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The influence of the growth conditions on the surface chemistry and on the homogeneity of the chemical composition of CuInS2 (CIS) thin films, prepared by sequential evaporation of metallic precursors in presence of elemental sulfur in a two-stage process, was studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It was found that the growth temperature affects the phase in which this compound grows. The samples deposited at temperatures around 500 °C (2nd stage) contain mainly the CuInS2 phase; however, secondary phases like In2S3, Cu2S were additionally identified at the surface and in the bulk of CuInS2 samples deposited at temperatures greater than 550 °C. Also, the elemental composition of the layers constituting the Glass/Mo/CuInS2/buffer/ZnO structure was studied through Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) depth profile measurements. AES measurements carried out across the Glass/Mo/CuInS2/buffer/ZnO heterojunction gave evidence of Cu diffusion from the CuInS2 layer towards the rest of the layers constituting the device, and of the formation of a MoS2 layer in the Mo/CuInS2 interface. The performance of CuInS2-based solar cells fabricated using CBD (chemical bath deposition) deposited ZnS as buffer layer was compared to that of cells fabricated using CBD deposited In2S3 as buffer.  相似文献   

The electronic structure and electronic charge density of the monoclinic phase Di-2-pyrymidonium dichloride-di-iodide compound is studied by using the local density approximation (LDA) and Engel Vosko generalized gradient approximation (EVGGA). Using LDA for exchange correlation potential, we have optimized the atomic positions taken from the X-ray crystallographic data by minimization of the forces acting on the atoms. From the relaxed geometry the electronic structure, electronic charge density and the optical properties were determined. Band structures disclose that this compound has indirect energy band gap. The obtained energy band gap value using EVGGA (2.010 eV) is larger than that obtained within LDA (1.781 eV). To envision the chemical bonding nature between the composition of the investigated compound, the distribution of charge density was discussed in the (−1 0 1) crystallographic plane. The contour plot shows partial ionic and strong covalent bonding between C–O, N–C and C–H atoms. The optical properties of Di-2-pyrymidonium dichloride-di-iodide are obtained by the calculation of the dielectric function.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline II–VI semiconductor materials such as oxygenated CdS have a wide and tunable band gap (≥2.5 eV) which plays an important role in increasing the light absorption capacity of CdTe absorber. In this study, the ultra-thin CdS:O and CdTe films were deposited by the sputtering technique and the optimum condition of deposition power is investigated. The prepared ultra-thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), UV–vis spectrometry, Hall Effect and current–voltage measurements techniques. The complete cell was then fabricated by the sputtering technique with a novel configuration of ‘glass/FTO/ZnO:Sn/CdS:O/CdTe/C:Cu/Ag’. To avoid the pin hole effect, the high resistive ZnO:Sn layer was deposited as a buffer layer in between the FTO and CdS:O films. It has been observed that the cell performance parameters are found to be varied with deposition power of CdO:S films and an overall conversion efficiency of 10.27% was achieved.  相似文献   

The impacts of air annealing, light soaking (LS), and heat–light soaking (HLS) on cell performances were investigated for ZnS(O,OH)/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin‐film solar cells. It was found that the HLS post‐treatment, a combination of LS and air annealing at 130 °C, is the most effective process for improving the cell performances of ZnS(O,OH)/CIGS devices. The best solar cell yielded a total area efficiency of 18.4% after the HLS post‐treatment. X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy showed that the improved cell performance was attributable to the decreased S/(S + O) atomic ratio, not only in the surface region but also the interface region between the ZnS(O,OH) and CIGS layers, implying the shift to an adequate conduction‐band offset at the ZnS(O,OH)/CIGS interface. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent progress in fabricating Cd‐ and Se‐free wide‐gap chalcopyrite thin‐film solar devices with Zn(S,O) buffer layers prepared by an alternative chemical bath process (CBD) using thiourea as complexing agent is discussed. Zn(S,O) has a larger band gap (Eg = 3·6–3·8 eV) than the conventional buffer material CdS (Eg = 2·4 eV) currently used in chalcopyrite‐based thin films solar cells. Thus, Zn(S,O) is a potential alternative buffer material, which already results in Cd‐free solar cell devices with increased spectral response in the blue wavelength region if low‐gap chalcopyrites are used. Suitable conditions for reproducible deposition of good‐quality Zn(S,O) thin films on wide‐gap CuInS2 (‘CIS’) absorbers have been identified for an alternative, low‐temperature chemical route. The thickness of the different Zn(S,O) buffers and the coverage of the CIS absorber by those layers as well as their surface composition were controlled by scanning electron microscopy, X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and X‐ray excited Auger electron spectroscopy. The minimum thickness required for a complete coverage of the rough CIS absorber by a Zn(S,O) layer deposited by this CBD process was estimated to ∼15 nm. The high transparency of this Zn(S,O) buffer layer in the short‐wavelength region leads to an increase of ∼1 mA/cm2 in the short‐circuit current density of corresponding CIS‐based solar cells. Active area efficiencies exceeding 11·0% (total area: 10·4%) have been achieved for the first time, with an open circuit voltage of 700·4 mV, a fill factor of 65·8% and a short‐circuit current density of 24·5 mA/cm2 (total area: 22·5 mA/cm2). These results are comparable to the performance of CdS buffered reference cells. First integrated series interconnected mini‐modules on 5 × 5 cm2 substrates have been prepared and already reach an efficiency (active area: 17·2 cm2) of above 8%. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A comparative study of chemical bath deposition (CBD) of ZnS, CdS, and a mixture of (Cd,Zn)S buffer layers has been carried out on electrodeposited CuIn(S,Se)2 (CISSe) and coevaporated Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) absorbers. For an optimal bath composition with the ratio of [Zn]/[Cd] = 25, efficiencies higher than those obtained with CdS and ZnS recipes, both on co‐evaporated CIGS and electrodeposited CISSe, have been obtained independent of the absorber used. In order to better understand the (Cd,Zn)S system and its impact on the increased efficiency of cells, predictions from the solubility diagrams of CdS and ZnS in aqueous medium were made. This analysis was completed by in situ growth studies with varying bath composition by quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). The morphology and composition of the films were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X‐ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) techniques. Preliminary XPS studies showed that films are composed of a mixture of CdS and Zn(O,OH) phases and not a pure ternary Cd1 − xZnxS compound. The effect of the [Zn]/[Cd] molar ratio on properties of the corresponding CISSe and CIGS solar cells was investigated by current voltage [J(V)] and capacitance voltage [C(V)] characterizations. The origin of optimal results is discussed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

CsLiB6O10 (CLBO) thin films are grown on Si (100) and (111) substrates using lower index SiO2 and CaF2 as buffer layers by pulsed KrF (248 nm) excimer laser ablation of stoichiometric CLBO targets over a temperature range of 425 to 725°C. A CaF2 buffer layer is grown on Si by laser ablation while SiO2 is prepared by standard thermal oxidation. From extended x-ray analysis, it is determined that CaF2 is growth with preferred orientation on Si (100) at temperatures lower than 525°C while on Si (111) substrate, CaF2 is grown epitaxially over the temperature range; this agrees well with observed reflection high energy electron diffraction patterns. X-ray 2θ-scans indicate that crystalline CLBO are grown on SiO2/Si and CaF2/Si (100). Analysis of reflectance spectra from CLBO/SiO2/Si yields the absorption edge at 182 nm. Surface roughness of the CaF2 and CLBO/CaF2/Si film are 19 and 15 nm, respectively. This relatively rough surface caused by the ablation of wide bandgap CaF2 and CLBO limits the application of CLBO for waveguiding measurement.  相似文献   

We study the sequential fabrication of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGSe) absorber layers by using an atmospheric pressure selenization with a process duration of only a few minutes and the utilization of elemental selenium vapor from independent Se sources. This technology could proof to be an industrially relevant technology for the fabrication of thin‐film solar cells. Controlling the amount of Se provided during the selenization of metal precursors is shown to be an effective measure to adjust the Ga in‐depth distribution. A reduced Se supply for CIGSe formation leads to a more homogeneous Ga distribution within the absorber. The underlying growth dynamics is investigated by interrupting the selenization at different times. At first, CIGSe formation occurs in accordance with previously suggested growth paths and Ga segregates at the Mo back contact. Between 520 and 580 °C, the growth dynamics differs distinctly, and In and Ga distribute far more uniformly within the absorber depth. We also studied the impact of the precursor architecture. The best performing precursor in terms of efficiency of the respective solar cells was a multilayer with 22 In/CuGa/In triple layers. Simple bilayers stacks lead to films of higher roughness and correlated shunting. By optimizing the precursor architecture and the Ga in‐depth distribution in the CIGSe layer, a conversion efficiency of up to 15.5% (active area) could be achieved. To our knowledge, this is the highest reported efficiency for sulfur free CIGSe‐based solar cells utilizing fast (few minutes) atmospheric processes and elemental Se vapor. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new atomic layer deposition process was developed for deposition of Zn–Sn–O buffer layers for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells with tetrakis(dimethylamino) tin, Sn(N(CH3)2)4, diethyl zinc, Zn(C2H5)2, and water, H2O. The new process gives good control of thickness and [Sn]/([Sn] + [Zn]) content of the films. The Zn–Sn–O films are amorphous as found by grazing incidence X‐ray diffraction, have a high resistivity, show a lower density compared with ZnO and SnOx, and have a transmittance loss that is smeared out over a wide wavelength interval. Good solar cell performance was achieved for a [Sn]/([Sn] + [Zn]) content determined to be 0.15–0.21 by Rutherford backscattering. The champion solar cell with a Zn–Sn–O buffer layer had an efficiency of 15.3% (Voc = 653 mV, Jsc(QE) = 31.8 mA/cm2, and FF = 73.8%) compared with 15.1% (Voc = 663 mV, Jsc(QE) = 30.1 mA/cm2, and FF = 75.8%) of the best reference solar cell with a CdS buffer layer. There is a strong light‐soaking effect that saturates after a few minutes for solar cells with Zn–Sn–O buffer layers after storage in the dark. Stability was tested by 1000 h of dry heat storage in darkness at 85 °C, where Zn–Sn–O buffer layers with a thickness of 76 nm retained their initial value after a few minutes of light soaking. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is focused on the basic study and optimization of short time (<10 min) Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD) of Zn(S,O,OH) buffer layers in co‐evaporated Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGSe) and electrodeposited CuIn(S,Se)2 ((ED)‐CIS) solar cells for industrial applications. First, the influence of the deposition temperature is studied from theoretical solution chemistry considerations by constructing solubility diagrams of ZnS, ZnO, and Zn(OH)2 as a function of temperature. In order to reduce the deposition time under 10 min, experimental growth deposition studies are then carried out by the in situ quartz crystal microgravimetry (QCM) technique. An optimized process is performed and compared to the classical Zn(S,O,OH) deposition. The morphology and composition of Zn(S,O,OH) films are determined using SEM and XPS techniques. The optimized process is tested on electrodeposited‐CIS and co‐evaporated‐CIGSe absorbers and cells are completed with (Zn,Mg)O/ZnO:Al windows layers. Efficiencies similar or even better than CBD CdS/i‐ZnO reference buffer layers are obtained (15·7% for CIGSe and 8·1% for (ED)‐CIS). Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

CZTSSe thin‐film absorbers were grown by stacked ZnS/SnS/Cu sputtering with compound targets, and the precursors were annealed in a furnace with a Se atmosphere. We controlled the thickness of the ZnS precursor layer for the CZTSSe thin films in order to reduce the secondary phases and to improve the performance of the devices. The optimal value of the ZnS precursor thickness was determined for the CZTSSe absorbers, and this configuration showed an efficiency of up to 9.1%. In this study, we investigated the depth profiles of the samples in order to determine the presence of secondary phases in the CZTSSe thin films by Raman spectroscopy and Kelvin probe force microscopy. Cu2SnSe3, ZnSe, and MoSe2 secondary phases appeared near the back contact, and the work function distribution of the CZTSSe thin‐film surface and the secondary phase distribution were different depending on the depths of the absorber layer. This phase characterization allows us to describe the effects that changes in the thickness of the ZnS precursor can have on the performance of the CZTSSe thin‐film solar cells. Although it is important to identify the phases, the effects of secondary phases and point defects are not yet fully understood, even in optimal devices. Therefore, phase identification that is based on the work function and the results obtained from the Raman spectra in terms of the depth profile are instrumental to improve the surface and interface of CZTSSe thin‐film solar cells. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper reports a comparative study of Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 (CIGSSe) thin‐film solar cells with CBD‐CdS, CBD‐ZnS(O,OH) and ALD‐Zn(O,S) buffer layers. Each buffer layer was deposited on CIGSSe absorber layers which were prepared by sulfurization after selenization (SAS) process by Solar Frontier K. K. Cell efficiencies of CBD‐CdS/CIGSSe, CBD‐ZnS(O,OH)/CIGSSe and ALD‐Zn(O,S)/CIGSSe solar cells exceeded 18%, for a cell area of 0.5 cm2. The solar cells underwent a heat‐light soaking (HLS) post‐treatment at 170 °C under one‐sun illumination in the air; among the three condtions, the ALD‐Zn(O,S)/CIGSSe solar cells showed the highest cell efficiency of 19.78% with the highest open‐circuit voltage of 0.718 V. Admittance spectroscopy measurements showed a shift of the N1 defect's energy position toward shallower energy positions for ALD‐Zn(O,S)/CIGSSe solar cells after HLS post‐treatment, which is in good agreement with their higher open‐circuit voltage and smaller interface recombination than that of CBD‐ZnS(O,OH)/CIGSSe solar cells. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of the immersion into a NH3 aqueous solution on the structural characteristics of the chemically deposited Zn(S,O,OH) layer and photovoltaic performance of the CIGS/Zn(S,O,OH) solar cells were investigated with structural and electrical characterizations. The as‐deposited‐Zn(S,O,OH) layer possessed a layered structure of upper Zn(OH)2 and Zn(S,O) layers, and the upper Zn(OH)2 layer was removed by the immersion. The conversion efficiency for the CIGS solar cell was improved from 6.8% to 13.7% by removing the upper Zn(OH)2 layer during the immersion. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ZnS is a candidate to replace CdS as the buffer layer in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cells for Cd‐free commercial product. However, the resistance of ZnS is too large, and the photoconductivity is too small. Therefore, the thickness of the ZnS should be as thin as possible. However, a CIGS solar cell with a very thin ZnS buffer layer is vulnerable to the sputtering power of the ZnO : Al window layer deposition because of plasma damage. To improve the efficiency of CIGS solar cells with a chemical‐bath‐deposited ZnS buffer layer, the effect of the plasma damage by the sputter deposition of the ZnO : Al window layer should be understood. We have found that the efficiency of a CIGS solar cell consistently decreases with an increase in the sputtering power for the ZnO : Al window layer deposition onto the ZnS buffer layer because of plasma damage. To protect the ZnS/CIGS interface, a bilayer ZnO : Al film was developed. It consists of a 50‐nm‐thick ZnO : Al plasma protection layer deposited at a sputtering power of 50 W and a 100‐nm‐thick ZnO : Al conducting layer deposited at a sputtering power of 200 W. The introduction of a 50‐nm‐thick ZnO : Al layer deposited at 50 W prevented plasma damage by sputtering, resulting in a high open‐circuit voltage, a large fill factor, and shunt resistance. The ZnS/CIGS solar cell with the bilayer ZnO : Al film yielded a cell efficiency of 14.68%. Therefore, the application of bilayer ZnO : Al film to the window layer is suitable for CIGS solar cells with a ZnS buffer layer. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Indium oxide (In2O3) thin films are successfully deposited on glass substrate at different deposition times by an ultrasonic spray technique using Indium chloride as the precursor solution; the physical properties of these films are characterized by XRD, SEM, and UV-visible. XRD analysis showed that the films are polycrystalline in nature having a cubic crystal structure and symmetry space group Ia3 with a preferred grain orientation along the (222) plane when the deposition time changes from 4 to 10 min, but when the deposition time equals 13 min we found that the majority of grains preferred the (400) plane. The surface morphology of the In2O3 thin films revealed that the shape of grains changes with the change of the preferential growth orientation. The transmittance improvement of In2O3 films was closely related to the good crystalline quality of the films. The optical gap energy is found to increase from 3.46 to 3.79 eV with the increasing of deposition time from 4 to 13 min. The film thickness was varied between 395 and 725 nm. The film grown at 13 min is found to exhibit low resistivity (10-2 Ω·cm), and relatively high transmittance (~ 93%).  相似文献   

We have achieved 17.9% efficiency in a 30 × 30 cm2 Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2 solar cell sub‐module prepared by selenization and sulfurization processes with a Cd‐free buffer. The development of an absorber layer, transparent conducting oxide window layer, and module design was the key focus. This permitted 1.8% higher efficiency than our last experimental result. The quantity and the injection time of the sodium were controlled, resulting in higher open circuit voltage (Voc) and short circuit current (Jsc). In order to increase Jsc, we changed the thickness of the window layer. Boron‐doped zinc oxide was optimized for higher transmittance without reducing the fill factor. The uniformity of each layer was improved, and patterns were optimized for each module. Therefore, Voc, Jsc, and FF could be theoretically improved on the reported results of, respectively, 20 mV, 2 mA/cm2, and 1.4%. The module's efficiency was measured at the Korea Test Laboratory to compare with the data obtained in‐house. Various analyses were performed, including secondary ion mass spectroscopy, photoluminescence, quantum efficiency, solar simulator, and UV–vis spectrometry, to measure the cell's depth profile, carrier lifetime, external quantum efficiency, module efficiency, and transmittance, respectively. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have fabricated high-quality <001> textured Pb(Zr0.54Ti0.46)O3 (PZT) thin films on (00l)Si with interposing <001> textured YBa2Cu3O7−δ (YBCO) and yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) buffer layers using pulsed laser deposition (KrF excimer laser, λ, = 248 nm, τ = 20 nanosecs). The YBCO layer provides a seed for PZT growth and can also act as an electrode for the PZT films, whereas YSZ provides a diffusion barrier as well as a seed for the growth of YBCO films on (001)Si. These heterostructures were characterized using x-ray diffraction, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and Rutherford backscattering techniques. The YSZ films were deposited in oxygen ambient (∼9 × 10−4 Torr) at 775°C on (001)Si substrate having <001>YSZ // <001>Si texture. The YBCO thin films were deposited in-situ in oxygen ambient (200 mTorr) at 650°C. The temperature and oxygen ambient for the PZT deposition were optimized to be 530°C and 0.4-0.6 Torr, respectively. The laser fluence to deposit this multilayer structure was 2.5-5.0 J/cm2. The <001> textured perovskite PZT films showed a dielectric constant of 800-1000, a saturation polarization of 37.81 μC/cm2, remnant polarization of 24.38 μC/cm2 and a coercive field of 125 kV/cm. The effects of processing parameters on microstructure and ferroelectric properties of PZT films and device implications of these structures are discussed.  相似文献   

Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 (‘CIGSSe’) based solar cells with a ZnO window extension layer (WEL) deposited by the ion layer gas reaction (ILGAR) reach competitive efficiencies compared to corresponding references with CdS buffer and lead to a simplified device structure. The WEL replaces not only the CdS buffer, but also the undoped part of the usually applied rf‐sputtered ZnO window bi‐layer. The long‐term stability of CIGSSe‐based solar modules is currently under investigation. In order to pass the respective stability tests, which include exposure to ‘damp‐heat’ (DH) conditions (85% relative humidity at 85(C) to accelerate possible aging effects, a good intrinsic material stability is required. In Reference1 it was revealed, that ILGAR‐ZnO contains a certain amount of meta‐stable hydroxide, which can be directly tuned by the ILGAR process parameters (number of process cycles and process temperature). In order to determine the ILGAR process parameters, which result in intrinsically stable WELs, ILGAR‐ZnO/CIGSSe test structures were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and x‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) before and after a DH‐test. It was found that, induced by the DH‐conditions, a continuous dehydration of the WELs together with a disintegration of the ILGAR‐ZnO layers takes place. This supports an earlier suggested mechanism of a DH‐induced degradation by a release of water at the most critical location in a solar cell, at the heterointerface between window and absorber. By a systematic variation of the ILGAR process parameters it was possible to reduce the hydroxide content in the ILGAR‐ZnO layers resulting in intrinsically more stable samples. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin films co‐evaporated by 1‐stage, 2‐stage, and 3‐stage processes have been studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). The disappearance of a Cu2‐xSe optical signature, detected by real time SE during multistage CIGS, has enabled precise endpoint control. Band gap energies determined by SE as depth averages show little process variation for fixed [Ga]/([In] + [Ga]) atomic ratio, whereas their broadening parameters decrease with increasing number of stages, identifying successive grain size enhancements. Refined SE analysis has revealed band gap profiling only for 3‐stage CIGS. Solar cells incorporating these absorbers have yielded increased efficiencies in correlation with phase control, grain size, and band gap profiling. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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