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以Al(NO3)3?9H2O为包覆原料,通过燃烧法制备得到LiNi0.03Co0.05Mn1.92O4@Al2O3正极材料。通过X射线衍射(XRD),场发射扫描电子显微镜(FESEM)和透射电镜(TEM)等表征手段对材料的结构和形貌进行分析,并通过恒电流充放电、循环伏安(CV)、交流阻抗(EIS)等测试分析材料的电化学性能。结果表明,Al2O3包覆没有改变LiNi0.03Co0.05Mn1.92O4的尖晶石型结构,包覆层厚度约10.6nm。LiNi0.03Co0.05Mn1.92O4@Al2O3正极材料电化学性能得到了明显改善,1 C和10 C倍率下初始放电比容量分别为119.9 mAh?g-1和106.3 mAh?g-1,充放电循环500次后容量保持率分别为88.4%和78.2%,而未包覆的LiNi0.03Co0.05Mn1.92O4在1 C和10 C倍率下初始放电比容量分别为121.2 mAh?g-1和104.0 mAh?g-1,500次循环后容量保持率分别为84.1%和67.6%。LiNi0.03Co0.05Mn1.92O4@Al2O3活化能为32.92 kJ?mol-1,而未包覆材料的活化能为36.24 kJ?mol-1,包覆有效降低了材料Li+扩散所需克服的能垒,提高了材料的电化学性能。  相似文献   

为推动ZrO2-Al2O3在天然气汽车尾气净化催化剂中的实际应用,并阐明其制备条件对负载催化剂转化活性的影响机制,文章以ZrO2-Al2O3复合氧化物为载体,采用等体积浸渍法制备了Pd/ZrO2-Al2O3催化剂,并在连续流动固定床反应器上研究了ZrO2-Al2O3复合氧化物的制备对催化剂低温CH4氧化活性的影响。结果表明:制备方法中,相比于浸渍法和胶溶法,沉淀法更能提高催化剂活性;锆源、铝源优选中,以Zr(NO3)4为锆源、拟薄水铝石为铝源时能获得较高的催化活性;组分配比中,以w (ZrO2): w (Al2O3)=10:90的催化活性最高。XRD、低温N2吸附、CO脉冲吸附的结构表征表明,ZrO2-Al2O3复合氧化物的大的比表面积、孔容、孔径是促进贵金属Pd分散,提升催化剂低温CH4转化活性的关键因素。  相似文献   

采用粉末冶金法+热压工艺制备了不同Al2O3颗粒直径的1 vol%Al2O3/Cu基复合材料,使用光学显微镜和扫描电镜(SEM)观察了复合材料的显微组织,利用电子拉伸试验机测试了复合材料的力学性能。基于弹/塑性理论推导出了复合材料中颗粒周边的弹性区宽度的表达式。结果表明:Al2O3颗粒直径对Al2O3/Cu基复合材料强度及基体晶粒尺寸有着较大的影响;Al2O3颗粒直径越大,Al2O3/Cu基复合材料的抗拉强度、屈服强度越小;当Al2O3颗粒直径为5μm时,Al2O3/Cu基复合材料的抗拉强度和屈服强度分别为207和90 MPa,是铜试样的95.8%和95.7%。  相似文献   

在不同温度、不同应力条件下对高Nb-TiAl合金进行蠕变测试,结合扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)等分析手段探究纳米Y2O3对Ti-45Al-6Nb-2.5V合金高温蠕变性能的影响。铸态高Nb-TiAl合金组织为α2/γ层片结构,纳米Y2O3的添加可显著细化合金组织并改善合金的高温拉伸性能。蠕变结果分析得出,添加0.15at.%纳米Y2O3会显著改善Ti-45Al-6Nb-2.5V合金的抗蠕变性能,在800℃/300MPa条件下,合金稳态蠕变速率由2.389×10-7s-1降至1.500×10-7s-1;在850℃/250MPa条件下,合金的蠕变寿命由14.10h延长至61.50h。添加纳米Y2O3提高合金蠕变抗力的机制是Y2O3与基体具有较高的结合强度,可以有效阻碍位错运动,减弱孔洞萌生的倾向。经分析,两种合金在800℃/300MPa下的蠕变行为主要受位错攀移与孪晶控制,蠕变损伤断裂机理为孔洞萌生与裂纹扩展。  相似文献   

为了研究服役过程中38CaO-5MgO-8AlO1.5-49SiO_2(CMAS)对镁基六铝酸镧(LaMgAl_(11)O_(19))的高温侵蚀行为,利用大气等离子喷涂技术制备了LaMgAl_(11)O_(19)涂层。通过SEM、EDS和XRD表征了1050、1250℃下LaMgAl_(11)O_(19)涂层被CMAS侵蚀后的微观组织和相结构。结果表明,LaMgAl_(11)O_(19)涂层中在1250℃被侵蚀24 h后的腐蚀产物是CaAl_2Si_2O_8和MgAl_2O_4。此外,通过研究侵蚀层厚度与侵蚀温度、侵蚀时间的关系,计算得到了在1050~1250℃温度下,CMAS侵蚀LaMgAl_(11)O_(19)涂层的反应活化能为94.1 kJ/mol。  相似文献   

为探究Al2O3含量对Al2O3/Cu复合材料热变形行为的影响,采用内氧化法制备了3种Al2O3含量(0.28、0.66和1.13 mass%)的Al2O3/Cu复合材料,通过热模拟实验对其热变形行为进行了研究。结果表明:在823、923和1223 K时,随着Al2O3/Cu复合材料中Al2O3含量的增加,复合材料的峰值应力逐渐增大;显微组织观察发现,由于1.13 Al2O3/Cu复合材料内动态软化积累程度最大,导致其在1023和1123 K下出现了峰值应力下降现象。经热挤压后,在热变形过程中Al2O3/Cu复合材料的软化效果以动态回复为主。同时,发现0.28 Al2O3/Cu和0.66 Al  相似文献   

利用机械合金化法结合放电等离子烧结制备Al2O3/Cu铜基复合材料,采用XRD、SEM、硬度、抗拉强度和电导率等测试研究La含量对Al2O3/Cu复合粉末和烧结材料组织及性能的影响。结果表明:添加0.05%的稀土La有利于机械合金化过程中Cu晶粒的细化和Al2O3颗粒的弥散分布,从而提高烧结材料的显微硬度和抗拉强度。烧结材料的导电率随着La含量的增加先升后降,当La的质量分数为0.10%时,Al2O3/Cu复合材料的导电率提高11.3%IACS。  相似文献   

本实验采用两步水热法在钽基体表面制备出掺杂Cu2+的Ta2O5纳米棒薄膜。采用XRD、SEM、XPS等方法分析了材料的物相和表面微观结构。用ICP检测了样品在生理盐水中离子析出浓度,最后通过平板计数法检验了不同含量铜掺杂Ta2O5薄膜的抗菌能力。结果表明,通过两步水热处理,在钽表面生成了简单斜方晶体结构的Ta2O5纳米棒阵列,Cu2+的掺杂不会对纳米棒薄膜的微观形貌和物相造成显著影响。随时间的增加,掺铜薄膜的铜离子析出速率逐渐趋于平缓。平板计数法表明,Cu2+ 的掺杂量达到2.68At%时,铜掺杂Ta2O5纳米棒薄膜的抗菌性能最好,抗菌率达99.2%。  相似文献   

采用高能球磨-粉末冶金法制备了Al2O3/Cu多孔复合材料(A-C-M)。首先利用高能球磨法将Cu粉和Al2O3粉末均匀细化,然后将Al2O3/Cu复合粉末与造孔剂尿素均匀混合后,再将混合粉末冷压成型,最后通过溶脱-烧结工艺制得A-C-M。采用X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)对粉末原料和A-C-M的微观形貌进行表征分析,使用万能试验机对A-C-M进行压缩性能测试,探讨了尿素和Al2O3含量对A-C-M性能的影响。结果表明:高能球磨使Al2O3/Cu复合粉末的形貌由球状变为片状,复合粉末尺寸先减小后增大,在球磨4 h时获得最小平均粒径为25μm; A-C-M含有两种特征孔,100~300μm的大孔和1~10μm的微孔;随尿素含量的增加,孔的连通程度及复合材料的孔隙率逐渐增加,其压缩强度逐渐降低;随Al2O3含量的增加,A...  相似文献   

利用球磨预分散-搅拌铸造法制备纳米Al2O3/2024复合材料,并对所制备的铝基复合材料进行了显微组织及力学性能的研究。结果表明,经球磨预分散后,纳米颗粒团聚现象明显消除,纳米Al2O3呈单颗粒分散于Al粉表面;复合粉体添加法有效避免了超细增强颗粒和基体润湿性差和分散性较差的问题,实现纳米Al2O3颗粒均匀弥散分布于基体合金中;纳米Al2O3颗粒的加入显著提高基体合金的力学性能。与传统搅拌铸造相比,所制备的Al2O3/2024复合材料的抗拉强度、屈服强度和显微硬度分别提高了58%、59%和16%。  相似文献   

氧化铝/氧化铝复合材料(Al2O3/Al2O3)是20世纪90年代兴起的一类连续陶瓷纤维增强陶瓷基复合材料,已经发展为与SiC/SiC、C/SiC等非氧化物陶瓷基复合材料并列的一类陶瓷基复合材料。与非氧化物陶瓷基复合材料相比,Al2O3/Al2O3具有长时抗氧化、高温耐腐蚀、低成本等独特优势,已经在航空发动机、地面燃气轮机等军民两用热结构材料领域展现出广阔的应用前景。本文从材料应用的角度出发,系统分析阐述了目前在Al2O3/Al2O3占主导地位的多孔基体Al2O3/Al2O3(P-Al2O3/Al2O3)的增韧机制、成型工艺和性能特点,重点归纳了国外近年来P-Al2O3/Al2O3的工程化应用进展及前景,最后指出了P-Al2O3/Al2O3存在的局限性并展望了未来发展方向,旨在为国内Al2O3/Al2O3体系发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

采用搅拌摩擦加工方法在Al基体中添加不同La2O3含量的混合粉末(Ni+La2O3),制备 (Ni+La2O3)/Al复合材料。采用SEM、EDS、 EPMA及XRD对复合区微观结构及相组成进行分析,采用室温拉伸试验对 (Ni+La2O3)/Al复合材料力学性能进行了测试。结果表明,随着La2O3含量的增加,(Ni+La2O3)/Al复合材料的组织和性能先变好后变差。当La2O3添加量达到5%时,复合材料中Al3Ni增强颗粒分布均匀、颗粒数量最多,块状的Ni粉团聚减少,其抗拉强度达到最大值215MPa,相比Ni/Al复合材料(抗拉强度176MPa),其抗拉强度提高了22%;当La2O3的添加量为7%时,复合材料中Al3Ni增强颗粒含量减少,块状Ni粉团聚重新出现,抗拉强度下降至201MPa。  相似文献   

The conventional molybdenum alloys, lacking of hard particles enhancing wear property, have relative poor wear resistance though they are widely used in wear parts. To resolve the above question, Mo alloys reinforced by in-situ Al2O3 particles are developed using powder metallurgy method. The in-situ α-Al2O3 particles in molybdenum matrix are obtained by the decomposition of aluminum nitrate after liquid-solid incorporation of MoO2 and Al(NO3)3 aqueous solution. The α-Al2O3 particles well bonded with molybdenum distribute evenly in matrix of Mo alloys, which refine grains of alloys and increase hardness of alloys. The absolute density of alloy increases firstly and then decreases with the increase of Al2O3 content, while the relative density rises continuously. The friction coefficient of alloy, fluctuating around 0.5, is slightly influenced by Al2O3. However, the wear resistance of alloy obviously affected by the Al2O3 particles rises remarkably with the increasing of Al2O3 content. The Al2O3 particles can efficiently resist micro-cutting to protect molybdenum matrix, and therefore enhances the wear resistance of Mo alloy.  相似文献   

Sintered Mo with the addition of La2O3/MoSi2 was prepared via the process of solid–solid doping + powder metallurgy. X-ray diffraction experiment, hardness test, three-point bending test and high-temperature tensile test were carried out to characterize the samples. The XRD pattern of a typical sample shows that the sintered Mo was mainly composed of Mo, La2O3 and Mo5Si3. Mo5Si3 was probably formed through the reaction between MoSi2 and the Mo matrix. Densities and fracture toughnesses of both doped Mo and pure Mo were measured and contrasted. Sintered Mo with the addition of 0.2 wt% La2O3/MoSi2 has the highest toughness, while more addition of La2O3/MoSi2 has smaller effect on improving toughness or even embrittles Mo. The results of three-point bending test and high-temperature tensile test show that the bending strength and high-temperature tensile strength of doped Mo are both higher than those of pure Mo. The formation of Mo5Si3 improves the high-temperature strength. The La2O3/Mo5Si3 dispersed in the Mo matrix refined the grains, and thus strengthened the Mo matrix by dispersion strengthening and grain refinement.  相似文献   

Twelve La2O3 doped diamond-like carbon (DLC) nanofilms were deposited using unbalanced dual-magnetron sputtering. AFM, XRD, Raman spectroscopy, AES, XPS, TEM, contact surface profiler and nanoindenter were employed to investigate the structure and tribological properties of deposited films. The results show that the La2O3 doped DLC films are amorphous. La2O3 doping obviously decreases internal stress, and effectively increases the elastic modulus. This results from the dissolving and dissolution of La2O3 within the amorphous DLC matrix. Furthermore, the friction coefficient of the doped DLC films decreases, and adhesion strength increases. These are attributed to the lubrication function of La2O3 and the formation of transition layer at interface, respectively.  相似文献   

Alumina matrix composites containing 5 and 10 wt% of ZrO2 were sintered under 100 MPa pressure by spark plasma sintering process. Alumina powder with an average particle size of 600 nm and yttria-stabilized zirconia with 16 at% of Y2O3 and with a particle size of 40 nm were used as starting materials. The influence of ZrO2 content and sintering temperature on microstructures and mechanical properties of the composites were investigated. All samples could be fully densified at a temperature lower than 1400 °C. The microstructure analysis indicated that the alumina grains had no significant growth (alumina size controlled in submicron level 0.66-0.79 μm), indicating that the zirconia particles provided a hindering effect on the grain growth of alumina. Vickers hardness and fracture toughness of composites increased with increasing ZrO2 content, and the samples containing 10 wt% of ZrO2 had the highest Vickers hardness of 18 GPa (5 kg load) and fracture toughness of 5.1 MPa m1/2.  相似文献   

杨敏旋  林铁松  韩春  何鹏  魏红梅 《焊接学报》2012,33(7):33-36,40
分别以不同配比的铜和硼混合粉末作为钎料,在钎焊温度930℃,保温时间10min条件下钎焊连接Al2O3与TC4合金,并结合SEM与EDS观察对钎焊接头的连接状况及组织结构进行分析.结果表明,A12O3/TC4合金钎焊接头的界面组织为Al2O3,/Ti3(Cu,A1)3O/Ti2Cu+Ti2(Cu,Al)/Ti+Ti2(Cu,Al)+Ti(Cu,Al)+AlCu2Ti+Ti2Cu/Ti2Cu+AICu:Ti+TiB/Ti+Ti2Cu/TC4合金.钎焊过程中,复合钎料中的铜与TC4合金中的钛发生互扩散,在连接层与TC4合金界面形成不同成分的Cu-Ti化合物.硼与液相中的钛反应,在接头中原位生成TiB晶须,且主要分布在Ti2Cu和AlCu2Ti上.随TiB生成量的增加,Ti2(Cu,Al)生成量增加,并逐渐变得连续,同时向Al2O3侧移动.  相似文献   

Seven kinds of hydrogen-free La2O3 and CeO2 doped DLC films with thickness of 220-280 nm were deposited on Si (100) substrates by unbalanced magnetron sputtering. Nanoparticles with diameter of 20-30 nm are formed on the surface of films. The surface roughness Ra of films is in the range of 1.5-2.0 nm. C, La, Ce and O elements distribute uniformly along the depth direction, and C, La, and Ce elements diffuse into the Si substrate at the interface. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirms that the La2O3 and CeO2 form within the DLC amorphous films, and Raman spectra indicate the obvious amorphous characteristics of DLC films. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy shows the nanocrystallines structure with diameter of 2-3 nm of 16% La2O3 and 10% CeO2 doped DLC films, and Fourier transformation spectroscopy also exhibits the obvious crystalline characteristics. In this work, the microstructure of two kinds of rare earth oxides doped DLC composite films is measured and analyzed.  相似文献   

Coloured Al2O3/ZrO2 multilayers have been deposited onto WC-Co based inserts by a CVD process. Through physical as well as optical analysis of such multilayers, colour is believed to originate from interference. The coatings are obtained with good process reproducibility. It was found that the ZrO2 process used in the multilayer, with ZrCl4 as the only metal chloride precursor, results in a mixture of tetragonal and monoclinic ZrO2 phases. However by adding a relatively small amount of AlCl3 during such a process results in ZrO2 layers being composed of predominantly tetragonal ZrO2 phase. Corresponding multilayers seem to have a more fine grained and smoother morphology whereas multilayers containing monoclinic ZrO2 phase seem to be less perfect with existence of larger grains of ZrO2 which are believed to scatter light and alter the reflectance of such a multilayer. In addition to this, such multilayers were found to be free of or with greatly reduced amount of thermal cracks, normally present in pure CVD grown Al2O3 layers.It is believed that, in the studied Al2O3/ZrO2 multilayers, the observed tetragonal ZrO2 phase is the result of a size effect, where small enough ZrO2 crystallites energetically favor the tetragonal phase. However as the ZrO2 crystallite size distribution is shifted to larger sizes it is believed that a mixture of crystallites with both stable and metastable tetragonal phases as well as a stable monoclinic phase is obtained. The proposed metastable tetragonal ZrO2 phase may in fact explain the absence of thermal cracks in such multilayers through a transformation toughening mechanism, well known in ZrO2 based ceramics.  相似文献   

以仲丁醇铝为前驱体,采用溶胶-凝胶法结合丙酮-苯胺原位生成水技术,通过乙醇超临界干燥,制备出不同含量(1.5 mol%~12 mol%)La2O3掺杂的氧化铝气凝胶。采用电子扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、X线衍射仪(XRD)、N2吸附分析仪等仪器表征了La2O3掺杂对氧化铝气凝胶的微结构和耐温性能的影响。结果表明:La2O3的引入使氧化铝气凝胶的形貌由球状颗粒向大的片状结构转变。适量的La2O3掺杂能提高氧化铝气凝胶的比表面积,9 mol% La2O3掺杂的氧化铝气凝胶比表面积最大。通过La2O3掺杂,能够抑制氧化铝晶粒在高温下的生长和α-Al2O3的相变,提高氧化铝气凝胶的耐温性能。1200℃热处理后,La2O3掺杂的氧化铝气凝胶仍维持在θ-Al2O3,比表面积为86.5 m2/g,高于未掺杂的氧化铝气凝胶(46 m2/g)。  相似文献   

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