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The housing cooperatives as non-profit home builders are NGOs providing freehold housing for their members.There are now about 40,000 housing cooperatives in Turkey with some 1.8 million members, which contribute to a big part of the total housing construction in Turkey. The author demonstrates the current situation and significance of cooperatives in providing affordable housing for moderate and lower income families and the financial support they‘ve acquired from public funds, especially Housing Development Fund, and analyses the difficulties Turkey is facing in developing a sustainable housing finance system within the financial market.  相似文献   

土地供应对住房供应的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从基本的供给理论出发,建立了土地供应对住房供应影响的分析模型,并以北京市为例,进行了实证研究.结果表明,在我国当前的市场环境下,土地供应是住房供应的一个重要影响因素;土地价格对住房开发建设具有明显的制约作用;开发商往往会采取主动的策略助推房价的上涨.在我国当前住房需求日益旺盛以及房价快速上涨的环境下,增加政府的土地供应是提高住房供应的一个有效手段.同时,要注重加强对土地供应时效性的管理,以提高政府土地供应的效率.  相似文献   

德国的住房私有化改革在两德统一后一直持续不断地进行,这一过程一直持续到21世纪初。在20世纪90年代,柏林曾经是德国国有住房的根据地,由于国家和地方政府的政策变化,柏林逐渐成为住房私有化的中心。与其他欧洲国家相比,德国的做法是把庞大的房产投资进行组合,  相似文献   

上海住房市场交易量和平均交易价格双双创出新高。据上海市房地产交易中心的统计数据,2002年住房交易面积在4500万平方米左右,二级市场住房平均销售价格达到4800元/平方米。住房问题不仅仅是市场问题,更多的时候,住房是一个社会问题。  相似文献   

正澳大利亚总人口2200万,是世界上人均房屋面积最大的国家,也是世界上住房条件最好的国家之一。笔者考察了澳大利亚的悉尼、阿德莱德、堪培拉等城市,对城市住房体系留下深刻的印象。澳大利亚的住房供应体系大致可以分为保障住房、非盈利公共住房、低价租赁住房、普通租赁住房、经济适用住房和商品住房。完善的住房供应体系针对不同的需求群体,采取灵活多样的形式,满足了居民的住房需求。  相似文献   

简要阐述调整住房供应结构的必要性,分析了其目前存在的问题,并指出其今后发展应注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

By  Pak  Darrundono  宗思语 《人类居住》2005,(4):27-28
1969年印度尼西亚在雅加达启动的具有创新意义的贫民窟改善项目(KIP)可能是世界上第一个得到公认的城市贫民窟改造项目。20世纪80年代到90年代期间经过对国家住房发展政策和计划的不断修改,最终把得出的经验以制度化的形式确定了下来。  相似文献   

文章着重就住房供应结构调整后,住宅产品在市场构成、居住环境、居住品质等方面的变化,和向多样化、个性化及可持续方向发展进行论述。安亭新镇  相似文献   

1990年世界叉车产量达到55.8万台,创历史最高记录。电动叉车的销昔呈上升趋势,内燃叉车略有下降。近几年,欧洲国家电动叉车占叉车销量的50%左右,日本则是电动叉车、汽油叉车和柴油叉车三足鼎立。由于竞争的加剧,与20世纪80年代相比,90年代以后世界叉车工业出现厂销售额增长、盈利下降的反常现象。  相似文献   

The notion of choice is emerging as fundamental to new approaches to the provision of housing for people with intellectual disabilities. In order to achieve a more coherent and informed understanding of choice as a basis for theory, policy and practice in housing for people with intellectual disabilities, what is necessary is a clearer understanding of the complexities and tensions inherent in the idea of choice and their implications. Therefore, this paper considers three main themes which give rise to a more critical conceptualization of choice: a tension between the formalist and the redistributive approach to social justice; a tension between the individuality implied by choice and the community-care ethos of disability housing; and the institutional implications of the choice agenda within and beyond state-administration. The manifestation of these tensions is illustrated using a case study: housing for people with intellectual disabilities in the State of Victoria, Australia.  相似文献   

Since their inception at the beginning of the 20th century, the evolutionary paths of housing co-operatives have diverged in Mumbai and Chennai. Housing co-operatives in Mumbai have been principally Tenure co-operatives (i.e. for collective ownership and management). In Chennai they have been mainly Finance co-operatives (i.e. for providing loans to members). This paper makes a comparative institutional analysis of the two cities to examine the divergent evolution. The examination is important for informing the institutional conditions that enable co-operatives to flourish. Four institutional aspects are examined in this context: the local housing market, local housing policies, role of state government and co-operative institutional support structures.  相似文献   

Recent governments in Britain have sought to attract financial institutions into private rental housing in order to increase the scale, professionalism and reputation of the sector and thereby to 'modernise' private landlordism. In 1996, in order to provide an attractive vehicle for the financial institutions to invest in the sector, the government introduced legislation permitting the establishment of housing investment trusts. These residential property companies have a reduced tax liability compared with normal property companies. However, no housing investment trusts have so far been established and none seem likely to be set up. This paper reports on qualitative interviews with financial institutions to examine why housing investment trusts have proved to be a policy failure. It is argued that the rules governing such trusts did not reflect the normal operations of a property company and that the existing structure of housing provision in the private rented sector was itself an obstacle to the modernisation of private landlordism.  相似文献   

ROB IMRIE 《Housing Studies》2003,18(3):387-408
This paper describes and evaluates the reactions and responses of house-builders in England and Wales to government regulation concerning disabled people's physical access to new housing. The paper begins by discussing the role and relevance of government regulation in addressing issues of housing quality and, in particular, the housing needs of disabled people. Then, referring to postal survey and interview data, the impact and implications of Part M of the building regulations, set up to ensure a degree of access for disabled people to new housing, is assessed. The paper concludes by discussing different ways in which housing policy ought to address the concerns of housebuilders in relation to Part M while, simultaneously, addressing the, as yet, unmet needs of disabled people for good quality, accessible, housing.  相似文献   

The paper considers the proposal in England that a continuing requirement for residential developers to contribute directly to the supply of affordable housing in return for planning permission should operate alongside a new tax on land value increases due to planning permission. The paper asks whether it is right in principle for affordable housing to be supported by the implicit taxation of development. It is argued that in terms of transparency, clarity, and certainty explicit taxation is to be preferred to implicit taxation. It is thus suggested that once the new explicit tax is in place developers should no longer be routinely required to pay an additional implicit affordable housing tax. Affordable housing should, it is argued, be supported on the basis of need, not the resources available from the development process. The link between the provision of affordable housing and planning obligations should be broken.  相似文献   

The aim of social housing is to manage scarcity by providing affordable accommodation for everyone. Responding to shifts in demand, it also has to adapt to ever-changing economic, political and social conditions. Here, Andreas Rumpfhuber, Michael Klein and Georg Kolmayr look at Vienna's social housing provision, which for over a century has been ‘dealing with scarcity and its ghosts in order to avoid its negative effects’.  相似文献   

我国保障性住房的供给与融资:回顾与展望   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
长期以来我国的住房保障投入存在较大的欠缺,但自2008年以来我国保障性住房投入步伐大大加快,对社会民生和经济可持续发展都产生了积极的作用。本文对我国住房保障的范围与实施情况做历史总结与评述,并分析了投融资来源的主要渠道与规模。本文指出,保障性住房因其福利性特点,依托市场化融资困难,目前我国对其的融资渠道相对单一,政府财政压力较大,住房保障的可持续发展存在一定的制约。展望未来,我国保障性住房需要积极探索融资新路,获得多元化途径的资金来源。  相似文献   

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