epilayers, and a technique is presented whereby the resulting
mobility-vs-temperature data is compared with data for ZnSe to obtain a structural figure of merit that is useful in characterizing
the quaternary epilayer. 相似文献
InP胶体量子点的合成及光谱性质 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以三辛基氧化膦(TOPO)作为溶剂,利用无水InCl3和P(Si(CH3)3)3之间的脱卤硅烷基反应合成了InP胶体量子点.其中,TOPO既作为反应溶剂又作为量子点的包覆剂和稳定剂,在反应后期加入十二胺作为表面活性剂.利用粉末X射线衍射仪及透射电子显微镜测量了量子点的结晶性、晶格结构、晶粒尺寸、表面形貌以及晶粒尺寸分布,利用光致发光(PL)光谱仪和紫外可见分光光度计分析了其光学性质.测试结果显示,量子点具有较好的结晶性及一定的尺寸分布,平均直径为2.5nm,标准偏差为7.4%,表现出明显的量子限制效应. 相似文献
以三辛基氧化膦(TOPO)作为溶剂,利用无水InCl3和P(Si(CH3)3)3之间的脱卤硅烷基反应合成了InP胶体量子点.其中,TOPO既作为反应溶剂又作为量子点的包覆剂和稳定剂,在反应后期加入十二胺作为表面活性剂.利用粉末X射线衍射仪及透射电子显微镜测量了量子点的结晶性、晶格结构、晶粒尺寸、表面形貌以及晶粒尺寸分布,利用光致发光(PL)光谱仪和紫外可见分光光度计分析了其光学性质.测试结果显示,量子点具有较好的结晶性及一定的尺寸分布,平均直径为2.5nm,标准偏差为7.4%,表现出明显的量子限制效应. 相似文献
《Organic Electronics》2014,15(1):216-225
We report an easy, one step, low cost method to obtain a hybrid composite material consisting in graphene quantum dots (GQDs) embedded in a polymeric – poly(ethylene glycol) bis (carboxymethyl) ether – matrix. Optical measurements show the excitation wavelength dependent photoluminescence of the GQDs – PEG600. In comparison with self-passivated GQDs, the composite exhibits a blue shifted photoluminescence, as well as additional emission peaks in the range of 570–600 nm. These features are explained by the presence of new electronic surface states induced by the polymeric matrix as it was demonstrated by the electrochemical measurements. The transport properties consist in a large clockwise hysteresis presenting high and low resistance states, also two distinctive regions of negative differential resistance. The photocurrent decay and the transient currents indicate a large charge storage and confirm the existence of trap charge levels. The experimental findings suggest that the leading mechanism underling the transport is Simmons Verderber. We demonstrated the switching properties of GQDs – PEG600 for applications in non-volatile memory by performing standard sequence memory tests. 相似文献
Xinmei Liu Yang Jiang Fengming Fu Weimin Guo Wenyi Huang Lijun Li 《Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing》2013,16(6):1723-1729
Binary CdS and ZnS and ternary CdZnS alloy quantum dots (QDs) were synthesized via a simple, inexpensive, and reproducible route using sulfur, cadmium stearate, and zinc stearate as precursors and N-oleoylmorpholine as the reaction medium and solvent. Both binary and ternary QDs exhibited a narrow size distribution and high crystallinity as confirmed TEM and HRTEM images. The alloy QDs exhibited excellent composition-dependent optical properties and a narrow full-width at half maximum of 19–21 nm. UV-visible absorbance and photoluminescence (PL) emission spectra of the CdZnS QDs showed a blue shift during growth, indicating the formation of alloy QDs. ZnS shells were successively coated onto the alloy core via decomposition of zinc diethyldithiocarbamate at a relatively low temperature. The CdZnS/ZnS core/shell QDs obtained showed a significant increase in size and exhibited strong band edge emission with a significant increase in PL quantum yield. XRD patterns revealed that all the QDs had a zinc blende structure. The QD diffraction peaks gradually shifted to higher angle in the order CdS < CdZnS < CdZnS/ZnS < ZnS. The mechanism for the synthesis of CdZnS alloy and CdZnS/ZnS core/shell QDs is discussed. 相似文献
G. S. Solomon 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1999,28(5):392-404
In this article, recent investigations of vertically aligned quantum dot columns conducted at Stanford University are reviewed. The quantum dots are InAs in a matrix of GaAs. Both the quantum dots and quantum dot columns are formed through strain-induced islanding, without lithography. Two aspects of these columns are discussed. First, the electronic coupling of quantum dots within columns of up to ten quantum dots is demonstrated. The coupling is adjusted and improvements to a simple light-emitting diode are shown. Second, increased uniformity of a surface quantum dot layer is shown when a subsurface layer of these columns are used. The most impressive results occur when the columns contain a large number of islands. Reduced variations in average ensemble height and diameter, called size uniformity, and average nearest neighbor distances, called structural uniformity, are shown. A surface unit cell of islands is demonstrated and the lack of a surface lattice is discussed. 相似文献
An emission band at 3.31 eV is frequently observed in low-temperature photoluminescence (PL) measurements on ZnO p-doped with group-V elements, and also on nominally undoped ZnO layers and nanostructures. It has alternatively been ascribed to LO- or TO-phonon replicas of free excitons, to acceptor-bound excitons, to donor-acceptor pair transitions, to two-electron satellites of donor-bound excitons, or to free-to-bound transitions. This band frequently dominates the PL of ZnO nanostructures and layers at room temperature. Annealing leads to drastic changes in its intensity.We report on low-temperature cathodoluminescence measurements with very high spatial resolution and high-resolution transmission electron microscope investigations carried out on the same pieces of hetero-epitaxial ZnO samples with unusual layer orientation. These data allow us to correlate this emission unambiguously with c-plane stacking faults. The emission is found to be due to the recombination of a free electron with a hole bound to a relatively shallow acceptor state ≈130 meV above the valence band edge. Locally, these acceptor states occur in high concentrations of up to some 1018 cm−3, and thus lead to strong two-dimensional perturbations of the free carrier concentration. They have severe implications for the conductivity of layers and nanostructures in general, and on the interpretation of Hall and luminescence data in particular. Literature data are critically reviewed in the light of these findings. 相似文献
Han Wang Shilong Li Honglou Zhen Xiaofei Nie Gaoshan Huang Yongfeng Mei Wei Lu 《半导体学报》2017,38(5):054006-5
Pre-strained nanomembranes with four embedded quantum wells (QWs) are rolled up into threedimensional (3D) tubular QW infrared photodetectors (QWIPs),which are based on the QW intersubband transition (ISBT).A redshift of~0.42 meV in photocurrent response spectra is observed and attributed to two strain contributions due to the rolling of the pre-strained nanomembranes.One is the overall strain that mainly leads to a redshift of~0.5 meV,and the other is the strain gradient which results in a very tiny variation.The blue shift of the photocurrent response spectra with the external bias are also observed as quantum-confined Stark effect (QCSE) in the ISBT. 相似文献
The ground and few excited states of the electrons confined in a square GaAs quantum wire(QW) subjected to an external transverse electric field are investigated using the finite difference method within the effective-mass approximation. When the transverse electric field is applied along a side of the square quantum wire, the calculation of the eigenstates of the quantum wire has an exactly solvable problem whose solutions involve the linear combinations of two independent Airy functions. Compared with the exact analytical results using Airy functions, the results obtained by the use of the finite difference method in terms of the eigenstates of the particle in the QW are in excellent agreement. Subsequently, it is considered that the eigenstates of the particle depend on the orientations of the electric field with respect to the center axis of the QW. It is interesting that the peak value of the energy is found for the field directed along the diagonal in the QW, which can lead to a large energy shift. Meanwhile, dependence of the optical absorption phenomenon in the square QW on the optical field and applied electric field is investigated. It is shown that the optical absorption spectrum depends highly upon the polarization of the optical field and the applied electric field intensities and orientations. 相似文献
Cameron Jennings Xiangyu Ma Thushan Wickramasinghe Matthew Doty Michael Scheibner Eric Stinaff Morgan Ware 《Advanced Quantum Technologies》2020,3(2)
Coupled quantum dots (CQDs) that consist of two InAs QDs stacked along the growth direction and separated by a relatively thin tunnel barrier have been the focus of extensive research efforts. The expansion of available states enabled by the formation of delocalized molecular wavefunctions in these systems has led to significant enhancement of the already substantial capabilities of single QD systems and have proven to be a fertile platform for studying light–matter interactions, from semi‐classical to purely quantum phenomena. Observations unique to CQDs, including tunable g‐factors and radiative lifetimes, in situ control of exchange interactions, coherent phonon effects, manipulation of multiple spins, and nondestructive spin readout, along with possibilities such as quantum‐to‐quantum transduction with error correction and multipartite entanglement, open new and exciting opportunities for CQD‐based photonic quantum technologies. This review is focused on recent CQD work, highlighting aspects where CQDs provide a unique advantage and with an emphasis on results relevant to photonic quantum technologies. 相似文献