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Model transformations are increasingly recognised as being of significant importance to many areas of software development and integration. Recent attention on model transformations has particularly focused on the OMGs Queries/Views/Transformations (QVT) Request for Proposals (RFP). In this paper I motivate the need for dedicated approaches to model transformations, particularly for the data involved in tool integration, outline the challenges involved, and then present a number of technologies and techniques which allow the construction of flexible, powerful and practical model transformations.  相似文献   

Assessment of long-term anthropogenic impacts on agro-ecosystems requires comprehensive modelling capabilities to simulate water interactions between the surface and groundwater domains. To address this need, a modelling framework, called “SWATmf”, was developed to link and integrate the Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), a widely used surface watershed model with the MODFLOW, a groundwater model. The SWATmf is designed to serve as a project manager, builder, and model performance evaluator, and to facilitate dynamic interactions between surface and groundwater domains at the watershed scale, thus providing a platform for simulating surface and groundwater interactions. Using datasets from the Fort Cobb Reservoir experimental watershed (located in Oklahoma, USA), the SWATmf to facilitate linkage and dynamic simulation of SWAT and MODFLOW models. Simulated streamflow and groundwater levels generally agreed with observations trends showing that the SWATmf can be used for simulating surface and groundwater interactions.  相似文献   

Integrating role graphs: a tool for security integration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Role-based access control provides a very flexible set of mechanisms for managing the access control of a complex system with many users, objects and applications. The role graph model of Nyanchama and Osborn is one example of how role administration algorithms can be implemented. In our previous research, we have also shown how the access control information of existing systems can be extracted and represented as a role graph. In this paper, we extend this research by showing how, when two systems are being integrated, their role graphs can also be integrated.  相似文献   

介绍了笔者研发的一种基于统一数据模型和扩展数据流模型实现的插件化数据交换和集成工具DataTurbo,它以示例驱动的界面引导用户将可配置的功能插件快速、灵活地组合构成数据流程,实现自动、稳健和高效的数据物化集成。统一数据模型降低了以往ETL工具使用中由数据存储格式和语义差异造成的复杂性,同时提高了插件和工具的可扩展性。扩展数据流模型支持流程事务的定义和基于共享状态的异步事件响应,前者通过模型变换,为流程添加易于理解的控制信息;后者允许系统快速响应异常事件。DataTurbo已经成功部署并服务于广州市番禺区  相似文献   

过程企业信息建模与集成研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
提出了过程企业多维信息模型,从功能层次、空间层次和生命周期维的角度对过程企业信息的特点进行分析;在此基础上,介绍了过程企业信息集成的目标、内容、特点和关键支持技术;最后,提出了基于XML的过程企业信息集成框架。  相似文献   

The integration of views and schemas is an important part of database design and evolution and permits the sharing of data across complex applications. The view and schema integration methodologies used to date are driven purely by semantic considerations, and allow integration of objects only if that is valid from both semantic and structural view points. We discuss a new integration method called structural integration that has the advantage of being able to integrate objects that have structural similarities, even if they differ semantically. This is possible by using the object-oriented Dual Model which allows separate representation of structure and semantics. Structural integration has several advantages, including the identification of shared common structures that is important for sharing of data and methods.  相似文献   

Information about location of marginal lands in a watershed is of interest to those who view these areas as potential land for producing biofuel crops. However, representing marginal lands into a distributed model such as the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a challenge due to a rigid framework used for watershed sub-division. In this study, we developed a Geographic Information System (GIS) based approach for implementing targeted land use i.e. marginal lands into the SWAT model and evaluated the applicability of the approach on a 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) watershed scale. Comparative results showed that conventional targeting approach overestimates the benefit of targeting marginal lands for Alamo switchgrass (Panicum virgatum, L) and giant miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus) production due to simulation of larger area under marginal land category. Compared to baseline condition, which corresponds to no biofuel crop production on marginal lands, the pollutant losses under new targeting approach with simulation of Alamo switchgrass and giant miscanthus on marginal lands were substantially lower. The new targeting approach advances the science behind landscape representation in the SWAT model – that has potential to be used in future targeting studies.  相似文献   

Calibrating watershed-scale hydrologic models remains a critical but challenging step in the modeling process. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is one example of a widely used watershed-scale hydrologic model that requires calibration. The calibration algorithms currently available to SWAT modelers through freely available and open source software, however, are limited and do not include many multi-objective genetic algorithms (MOGAs). The Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) has been shown to be an effective and efficient MOGA calibration algorithm for a wide variety of applications including for SWAT model calibration. Therefore, the objective of this study was to create an open source software library for multi-objective calibration of SWAT models using NSGA-II. The design and implementation of the library are presented, followed by a demonstration of the library through a test case for the Upper Neuse Watershed in North Carolina, USA using six objective functions in the model calibration.  相似文献   

Driven by industrial needs and enabled by the latest information technology, enterprise integration has rapidly shifted from information integration to process integration for performance excellence in the entire business process. This paper reports on the modeling of a business information model which enables mold making companies to achieve business process integration. The needs of process integration in mold making companies are first highlighted. Typical mold making business processes are analyzed and four critical business processes to be integrated are identified. Further, a process-oriented business information model is proposed, which associates business information entities to meet the needs of all business processes. Based on the model, the integration of four critical business processes is investigated, which enables seamless information flows to streamline the business processes, maximize information sharing across the business processes and achieve the automation and concurrency of the business processes. Finally, the implementation and benefits to industry of the system derived from the developed information model is presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents an open and integrated tool environment that enables engineers to effectively search, in a CAD solid model form, for a mechanism design with optimal kinematic and dynamic performance. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of such an environment, design parameterization that supports capturing design intents in product solid models must be available, and advanced modeling, simulation, and optimization technologies implemented in engineering software tools must be incorporated. In this paper, the design parameterization capabilities developed previously have been applied to support design optimization of engineering products, including a High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV). In the proposed environment, Pro/ENGINEER and SolidWorks are supported for product model representation, DADS (Dynamic Analysis and Design System) is employed for dynamic simulation of mechanical systems including ground vehicles, and DOT (Design Optimization Tool) is included for a batch mode design optimization. In addition to the commercial tools, a number of software modules have been implemented to support the integration; e.g., interface modules for data retrieval, and model update modules for updating CAD and simulation models in accordance with design changes. Note that in this research, the overall finite difference method has been adopted to support design sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

The competitiveness of businesses is increasingly dependent on their electronic networks with customers, suppliers, and partners. While the strategic and operational impact of external integration and IOS adoption has been extensively studied, much less attention has been paid to the organizational and technical design of electronic relationships. The objective of our longitudinal research project is the development of a framework for understanding and explaining B2B integration. Drawing on existing literature and empirical cases we present a reference model (a classification scheme for B2B Integration). The reference model comprises technical, organizational, and institutional levels to reflect the multiple facets of B2B integration. In this paper we investigate the current state of electronic collaboration in global supply chains focussing on the technical view. Using an in-depth case analysis we identify five integration scenarios. In the subsequent confirmatory phase of the research we analyse 112 real-world company cases to validate these five integration scenarios. Our research advances and deepens existing studies by developing a B2B reference model, which reflects the current state of practice and is independent of specific implementation technologies. In the next stage of the research the emerging reference model will be extended to create an assessment model for analysing the maturity level of a given company in a specific supply chain.  相似文献   

Failure to consider major sources of uncertainty may bias model predictions in simulating watershed behavior. A framework entitled the Integrated Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis Tool (IPEAT), was developed utilizing Bayesian inferences, an input error model and modified goodness-of-fit statistics to incorporate uncertainty in parameter, model structure, input data, and calibration/validation data in watershed modeling. Applications of the framework at the Eagle Creek Watershed in Indiana shows that watershed behavior was more realistically represented when the four uncertainty sources were considered jointly without having to embed watershed behavior constraints in auto-calibration. Accounting for the major sources of uncertainty associated with watershed modeling produces more realistic predictions, improves the quality of calibrated solutions, and consequently reduces predictive uncertainty. IPEAT is an innovative tool to investigate and explore the significance of uncertainty sources, which enhances watershed modeling by improved characterization and assessment of predictive uncertainty.  相似文献   

Networked Control Systems (NCS) are becoming increasingly ubiquitous in a growing number of applications, such as groups of unmanned aerial vehicles and industrial control systems. The evaluation of NCS properties such as stability and performance is very important given that these systems are typically deployed in critical settings. This paper presents the Networked Control Systems Wind Tunnel (NCSWT), an integrated modeling and simulation tool for the evaluation of Networked Control Systems (NCS). NCSWT integrates Matlab/Simulink and ns-2 for modeling and simulation of NCS using the High Level Architecture (HLA) standard. The tool is composed of two parts, the design-time models and the run-time components. The design-time models use Model Integrated Computing (MIC) to define HLA-based model constructs such as federates representing the simulators and interactions representing the communication between the simulators. MIC techniques facilitate the modeling and design of complex systems by using abstractions defined in domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) to describe the systems. The design-time models represent the control system dynamics and networking system behaviors in order to facilitate the run-time simulation of a NCS. The run-time components represent the main software components and interfaces for the actual realization of a NCS simulation using the HLA framework. Our implementation of the NCSWT based on HLA guarantees accurate time synchronization and data communication. Two case studies are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the tool as well as evaluate the impact of network effects on NCS.  相似文献   

Model checking is a formal technique for proving the correctness of a system with respect to a desired behavior. However, deadlock detection via model checking is particularly difficult for the following two problems: (i) the state explosion problem, due to the exponential increase in the size of a finite state model as the number of system components grows; and (ii) the output interpretation problem, as often counter-examples are so long that they are hard to understand. The aim of this paper is to solve both problems by using heuristic-based search strategies. We have realized DELFIN+ (DEadLock FINder) a tool supporting efficient deadlock detection in CCS processes. We have used this tool to verify a sample of CCS processes, in order to evaluate the method on them.  相似文献   

We investigate the performance of 109 types of composition with complex permittivity and permeability properties in the frequency range of 1–12 GHz. The components of these compositions are based on conductive and nonconductive polymer composites, ferrites, hexaferrites, and carbon materials. A new swarm-based algorithm has been introduced to solve microwave absorbing nanomaterials (MANM) problem, called Imitation Based Optimization (ISO). The individuals in the ISO imitate each other and move to better locations. ISO has high ability to trade-off between the exploration and exploitation with setting the input parameters. Also, it can simultaneously deal with contentious and discrete spaces. The results show that our proposed method has high quality outcomes and can be used in various applications. Various outputs will be achieved by the presented tool for the aforementioned compositions as a general reference. Considering the ability of the presented tool for selecting layer priority, layer arrangement, layer thickness, frequency range, and incidence angles, a variety of analyses can be carried out. Another ability of the presented tool is analysis of the reflection loss at different incident angles in the microwave frequency range. Using the introduced tool, the reflection loss with TM and TE polarization analysis also can be calculated.  相似文献   

A major problem facing manufacturing organisations is how to provide efficient and cost-effective responses to the unpredictable changes taking place in a global market. This problem is made difficult by the complexity of supply chain networks coupled with the complexity of individual manufacturing systems within supply chains. Current systems such as manufacturing execution systems (MES), supply chain management (SCM) systems and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems do not provide adequate facilities for addressing this problem. This paper presents an approach that would enable manufacturing organisations to dynamically and cost-effectively integrate, optimise, configure, simulate, restructure and control not only their own manufacturing systems but also their supply networks, in a co-ordinated manner to cope with the dynamic changes occurring in a global market. This is realised by a synergy of two emerging manufacturing concepts: Agent-based agile manufacturing systems and e-manufacturing. The concept is to represent a complex manufacturing system and its supply network with an agent-based modelling and simulation architecture and to dynamically generate alternative scenarios with respect to planning, scheduling, configuration and restructure of both the manufacturing system and its supply network based on the coordinated interactions amongst agents.  相似文献   

异构安全数据集成对安全信息共享和安全业务协同处理具有重要意义,是数据集成领域的一个重要方向。在分析异构安全数据现状的基础上,研究了现有的基于本体的数据集成建模方法和异构系统间实现安全策略的协同。通过对本体语言OWL进行安全性扩展,提出了一个异构安全数据的本体建模方法并通过实例进行了验证。  相似文献   

Requirements Engineering - Risk-aware Business Process Management (R-BPM) has been addressed in research since more than a decade. However, the integration of the two independent research streams...  相似文献   

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