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The abstract interpretation of programs relates the exact semantics of a programming language to a finite approximation of those semantics. In this article, we describe an approach to abstract interpretation that is based in logic and logic programming. Our approach consists of faithfully representing a transition system within logic and then manipulating this initial specification to create a logical approximation of the original specification. The objective is to derive a logical approximation that can be interpreted as a terminating forward-chaining logic program; this ensures that the approximation is finite and that, furthermore, an appropriate logic programming interpreter can implement the derived approximation. We are particularly interested in the specification of the operational semantics of programming languages in ordered logic, a technique we call substructural operational semantics (SSOS). We show that manifestly sound control flow and alias analyses can be derived as logical approximations of the substructural operational semantics of relevant languages.  相似文献   

In Gori [An abstract interpretation framework to reason on finite failure and other properties of finite and infinite computations, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 290(1) (2003) 863-936] a new fixpoint semantics which correctly models finite failure has been defined. This semantics is And-compositional, compositional w.r.t. instantiation and is based on a co-continuous operator. Based on this fixpoint semantics a new inductive method able to verify a program w.r.t. the property of finite failure can be defined. In this paper we show how Ferrand's approach, using both a least fixpoint and greatest fixpoint semantics, can be adapted to finite failure. The verification method is not effective. Therefore, we consider an approximation from above and an approximation from below of our semantics, which give two different finite approximations. These approximations are used for effective program verification.  相似文献   

While non-determinism has long been established as a key concept in logic pro-gramming, its importance in the context of deductive databases was recognized only recently. This paper provides an overview of recent results on this topic with the aim of providing an introduction to the theory and practice of non-determinism in deductive databases. In particular we (i) recall the main results linking non-deterministic constructs in database languages to the theory of data complexity and the expressibility hierarchy of query languages; (ii) provide a reasoned introduction to effective programming with non-deterministic constructs; (iii) compare the usage of non-deterministic constructs in languages such as LDL++ to that of traditional logic programming languages; (iv) discuss the link between the semantics of logic programs with non-deterministic constructs and the stable-model semantics of logic programs with negation.  相似文献   

Modular Monadic Semantics (MMS) is a well-known mechanism for structuring modular denotational semantic definitions for programming languages. The principal attraction of MMS is that families of language constructs can be independently specified and later combined in a mix-and-match fashion to create a complete language semantics. This has proved useful for constructing formal, yet executable, semantics when prototyping languages. In this work we demonstrate that MMS has an additional software engineering benefit. In addition to composing semantics for various language constructs, we can use MMS to compose various differing semantics for the same language constructs. This capability allows us to compose and reuse orthogonal language tasks such as type checking and compilation. We describe algebra combinators, the principal vehicle for achieving this reuse, along with a series of applications of the technique for common language processing tasks.  相似文献   

A large class of diagrammatic languages falls under the broad definition of “executable graphics”, meaning that some transformational semantics can be devised for them. On the other hand, the definition of static aspects of visual languages often relies on some form of parsing or constructive process. We propose here an approach to the definition of visual languages syntax and semantics based on a notion of transition as production/consumption of resources. Transitions can be represented in forms which are intrinsic to the diagrams or external to them. A collection of abstract metamodels is presented to discuss the approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the Abstract Interpretation framework to the field of query languages for relational databases as a way to support sound approximation techniques. This way, the semantics of query languages can be tuned according to suitable abstractions of the concrete domain of data. The abstraction of relational database system has many interesting applications, in particular, for security purposes, such as fine grained access control, watermarking, etc.  相似文献   

We present an approximation technique, that can render real-time model checking of safety and universal path properties more efficient. It is beneficial, when loops lead to repetition of control situations. Basically we augment a timed automata model with carefully selected extra transitions. This increases the size of the state-space, but potentially decreases the number of symbolic states to be explored by orders of magnitude.We give a formal definition of a timed automata formalism, enriched with basic data types, hand-shake synchronization, urgency, and committed locations. We prove by means of a trace semantics, that if a safety property can be established in the augmented model, it also holds for the original model.We extend our technique to a richer set of properties, that can be decided via a set of traces (universal path properties). In order for universal path properties to carry over to the original model, the semantics of the timed automata formalism is formulated relative to the applied augmentation.Our technique is particularly useful in systems, where a scheduler dictates repetition of control over elapsing time. As a typical example we mention translations of LEGO® RCX™ programs to Uppaal models, where the Round-Robin scheduler is a static entity. We allow scheduler and associated tasks to “park”, until some timing or environmental conditions are met.We apply our technique on a brick-sorter model for a safety property and report run-time data.  相似文献   

Static analysis of declarative languages deals with the detection, at compile time, of program properties that can be used to better understand the program semantics and to improve the efficiency of program evaluation. In logical update languages, an interesting problem is the detection of conflicting updates, inserting and deleting the same fact, for transactions based on set-oriented updates and active rules. In this paper, we investigate this topic in the context of the U-Datalog language, a set-oriented update language for deductive databases, based on a deferred semantics. We first formally define relevant properties of U-Datalog programs, mainly related to update conflicts. Then, we prove that the defined properties are decidable and we propose an algorithm to detect such conditions. Finally, we show how the proposed techniques can be applied to other logical update languages. Our results are based on the concept of labeling and query-tree.  相似文献   

We propose an axiomatic semantics for the synchronous language Gentzen, which is an instantiation of the paradigm Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming proposed by Saraswat, Jagadeesan and Gupta. We view Gentzen as a prototype of the class of state-oriented synchronous languages, since it offers the basic constructs that are shared by the languages in the class. Since synchronous concurrency cannot be simulated by arbitrary interleaving, we cannot exploit “head normal forms”, on which axiomatic theories for asynchronous process calculi are based. We suggest how axiomatic semantics for other state-oriented synchronous languages can be obtained by expressing constructs of such languages in terms of Gentzen constructs.  相似文献   

Database queries can be expressed as unordered collections of examples and counterexamples. The resulting languages are intuitive, first order complete, and applicable to a variety of data models including relational, object oriented, and visual models. This class of languages based on examples and counterexamples employ a minimal number of constructs with no sequencing or nesting of the constructs implied, allowing a simple and uniform theoretical analysis of their syntax, semantics, and completeness.  相似文献   

Linear constraint databases and query languages are appropriate for spatial database applications. Not only is the data model suitable for representing a large portion of spatial data such as in GIS systems, but there also exist efficient algorithms for the core operations in the query languages. An important limitation of linear constraints, however, is that they cannot model constructs such as Euclidean distance; extending such languages to include such constructs, without obtaining the full power of polynomial constraints has proven to be quite difficult.One approach to this problem, by Kuijpers, Kuper, Paredaens, and Vandeurzen, used the notion of Euclidean constructions with ruler and compass as the basis for a first order query language. While their language had the desired expressive power, the semantics are not really natural, due to its use of an ad hoc encoding. In this paper, we define a language over a similar class of databases, with more natural semantics. We show that this language captures a natural subclass, the representation independent queries of the first order language of Kuijpers, Kuper, Paredaens, and Vandeurzen.  相似文献   

We describe an operational semantics for the hardware compilation language Handel-C [7], which is a C-like language with channel communication and parallel constructs which compiles down to mainly synchronously clocked hardware. The work in this paper builds on previous work describing the semantics of the “prialt” construct within Handel-C [5] and a denotational semantics for part of the language [6]. We describe a key subset of the language and show how a design decision for the real language, namely that default guards in a prialt statement executed in “zero-time”, has consequences for the complexity of the operational semantics. We present the operational semantics, along with a revised and completed prialt semantics, indicating clearly the interface between them. We then describe a notion of observational equivalence and present an example illustrating how we handle the complexity of nested prialts in default guards.  相似文献   

A. Mani 《Information Sciences》2011,181(6):1097-1115
Similarity based rough set theory (RST) involving choice in the formation of approximations was recently introduced by the present author. Though the theory can be used to develop improved semantics and models of knowledge and belief with ontology, application requires a priori concepts of granules and granulation as opposed to the more common a posteriori or not a priori concepts of the same prevalent in the literature. In this research, we clarify the desirable semantic features of a context for seamless application of the theory to more general situations, formalise them and refine the semantics. A new axiomatic theory of granules in general RST (including hybrid versions involving fuzzy set theories) is also developed in the process. Interesting new applications to human learning are also illustrated in this paper.  相似文献   

We present Clafer (class, feature, reference), a class modeling language with first-class support for feature modeling. We designed Clafer as a concise notation for meta-models, feature models, mixtures of meta- and feature models (such as components with options), and models that couple feature models and meta-models via constraints (such as mapping feature configurations to component configurations or model templates). Clafer allows arranging models into multiple specialization and extension layers via constraints and inheritance. We identify several key mechanisms allowing a meta-modeling language to express feature models concisely. Clafer unifies basic modeling constructs, such as class, association, and property, into a single construct, called clafer. We provide the language with a formal semantics built in a structurally explicit way. The resulting semantics explains the meaning of hierarchical models whereby properties can be arbitrarily nested in the presence of inheritance and feature modeling constructs. The semantics also enables building consistent automated reasoning support for the language: To date, we implemented three reasoners for Clafer based on Alloy, Z3 SMT, and Choco3 CSP solvers. We show that Clafer meets its design objectives using examples and by comparing to other languages.  相似文献   

Algebraic query optimisation for database programming languages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A major challenge still facing the designers and implementors of database programming languages (DBPLs) is that of query optimisation. We investigate algebraic query optimisation techniques for DBPLs in the context of a purely declarative functional language that supports sets as first-class objects. Since the language is computationally complete issues such as non-termination of expressions and construction of infinite data structures can be investigated, whilst its declarative nature allows the issue of side effects to be avoided and a richer set of equivalences to be developed. The language has a well-defined semantics which permits us to reason formally about the properties of expressions, such as their equivalence with other expressions and their termination. The support of a set bulk data type enables much prior work on the optimisation of relational languages to be utilised. In the paper we first give the syntax of our archetypal DBPL and briefly discuss its semantics. We then define a small but powerful algebra of operators over the set data type, provide some key equivalences for expressions in these operators, and list transformation principles for optimising expressions. Along the way, we identify some caveats to well-known equivalences for non-deductive database languages. We next extend our language with two higher level constructs commonly found in functional DBPLs: set comprehensions and functions with known inverses. Some key equivalences for these constructs are provided, as are transformation principles for expressions in them. Finally, we investigate extending our equivalences for the set operators to the analogous operators over bags. Although developed and formally proved in the context of a functional language, our findings are directly applicable to other DBPLs of similar expressiveness. Edited by Matthias Jarke, Jorge Bocca, Carlo Zaniolo. Received September 15, 1994 / Accepted September 1, 1995  相似文献   

An approach to the design of a database system, the multilingual database system (MLDS), has been proposed and implemented. MLDS is a single database system that can execute may transactions written respectively in different data languages and support many databases structured correspondingly in various data models, i.e. DL/I transactions on hierarchical databases, CODASYL-DML transactions on network databases, SQL transactions on relational databases, and Daplex transactions on functional databases. The authors describe MLDS, focusing on its motivation and structure. It is shown how MLDS, by providing an integrated environment for experimenting with data models and data languages, also serves as a testbed that provides insight to data models and data-model semantics, using qualitative and quantitative techniques. Related work on data-language comparison and analysis is indicated  相似文献   

Part 1 of this paper is an analysis of problems concerning type systems and static semantics relevant to designing and implementing new programming languages. Part 2 proposes and exemplifies a way to derive a static semantics from a language's dynamic semantics, using a technique known as binding time analysis known from partial evaluation (Ershov's “mixed computation”) [20, 21]. The goal is to analyze the language's type structure during the design process without the need for hand construction of a type system. Ideally, one might automate the construction of a type checker, given only the dynamic semantics as input. In particular, binding time analysis of the interpreter program can be used to distinguish statically detectable errors from dynamic ones, and a static semantics is seen as a mechanism for deciding whether the program to be interpreted can give rise to any of the static errors. Our basic viewpoint is operational: to see how and where in the interpreter immediately observable type errors manifest themselves; to classify them as static or dynamic; and to design the static semantics to detect all static errors in a given program.  相似文献   

Transactions and updates in deductive databases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we develop a new approach that provides a smooth integration of extensional updates and declarative query languages for deductive databases. The approach is based on a declarative specification of updates in rule bodies. Updates are not executed as soon as evaluated. Instead, they are collected and then applied to the database when the query evaluation is completed. We call this approach nonimmediate update semantics. We provide a top-down and equivalent bottom-up semantics which reflect the corresponding computation models. We also package set of updates into transactions and we provide a formal semantics for transactions. Then, in order to handle complex transactions, we extend the transaction language with control constructors still preserving formal semantics and semantics equivalence  相似文献   

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