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By using an in-line erbium-doped fiber amplifier with a net gain of 20.5 dB, it was possible to transmit an 11 Gb/s NRZ signal over 151 km of dispersion-shifted fiber. The bit rate distance product of 1.66 Tb/s-km obtained for a single-laser link with optical amplifiers experiment is a substantial improvement over the previous record of 1.03 Tb/s-km. The measurements indicate that new systems optimization procedures, as well as the incorporation of additional optical isolators, are required in order to assure stable operation with minimum system degradations  相似文献   

Two-channel transmission is demonstrated in a 2.5 Gb/s intensity-modulated direct-detection system over a distance of 1111 km, using 21 in-line erbium-doped fiber amplifiers. The two channels incur virtually no penalty when they are transmitted simultaneously. Owing to the use of gain filtering in the amplifiers instead of discrete in-line optical filters, the overall bandwidth of the link is about 15 nm, for a sensitivity penalty smaller than 1 dB on one single transmitted channel  相似文献   

Optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) in an optical transmission line containing in-line Er-doped fiber amplifiers is investigated. The proposed Er-doped fiber amplifiers are based on optical circulators, which support both OTDR and digital signal transmission. The measurable limit of OTDR fault location in optical transmission lines containing in-line amplifiers is discussed. Fault location and 1.8-Gb/s digital signal transmission are demonstrated in a 316.9 km, optical transmission line constructed with three in-line Er-doped fiber amplifiers  相似文献   

Automatic gain control using an all-optical feedback loop in in-line erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA's) used in hybrid analog/digital wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems was studied. It is found that the signal level variation for the digital channels can be maintained within a range /spl les/3-dB between the presence and dropout of the analog channel when the narrowband feedback is centered at the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) peak (/spl sim/1532 nm) with loop loss ranging between 13-22 dB. Robust transmission at 2.5 Gb/s without measurable power penalty was obtained for the digital channels when the EDFA was saturated by either the analog or the control lasing signal.  相似文献   

We analyze a soliton-like phase-shift keying 40-Gb/s transmission system using cascaded in-line semiconductor optical amplifiers. Numerical optimization of the proposed soliton-like regime is presented.  相似文献   

The experimental verification of a novel fiber-optic sensor which performs distributed measurement of temperature by using a distributed erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) is presented. The sensor configuration is similar to that of a conventional optical time-domain reflectometer and detects the Rayleigh backscattered portion of a pulsed optical signal which is amplified by the EDFA, along with the backward amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) generated by the EDFA. The sensor utilizes the temperature dependence of the gain in an EDFA. The amplification provided by the erbium-doped fiber, which is pumped at 1.48 μm, significantly increases the magnitude of the optical signal reaching the receiver, thus leading to a simplified configuration and a potentially superior performance as compared to other types of distributed fiber-optic temperature sensors  相似文献   

The authors describe the first experimental study of an erbium-doped multimode fiber amplifier. The focus has been to characterize an intermediate core erbium-doped optical fiber, a fiber that is capable of propagating many guided modes at both the signal and pump wavelengths, and to determine the feasibility of using such an active fiber as a multimode fiber amplifier, by measuring its gain, noise, and pump power requirements. For a 2-m length of a 13-μm-core erbium-doped fiber, the authors measured gain as high as 16 dB at a signal wavelength of 1543 nm, with approximately 100 mW pump power (980 nm). For these same test conditions, the smallest excess noise factor β was 42  相似文献   

The performance of a packaged semiconductor laser amplifier has been investigated for use in an optical transmission system at 5 Gbit/s. With optical filtering at the receiver input only small system penalties were found, as expected from the analysis of the dominant noise contributions.<>  相似文献   

A directly modulated 1.519-μm distributed-feedback laser signal was transmitted over 233 km of single-mode fiber consisting of dispersion shifted fiber and conventional step-index fiber to minimize the dispersion penalty. The power penalty after the transmission was 0.25 dB. The results show the effectiveness of an optical amplifier repeater system for high-speed long-haul fiber optic transmission  相似文献   

A circulating loop transmission experiment is a useful tool for the research and development of long-haul transmission systems that use erbium-doped fiber-amplifier repeaters. Circulating loop techniques, applied to an amplifier chain of modest length, can provide an experimental platform to study a broad range of transmission phenomena for EDFA-based transmission systems. A loop experiment attempts to simulate the transmission performance of a multi-thousand kilometer long system by reusing or recirculating an optical signal through a modest length amplifier chain of tens to hundreds of kilometers. This paper reviews original loop techniques developed to study various parameters of long-haul transmission using erbium-doped fiber-amplifiers repeaters for undersea systems. Transmission experiments were performed at transoceanic distances with 33 and 46 km amplifier spacing, operating at 5 and 10 Gb/s. Experimental data is provided here for various parameters, including bit error ratio, Q-factor, and spectral broadening  相似文献   

Sugie  T. Imai  T. Ito  T. 《Electronics letters》1990,26(19):1577-1578
A 351.4 km CPFSK repeaterless transmission at 2.5 Gbit/s is described, which uses a newly developed post amplifier consisting of two erbium-doped fibres. Amplifier output power of +18.8 dBm and a maximum allowable attenuation as high as 63.8 dB in the optical link were achieved.<>  相似文献   

An accurate model for erbium-doped fiber amplifiers with fiber background loss applicable to the unsaturated gain regime is presented. Exact analytical solutions are derived for the output pump power, gain, and amplified spontaneous noise as a function of input pump power in the cases of unidirectional or bidirectional pumping. An exact relation is also derived between the pump threshold and the pump required for fiber transparency. Such expressions are particularly useful to model distributed fiber amplifiers and to determine the optimal fiber parameters corresponding to a given pumping scheme. As an example, the analytical solutions are used to study the pump power requirement for distributed fiber amplifiers unidirectionally pumped at 1.48 mu m, and to determine an optimum Er/sup 3+/ absorption coefficient.<>  相似文献   

This paper describes the amplification characteristics of gain-flattened Er3+-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) by using 0.98-μm and 1.48-μm band pumping for a 1.58-μm band WDM signal. Silica-based Er3+-doped fiber (S-EDF) and fluoride-based Er 3+-doped fiber (F-EDF) have gain-flattened wavelength ranges from 1570 to 1600 nm and from 1565 to 1600 nm, respectively, and exhibit uniform gain characteristics with gain excursions of 0.7 and 1.0 dB, and the figure of merit of the gain flatness (gain excursion/average signal gain) of 3 and 4.3%, respectively, for an eight-channel signal in the 1.58-μm band. We show that 1.48-μm band pumping has a better quantum conversion efficiency and gain coefficient, and that 0.98-μm band pumping is effective for improving the noise characteristics. We also show that the EDFAs consisting of two cascaded amplification units pumped in the 0.98-μm and 1.48-μm bands are effective in constructing low-noise and high-gain 1.58-μm band amplifiers  相似文献   

On the optimization of hybrid Raman/erbium-doped fiber amplifiers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A comprehensive theoretical study on the optimal configuration of hybrid Raman/erbium-doped fiber amplifiers has been carried out yielding a closed form analysis. In order to compare different system configurations, a weight for the impact of fiber nonlinearities has been introduced. The maximum reachable distance has been evaluated as a function of the span length and nonlinear weight, given a target optical signal-to-noise ratio  相似文献   

The authors realized a direct detection intensity-modulation system experiment with four cascaded in-line semiconductor optical amplifiers. Using optical isolators between the amplifiers, they transmitted a NRZ 223-1 message over a distance of 279 km at a bit rate of 591.2 Mb/s. A comparison of this result with parallel experiments without optical isolators indicates that for a realistic implementation of long distance systems with semiconductor optical amplifiers, interamplifier optical isolators will be needed unless the residual facet reflectivity of the optical amplifiers is brought to a very low value (<1×10-4)  相似文献   

54/spl times/42.7 Gbit/s L and U-band WDM signal transmission has been experimentally demonstrated. In-line hybrid optical amplifiers consisting of L-band EDFAs and U-band distributed Raman amplifiers enable 2.2 Tbit/s WDM signals to be transmitted over three spans of 75 km DSF.  相似文献   

Investigates experimentally the influence of reflected light on an erbium-doped fiber amplifier for use in optical AM frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) video distribution systems when reflection points exist before and after the amplifier. It is found that amplifier distortion is not affected by reflected light but that the signal gain and the noise figure of the fiber amplifier degrade with increased reflectivity. Gain was decreased by 3 dB when reflectivity after the amplifier was -12 dB. It was theoretically and experimentally clarified that the noise figure degradation was related to the internal reflection of the erbium-doped fiber, in addition to the reflection before and after the fiber amplifier. This internal reflection is caused by input signal light scattered within the erbium-doped fiber  相似文献   

A 2223 km transmission distance was achieved with a 2.5-Gb/s heterodyne detection system that used erbium-doped-fiber in-line amplifiers and dispersion-shifted single-mode fibers. Twenty-five amplifiers, placed at approximately 80-km intervals, offered a total gain of more than 440 dB. Receiver sensitivity was -42.0 dBm, with only a 4.2-dB penalty from the initial sensitivity achieved by the back-to-back configuration  相似文献   

The use of erbium-doped fiber optical amplifiers (EDFAs) in bus and star networks is studied. The number of stations that can be supported with and without amplifiers in a single folded bus, a double bus, and a star is determined. For a typical case, when only one station on the bus is allowed to transmit at a time, as is the case in a time-division multiplexed network, the number of stations that can be supported with amplifiers is on the order of several thousands. This number drops to less than a thousand when all stations are allowed to transmit simultaneously on different channels in a wavelength-division multiplexed network, because of amplifier gain saturation. In the former case, the bus has the potential to outperform the star, but in the latter case, the star topology is still better  相似文献   

通过计算机系统仿真研究光纤色散参量对以相敏光放大器(PSA)作为在线放大器的动态孤子系统传输性能的影响。研究结果表明,PSA增益的相敏特性使孤子脉冲主瓣幅度因光纤色散而下降,脉宽展宽,出现旁瓣。光纤色散值越大,经长距离传输后,孤子脉冲主瓣的下降幅度和脉宽展宽程度越显著;且旁瓣脉宽越宽。  相似文献   

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