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Gelation is an effective way to realize the self‐assembly of nanomaterials into different macrostructures, and in a typical use, the gelation of graphene oxide (GO) produces various graphene‐based carbon materials with different applications. However, the gelation of MXenes, another important type of 2D materials that have different surface chemistry from GO, is difficult to achieve. Here, the first gelation of MXenes in an aqueous dispersion that is initiated by divalent metal ions is reported, where the strong interaction between these ions and ? OH groups on the MXene surface plays a key role. Typically, Fe2+ ions are introduced in the MXene dispersion which destroys the electrostatic repulsion force between the MXene nanosheets in the dispersion and acts as linkers to bond the nanosheets together, forming a 3D MXene network. The obtained hydrogel effectively avoids the restacking of the MXene nanosheets and greatly improves their surface utilization, resulting in a high rate performance when used as a supercapacitor electrode (≈226 F g?1 at 1 V s?1). It is believed that the gelation of MXenes indicates a new way to build various tunable MXene‐based structures and develop different applications.  相似文献   

Two‐dimensional (2D) materials have attracted extensive research interest in academia due to their excellent electrochemical properties and broad application prospects. Among them, 2D transition metal carbides (Ti3C2Tx) show semiconductor characteristics and are studied widely. However, there are few academic reports on the use of 2D MXene materials as memristors. In this work, reported is a memristor based on MXene Ti3C2Tx flakes. After electroforming, Al/Ti3C2Tx/Pt devices exhibit repeatable resistive switching (RS) behavior. More interestingly, the resistance of this device can be continuously modulated under the pulse sequence with 10 ns pulse width, and the pulse width of 10 ns is much lower than that in other reported work. Moreover, on the nanosecond scale, the transition from short‐term plasticity to long‐term plasticity is achieved. These two properties indicate that this device is favorable for ultrafast biological synapse applications and high‐efficiency training of neural networks. Through the exploration of the microstructure, Ti vacancies and partial oxidation are proposed as the origins of the physical mechanism of RS behavior. This work reveals that 2D MXene Ti3C2Tx flakes have excellent potential for use in memristor devices, which may open the door for more functions and applications.  相似文献   

Ti3C2Tx, a typical representative among the emerging family of 2D layered transition metal carbides and/or nitrides referred to as MXenes, has exhibited multiple advantages including metallic conductivity, a plastic layer structure, small band gaps, and the hydrophilic nature of its functionalized surface. As a result, this 2D material is intensively investigated for application in the energy storage field. The composition, morphology and texture, surface chemistry, and structural configuration of Ti3C2Tx directly influence its electrochemical performance, e.g., the use of a well‐designed 2D Ti3C2Tx as a rechargeable battery anode has significantly enhanced battery performance by providing more chemically active interfaces, shortened ion‐diffusion lengths, and improved in‐plane carrier/charge‐transport kinetics. Some recent progresses of Ti3C2Tx MXene are achieved in energy storage. This Review summarizes recent advances in the synthesis and electrochemical energy storage applications of Ti3C2Tx MXene including supercapacitors, lithium‐ion batteries, sodium‐ion batteries, and lithium–sulfur batteries. The current opportunities and future challenges of Ti3C2Tx MXene are addressed for energy‐storage devices. This Review seeks to provide a rational and in‐depth understanding of the relation between the electrochemical performance and the nanostructural/chemical composition of Ti3C2Tx, which will promote the further development of 2D MXenes in energy‐storage applications.  相似文献   

Acetone,as widely used reagents in industry and laboratories,are extremely harmful to the human.So the detection of acetone gas concentrations and leaks in special environments at room temperature is essential.Herein,the nanocomposite combining SnO-SnO2 (p-n junction) and Ti3C2Tx MXene was successfully synthesized by a one-step hydrothermal method.Because of the existence of a small amount of oxygen during the hydrothermal conditions,part of the p-type SnO was oxidized to n-type SnO2,forming in-situ p-n junctions on the surface of SnO.The hamburger-like SnO-SnO2/Ti3C2Tx sensor exhibited improved acetone gas sensing response of 12.1 (Rg/Ra) at room temperature,which were nearly 11 and 4 times higher than those of pristine Ti3C2Tx and pristine SnO-SnO2,respectively.Moreover,it expressed a short recovery time (9 s) and outstanding reproducibility.Because of the different work functions,the Schottky barrier was formed between the SnO and the Ti3C2Tx nanosheets,acting as a hole accumulation layer (HALs) between Ti3C2Tx and tin oxides.Herein,the sensing mechanism based on the formation of hetero-junctions and high conductivity of the metallic phase of Ti3C2Tx MXene in SnO-SnO2/Ti3C2Tx sensors was discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Olfactory sensing and perception play an important role in people's daily lives and greatly affects senses, emotions, and behavior. In particular, the development of the controlled release of aroma enhances human's well‐being and strengthens interactions with surroundings through olfactory display, especial when combined with visual and audial cues. Here, Ti3C2 MXene plays a dual‐function role as the adsorption site of aroma molecules and the heating source for the controlled release of aroma molecules. Due to abundant termination groups on the surface and the metallic nature, Ti3C2 MXene provides abundant active sites for the interaction with aroma molecules; simultaneously, MXene can be electrically heated to thermally desorb the aroma molecules from the interaction sites. This approach eliminates the interface incompatibility issues between the heating source and the molecular encapsulation layer in conventional olfactory display system. This work presents the controlled release of the aroma molecule phenethyl alcohol (PA) using Ti3C2 MXene paper. Ti3C2 MXene paper serves as the adsorption material and a heating source that achieves 100 °C within 1 s. The relative amount of PA released reaches nearly 100% after 1 min of heating.  相似文献   

Due to easy re-stacking,low yield of few-layered MXenes(f-MXenes),the applications of MXenes are mainly restricted in multi-layered MXenes(m-MXenes)state.Althou...  相似文献   

Free-standing films that display high strength and high electrical conductivity are critical for flexible electronics, such as electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding coatings and current collectors for batteries and supercapacitors. 2D Ti3C2Tx flakes are ideal candidates for making conductive films due to their high strength and metallic conductivity. It is, however, challenging to transfer those outstanding properties of single MXene flakes to macroscale films as a result of the small flake size and relatively poor flake alignment that occurs during solution-based processing. Here, a scalable method is shown for the fabrication of strong and highly conducting pure MXene films containing highly aligned large MXene flakes. These films demonstrate record tensile strength up to ≈570 MPa for a 940 nm thick film and electrical conductivity of ≈15 100 S cm−1 for a 214 nm thick film, which are both the highest values compared to previously reported pure Ti3C2Tx films. These films also exhibit outstanding EMI shielding performance (≈50 dB for a 940 nm thick film) that exceeds other synthetic materials with comparable thickness. MXene films with aligned flakes provide an effective route for producing large-area, high-strength, and high-electrical-conductivity MXene-based films for future electronic applications.  相似文献   

2D transition metal carbides, known as MXenes, are transparent when the samples are thin enough. They are also excellent electrical conductors with metal‐like carrier concentrations. Herein, these characteristics are exploited to replace gold (Au) in GaAs photodetectors. By simply spin‐coating transparent Ti3C2‐based MXene electrodes from aqueous suspensions onto GaAs patterned with a photoresist and lifted off with acetone, photodetectors that outperform more standard Au electrodes are fabricated. Both the Au‐ and MXene‐based devices show rectifying contacts with comparable Schottky barrier heights and internal electric fields. The latter, however, exhibit significantly higher responsivities and quantum efficiencies, with similar dark currents, hence showing better dynamic range and detectivity, and similar sub‐nanosecond response speeds compared to the Au‐based devices. The simple fabrication process is readily integratable into microelectronic, photonic‐integrated circuits and silicon photonics processes, with a wide range of applications from optical sensing to light detection and ranging and telecommunications.  相似文献   

Radio‐frequency (RF) electronics, which combine passive electromagnetic devices and active transistors to generate and process gigahertz (GHz) signals, provide a critical basis of ever‐pervasive wireless networks. While transistors are best realized by top‐down fabrication, relatively larger electromagnetic passives are within the reach of printing techniques. Here, direct writing of viscoelastic silver‐nanoparticle inks is used to produce a broad array of RF passives operating up to 45 GHz. These include lumped devices such as inductors and capacitors, and wave‐based devices such as transmission lines, their resonant networks, and antennas. Moreover, to demonstrate the utility of these printed RF passive structures in active RF electronic circuits, they are combined with discrete transistors to fabricate GHz self‐sustained oscillators and synchronized oscillator arrays that provide RF references, and wireless transmitters clocked by the oscillators. This work demonstrates the synergy of direct ink writing and RF electronics for wireless applications.  相似文献   

MXenes comprise a new class of 2D transition metal carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides that exhibit unique light–matter interactions. Recently, 2D Ti3CNTx (Tx represents functional groups such as ? OH and ? F) was found to exhibit nonlinear saturable absorption (SA) or increased transmittance at higher light fluences, which is useful for mode locking in fiber‐based femtosecond lasers. However, the fundamental origin and thickness dependence of SA behavior in MXenes remain to be understood. 2D Ti3C2Tx thin films of different thicknesses are fabricated using an interfacial film formation technique to systematically study their nonlinear optical properties. Using the open aperture Z‐scan method, it is found that the SA behavior in Ti3C2Tx MXene arises from plasmon‐induced increase in the ground state absorption at photon energies above the threshold for free carrier oscillations. The saturation fluence and modulation depth of Ti3C2Tx MXene is observed to be dependent on the film thickness. Unlike other 2D materials, Ti3C2Tx is found to show higher threshold for light‐induced damage with up to 50% increase in nonlinear transmittance. Lastly, building on the SA behavior of Ti3C2Tx MXenes, a Ti3C2Tx MXene‐based photonic diode that breaks time‐reversal symmetry to achieve nonreciprocal transmission of nanosecond laser pulses is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Fiber‐shaped supercapacitors (FSCs) are promising energy storage solutions for powering miniaturized or wearable electronics. However, the scalable fabrication of fiber electrodes with high electrical conductivity and excellent energy storage performance for use in FSCs remains a challenge. Here, an easily scalable one‐step wet‐spinning approach is reported to fabricate highly conductive fibers using hybrid formulations of Ti3C2Tx MXene nanosheets and poly(3,4‐ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate. This approach produces fibers with a record conductivity of ≈1489 S cm?1, which is about five times higher than other reported Ti3C2Tx MXene‐based fibers (up to ≈290 S cm?1). The hybrid fiber at ≈70 wt% MXene shows a high volumetric capacitance (≈614.5 F cm?3 at 5 mV s?1) and an excellent rate performance (≈375.2 F cm?3 at 1000 mV s?1). When assembled into a free‐standing FSC, the energy and power densities of the device reach ≈7.13 Wh cm?3 and ≈8249 mW cm?3, respectively. The excellent strength and flexibility of the hybrid fibers allow them to be wrapped on a silicone elastomer fiber to achieve an elastic FSC with 96% capacitance retention when cyclically stretched to 100% strain. This work demonstrates the potential of MXene‐based fiber electrodes and their scalable production for fiber‐based energy storage applications.  相似文献   

近年来, 一种新型二维过渡金属碳化物及氮化物(MXene)凭借大的比表面积、良好的亲水性、金属导电性等物理化学性质而广受关注。通过LiF和HCl刻蚀Ti3AlC2的Al层, 改变机械剥离强度和方式, 以及离心速率和时间, 可控制备出平均横向尺寸为625 和2562 nm的单层Ti3C2Tx型MXene。借助扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)对二维Ti3C2Tx进行形貌、结构和成分的表征。使用电化学工作站表征Ti3C2Tx的电化学性能。结果表明: 小片层Ti3C2Tx(625 nm)的质量比电容高达561.9 F/g, 远高于文献报道的石墨烯、碳纳米管和二氧化锰等电极材料; Ti3C2Tx电极在循环测试10 4次后, 其比电容仍保持初始96%的容量。  相似文献   

2D transition metal carbides and nitrides, named MXenes, are attracting increasing attentions and showing competitive performance in energy storage devices including electrochemical capacitors, lithium‐ and sodium‐ion batteries, and lithium–sulfur batteries. However, similar to other 2D materials, MXene nanosheets are inclined to stack together, limiting the device performance. In order to fully utilize MXenes' electrochemical energy storage capability, here, processing of 2D MXene flakes into hollow spheres and 3D architectures via a template method is reported. The MXene hollow spheres are stable and can be easily dispersed in solvents such as water and ethanol, demonstrating their potential applications in environmental and biomedical fields as well. The 3D macroporous MXene films are free‐standing, flexible, and highly conductive due to good contacts between spheres and metallic conductivity of MXenes. When used as anodes for sodium‐ion storage, these 3D MXene films exhibit much improved performances compared to multilayer MXenes and MXene/carbon nanotube hybrid architectures in terms of capacity, rate capability, and cycling stability. This work demonstrates the importance of MXene electrode architecture on the electrochemical performance and can guide future work on designing high‐performance MXene‐based materials for energy storage, catalysis, environmental, and biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies appear as a paradigm for scalable manufacture of electrochemical energy storage (EES) devices, where complex 3D architectures are typically required but are hard to achieve using conventional techniques. The combination of these technologies and innovative material formulations that maximize surface area accessibility and ion transport within electrodes while minimizing space are of growing interest. Herein, aqueous inks composed of atomically thin (1–3 nm) 2D Ti3C2Tx with large lateral size of about 8 µm possessing ideal viscoelastic properties are formulated for extrusion‐based 3D printing of freestanding, high specific surface area architectures to determine the viability of manufacturing energy storage devices. The 3D‐printed device achieves a high areal capacitance of 2.1 F cm?2 at 1.7 mA cm?2 and a gravimetric capacitance of 242.5 F g?1 at 0.2 A g?1 with a retention of above 90% capacitance for 10 000 cycles. It also exhibits a high energy density of 0.0244 mWh cm?2 and a power density of 0.64 mW cm?2 at 4.3 mA cm?2. It is anticipated that the sustainable printing and design approach developed in this work can be applied to fabricate high‐performance bespoke multiscale and multidimensional architectures of functional and structural materials for integrated devices in various applications.  相似文献   

The biggest challenging issue in photocatalysis is efficient separation of the photoinduced carriers and the aggregation of photoexcited electrons on photocatalyst’s surface.In this paper,we report that double metallic co-catalysts Ti3C2 MXene and metallic octahedral(1T)phase tungsten disulfide(WS2)act pathways transferring photoexcited electrons in assisting the photocatalytic H2 evolution.TiO2 nanosheets were in situ grown on highly conductive Ti3C2 MXenes and 1T-WS2 nanoparticles were then uniformly distributed on TiO2@Ti3C2 composite.Thus,a distinctive 1T-WS2@TiO2@Ti3C2 composite with double metallic co-catalysts was achieved,and the content of 1T phase reaches 73%.The photocatalytic H2 evolution performance of 1T-WS2@TiO2@Ti3C2 composite with an optimized 15 wt%WS2 ratio is nearly 50 times higher than that of TiO2 nanosheets because of conductive Ti3C2 MXene and 1T-WS2 resulting in the increase of electron transfer efficiency.Besides,the 1T-WS2 on the surface of TiO2@Ti3C2 composite enhances the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface area and boosts the density of active site.  相似文献   

Asymmetric supercapacitors (ASCs), employing two dissimilar electrode materials with a large redox peak position difference as cathode and anode, have been designed to further broaden the voltage window and improve the energy density of supercapacitors. Organic molecule based electrodes can be constructed by combining redox-active organic molecules with conductive carbon-based materials such as graphene. Herein, pyrene-4,5,9,10-tetraone (PYT), a redox-active molecule with four carbonyl groups, exhibits a four-electron transfer process and can potentially deliver a high capacity. PYT is noncovalently combined with two different kinds of graphene (Graphenea [GN] and LayerOne [LO]) at different mass ratios. The PYT-functionalized GN electrode (PYT/GN 4–5) possesses a high capacity of 711 F g−1 at 1 A g−1 in 1 M H2SO4. To match with the PYT/GN 4–5 cathode, an annealed-Ti3C2Tx (A-Ti3C2Tx) MXene anode with a pseudocapacitive character is prepared by pyrolysis of pure Ti3C2Tx. The assembled PYT/GN 4–5//A-Ti3C2Tx ASC delivers an outstanding energy density of 18.4 Wh kg−1 at a power density of 700 W kg−1. The PYT-functionalized graphene holds great potential for high-performance energy storage devices.  相似文献   

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