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Fifty consecutive psychiatric consultations on 48 patients over an 18-month period in an arthritis hospital are analyzed. The range of psychiatric disorders and their relationship to characteristics of the patient population, such as age, sex, and medical diagnosis, are described. Approximately 2% of patients admitted to the hospital during this period elicited psychiatric consultation. This rate is one-third of the consultation rate of an acute medical and surgical hospital serviced by the same consultants. The relative distribution of psychiatric diagnoses--depression 59%, personality disorders and drug abuse 15%, psychosis 10%, conversion reaction 10%, and "other" 6%--was similar to that encountered in an acute general hospital setting. Although depression was the most prevalent psychiatric problem, it was severe enough to elicit consultation only in 1% of the total hospitalized population; its severity did not correlate directly with the severity of rheumatoid arthritis, the most common medical diagnosis encountered. Neither a particular medical illness nor sex accounted for a disproportionate share of the psychiatric consultations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We examined the relationship between religious attendance, religious affiliation, and use of acute hospital services by older medical patients. METHODS: Religious affiliation (n = 542) and church attendance (n = 455) were examined in a consecutive sample of medical patients aged 60 or older admitted to Duke University Medical Center. Information on use of acute hospital services during the year before admission and length of the current hospital stay was collected. Frequency of church attendance and religious affiliation were examined as predictors of hospital service use, controlling for age, sex, race, education, social support, depressive symptoms, physical functioning, and severity of medical illness as covariates using logistic regression. RESULTS: Patients who attended church weekly or more often were significantly less likely in the previous year to have been admitted to the hospital, had fewer hospital admissions, and spent fewer days in the hospital than those attending less often; these associations retained their significance after controlling for covariates. Patients unaffiliated with a religious community, while not using more acute hospital services in the year before admission, had significantly longer index hospital stays than those affiliated. Unaffiliated patients spent an average of 25 days in the hospital, compared with 11 days for affiliated patients; this association strengthened when physical health and other covariates were controlled. CONCLUSIONS: Participation in and affiliation with a religious community is associated with lower use of hospital services by medically ill older adults, a population of high users of health care services. Possible reasons for this association and its implications are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study examined predictors of discharge against medical advice (AMA) and outcomes of psychiatric patients with AMA discharges, as measured by poorer symptom ratings at discharge and higher rates of rehospitalization. METHODS: A total of 195 patients discharged AMA from general hospital psychiatric units were compared retrospectively with 2,230 regularly discharged patients. AMA status was defined as signing out against medical advice, being absent without leave, or being administratively discharged. All patients received standardized assessments within 24 hours of admission and at discharge. Demographic characteristics, psychiatric history, DSA-IV psychiatric and substance use diagnoses, and scores on an expanded 32-item version of the Psychiatric Symptom Assessment Scale were compared. RESULTS: The groups did not differ in primary psychiatric diagnoses. Patients discharged AMA were significantly less likely to be Caucasian or to be functionally impaired due to physical illness. They were more likely to live alone, have a substance use diagnosis, use more psychoactive substances, and have more previous hospitalizations. Patients discharged AMA had significantly shorter lengths of stay, higher rehospitalization rates, and more severe symptoms at discharge, even when length of stay was taken into account. The differences between the groups in male gender and young age were better accounted for by a greater likelihood of substance abuse in these groups. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest a profile of patients who may be discharged AMA. Such patients have worse outcomes and are more likely to be high utilizers of inpatient resources. Aggressive identification of patients likely to be discharged AMA and early discharge planning for appropriate outpatient treatment are recommended.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study tested the hypothesis that the amount of psychoactive substance consumed (frequency and/or quantity), life problems resulting from this use, and a DSM-IV diagnosis of substance abuse/dependence are independent risk factors associated with increased suicidal ideation in a population of psychiatric inpatients with major depressive disorder. METHOD: 891 hospitalized patients with a primary diagnosis of nonpsychotic major depressive disorder (MDD) received a standardized, psychiatrist-administered assessment battery. To examine the relationship between admission suicidality and demographic, psychiatric history, and admission variables, chi-square analyses were used for categorical data and one-way ANOVAs were used for continuous indices. Stepwise hierarchical multiple regression analyses were performed to determine the set of variables that was independently related to admission suicidality level. RESULTS: There was general agreement between our findings and previous literature in regard to the association between severity of Axis I diagnosis, depressed mood, hopelessness, male gender, unemployment, involuntary treatment, and alcohol/drug problems and higher suicidal ideation. In our sample of hospitalized patients with unipolar major depressive disorder, higher current drug and/or alcohol dependency and high current use of alcohol or other substances of abuse were independently associated with higher levels of suicidal ideation. CONCLUSION: This association with higher suicidal ideation lends support to the importance of treating patients for both alcohol/drug problems and depression in an effort to decrease their risk for future suicide. We hope that our findings will improve the care that patients with dual diagnoses receive.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors tested the hypotheses that medical illness burden is independently associated with depression and that this association is moderated by neuroticism. METHOD: Multiple regression techniques were used to determine the independent associations of medical burden and neuroticism with depression in a group of 196 subjects, 60 years of age and older, recruited from primary care settings. RESULTS: Medical burden and neuroticism were independently associated with major depression, depressive symptoms, and psychiatric dysfunction. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support models in which medical disorders may contribute directly to depression. At the same time, the role of neuroticism in later-life depression warrants further study.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The state psychiatric hospital is experiencing an increase in medically sick and aging patients who die of natural causes while hospitalized. This study explored the "medicalization" of the state hospital by examining the prevalence of medical illness and its relationship with psychiatric illness and age among state hospital psychiatric inpatients who died of natural causes--deaths that were not accidents, homicides, or suicides. METHODS: A total of 179 inpatients who died of natural causes at Western State Hospital in Washington State between 1989 and 1994 were studied retrospectively through case file review. Their demographic and institutional characteristics and psychiatric diagnoses were compared with those of others treated at the hospital (N=9,258). The medical diagnoses of patients who died were analyzed by age and psychiatric condition. RESULTS: The patients who died were much older than the other patients treated during the study period. Two-thirds of those who died had organic mental disorders, mostly dementia, whereas only a fifth of the other patients had these disorders. The patients who died had a mean of eight physical illnesses, with a range from none to 21. Circulatory and respiratory conditions were most prevalent, affecting half to two-thirds of patients; these conditions had high rates of comorbidity with organic mental disorders. CONCLUSIONS: The characteristics of the state hospital population and the services provided are shifting in response to mental health reform and new policies on patient self-determination. Increased emphasis on medical care added to traditional psychiatric services will require increased financial and personnel resources.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Depression has a marked negative impact on geriatric patient mortality and morbidity. The risk factors and exact reasons for these effects are not well understood. METHOD: Seeking to better define the factors, we retrospectively analyzed the effects of gender and age at onset of affective disorder in a naturalistic study of 192 geriatric patients consecutively admitted to a large midwestern tertiary care center between 1980 and 1987 for the treatment of unipolar depression. RESULTS: After controlling for age at index admission, patients with an onset of depression before age 40 suffered significantly (p < .05) less mortality in follow-up than those with onset after age 40. When effects of gender are examined, the effects of age at onset are most profound in women, with a threefold increase in the rate of death in the cohort with age at onset of depression after 70 years when compared to those with onset before age 40. CONCLUSION: These results and those of others suggest that depressed elderly women with no previous history of affective disorder are at a markedly increased risk compared with elderly women with a history of affective illness for morbidity and mortality and that a significant proportion of elderly depressed patients are admitted to a psychiatric hospital for a depression that is secondary to serious medical illness.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: In the last decades affective disorders were divided into unipolar and bipolar and this division has been generally accepted. The bipolar type is manifested by mania or by both mania and depression. On the other hand, unipolar affective disorders are manifested only by depression. In numerous investigations authors have noticed that there are very distinctive differences between these two types of depressive disorders such as: course of illness, personality disorders, sex, family history etc. Nevertheless, in practice it is often very difficult to make the right diagnosis. The bipolar type often starts with a few pure depressive episodes and sometimes mania occurs a few years later so only at that point the psychiatrist can make the right diagnosis and treat the patient correctly. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This investigation comprised 50 patients hospitalized at the Psychiatric Clinic in Novi Sad during 1992-1995. The experimental group consisted of 20 patients with a bipolar affective disorder (according to ICD-X), while the control group consisted of 30 patients with clinical diagnosis of unipolar depression (intensive, without psychiatric features). Both groups of patients were weekly evaluated by Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS), whereas the initial score for all patients had to be higher than 16. RESULTS: Patients suffering from unipolar depression were older than patients with bipolar depression and there were more females in this group. There were no differences in demographic characteristics (level of education, migration, etc.), but the experimental group had a greater genetic loading for affective disorders. Unipolar depressive patients had more agitation and they were more anxious than patients with bipolar depression. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The fact that unipolar depressive patients were older than bipolar is similar to most of the results gained in this kind of investigation. On the other hand, we did not find statistical differences in the intensity of disorders, and in the literature these results are contraindicating. Numerous investigators report that bipolar depressives had a stronger genetic loading for affective disorders and our study confirms the same. All these results can help us to make the right diagnosis of unipolar and bipolar affective disorders.  相似文献   

While several surveys have shown that psychiatric disorders are common in non-psychiatric hospital departments, information on the course of psychiatric morbidity during the hospital stay is still lacking. Therefore, in two medical hospital departments in Austria we investigated the course of illness in 265 patients staying in the hospital for more than four weeks. Patients were interviewed using the Clinical Interview Schedule. At admission, prevalence of all psychiatric disorders was 46.0%. During the four weeks after admission, mentally well were discharged from hospital more frequently than mentally ill. Among those staying in the hospital after four weeks, prevalence was 51.4%. In the intervening period, the incidence (9.5%) was slightly lower than the rate of remission (12.4%). At both assessments, organic mental illness was the most frequent diagnosis followed by neurotic and adjustment disorders. Thus, in spite of the slightly higher rate of remission than incidence, the overall psychiatric prevalence increased during the first four weeks after admission because of the earlier discharges of the mentally well. In conclusion, our results show that point-prevalence surveys not regarding disease course give an incomplete impression of psychiatric morbidity in non-psychiatric hospital departments.  相似文献   

Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis function was assessed in depressed subjects 1 and 8 days after hospital admission, and after the administration of 1 mg of dexamethasone. Plasma levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), free triiodothyronine (FT3), and free thyroxine (FT4) were measured by ultrasensitive assays in 16 patients with minor depression, 15 patients with simple major depression, and 13 patients with melancholia. The postdexamethasone adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) (intact 1-39 molecule) and cortisol values were determined. Basal TSH values were significantly lower in melancholic patients than in patients with minor and simple major depression on the day after admission and 1 week later. Basal TSH values determined 1 week after admission were significantly and negatively related to FT4 values and severity of depression. There were no significant differences in basal TSH, FT3, and FT4 values obtained on day 1 and day 8 after hospital admission. Dexamethasone administration had a significant suppressant effect on basal TSH and FT3 values. Patients who failed to suppress cortisol after the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) exhibited significantly less suppression of basal TSH values than did DST cortisol suppressors.  相似文献   

The authors examined depression/disability outcomes in hospitalized older medical patients during the year after hospital discharge to assess the pattern and rate of changing depression and disability, the causal relationship between these variables, and to identify patients at greatest risk for poor outcomes. A group of 119 medical patients at Duke Hospital were both depressed and disabled; they were followed for a median of 47 weeks after hospital discharge. Time-series analyses showed that depression and disability tended to track together, and most changes occurred within the first 6 months after discharge. Blacks were more likely to remit from depression despite continued disability and less likely to experience continued depression despite decreased disability. Patients with a history of depression were less likely to experience improvement in depression unless disability improved. Number of medical diagnoses and depression severity independently predicted poorer depression outcomes. Certain characteristics of patients during hospitalization predict depression/disability outcomes after discharge.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: General practitioners are increasingly involved in the care of patients with long-term psychiatric disorders. We have previously reported that general practitioners are less willing to treat patients with schizophrenia than those without such a diagnosis, but this may have been attributable to a reluctance to treat patients with any psychiatric or chronic illness. We, therefore, examined general practitioners' attitudes to patients with chronic psychiatric or medical illnesses. METHODS: A random sample of 260 local general practitioners were each sent one of our case vignettes which were identical apart from mention of a previous diagnosis of schizophrenia, depression, diabetes or no illness. The general practitioners were asked to indicate their level of agreement with 13 attitudinal statements based on the vignette. RESULTS: One hundred and sixty-six (66%) of the general practitioners responded to the case vignettes. Those responding to the vignette about the patient with schizophrenia were less happy to have that patient on their practice list and were more concerned about the risk of violence and the child's welfare. Those responding to the depression vignette were more likely to offer the patient antidepressants or counselling; and those who replied to the diabetes case were most likely to refer the patient to a hospital specialist. These differences were not attributable to the personal or practice characteristics of the general practitioners. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with schizophrenia arouse concerns in general practitioners that are not simply due to those patients suffering from a psychiatric or chronic illness. Our results suggest that some patients with schizophrenia may find it difficult to register with a general practitioner and receive the integrated community-based health care service they require. Psychiatrists should provide education and support to general practitioners who look after patients with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has been reported in 10% to 22% of adults. Seventy percent to 90% of patients with IBS who seek medical attention have psychiatric comorbidity, most commonly major depression. In contrast, few studies have looked at the prevalence of IBS among psychiatric patients. METHOD: Using a semistructured clinical interview to study the prevalence of IBS, we compared 56 patients seeking treatment for major depression in an outpatient setting to an age- and sex-matched control group of patients (N = 40) who were seeking treatment in a general physician's office for other medical illnesses. The control group had no Axis I disorders. IBS was diagnosed according to the criteria of Drossman et al. RESULTS: Twenty-seven percent (N = 15) of patients with major depression met criteria for IBS in contrast to 2.5% (N = 1) of the control group (p = .0005). Patients with major depression and IBS were more likely to report symptoms of back pain, weakness, heartburn, and nocturnal bowel movements as well as a personal or family history of bowel disease compared with patients with major depression but without IBS. CONCLUSION: IBS is fairly common in patients seeking treatment for major depression. Prospective studies should address the question whether treatment of major depression leads to an improvement or resolution of the symptoms of IBS.  相似文献   

In the community, acute hypoglycaemia is commonly caused by therapies for diabetes mellitus or the excessive consumption of alcohol. Although most episodes do not require admission to hospital, little information is available on the causes and outcome of those that do. We retrospectively surveyed adult patients admitted to a large urban teaching hospital with acute hypoglycaemia in a 12-month period, identifying 56 admissions of 51 patients. Forty-one had diabetes mellitus, 33 (80%) of whom were receiving treatment with insulin. The others had hypoglycaemia induced by excessive consumption of alcohol or by deliberate self-poisoning with insulin. A history of psychiatric illness and/or chronic alcoholism was common. Neurological manifestations of hypoglycaemia were the principal reason for admission, observed on 50 occasions (89%), and 11 events (20%) had precipitated convulsions. Although many patients (59%) had received treatment for hypoglycaemia before admission, hypoglycaemia recurred in 16% of patients in hospital. Four patients (7%) died following admission, but in only one case was this the direct result of hypoglycaemia. However, within 15 months of the index hypoglycaemia event, a further six patients (11%) had died, mostly of causes unrelated to hypoglycaemia. Patients who require hospital admission for treatment of hypoglycaemia have a high incidence of neurological manifestations, a high rate of mental illness and other medical disorders, and may represent a high-risk subgroup with a poor long-term prognosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between severe life events and mental health outcomes following acute hospital care for older patients with acute stroke or fractured neck of femur. DESIGN: Prospective longitudinal survey of stroke and hip fracture patients admitted to hospital from admission to 6-month follow-up. SETTING: Six district general hospitals, three in the North and three in the South of England. PARTICIPANTS: 642 patients admitted to hospital with an acute stroke (268) or hip fracture (374) resident in a private household at 6 months follow-up. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, cognitive items of the Survey Psychiatric Assessment Scale, Clackmannan Disability Scale, Severe Life Events Inventory, Wenger Social Support Network Typology. RESULTS: 47% of 6-month survivors of stroke or hip fracture resident in private households had a possible psychiatric illness: dementia (13%), anxiety or depression (41%). 57% had severe or very severe disability and 48% experienced additional life events (17% two or more) after hospital admission. Severe disability was strongly associated with a higher prevalence of anxiety (p < 0.0005) or depression (p < 0.0001). Social contact was associated with a lower prevalence of anxiety (p < 0.01) or depression (p < 0.0001) and social support network type was strongly associated with depression (p < 0.001) but not anxiety (p = 0.096). Number of severe life events was associated with anxiety (p < 0.001) but not depression (p = 0.058). CONCLUSION: Disability is probably a more robust outcome measure than assessments of mental health for older people in uncontrolled studies.  相似文献   

68 depressed patients were subdivided according to their family's level of family functioning into functional and dysfunctional groups. Patients from dysfunctional families did not differ from those of functional families on measures of severity of depression, chronicity of depression, depression subtypes, other nonaffective psychiatric diagnoses, history of depression, or neuroendocrine functioning. Ss from dysfunctional families did have significantly higher levels of neuroticism. A 12-mo follow-up of these patients indicated that depressed patients with dysfunctional families had significantly poorer course of illness, as manifested by higher levels of depression, lower levels of overall adjustment, and a lower proportion of recovered patients. Thus, impaired family functioning appears to be an important prognostic factor in major depression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

NC Dunham  MA Sager 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1994,3(8):676-80; discussion 681
OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between symptoms of depression at admission and postdischarge medical outcomes in hospitalized elderly patients. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. METHODS: Patients screened for symptoms of depression at admission using the Geriatric Depression Scale underwent assessment 1 month after discharge to determine outcomes of hospitalization. SETTING: A 370-bed, acute care, community hospital. PATIENTS: A sample of 197 cognitively intact, community-dwelling elderly patients, aged 70 years and older, hospitalized with medical diagnoses, with expected lengths of stay of 48 hours or more. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form instrument was used to obtain data on 1-month postdischarge medical outcomes with respect to physical functioning, health status, and mental status. RESULTS: On admission, a total of 23.9% had symptoms of depression (Geriatric Depression Scale score, > or = 11) that were significantly related to preadmission functional status. In multivariate analyses, depressive symptoms at admission were significantly related to 1-month medical outcomes, independent of functional status. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that depressive symptoms in hospitalized elderly may be reactive to physical disability and characterize a group of patients who have poorer functional status prior to admission. The effect of depressive symptoms on 1-month postdischarge medical outcomes, however, appears to be independent of and in addition to the effects of preadmission functional status.  相似文献   

The attitude to illness and therapy of 28 involuntary and 31 voluntary patients admitted to a state psychiatric hospital was investigated by means of a questionnaire at the time of admission and prior to discharge. Involuntary patients have less illness consciousness, and only 17.9% of them but 67.7% of the voluntary patients show insight into their illness; they favour a medical-somatic model of illness and express less positive therapy expectations. Their whole attitude proves to be dysfunctional concerning compliance with medical treatment. Attitudes of involuntary patients changed during the hospital stay and became similar to those of voluntary patients, which hardly changed. This attitudinal change extended to illness consciousness, insight into illness and therapy expectations, whereas models of illness were found to be very stable. One third of the involuntary patients stayed in hospital voluntarily for further treatment. It is discussed that patients attitudes to illness and therapy should be taken more often into consideration and integrated into the planning of therapy.  相似文献   

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